War of the Damned Boxed Set

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War of the Damned Boxed Set Page 75

by Michael Todd

  There you go again with the rhyming...

  Hey, I thought that was pretty great. It’s like a sexy rhyme.

  Mhmm, Katie muttered, putting her still-full drink on the bar and heading over to the group. A couple of them had their arms around the women. “You boys having fun?”

  “Hell, yeah!”

  “Where are you guys staying?” one of the women asked.

  “Uh, the condos by the park,” the guy she was pressed against answered.

  She leaned in a little closer. “Swanky! I like it. Why don’t we take the party back there?”

  The guys looked at each other for a moment, almost as if they were talking to each other telepathically. After a few moments of contemplation, one of them spoke up.

  “I think for tonight we are going to take it easy and get some sleep. We don’t get much out there in the field. But I would love to get your number, and we can hook up maybe tomorrow night?”

  “I’m down,” the woman agreed.

  “Me too,” the other added.

  The guys took out their phones and exchanged numbers while the rest of the group drank their drinks and danced to the music pumping from the speakers. Katie didn’t care if they had women at the condo; whatever made them happy and relaxed. Brock didn’t pay attention to any of the women they met that night, much to their consternation. His gaze was fixed firmly on one woman: Katie.

  She hid that she noticed, but it was more than obvious. His eyes roamed her body in a slightly proprietary way. Nothing she would normally encourage, but there was something about the way Brock looked at her that she liked.

  When the guys were done exchanging numbers with the girls, they all walked over to the VIP table Katie had bought and filled their empty glasses. The rest of the guys were shocked that they didn’t want to bring the girls back to the condos. After that long in the field with a bunch of dudes, they figured they would be chomping at the bit for some tail.

  “I have to ask,” Brock shouted over the music. “Why not tonight?”

  The guys shrugged and one of them said, “We have a few days, and frankly I don’t want to answer a lot of questions tonight. You know how people are; they are curious about us. We have demons, but at the same time, we are the good guys. They find that confusing, and I don’t want to spend the evening talking about it. Besides, this night is for Lamb. He lost his life fighting the bastards, and I am going to live it up just for him.”

  The guys lifted their glasses and made a rowdy toast to Lamb’s memory. It made Katie think about all the nights at the bar in Vegas, toasting those they lost. She smiled, thinking about the folded-up and crumpled piece of paper in her dresser drawer. The Prayer to the Damned, the thing that brought everyone either to tears or to cheers whenever she read it. Just thinking about it reminded her that Korbin and Stephanie were back in the picture, and no matter how nervous she was about talking to them, she was really happy to be able to see them face to face again.

  Shrieking from the dance floor drew Katie’s attention. Three girls were lifting their glasses, toasting Brock and chanting the name of his band. They were way too drunk to live and half-disheveled, but Katie could tell that Brock enjoyed the attention. She figured the change from rock and roll to demon hunting had to have been quite the adjustment for him, but at the same time, the gun and the uniform fit him well.

  He smiled at the girls but begged off, not paying them any more attention. Katie furrowed her brow and walked over, standing beside him and looking at the dance floor.

  “You know it’s fine if you want to go out there and dance with them. They seem to be fans.”

  “Yeah, groupies just like all the others. I really am not feeling it tonight. I’d rather hang out with you.”

  Katie smirked at him and took a sip of her Diet Coke. For a moment she was flattered, but then she realized exactly what was going on. He wasn’t uninterested in dancing with the women, he was being bullied by a certain bitchy donut-loving demon from the pits of Hell.

  Knock it off, Katie warned.

  Knock what off? I don’t have a clue what you are talking about.

  Don’t play coy with me, sister. You know exactly what I am talking about. You are shutting down Brock’s game, just like you shut down Calvin’s.

  Pandora sniffed. Maybe, but it doesn’t affect you. I made a slight change to it, leaving you open for endless adoration and sexy stares across the club floor. He wants you, either way. I’m just taking away the other distractions.

  Yeah, well, not tonight. I have shit to get done tomorrow, and this one is locked. Don’t worry, P, you’ll get what you want by the end of it all. Just chill the hell out on the guy. Let him have a good time.

  The line for the last club of the night was wrapped around the side of the building, even though it was deep into the early morning hours. People in New York didn’t have internal clocks, they just partied until their ankles gave out. Katie and the boys were pretty much spent. Between the battles and the bedtimes, they were ready to get a little shut-eye.

  Before they even left the club, the stretch limo pulled up in front. The driver got out and opened the door, and waited for the team and Katie to exit the club. There was a low murmur across the crowd as they waited to see who would be coming out to get inside. There was always a chance to get a glimpse of someone famous or super-rich in New York City, and the people waiting outside to get in the club had been there for hours.

  The guys walked out first. They were laughing and joking, not paying a bit of attention to the crowd. They put their arms around each other’s shoulders, talking about the night and how they had a hell of a time. Several of the girls suddenly squealed, taking out their phones to record.

  “It’s them—the guys from France,” they yelled.

