This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 40

by Amanda Bennett

“Oh come on now, stop being such big babies.” I kissed Madison on the cheek, hoping to soften the blow.

  “Whatever, babe.” I thought he was still pouting, but when he placed his hand on my huge belly, I knew I was forgiven.

  Glenn was instantly up on his feet, pointing at the TV, “That was a bullshit call, and you know it ref.”

  “Glenn Green if you wake up your daughter, I swear to god you will regret it.” The instant Cami opened her mouth, Glenn was quick to sit down on the couch and shut his mouth.

  About two months ago, Cami and Glenn welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Remy Christine Green, into this world. She was absolutely gorgeous, so of course she takes after her mom, and she was the perfect first child for them. She was sleeping through the night, eating more than Cami could provide, and she brought more than enough happiness to all of us when we needed it the most.

  Unfortunately, a month after the wedding, my gran succumbed to her cancer and passed away. Of course I was gutted, but the last month of her life was one of the best she’d ever had. We spent every singe day together, and we took more pictures than any of our phones could hold. And though it hit me like a ton of bricks when she passed, my granddad was the one having the hardest time. I couldn’t imagine losing the love of my life so soon after celebrating the happiest day in my granddaughter’s life. But we were here for him one hundred percent of the time. We stayed at the house with him right after it happened, and for a few weeks after, and I know he appreciated havin’ all of us under one roof again, even if it was only for a short time.

  But we were all on the mend, and he’s been spending a lot of time with Madison’s grams. It wouldn’t surprise me if those two ended being together at some point. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adored my gran, but somehow I felt like it was fate that they started together way back in the day, and now they found themselves alone, needing someone else more than anything. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

  I pushed myself up off of the couch using Madison’s leg as he yelled out in pain. “Holy hell, baby. That hurt.”

  “Well maybe if you helped your nine month pregnant wife up off of the couch and stop staring at the goddamn TV for two seconds, I wouldn’t have to hurt you.”

  “Why didn’t you just say something?”

  I rolled my eyes and sneered at Madison in annoyance. “Get out of my way.”

  Madison held up his hands in mock surrender, probably hoping I wouldn’t knock him out on my way to the bathroom. As I started waddling my way into our bathroom, my fingers grazed the giant metal frame that now hung in the hallway. Of course it belonged here for everyone to see, and not the hallway heading up the stairs. I closed my eyes as I thought back to the day that I officially became a Raine with fondness in my heart. “Best day ever!” I whispered to myself before heading back towards our room. Cami caught me by the hand, pullin’ me to a stop before I could make it a few more feet.

  “Are you seriously stopping a pregnant woman from going to the bathroom? You do realize I’m about to pee my pants.”

  “And I’m sorry for that, but it’s almost halftime.”

  My eyes went wide, “Shit!”

  “Yeah, I mean, I’m sure you won’t want to miss it, so maybe hold it for just a few more minutes?”

  “No, I mean, SHIT!” I pointed down between my legs.

  “Kayla, seriously. I didn’t mean to make you pee your pants.”

  I smacked Cami across the back of the head.

  “Ow, whore. What was that for?”

  “Because I didn’t pee my pants, Cam. My water just broke.”

  Cami’s jaw fell to the floor. “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!”

  “Babe, if you wake up that baby…”

  Cami turned in Glenn’s direction faster than humanly possible, “You’ll what, Glenn? Huh?”


  “What do you want to do?”

  “Well it just broke. I’m sure I’ve got a little while until its time to go. My contractions haven’t even star...t...ed.”

  “Ok, so that’s one. I’ll time them.” Cami stood there staring at her phone. “Well, five minutes have passed, and you haven’t had another one, so I think we have some time.”

  I nodded as I headed into the bathroom to grab a towel to sit on. When I came back out from the bathroom, I had to hold onto the wall as another contraction hit me. “Cam, start the timer.”

  She nodded as she helped me over to the couch to sit down.

  “What’s with the towel, darlin’?”

  “Nothing much, my water broke.”

  Madison flew off the couch in a tizzy. “Well why are you just sitting there? We gotta go. Let’s grab the bag and Mia, oh wait is Mia staying here with Cami and Glenn, or coming with us? We need to call your granddad and my grams.”

  “Madison, honey. Slow down. My contractions aren’t that far apart. I think we’ll be ok. Let’s just watch the game.”

  Madison sat back down on the couch tryin’ to remain calm, but I could tell he was freaking out inside. Luckily we wouldn’t have to wait too much longer.

  “It’s comin’ up.” Cami winked at me before turning her attention back on the TV.

  “What the hell are you two talkin’ about? What’s comin’ up?”

  Before either of us could respond, the guys in the booth started interrupting us. “It looks like we’ve got something going on down on the field. What is going on? Looks like we’ve got the cheerleaders running out onto the field, and are they, yeah, it looks like they’re spelling something out. Will you marry, wow, looks like we’ve got a proposal. And it’s San Francisco’s very own Joey Green down on one knee. And they’re bringing out his girlfriend. John, can we get a mic down there?”

  “Diem Reynolds, I fall more in love with you every day, and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Within seconds, Diem was answering. “Yes! One hundred percent, yes.”

