This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 13

by Amanda Bennett

  Her tiny arms snaked around my waist as mine held her tightly against my side. I placed a long drawn out kiss against her luscious plump lips before pullin’ back, a little breathless, I might add. The effect this woman had on me was one that I will never get used to. Her eyes were glossed over as she pulled back, and I knew that I had the exact same effect on her, and that pleased me to no end.


  Her small fragile voice caught me off guard and I was suddenly worried about what she might say next. “Yes, my love.”

  “Why now? Why is she all of a sudden making contact now?”

  I could hear the fear in her voice, and more than anythin’, I wish I could put her mind at ease, but I wasn’t exactly sure if I could in all honesty. “I don’t know, love. I wish I had a better answer for you, but I don’t, but I think I know who will.”

  I swooped Cami’s tiny little body up in my arms and carried her into the livin’ room before placin’ her tired pregnant ass on the couch next to where I sat. I kissed her one last time as I placed her head in my lap, and once she was situated and comfortable, I reached into my front pocket of my jeans to retrieve my phone. I needed answers, and I knew exactly who to get them from.

  “Hey bro, how’s it goin’? Didn’t think I’d hear from ya so soon.”

  “Hey, Jo. It’s goin’. I have a question for you, and I swear if you even try to lie to me, I’ll fly out there and kick your ass myself, little brother.”

  “Whoa, whoa, what’s with the hostility? What could I have possibly done in the last two days since I left to piss you off?”

  “Funny you should ask. Cami found a letter in the mailbox this mornin’. Care to take a guess at who it came from?” The line went silent, but I knew Joey hadn’t hung up, because his silence could only mean one thing…he knew exactly who it came from.

  “Look, bro. I thought she was just bluffin’. I honestly didn’t think she would actually do anythin’. Is Cami ok?”

  Fury raged through me as I chose my words wisely. “Actually do what, Jo?”

  “Well I mean, she threw out a lot of threats the day Diem and I went to go see her to show her the divorce papers. She said that she would get you back one day, and that Cami should watch her back. Somethin’ along those lines.”

  “Joey, how the hell did you not think to tell me this before now? What if she had tried to do somethin’ serious?” Thoughts of all the things I knew Tanya was capable of flooded my mind all at once, causin’ my anger to rise to a dangerous level.

  “I’m sorry, Glenn. I really am. I didn’t think she was serious. I just thought she was runnin’ her mouth because she saw how happy Diem and I were together. Never in a million years did I think she would actually follow through.”

  “Joey, she killed a man for money and drugs. Are you fuckin’ serious right now? I swear, sometimes I think you lost your brain gettin’ hit all those times in football.”

  “Not cool.” I could tell that he was genuinely sorry and concerned for Cami, but it was still beyond irritatin’ that he didn’t even think to mention anythin’.

  “And Cami is fine…for now. Bro, this bitch is crazy, and I can’t have her messin’ with my life, or with Cami and our unborn child. What the hell am I supposed to do?” I glanced down at Cami who was peacefully oblivious to the current conversation I was carryin’ on with my brother, as she lay there fast asleep.

  “Diem says she has a plan. I can’t talk about it over the phone though, but man, it’s a fantastic plan, and it may very well work. I just need you to keep an eye on Cami and make sure she stays safe until I get word.”

  “Jo, you sound like a goon from one of those mobster movies.” I laughed. “What the hell is she gonna do? No wait, I don’t want to know. Ignorance is bliss, and I’d rather just live in bliss.”

  “You’re an idiot.” He laughed. “So what happened exactly?”

  Before I continued my conversation with my idiot brother, I gently lifted Cami's head, replacin' my body with a pillow, and then covered her up with the blanket from the back of our couch. I stood there for a few seconds to make sure she stayed asleep, and then made my way out back. “She sent a letter.” There was a long pause on Joey’s end and I knew for certain he was about to burst out in a fit of girly giggles. “And before you say anythin’ asinine, just listen. It went into great detail about our relationship, the relationship that Cami knew nothin’ about, until now. She went on and on about how she dreams about one day havin’ my baby, and that all she has to do is get Cami out of the way so we can be together forever." I paced back and forth on the retaining wall around the fire pit while impatiently waitin' for my brother to respond in some sort of way. "Jo, if you don't want to be a part of this conversation then hang up."