  The guys looked over their shoulders and gave them a wave, trying to play it cool. Then, without looking up from the ground, Brock came rolling out the door. Cameras and their flashes were going off right and left, some of the girls yelling Brock’s band name and giggling. He was still a star, but it didn’t interest him at that point. He was exhausted, and wanted to give the moment in the spotlight to his teammates.

  Brock ducked into the limo, giving them a wave before scooting inside. The group turned as Katie walked out, looking in her purse, her hair down over the sides of her face. She looked hot in her tight black dress and booted six-inch heels, and a couple of the girls pouted.

  “Lucky hussy,” they whispered.

  “Uh, no...” one of the other girls yelled as Katie tossed her hair back. “Try, ‘those lucky bastards!’ That’s Katie of Katie’s Killers!”

  Everyone in line stopped what they were doing and started taking pictures of Katie. They were screaming and shouting her name, trying desperately to get her attention even if it was for just one second. Katie blushed and smiled sweetly, waving at the crowd. No matter how much attitude she had in the club, it all faded away when she walked out the door. She still wasn’t used to being the center of attention, even though she had known it would happen when she had flashed her wings in France.

  Her whole life, even before she was Damned, she had done her best to stay out of the spotlight. She didn’t want to be the talk of the town, she just wanted to do her job and live her life. She knew, though, that she was saving people she would never even meet again, and that had to have an effect on her popularity. On top of that Pandora had made sure her body was pin-up girl-ready, even before the shoddy publication printed that abomination.

  They love you, they really love you, Pandora cooed.

  Ugh, I know.

  Oh, stop it. Just enjoy the fame while you have it. Who knows, a year from now all these people could be trying to put a knife in your chest because they are all demons.

  Let’s hope not. That would defeat the purpose of everything I’ve been doing.

  I’m just saying, tomorrow is never promised.

  Katie ducked into the limo with red cheeks and scooted over next to Brock, which did
n’t help the burning on her face and neck. The driver shut the limo door and climbed into the front, putting up the divider between them. He already knew where he was taking them, and after the way the crowd had reacted, he knew they would want some privacy.

  “That had to be the best night of my Damned life, and I mean that in both contexts,” one of the guys admitted. “Seriously, the women, the booze, the music, and then that? What else could a guy ask for?”

  Katie smirked. “A little something-something afterward, maybe? Oh wait, you sent them packing.”

  “Just for the night,” he replied, shaking his head. “Can’t the guys just enjoy a relaxing night alone? With you, of course, Katie.”

  “I’ll be one of the guys for the night.” She smiled, taking off her glasses.

  Brock glanced at her and then back at the guys, chuckling as they started to sing whatever song had been playing with they left the club. He grinned and looked back at Katie, not believing how gorgeous she was. He knew it from working with her, but in the New York City lights with her hair down, her makeup perfect, and those long stems crossed beside him, she had to be the hottest woman he had ever been around—and he had been around a lot of them.

  On top of that, he hadn’t heard a peep out of his demon since they’d arrived in New York, which for him was a beautiful thing. She was so scared of Katie’s demon she refused to come out of hiding. Seeing that he was on a mini-vacation and didn’t need to fight anyone, he was perfectly content with having her nowhere in hearing range.

  He cleared his throat and sat up, taking the moment while the guys were distracted by their own conversations to talk to her again. “Thanks again for all of this. You didn’t have to do it. The guys are having a blast.”

  “And how about you?” Katie asked, meeting his eyes.

  “Probably the best time I’ve had in a very long time,” he replied, keeping his eyes locked on hers.

  She looked at him for a minute and then pushed the hair behind her ears with a shy giggle. It surprised him given how strong and assertive she normally was, but he thought it was sexy. The softer side of the famed Katie of Katie’s Killers, a side he was sure that not many people got to see.

  Katie and Brock rode the rest of the way back to the condo in silence, listening to and laughing at the guys as they goofed around. They were all drunk; not fall down drunk, but happy. How could they not be? They were off-duty and being shown one hell of a time.

  When they pulled up in front of the condos, Katie got out and turned to the guys. “This is where I will leave you. I will pick you guys up tomorrow. I have a little show and tell for you.”

  With that, she walked away, every eye on her ass.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning the guys were moving slowly, still a little muzzy from the night before. They didn’t mind. They were having a blast, and they were all excited to see what the day would bring them. Breakfast was delivered to each room with a note to eat, get ready, and meet in the lobby. Brock stood at the window of his condo, sipping his coffee as he stared out over Central Park. For a moment he felt like a normal guy again; not in fatigues, not running from demons, and not trying to get away from crazed fans who loved his music. He was just a guy. He knew that wasn’t true, but he was going to let the illusion hang just for a little while.

  After breakfast, the guys pulled on jeans and button-up shirts, did their hair, brushed their teeth, and headed downstairs to the lobby. They found Brock there before them, standing with his hands in his pockets, waiting for the others to arrive. He wiggled his eyebrows at them and chuckled. All of them were wearing sunglasses and trying to push through the hangovers to show their excitement of what was to come.

  “Do we know what we are doing today?” one of them asked.

  Brock shrugged. “I’m just as much in the dark as the rest of you, I promise. Whatever it is, knowing Katie, it will be something wild and adventurous.”

