War of the Damned Boxed Set

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War of the Damned Boxed Set Page 26

by Michael Todd

  “Wow,” she marveled. “I’m impressed. That’s amazing. What are the demons like? I mean, the ones that aren’t that dangerous.”

  “They’re humans with a propensity for trouble.” He chuckled. “People like you, who were in the wrong place at the wrong time and struggle to battle that demon.”

  “Huh, doesn’t sound much different than regular people. We all constantly battle our demons. But wait…if you are a mercenary, then don’t mercenaries have to be Damned?’

  “They don’t have to be. We had a guy who wasn’t, and he was kick-ass at the job.”

  “But you are?”

  She didn’t seem scared in the least, which was new for Calvin. Almost all uninfected were terrified of anyone who might even be close to demon status. Instead, she had a mixture of excitement and curiosity dancing across her face. He chuckled and looked around before turning toward her and tipping down his glasses. His pupils flashed red, and she threw her hand to her chest and gasped.

  “That is really sexy, like the ultimate bad-boy status. You know what I think?”

  “What’s that?”

  She ran her finger down his chest. “You and I should get out of here and find somewhere a bit more…private.”

  Calvin cleared his throat and set his glass down on the edge of the pool. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  He stood up and straightened his suit, then offered his hand to help Patricia out of the pool. They headed over to her things, and she pulled on a sheer cover-up and put her bag over her shoulder. Next thing Calvin knew, the two of them were laughing as they tumbled out of the club and onto the street. Calvin put his hand to hail a cab like he did on the streets of Vegas.

  The car pulled up, and the driver rolled down the window. “Where you headed?”

  “The Pacifica,” Calvin told him.

  Patricia was even more impressed. “Ohhh, that’s fancy. Very hot.” She leaned against his body as she whispered into his ear. It was obvious that his clout was scoring him some major points.

  The cabbie nodded, and Calvin opened the back door. “Ladies first.”

  Patricia gave him a dazzling smile. “A gentleman, too. Looks like my lucky night.”

  Calvin chuckled, sticking out his chest in pride as they climbed into the back seat of the cab. He double-checked that he had everything and nodded to the driver. Patricia leaned over and began to nibble her way along his neck, and he knew this night was going to be a good one.

  Chapter Seven

  Katie got up from the couch in her hotel room and paced, looking at the box of donuts each time she passed it. All the sugar she had eaten had filled her with nervous energy, and she knew it was time she either did something to take her mind off it or eat more donuts. Considering she had already eaten a few, she figured doing something would be much more reasonable. Of course, Pandora had a different view on things, but Katie ignored her, knowing that more sugar would only lead to more anxiety.

  Katie pulled out a pair of stretch pants, a tight black top, and a sweatshirt in case it was chilly, then left her room and headed out for a night walk to get some of the sugar out of her system. There were a lot of people out on the streets, dining, and enjoying the evening. The air was thick with noises and smells—so many things to keep her senses occupied. She couldn’t go ten or fifteen steps without hearing a siren somewhere in the distance. It was a stark contrast to the quiet of the desert, but she didn’t really mind. It was New York, and she couldn’t expect anything less from the city that never sleeps.

  Katie shoved her hands into her pockets, watching everything that was going on around her as she strolled down the block.

  Pandora fed her a steady stream of information as they went. The girl in the tight blue dress is a demon, though not a very strong one. The guy with her is not, but I can tell he knows. The old guy reading the paper on the corner definitely has a demon in him. It feels like he’s had that demon a long time. Old mob-family head.

  They still have those out here?

  Oh, yeah, throughout history, and almost all of them are infected.

  Katie chuckled. Doesn’t surprise me at all.

  Katie rubbed her chest and grimaced slightly when a particularly strong burning sensation bubbled. She swallowed hard, thinking at first that it was indigestion from all the donuts she had eaten, but after a few moments, she recognized the feeling. There was an infected person relatively close by.

