This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 11

by Amanda Bennett

  “You don’t deserve her.” Was all he said before the line went dead.

  I reached out for Madison, taking his hands in mine as I stood on my tiptoes to better look into his gleamin’ emerald eyes. “I’m so sorry, cowboy.” I lightly pressed my lips against his tight lips, tryin’ to soften all of this. I never wanted him to think that I felt the way Mike seemed to feel about everything. Lucky for me, it worked.

  Within seconds Madison’s arms were dipping below my ass, pullin’ me up as I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. Our kissing became intense and overwhelmingly passionate as he pushed me up against the kitchen wall. My head fell back as his lips ascended on the most sensitive part of my neck. A small moan escaped from my lips as he made his way down to my overly sensitive breasts, and before he even touched my most needy part, I was riding out my first orgasm.

  His lips left heated trails up my throat before he stopped right below my ear, dropping his voice to a low sexy whisper. “Already, huh? Now let’s see how many more you can have.” His wicked smile had me letting out a small girlish giggle.

  I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as he made quick work of unbuckling his belt, letting his pants fall to the floor around his feet. Of course he wasn’t wearing any boxer briefs, again, and I smiled in acknowledgment that he knew how much I liked it. Seconds later he was thrusting deep inside of me. My walls clenched greedily around his rock hard length, pulling him in deeper than ever before. I held on tight to his neck, pullin’ his face into my chest as I bounced up and down his length, and moments later we were finding our release together. My hold on him became weak, as my ragged breathing shook my entire body. I was in complete and utter bliss as my back hit the wall so Madison could get a better look at me.

  “I hope you know how much I love you, and how sorry I am if I ever made you feel like you were doin’ this alone.” He whispered softly before pressing his lips against mine.

  “I do, and I’ve never felt like that a single day in this life with you.” I smiled against his lips, and then something happened that I never in a million years thought I would experience.

  “Holy shit, Madi. What the fuck, dude.” Joey was covering his eyes with his arm as my face blushed the brightest shades of red imaginable.

  Madison quickly placed me on my feet, pulling my nightgown down into its rightful place before pulling his pants on and turning towards Joey. “This is what happens when you walk into someone else’s house without announcin’ yourself.” He laughed while shielding me from Joey’s pryin’ eyes. “But if ya keep lookin’ at my girl that way, I’ll pummel your ass. I’ve already had to deal with one asshole this mornin’.”

  I made sure all of my bits were covered before patting Madison on the shoulder to let him know he could move from in front of me. “Hi, Jo.” I waved as I ran to my bedroom to retrieve my robe. When I emerged seconds later, Jo and Madison were saddled up at the counter, drinking coffee…together?

  I wrapped my arms around Joey’s neck as he sat at the island, makin’ sure to squeeze a little too tight. “Mornin’, Joey.”

  Joey let out a loud cough from me pushin’ against his windpipe before he finally sputtered out a few words. “Mornin’, KJ.” He rubbed his neck as he tried to breathe normally.

  Madison just stood back against the counter laughin’ as he pulled me into his side. “Have I told you lately how much I love you.”

  “Yes.” I laughed. “And I love you too.”

  “Aw, aren’t you two the sweetest.” Joey teased as he pretended to vomit on the counter. “So who’s the asshole you already dealt with, and where on earth is y’all’s child.”

  My mouth fell in horror, as I hadn’t even questioned where Mia was. “No really, where is Mia?”

  Madison just let out a throaty laugh as he took in Joey’s and my shocked expressions. “She’s with Grams. I headed out there with her early this mornin’ to feed the animals. Grams wanted her to stay for breakfast.” He turned towards the sink laughing as he rinsed out his coffee mug. “But the look on y’all’s faces is priceless. Do you really think I would do what we just did if our daughter was anywhere near?” I blushed knowin’ damn good and well he wouldn’t. Relief washed over me as I turned to Madison to have him tell Joey what happened.

  “Just had a little chat with Mike this mornin’ is all.” Madison responded all nonchalantly.

  “As in Cami’s brother?” Joey asked confused.