  “Well this is a first. I don’t think we’ve ever had a proposal during the Super Bowl halftime show involving one of the players. I think it’s safe to say that he’ll be bringing it after the half.”

  “Holy shit, I can’t believe he just did that.” Glenn was standin’ five feet away from the TV, in shock. But then he turned towards Cami and myself. “You both knew about this, didn’t you.”

  “Of course we did.” I moaned as another contraction hit me. “Ok, I think it’s time we head to the hospital.”

  “Ok, I’m on it.” Madison was runnin’ around the house, gathering all of our things. “Ok, Cam and Glenn, y’all are stayin’ here with the kids, yes?”

  “Yes. Go, just go. We’ve got everything taken care of here.”

  “Ok, thanks.” Madison kissed Cami’s cheek, Glenn gave me a big hug, and then we kissed Mia and told her we would be back.

  It didn’t take us long to get to the hospital because Madison was driving like a complete idiot the entire way there, but I was thankful, because as soon as we reached the hospital, the baby started crowning. Another twenty minutes, and our baby boy was here.

  As soon as they laid him on my chest, I fell so deeply in love. He was perfect, and absolutely handsome, just like his daddy. My life was officially complete now. Madison was instantly at my side, lookin’ down on his son with a proud smile plastered onto his gorgeous face. Our eyes met, and tears began to steadily stream down my flushed face.

  “You did good, pretty girl. Damn good.” His lips fell to mine as the seven words he’d spoken to me after Mia was born played through my mind as he spoke them again.

  “What should we name him?” Madison’s words came out barely above a whisper, and I could tell he was crying.

  “I was thinking Jasper Harold Raine.” I looked up at Madison to gauge his reaction.

  “It’s perfect, and thank you.”

  “You don’t ever have to thank me for something like this, Madison. He was your grandfather
, and I know how much it means to you to keep his memory alive. It only feels right to have our son have his name.”

  “Your granddad is gonna love it as well.”

  “I hope so.”

  Three Months Later

  We were trying to make our way to our table before the guys went on, but the place was packed, with barely any room to stand. I clutched onto Cami’s hand tightly as we passed the bar.

  “How are ya lasses doing tonight.” Riley was trying to keep up with orders as we stopped to say a quick hello.

  “We’d be doin’ much better with a drink.” I teased.

  “Already gotcha set up at yer table.”

  “You’re the best, Riley” He tipped his head at us, and then we quickly took our seats.

  Madison kept his word to Riley from when they were in Dublin, and flew him out about a month ago. He thought he would just be bartending like he did back home, but Madison had a much bigger surprise for him. It turns out Madison did find his happiness. Him, Bryan, Glenn, and Riley all purchased the bar from the previous owner, and turned it into their own concert venue where Reckless Youth played four nights a week.

  Of course, I thought they were crazy, as did Cam, but with how packed this place stayed, and the fact that our husbands could still play in their band and be home, we weren’t complaining long.

  The guys were just about to be announced, when Joey and Diem came struttin’ up to our table, taking their always reserved seats. “Man, this place is nuts.”

  “Right. I know it shouldn’t, but it still amazes me how many people love seeing them play.” Joey leaned in for a hug after we were done shoutin’ at one another over the roar of the crowd, and then I leaned over and hugged my sister. “So how’s it feel to be a Texas girl.” I shouted in her ear.

  “Brilliant. I can’t imagine being anywhere else.” She laughed.

  After the Niners won the Super Bowl, Joey tried to renegotiate his contract. Unfortunately, the Niners lost Joey to the Texans when they wouldn’t agree to his terms. He wanted to be home, surrounded by the people he loves the most, and we were all more than happy to welcome him home with open arms. I knew playin’ for the Niners has always been his dream, but I would be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t elated to have my best friend back in Abernathy.

  It didn’t take long for Madison to offer up part of our land to Joey so he could build Diem’s dream home for her, right down the hill from her sister. Things with our dad have also been going extremely well, and he’s even started coming over for family dinner every Sunday night at Granddad’s.

  The bar reached deafening volumes as Bryan made his way up on stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the stage, our very own, RECKLESS YOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTHHH!”

  The lights went down as a single spotlight shined on Madison. As he raised his head up to the microphone, my heart began to race. This would never get old. He gave me a quick wink, and then started in on their first song. The four of us danced and drank as we celebrated how far we’d all come since we first met. And as the band began to end their set, we all turned and shouted for joy. Madison, Glenn, Bryce, Brandon, Bryan, and Riley all came over to the table after their set ended, Madison quickly slidin’ up next to me.

  I turned my face towards his as he planted a long sensual kiss to my yearning lips. “Love you, pretty girl.”

  “Love you, cowboy” I kissed him one last time before divvying up the shots Riley brought over, and motioning for everyone to raise ‘em up. “A toast, to the family that was, and the family that is, and to this family of ours.”

  We all cheersed and took our shots. I looked Madison right in his gleaming emerald green eyes as the warm liquid coated my throat. His arms snaked around my waist, pullin’ me flush against him, and in this moment I knew my life had meaning. It’s funny how things turn out. We lost some, and gained some, but this was one family I was damn proud to be a part of...forever!

  The End




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