  Someone with a strong demon.

  Uh-oh, your Spidey senses are going off.

  Katie didn’t say a word, just turned down the next block and headed in the direction the feeling was flowing from like someone had turned on an inner demon GPS system for her. She walked down two blocks, weaving in and out of the pedestrians until she came to a nice clothing store that was open late. The mannequins in the window were decked out in high couture, none of it really Katie’s style, but she wasn’t there for fashion. She pulled open the door and walked inside.

  The woman at the counter looked up and smiled before going back to her tasks. She was used to all types of people coming in and out of the shop, but few of them spent very much money. Katie glanced around the mostly-empty store. There was nobody at the racks of clothes lining the walls, so she went into the center of the store. Everything was organized according to color, and the rainbow of the colors cascaded around the open space. She was looking for the source of the feeling; she knew it was coming from in there somewhere.

  “Oh my god,” a voice rang out from the back of the store. “This would be too hot for the party next week. The boys would swarm me.”

  A gaggle of giggling girls emerged from the changing area. In the center of them was a young girl somewhere around eighteen with several layers of clothes hung over her arm. They were trying on the more expensive pieces in the place, and Katie wasn’t sure whether they could actually afford the clothes or if they were on a shopping spree with Mommy and Daddy’s credit card. Either way, she had found her demon.

  The girl was tall and slender, with long naturally-red hair and bright green eyes. However, from the constant red glow of her pupils, Katie could tell the demon had gotten its clutches deep into the girl. She could sense that the girl had almost lost control of the situation; the demon was right below the surface, just waiting to take the reins.

  This needs to be taken care of, Katie stated.

  Pandora fully agreed. Whatever we do, it can’t wait much longer, or she’ll be completely gone. It needs to happen right here and now.

  You work your magic, and I’ll work mine, Katie told her, heading toward the girls.

  The five girls glanced at Katie curiously as she approached. She flashed her red eyes at them and they parted like the Red Sea before her, leaving a pathway to the infected girl. Katie gave the girl a comforting smile to put her at ease, but from the look on her face, the demon inside her already knew who she was.

  All right, you fucking dick, let go of this girl, Pandora commanded.

  The demon sneered. Fuck you, she’s mine.

  Pandora cackled. Do you know who I am? Do you know who the fuck you’re messing with?

  The demon started to laugh, then cut out suddenly when Pandora revealed herself for a brief second. Lilith! Shit, I mean, yes, Your Darkness. I’m leaving.

  The demon trembled inside of the girl and released his tight grip on her soul. Katie could see the transition occurring; the girl relaxed a little, and the red in her eyes faded just a touch. Katie reached out, using her newly-discovered angelic powers. Her palm glowed white as she reached inside the girl and gently pulled the demon out. The other girls’ eyes grew wide when they saw her holding the demon by its throat. Light surrounded her until the demon’s throat was crushed.

  The after-image of the demon faded like dust in the wind. The girl swayed, and her friends grabbed her arms to support her. The red was gone from her eyes, leaving just the beautiful green hue.

  Katie put her hand on the girl’s shoulder and looked her in the e
yes. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah.” The girl shook her head. “I just felt this intense fear, then a calm like I never knew before. It’s gone. My demon is gone.”

  “You’re Katie,” one of the girls breathed in awe. “That mercenary—the leader of Katie’s Killers.”

  “Oh my God,” one of the other girls gasped excitedly. “Can we have your autograph?”

  “Sure.” Katie chuckled.

  The girl ran over to the desk, where the saleswoman was recording the whole thing with her phone. She walked back with the girl and handed Katie the footage.

  “Can I release this?”

  It was obvious the woman was afraid to do anything without Katie’s permission. She wasn’t infected, and from the look in her eyes, she was terrified of demons. Katie pressed Play and watched the whole thing transpire, surprised at the white glow surrounding her in the playback.

  That’s new.

  Pandora scoffed. Yeah, an effect of all that angel bullshit.