  “One in the same.”

  “Shit. What’s his deal? Can’t he catch a hint?”

  “That’s rich comin’ from you.” Madison retorted.

  “I was jokin’, man. Sorry ya gotta deal with that shit again.”

  Madison just shrugged. “It is what it is.”

  I figured now was as good a time as any to speak. “You excited to be headin’ home today?”

  Joey’s face fell in what I could only assume to be sadness. “Sure. It’s just hard. I miss all of this.” He pointed between the three of us. “But I love playin’ ball, so I guess I’ll just have to put my big boy panties on and do what I gotta do. But it helps that I’ll be back shortly for y’all’s weddin’. I’m stoked actually.” Joey’s happy expression instantly faded, and I couldn’t help but wonder why.

  “Jo, what’s up?” I reached across the counter letting my hand come to rest on his arm.

  “I was gonna ask y’all a favor, well more so ask you, KJ. Are you cool with me bringin’ Diem to the wedding? I know it’s not gonna be a huge affair or anything, but I just…” His words trailed off, and I knew what I needed to do.

  I sucked up my pride and pushed aside any feelings of ill will towards her to make my best friend happy. I glanced back at Madison for reassurance, and when he simply nodded in agreement, I looked Joey Green right in his eyes. “Of course you can, Jo. We would love that.” It was only a white lie, but part of me was excited at the possibility of maybe one day havin’ a real relationship with my only sibling.

  Joey’s head snapped up immediately with a wide smile across his face. “Really? Ok, awesome. Well, I better get goin’. I gotta go by and see Glenn and Cami before I head out.” Joey stood, arms stretched wide, waitin’ for me to hug him good-bye, and I instantly ran into his inviting embrace.

  I held Joey tight, and for quite some time. I know he was livin’ his dream, but it didn’t make saying good-bye any easier. I missed him entirely too much, and I couldn’t wait until we would see each other again. Joey Green may have started out as a cute boy that liked me more than he should, but what we had now was something I would cherish for the rest of my life. He was my go to guy friend, and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

  Madison walked around the counter, makin’ his way towards Joey. I wasn’t sure how this was going to go down, but I stood back shocked when Madison actually pulled Joey in for a quick hug. “It was good seein’ ya, Josephine.”

  “You too, Madi.”

  It was seriously the cutest interaction ever, and I could no longer hold back the wide grin that fell across my face.

  Chapter 22


  It had been a few days since Joey left and I could tell that Kayla was havin’ a bit of a hard time not havin’ him around. As much as I hated to admit it, Joey made my wife happy, and seein’ the two of them and their bond, actually made me happy. We’ve all come a long way since their senior year, and I was thoroughly enjoyin’ the new dynamic that we all have now. Even if it is, Joey Green.

  I was headin’ back from puttin’ Rocket in the stables when Glenn came runnin’ hastily towards me. “Dude, where the hell have ya been all day?”

  I held my arms out, glancin’ around the farm as Glenn stopped in front of me, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. “Been here all mornin’.”


  “Good god, Glenn. Catch your breath, then talk.” I joked as I slapped him on the back.

  When he finally did, then he spoke again. “I to
ld Bryce and Brandon. I didn’t mean to, but they kept askin’ about the next leg of the tour and when we’d be leavin’, and it just came out.”

  I pushed my hands back through my hair in irritation. “And…”

  “Well they’re pissed.”

  I shook my head in annoyance. “I kinda figured that’s how they’d react.” We started walkin’ back towards our houses as an amazin’ thought ran through my mind. “What if we do a farewell kinda show, at the bar?”

  Glenn’s head shot up in excitement. “Oh, I like it. That might help soften the blow. They’ll love all the chicks that’ll show up for it. Nice!”

  Of course, I had my own reasonin’ behind this impromptu concert, but I’d let Bryce and Brandon think it was for them if it would help get them on board about breakin’ up the band for now. I pulled out my phone from my front pocket and dialed Bryan. “Hey man, how quick can you pull together the bar for a concert?”