  "Sorry, bro. I wasn't ignorin' ya. I'm just tryin' to figure out where we go from here, and what our next move should be."

  I rolled my eyes at how naive my little brother could be. "This isn't a movie, Jo. We can't come up with some backwards ass scheme, and hope that it all goes away."

  "I know, Glenn. I'm not stupid, despite what you may think. So, let's see...y'all aren't tourin' anymore, so that's a plus. At least now you can be home and keep an eye on her. Let me see what Diem has come up with on her end, and then I'll call ya and we can go from there. Sound good?"

  I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn't believe my little brother, Joey Green, who only knew how to plan parties, was all but coming up with some miraculous scheme for all I know, to save my entire life from imploding. It was awesome, and I couldn't be more proud. "Sounds good, Jo. Let me know what you come up with. Oh, and tell Diem I say hey."

  "Will do. Take it easy, man. I'll chat with ya soon."

  I ended my call with Joey and resumed pacin'. I had been thinkin' of ways to get out of all of this, to make things right with my wife, and to keep Tanya's crazy ass far away from her, but every scenario I came up with ended with her demise, and my joy. And after everything this group has been through over the last couple of years, I was startin' to think that murder wouldn't bode well for me.

  All I could do at this moment was hope and pray that Diem had a rock solid plan that would rid me completely of Tanya. All I cared about in this moment was the safety of my wife and our soon to be baby boy, or girl. As much as I wanted to keep this secret from Cami for all of eternity, now that it was out in the open, I was grateful that Cami had given me a chance to explain myself and ultimately forgive me. I was damn lucky to have the privilege of callin' this amazin' girl my wife. Nothin' could ever change the way I feel about her and our life together...nothin'.

  Chapter 25


  I woke up a bit disorientated. I hadn't even realized that I fell asleep, let alone slept as long as I did, given that the sun had set and the moon was high in the sky. I wrapped the blanket that Glenn had put over me tightly around my shoulders as a chill ran through me, chilling me to the bone as I went in search of Glenn. I found his hunched over frame in front of the fire pit, not wasting a single second longer, I went to him, curling myself up on his lap. I wrapped the blanket around the both of us, keeping us extra cozy in front of the flickering flames. When I noticed how deflated he was, my heart broke for him.

  "What's going on, baby?"

  His gorgeous sea of blue met my gaze seconds later, and my desire for him was instantly roaring, just like the fire before us. "I'm just so sorry for everything that is happenin' right now." His gaze fell to my tiny belly, a smile replacing his frown as he looked back up into my eyes. "All that matters to me, is you and this amazin' little thing growin' inside of you. I just wish I could make it all go away."

  I dipped my finger below his chin pulling his face up to meet mine as I placed a long drawn out kiss against his captivating lips. "I don't blame you, and I never will. I hope you know that this stupid letter doesn't change a single thing for me. I vowed to be here through good and bad, and I meant it. We will face this together. Got it?" I pressed my eager lips agai
nst his one more time.

  Within seconds, Glenn's hands pushed through the back of my hair pulling my face impossibly close to his as he continued to kiss me senseless. His other hand went up my smooth thigh, cupping my ass before pulling me onto his lap so I was now straddling him. My desire for him soaked through my thin lace panties, and his excitement for me didn't go unnoticed either. I made quick work of pulling back the leather on his belt as I unhooked it, before loosening the buttons on his jeans. I ravenously pushed my hand down his open pants in search of what I yearned to feel in my grasp.

  I roughly moved my hands up and down his length as he moaned into my mouth as his tongue caressed mine. His moans only made this little pregnant girl that much more excited, and as much as I wanted to prolong the inevitable, another part of me was far too eager to feel him filling me up from the inside out.