  Katie handed the phone back to the saleswoman. “You can release it as long as you hide the girls’ faces. All you can see of me is my back.”

  “Thank you.” The woman smiled, taking the phone back.

  Katie signed the autographs, talking some with the girls about being out at night on their own. They were shopping for a party coming up before they all headed to college, and had been out looking for clothes since that morning. Just like any teenagers that age, they didn’t think twice about the dangers out there.

  “It’s not just demons,” Katie told them, handing the last autograph back. “There are plenty of regular weirdos out there too. Anyway, be safe.”

  The girls closed in, talking excitedly to the redhead. Katie smiled as she walked out the door, glad she could help and that it hadn’t been any worse. Too many lives had been lost to demons, and an eighteen-year-old girl was the last person she wanted to see taken down by the forces that fought against the demons. She could hear the girls and the woman from the counter asking the redhead how she was feeling.

  “I’m okay, thankfully. Until the demon was gone, I had no idea just how far gone I truly was. I can’t believe that Katie from Katie’s Killers saved my life—her and her demon.”

  Katie smiled as she left, amused by the babbling teen’s rush of words.

  You’re a fucking rockstar, Pandora told her. You have fangirls!

  You too, Katie reminded her. She was just as happy that you were there.

  She headed back to her hotel. That had been more than enough action to get rid of the sugar jitters. Moments like tonight reminded Katie why she did what she did. It was good for the soul.

  So dramatic. Pandora snickered.

  Katie’s stomach growled as she rounded the last corner before the hotel. She was hungry for something more than dough and sugar, but when she glanced at the moon shining in the sky, she realized it was later than she’d thought. She passed two different Chinese restaurants and a Thai place, but all of them were closed. As she approached the hotel, she made peace with the fact that she wasn’t going to find anything decent to eat, even in New York City.

  You could find one of those nice greasy diners.

  Yeah, but it’ll give me a stomach ache, and they’ll all be packed with the after-hours bar crowd at this time. You know that if there are demons I won’t be able to help myself, and I’m tired.

  Suit yourself. There’re always more donuts.

  Katie groaned. I know.

  She walked into the lobby of the hotel and stopped by the concierge desk. “When does room service open for breakfast?”

  He looked at his watch. “In two hours,” he told her.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  Katie headed back up to her room. When she got inside she paced for a moment, trying to force herself not to give in to the donut cravings. However, her stomach growled low and deep, and she was left with no choice. She opened the box and heated up three of them. She figured it would at least hold her until she could chow down on some bacon and eggs for breakfast.

  As the donuts heated in the microwave, she opened the fridge and looked inside, finding nothing but the leftover donuts. “Damn, forgot the milk.”

  I knew we forgot something!

  No matter. Katie sighed. When I get up in the morning, I’m sure we’ll need more donuts. I’ll pick up milk while I’m out, as well. For now, I will enjoy my sugary late-night dinner with a Diet Coke from the bar.

  There’s a reason the first three letters of diet are D, I, and E. Anyway, you’re about to chow down on all those donuts, so why would you drink diet soda?

  I have to make some attempt at eating healthy. Besides, I like it, and it doesn’t have any calories.

  Yeah, but there isn’t any flavor in it either. It’s just brown water, and you’re already eating donuts. You may as well just go for full-sugar yumminess.

  Very true. Katie chuckled and switched the silver can for a red one. I feel like I should have an angel on the other side of you telling me to stick with the diet.

  Pandora snorted. That’s a good human. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of the calories for you.

  You’re a real pal. Katie laughed. She took her plate of donuts over to the bed and leaned back against the headboard to eat.

  At least they taste good together. I don’t understand the people who buy that strawberry milk shit. It tastes nothing like strawberries. I tried it on my last trip to Earth and nearly barfed.

  Hey, I’m just glad you don’t have a broccoli fetish. That might have broken me.

  Pandora snickered. Duly noted.