  “Seriously man, for you guys, how about tonight?”

  “That works. Thanks man. I’ll text ya with the details.” I hung up with Bryan and looked over at Glenn. “Looks like we’re on for tonight. Make sure Cami is there with Kayla.”

  Glenn nodded and then took off towards his house as I made my way inside. Mia was nowhere to be found, and Kayla was dancin’ around the kitchen as she made breakfast. I swear she only gets sexier everyday. My pants became increasingly tight as I watched her move her ass back and forth with whatever song she was listenin’ to through her headphones. I quickly adjusted myself before sneakin’ up behind her, scarin’ the ever livin’ shit outta her.

  She turned, instantly smackin’ my chest. “MADISON! Seriously? You’re goin’ to kill me one day.” She laughed.

  As I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, I bent her backwards towards the ground as I kissed her senseless. “I have some news.” I kissed her again before lettin’ her go.

  “Oh do ya now?” Her eyebrows went up in anticipation.

  “We’re doin’ a farewell concert tonight at the bar. Spoke to Bryan and he says he can get it together for us.”

  “That’s awesome. I’m glad y’all are gonna be able to do one last show.”

  “Well…technically it’s to soften the blow for Bryce and Brandon. Glenn spilled the beans and told ‘em this mornin’ about us not goin’ out tourin’ anymore. Apparently they’re not very happy about it. Hopefully this’ll help.”

  “Well I like the idea, and it’ll be fun to see ya up on that stage one last time…for now.” She winked just before disappearin’ into the bedroom to take a shower I assumed, as I heard the water go on.


  I wanted to surprise Kayla with somethin’ special. Somethin’ that would make her understand exactly how I feel about her, especially when I’m gone. The band and I headed up to the bar early and told the girls to meet us before the place got crazy. Of course the whole crazy part was far beyond what I thought possible. I guess in all of the craziness of tourin’ and what not, we kind of forgot just how famous we are. Abernathy is such a small town and almost everyone and their grandparents know us, so we never expected what was happenin’ tonight. The place was full to the brim, and there was still a huge line of people just waitin’ to get in. It’s definitely somethin’ I’ve never gotten used to, and in all honesty, probably never will.

  I was finally able to find Glenn backstage and I instantly started worryin’ about even goin’ out to meet the girls. We didn’t think we would need security, and even though Bryan was a huge dude, he was still only one man. “Glenn, have you spoken to Cami?”

  “No, I was tryin’ her on her cell. Have ya talked to Kayla at all?”

  “No, and I can’t get through to her. There’s no way we’re makin’ it out there to meet them. Bryan’s gonna have to bring them back here through the back entrance.” I shook my head in disappointment. I love meetin’ Kayla outside and walkin’ in with her on my arm. I opened the door to backstage and instantly found Bryan. Now just gettin’ him to hear me. “BRYAN?” Luckily he turned right around.

  “Dude, this place is insane. We’ve had to start turnin’ people away. Did y’all announce this on your website or somethin’?”

  “No, we made sure not to because we knew it would end up like this. This is insanity.”

  “I know!”

  “Hey can do us a huge favor and go grab the girls, I haven’t heard from Kayla or Cami and we’re not sure if they’re outside tryin’ to get in.” I was honestly startin’ to get real worried, but I didn’t want Bryan to know that.

  “I’m on it! Be back shortly. Y’all need to get ready to go on.”

  I nodded at Bryan and then headed back to the room where the guys were. I knew how ridiculous it was, but I was actually gettin’ nervous. We haven’t played in quite sometime and what I have planned for Kayla was beyond nerve wrackin’. I entered the room and Glenn was immediately at my side.

  “Did you talk to Bryan? I’m really worried about Cami in her condition.”

  I started laughin’. “Glenn, bein’ pregnant isn’t a condition. She’ll be fine. Bryan is goin’ to look for them now, and he has a table all roped off for them right up front. She’ll be ok, man. Stop worryin’. I clamped my hand down on his shoulder for reassurance and he visibly relaxed.

  “I know. I’m just worried, man.”