  His moist lips left heated trails down my neck as he eagerly pushed down the straps of my dress, letting his lips fall to my overly sensitive and hardened nipples. As soon as his wet tongue swept over one of them, I could feel my walls clenching with anticipation. A loud moan escaped my throat as he repeated the motion over and over again, torturing me to no end. My hands pushed back through his hair as I pulled his mouth onto my swollen breast. Pleasure raced through my body as his fingers slipped between the thin lace that kept him away from my most needy part. His thick fingers slid between my folds and then up inside me with one swift motion, causing me to come all over him.

  My walls greedily clenched onto him as he tried to pull back. He quickly removed his fingers, replacing them with his hefty length. My head fell back as I stretched to fit all of him inside of me. Glenn's lips fell to my neck, kissing his way back up to my mouth. I devoured him as I slowly bounced up and down on his rock hard cock. I could feel Glenn getting close, so I moved faster, and with every movement his warm breath caressed my dewy skin, urging my body to completely give in. Minutes later, we found our release together.

  My head fell on top of his as I clutched him tightly to my heaving chest. We sat like that for quite some time before coming to, when the doorbell rang. My eyes went wide as I gave Glenn a questioning look before I stood up, fixing my dress and pulling my panties back into place. I stood there giving Glenn a quizzical look when he made no attempt to put himself back into his pants.

  "What are you doing?" I laughed as I took in the glorious sight before me.

  "Just hangin' out." He responded with a laugh that challenged mine. "You don't like me like this?"

  "Of course I do." I smiled wickedly. "But obviously someone is here."

  "Well, then go answer the door. I'll be right behind ya." He slapped my ass playfully as I strutted past him and towards the front door.

  I glanced through the peephole and swung open the door as though my life depended on it. "Oh my god, what are y'all doing here?"

  "Look at you usin' y'all like you belong here." Kayla laughed as she walked in, pulling me into a tight hug. "And don't act like I don't know what y'all were just up to." She smiled as I slapped her shoulder.

  "How are ya?" Madison implored as he pulled me into a tight hug right after Kayla let me go.

  "I'm good." I responded. "But again, what are y'all doing here? Not that I mind the impromptu visit, but I'm just curious. Did we know you guys were coming over?"

  Madison and Kayla shared a knowing smile, and I instantly knew that Glenn must've known. I motioned for them to follow me out back, hoping that Glenn had since buttoned up his pants and made himself presentable. When we reached the back deck I let out a relieved sigh as Glenn stood to greet them.

  "Hey, thought you guys would never show up." Glenn teased as he pulled Madison into a half hug, half handshake.

  "Sorry, we were a bit busy." Madison winked.

  "You want a beer?" Glenn pointed at Madison before retreating into the house to fetch them before Madison could even answer.

  "We just figured we all deserve a night to just hang out." Kayla smiled. "So, what's been goin' on with y'all today?"

  I wanted to tell my best friend every last detail of the hell that I'd been through today, but part of me knew that the minute I told her, it would all become entirely too real, and I just wasn't ready for that I lied.

  "Same ol' same ol' up in here. I actually just woke up from a long overdue nap a little bit ago." Kayla looked at me with a questioning stare, but I just smiled and shook my head, hoping that my subject change would get her to ignore the fact that I just bold face lied to her. "What have you guys been up to today? And where is my darling niece?"

  "She's havin' a sleepover with my grandparents tonight." Glenn was back outside handing Madison a cold beer as Kayla turned her full attention onto him. "Well, given the fact that my best friend just lied straight to my face, maybe you'll tell me the truth. What's been goin' on today?"

  Damn it! I opened my mouth to cover my lie with another one and to give Glenn the don't-you-dare-say-it face, but it was too late.

  "You'll never believe what showed up in the mailbox today."

  "Glenn!" I barked.

  "What? I figured you were goin' to tell her anyway, I know I was gonna tell Madison."