  The chopper hovered high above the large patch of grass where the other helicopters were landing. Brock looked through his window at the line of soldiers surrounding the property, all guns blazing. The other guys were finishing strapping on their protective gear and loading their weapons. The chopper landed and his team disembarked, ducking as they raced over to the commanding officer on the scene.

  “Welcome to a new kind of hell, boys,” the CO shouted, laughing loudly as a medic attempted to patch a bleeding tear in his shoulder. “For those of you don’t know me, I’m General Triphorn, and I’ll be your tour guide through this funhouse. Welcome to Georgetown, Mississippi, just a shit-click away from Jackson, where the demons rage and the help arrives just in time to watch you kiss your ass goodbye. Once upon a time we scoffed at countries who allowed war to touch their homelands, but now we are all facing the enemy on our home turf.” He ducked his head, much to the medic’s consternation. “Guess we’ll just have to show them what happens to anyone who brings that shit onto American soil, eh, boys? Gather ‘round.”

  The boys chuckled as they surrounded the general to receive the word. The medic continued to struggle with bandaging his arm, the main issue being that the general wasn’t one of those men who would sit quietly for proper medical treatment. He finally got the tape in place to hold the bandage down and hurried off, shaking his head and muttering under his breath about PITA patients who wouldn’t hold still.

  Triphorn bounced on his feet as he paced back and forth. “Here’s the deal, boys… The demons have taken over that ranch behind us, but they were caught before they could chow down and move on. They’d been eating the cows in the main barn—the one over there in the center with all the bullet holes. We’ve penned them in there, and are attacking in waves. These little bastards are not very strong, but they are fast and shifty.”

  “Who made the call?” Brock asked, looking around.

  “The farmer who runs the property. She walked in on them and then took off across the field. She was able to get a 911 call off before the bastards tore her to pieces and hung her torso from the weathervane on top of the barn for show. They seem to have a taste for drama, so I figured we’ll surround the bastards and show them some serious theatrics. That’s where you boys come in, with your quick action. I want those sonsabitches lit up like the Fourth of July. I want to see their demon balls flying through the air before
they unceremoniously turn to dust. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” they answered in unison.

  “Good,” he replied. “Now, try not to get yourselves killed. They have sharp claws, as you saw from the gash I took from one as it ran from my bullets. There are men in the field, but they’ve been instructed to stay back. They’re only there if we need some backup.”

  The soldiers nodded their understanding.

  Brock put his helmet on and fastened the strap under his chin, then checked his rifle one last time and followed the guys toward the perimeter. Beside the barn was the large portal the demons had used to come to Earth. The military had surrounded the barn, and had been able to position their men around the portal as well. Bullets flew everywhere as they killed the last few demons coming out.

  It didn’t look like any more would emerge from the portal, but they couldn’t know for sure.

  Grim determination painted the faces of the soldiers surrounding the barn. Brock’s brothers were the relief team, there to swap out with the primary team so the others could back off for a rest. They had been at it for hours at that point, and most of them needed a reload, a bite to eat, and a drink of water at the very least.

  Brock lined up with his boys and waited for the nod from their team leader. When the doors of the barn creaked apart they opened fire, spraying the doors with bullets. The leader raised his arm and pointed forward, and the team advanced one synchronized step at a time toward the barn, continuing to fire as they approached.

  Suddenly, the doors flew open and a demon headed straight toward Brock. Brock dropped his weapon and threw his arms out as the demon landed, pushing the hell spawn to the ground. More demons were charging out of the barn, so the team had to focus on stopping them while trying to keep one eye on the wrestling match beside them.

  Brock growled as he rolled across the grass, scrambling frantically to keep the demon’s claws as far from his face as possible. He was able to free one hand and he punched the demon hard in the face, stunning it for a second. In that small open window, he grabbed his knife and thrust it upward into the demon’s throat. The beast snarled and growled, but then its eyes rolled back and it burst into dust.


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