  “I get it.”

  A few minutes later, I was steady pacin’ a line on the floor with my boots. Bryan still hadn’t come back with the girls, and now I was startin’ to feel just like Glenn. About my hundredth lap into nonstop movement, the door to the back room finally opened. My eyes instantly met her ocean blue eyes, and I ran faster than I’ve ever run, right into her arms.

  “Whoa cowboy. Since when do you get nervous before a show?”

  I let out a loud sigh before sealin’ my lips over hers. “Just worried about y’all gettin’ in through this big ass crowd.”

  “I know! It’s insane, but Bryan found us right as we were parkin’ in our spot. Cami had to pee like eight times before we could leave. Pregnancy!” She laughed, and it was the sweetest damn sound I’ve ever heard. My body physically began to relax.

  I could do this!

  “Well y’all have your table right up front. You ready to see your hot as sin fiancé perform for ya?”

  Kayla playfully slapped my chest, and as always I feigned hurt. “Ow, pretty girl. Don’t damage the goods.” I smiled my wicked smile and grabbed her ass through her tight skinny jeans. “You look amazin’ by the way.” She really did, but somethin’ was different about her tonight.

  “Thanks cowboy, you’re lookin’ pretty damn good yourself. Have a good show.”

  She pressed her plump lips against mine, causin’ my pants to become extremely tight. “You don’t want to send me out on stage like this do ya?” I pointed down at the uncomfortable bulge in my jeans.

  “I think you’ll be ok. I love you, Madison.”

  “I love you too, Kayla. I’ll see ya up there.”

  “Uh, no you won’t.” Fear was completely evident in her gaze.

  “Just jokin’, baby.” I gave her one last slap to her ass as her and Cami made their way outta the backroom and out to their seats. I could only pray that this show made her proud. I turned towards the guys with a giant smile plastered to my face. “Y’all ready?”

  They all answered with a resoundin’ “hell yes”.


  As soon as Bryan announced us, we were runnin’ up onto the stage like we owned the damn place. Our set was goin’ perfectly and I couldn’t take my eyes off of my drop dead gorgeous fiancé that stood up right at the front swayin’ her ass back and forth. It never gets old seein’ her enjoyin’ our show. We were just about to wrap up the show when I made my move. I pulled the microphone close to my mouth and lowered my voice just like she liked it.
br />   “Tonight, unfortunately will be our last show for quite some time. Though we’ve loved performin’ around the world, we’ve decided to take a long break.” The entire crowd let out loud sighs of disappointment. “But we love you Abernathy and when we can, we’ll be right back up on this very stage, performin’ for y’all again.” The bar filled with excited applause and whistlin’. “Tonight I have a little somethin’ special planned for this gorgeous girl right in the front.” I pointed at Kayla and reached out for her hand. I knew she would shake her head no, so I jumped down and pulled her fine ass up on the stage with me. Glenn brought out the stool I had waitin’ for this moment, off to the side. “Kayla James, I’m pretty sure this song can explain more than I’d ever be able to. I hope you enjoy it. Y’all enjoy it too. We don’t do cover songs often, but this was a must.”

  I watched intently as Kayla’s face turned about a million shades of red. As soon as the guys started playin’ the tune of Thomas Rhett’s, Craving You, recognition fell across her face. I couldn’t help the pure elation I felt as I began singin’ to her as though the entire world fell away, leavin’ just the two of us.

  “Every time we have to say good-bye, I’m countin’ down until we say hello.” I kept my eyes completely fixated on her as I continued and before I knew it, she was standin’ up next to me, dancin’ along while a stray tear fell down her flushed cheek. “Craving you.” I let the pad of my thumb swipe her tear away as I spun her around and swayed right along with her to the song I was singin’ for my girl. “You’re like that cigarette, that shot of 100 proof.” When the song was comin’ to a close, I dipped that girl back somethin’ fierce and planted one right on her, embarrassment be damned. When I pulled her back up she had a look in her eyes I don’t believe I’ve ever seen, but it was one I would welcome any day.


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