  Just then the elevator opened and Katie stepped off, her heeled boots clicking on the marble floors. She was dressed from head to toe in her work clothes, her pistols snug on her hips.

  She pulled her sunglasses off and grinned at the guys. “Good morning! Everyone still alive?”

  “Barely,” one of the guys replied with a chuckle.

  They all looked at each other’s outfits wondering if they needed to be wearing their fatigues. The note had just said get dressed, so they figured they were good to go. Katie smiled at them, seeing the confusion on their faces. She had to be ready for anything. They just needed to relax and enjoy themselves.

  “Come on, boys, I’ve got something for you.”

  She waved the guys to the curb. They stood there for a second, not sure what they were looking for. Suddenly, rounding the corner, were two huge Humvees showing up to take everyone out. They weren’t limo Humvees, but they weren’t military Humvees either.

  Brock’s eyes widened as he took in all the amenities with an appreciative glance. There was no pretense or apology with these beasts. They were all for show. The guys laughed and clapped their hands, finding Katie’s attempt to mix relaxing with military fun to be absolutely inspiring.

  “You know, you keep showing the military a good time like this and you might find a new career.”

  “Ha!” Katie laughed. “It's easy when people deserve it. I doubt I’d feel as good doing this for some overly-entitled kid graduating from college on his mom’s and dad’s dime.”

  They all laughed and climbed inside, ready for the ride. Katie sat in the back of the second Humvee with Brock and one other guy. The other three hopped in the one up front, already hanging out the windows and yelling back to them. They headed from Central Park toward Times Square, which had finally opened back up after the destruction the demons—and Katie, partially—had caused during the attack.

  The traffic was bad at that time of day, slowing the Humvees to a crawl. All the windows were down, and Katie was enjoying the air on her face. People on the streets and in cars next to them started to realize who was in the Humvees.

  Crowds began to form on the sidewalk, cheering the guys. It was almost like a parade as news spread and more and more people crowded the streets. Katie watched as several people ran up to the Humvee up front to give the guys high fives. One mother carrying her little girl walked up and handed one of the guys a flower. Even the guys melted at this, while Pandora quietly gagged inside Katie.

  Katie ignored her, finding the whole thing absolutely enchanting. There was an impromptu minor celebration going on in the middle of New York City, and even the normally grumpy commuters didn’t seem to mind getting held up for once. After a while, though, Katie became exasperated. The people were blocking the streets, making a bad traffic situation dire. She took a deep breath and leaned forward, thinking about saying something to the people. Just then, her phone rang, the general’s ID coming up on the screen.

  “Great.” She sighed and pressed the call button. “General, how are you?”

  “Moving faster than you are right now, apparently.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Is this on the news already?”

  “Of course, it is. They are the world’s heroes. You didn’t think you could parade them through the most crowded city in America in Humvees and not attract some sort of attention, did you?”

  “I guess I hoped the traffic would be moving faster.”

  “What are they doing out there anyway?”

  “They’re on leave, and I am giving them a much-needed vacation.”

  “I would frown on this, but the live coverage on my television looks like good press. We could use some right now. Between the destruction of one of the oldest historical buildings in France and the incursions still happening, the public needs reminding that the government has their backs.”

  “That’s always a tough one.” Katie chuckled.

  “You are awful feisty this morning. Am I speaking to Katie and not Pandora?”

  “Yes.” Katie sighed. “The traffic a
nd mini-parade are starting to get to me. Cool at first, now, not so much. I got things to do and places to be.”

  The general laughed. “Woman of the world.”

  Brock elbowed Katie to get her attention and pointed out the window. Standing at the side of the street was a young girl, maybe nine or ten years old, wearing a homemade “Katie’s Angels” t-shirt. She was shouting Katie’s name and showing her the wings on the back of her shirt. Katie smiled, touched by the gesture.

  Pandora was also moved by the sight of the little girl, though she wasn’t willing to come out and say it.

  Humph. Should be Pandora’s Protectorate or some shit like that.

  She’s nine, I’m pretty sure that she, A, doesn’t know your name, and B, has no idea what the word “protectorate” means. Stop being so salty and know that her love for me is love for you too.

  Right. I guess I should let you have your moment, I have always been worshipped.

  Katie rolled her eyes and asked the general to hold on. She tossed the phone in the seat next to her and rolled her window the rest of the way down. Katie leaned out the window and waved at the young girl with a big smile. The girl screamed in excitement, jumping up and down as Katie pulled her glasses off and tossed them to her. The girl caught them and held them close to her chest, the rest of her year made. Katie flashed her eyes and ducked back in, rolling the window up.

  She chuckled and fixed her hair, grabbing the phone. “Sorry about that. Felt the need.”

  “I saw you on the television. They are doing a play-by-play of the events out there. Personally, I think that was an excellent hearts-and-minds moment. Good work.”

  Oh Lord, that sounds vaguely like a shitty job coming our way. I am not the demon you want to parade around shaking sick kid’s hands. I never did have that comforting touch.

  Katie laughed. I think you will be okay, I don’t think they are dumb enough to send a Damned into a hospital full of sick kids.


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