  I rolled my eyes in irritation as I took a seat next to my husband. I raised my hands up to the roaring fire, letting the warmth of the flames lick at my hands as Glenn prattled on and on about the now infamous letter.

  "So what are we gonna do about it?" Madison was on his feet in a small fit of rage. "I can't believe that bitch. Who the hell does she think she is? Does Jo know?"

  "Yeah, I was on the phone with him practically all day. He says that him and Diem have a plan."

  "You're brother? What the hell kinda plan is that nimrod gonna come up with?" Madison laughed as he took a long pull from his beer.

  "It's actually Diem's plan, so I think we're safe." Glenn joked, but I most definitely wasn't ready to joke about this just yet.

  I felt Kayla slap my knee as Glenn and Madison continued to go on and on about Tanya, the letter, and how dumb Joey is. When I turned towards her, she motioned for me to follow her inside, and I happily complied with her request. Once we were in the confines of the house, Kayla grabbed my hand, guiding me into the living room and onto the couch.

  "Are you ok?"

  I knew she was genuinely concerned, but I wasn't sure I could talk about it without losing it again, but I tried. "I think I'm ok. I'm just not exactly sure how to feel. I thought we were past all this bullshit and chaos. I should've known better." I gave her a half-hearted smile just as she pulled me into a tight but loving embrace.

  "I'm so sorry you are havin' to go through this shit. How's my little niece or nephew doin' with all this stress?" Her hand fell to my belly, and that's when I smiled a truly genuine smile.

  "So far so good. I still can't get over the fact that we're both pregnant at the same time."

  "I know, right." She smiled.

  I pulled away from her a bit to rest my arm on the back of the couch, kicking up my leg underneath the other. "Kay, can I ask you a question?" My voice instantly taking on a serious tone.

  "Of course, Cam. Anything."

  "Is it wrong of me to hope that Joey and Diem's plan involve making sure we never have to see Tanya again?" I was hoping that she would know what I was implying without me having to say it.

  "Absolutely not. As soon as Glenn said that Jo had a plan, I was secretly hoping that it involved fatal consequences."

  I let a small smile creep across my lips as I sat there in complete agreement with my best friend. "I don't know what I would do if I ever saw her, or god forbid she ever get out. As soon as I read that letter, I wanted to murder her with my bare hands. Although I have to admit, I'm still a bit hurt by Glenn that he didn't tell me the extent of their relationship, and this is how I had to find out."

  "I know, hun. And I'm sure he regrets not telling you before now, but you can't dwell on that. Focus on your hatred for her, and don't even sweat that. You know he would'
ve told you at some point."

  I nodded my head in agreement, but I wasn't so sure that he was actually going to tell me at some point. Everything in me told me to trust Glenn, knowing that he would never deliberately hurt me, but the other part of me questioned why he didn't tell me when Jo first brought her over. All I can do at this point is hope and pray that we get through this without anything serious happening to us. Her on the other hand...

  Chapter 26


  "I know it's shakin' her up far more than she wants to admit, man. That, and I can't believe that Joey didn't say anything to me. I swear sometimes that kid’s brain doesn't work worth a lick." I was pacin' back and forth on the deck while Madison looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care. My only priority right now was the welfare of my wife and my unborn child.

  "Look, man. I know this isn't the ideal situation, but at least she's in prison and can't do anything besides send you some stupid ass love letters. I wish there were more that I could say to make this situation bearable, but you just gotta look on the positive side of things. It was just a letter, and Cami seems to be dealin' with all of this ok so far. But I gotta ask, bro. Why didn't you tell her about Tanya?"

  I pushed my hands back through my hair in aggravation. Honestly, I don't know. I guess I just thought it wasn't somethin' that needed to be brought up. I thought it was in the past, and why bring up somethin' from the past? I mean, it's not like you've told Kayla about all the girls you dated before her." I looked at Madison with knowin' eyes. There were so many things he hadn't told her, and I understood why.


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