War of the Damned Boxed Set

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War of the Damned Boxed Set Page 79

by Michael Todd

  She grabbed a teddy and a blanket from the couch and took the little girl to the closet in her room. “I have to go and save some more people, you stay in here, okay” The child nodded blankly. “Someone will be here soon to save you. Do you understand?”

  The little girl nodded again and took the blanket and bear from Katie.

  Katie didn’t know where her parents were, but she didn’t really have time to think about it if she were to save more lives. She was the blunt instrument sent in to clear the danger, the people whose job it was to provide care would be able to get in just as soon as she had completed her part.

  She left the apartment and headed back to the staircase. The stairs were empty again, and she hurried toward the first-floor door. She could hear the gunfire inside and knew that the team had to be inside. She needed to get to the portal. Just then another demon ran up the stairs from the door below and stopped right in front of Katie. It snarled and gurgled, which was getting a little boring.

  Katie rubbed her face. “I’m so done with this. Come on, already, asshole. I don’t have all day.”

  The demon jumped at her, and she grabbed its arm as she twisted out of its reach. She kicked open the first-floor doors and dragged the demon in behind her by the arm.

  The guys looked up as she dragged the demon to the open space by its arm and slammed it on the floor on either side of her a few times before she hurled it through the window.

  Brock chuckled and nodded as the ash rained down outside the window. “Nice of you to finally join us.”

  Katie’s fist tightened momentarily on the demon arm before it too turned to dust. She looked down at the resulting mess on her boots and sniffed. “Yeah, well. I had a little cleaning up of my own to do.”

  “They just keep coming, but most of them don’t want anything to do with us. They are running from something.”

  “Or to something,” Katie replied. “I think they are supposed to flood the city, but they can’t get out of the building at the moment.”

  “What do we do?”

  “Well, we could stand here for the rest of our lives shooting at them, taking them down one at a time, but they will just keep coming. I promise you, the demons in hell have a lot more time to waste than we do. We could be stuck here for the rest of our days. We have to keep moving. Kill anything that comes after us, but we press forward. From the heat rolling out of that doorway, I am assuming the portal is in that direction.”

  Brock nodded. “That seems to be the case. At least that’s where they are all coming from.”

  “All right. I want two of you in front of me and three at my back. Kill anything that moves, minus the people of this building that are hiding. We need to get down there, and then I can figure out how to close this gate. The bastards don’t want me jumping in after them.”

  Brock nodded and turned to the men. “Jones, Eros, you are up front, clear the path down to the basement. Richards, Thompson, and I will bring up the rear. Kill anything that comes after us. We need to get down to the basement. Keep Katie in the middle. She has a plan.”

  Katie grinned. “What, you think I need you boys to keep me safe? That’s cute, but I’m really the one trying to keep you safe.”

  Slowly they moved down the steps, killing every demon that came their way. When they reached the bottom, they all put up their arms to block the massive waves of heat coming from the portal.

  Katie walked over and kicked down the stack of bricks and stones holding up an old-looking artifact that seemed to be helping the gate stay open. She shook her head, looking at the gate. It was huge—twice as big as any she had seen before—and she could see land on the other side.

  Curiosity got the better of her. She stepped through the portal onto the obsidian landscape beyond and gazed open-mouthed at the burning expanse. Lava flowed in thick rivulets just a few feet away from where she stood, and the sulfur stench of brimstone was enough to make Katie catch her breath. She spied mountains in the distance. No, not mountains. Mountains didn’t move.


  The giants paused in their progress and turned as one to inspect her with red eyes the size of small suns. Katie felt small and insignificant in the light of their glare.

  Pandora, why are they all looking at me?

  They sense the angel in you. I’d step out and let the portal close before they decide you’re worthy of more attention.

  Katie nodded, chilled to the bone by the extremity of the hellscape.


  Huh? Oh, yeah. Close the gate. This is not a vacation.

  Some vacation that would be. You would have a sunburn within ten minutes if your body didn’t dry up and turn to dust first.

  Katie nodded and stepped out of the portal into the basement. Brock pulled her back as the gate snapped shut.

  Katie frowned. “That was a bit easier than I thought it would be.”

  They sensed you are part angel. They didn’t want to take the chance of you climbing back through with friends of the angel variety.

  Umm...I don’t have angel friends.

  Yeah, well, it’s a stigma. Sorry, everyone in hell assumes every angel loves every other angel. It’s all a disgusting love-fest up there, and I really don’t know where that came from. Probably because they are the warriors of God.

  Does that mean I should be going out to find some angel friends?

  Good grief, no. We already have one too many nosey angels hopping around this place.

  Are you talking about Gabriel or me?

  Both, but mostly Gabriel.

  I’m sure he’s not really that bad. You are just predisposed to hate him.

  Oh, yeah, totally overreacting. His kind only tossed our kind down to hell. No biggie.

  Safety first? Katie wasn’t sure what else to say. She knew how hurt Pandora was by the whole thing. However, she couldn’t exactly make a choice between her angel side and her loyalty to Pandora, since both were immutable parts of who she was. She hated things like that, things that tore friendships apart. That was why even before she became a demon she stayed away from most political debates, and almost all confrontations.

  The sound of firing echoed from above them, and Katie realized all those demons trapped in the lobby had been able to get out the small windows. Still, it sounded like the cops were in badass mode. Precinct 19 was still getting shit for letting the one infected get away, and they didn’t want to deal with that level of humiliation if they let one slide by.

  Brock grinned. “Sounds like they have it under control up there.”

  “Good. I’m wiped and disgusting,” Katie replied. She looked down at the demon blood splattered on her chest and arms and grimaced.

  “Well, it sounds like you taught them well.”

  Katie sat down on an old chair and put her feet up on a pile of rubble. “I’m just gonna wait and let them handle this. You know, for morale purposes.”

  The guys chuckled and took a seat, some wiping the grime off their faces, others just taking a minute to be still. A hell of a lot of demons had come out of the portal, and they had gone through almost all of the ammo they’d brought. It had been a huge incursion, but not as deadly as the others.

  After about fifteen minutes the gunfire stopped. Katie stood up and held her hand up to the guys. One more round blasted, and Katie smiled, nodding. She twisted her finger through the air and pointed at the door.

  “Okay, boys, it’s time to get the hell out of this hot, dingy basement.”

  As the guys climbed the stairs toward the first floor, they talked about the new weapons they had gotten to use.

  “This ammo was badass. The demons were dust with one shot. There was no need to cut off any heads or shoot them multiple times. Even the ones where the bullet lodged in their flesh, fifteen seconds later it wriggled into their brains and poof.”

  “I know, right? And the looks on their faces, like there had been an electric shock to the brain.”

  “Hmmm,” Katie mumbled, bringing up
the rear. “Electric shock. Now that’s an interesting idea.”

  They climbed up to the top floor, and the guys in the front killed the last two remaining demons that weren’t smart enough to figure out how to get out the broken window. Everyone else stepped over their ashes and the guys grabbed the poles in the front doors, sliding them out and tossing them to the sides. They came out tired, nasty, and ready for bed, but that didn’t stop them from waving to the cops, who were all cheering for them as they walked out.

  “We’re like the fucking Ghostbusters.”

  “What does that make me?” Katie asked.

  Brock laughed and looked back at her. “Slimer?”

  He’d better watch that shit. I control that dick.

  Calm yourself, Pandora. It’s all in good fun.


  Travers walked around, shaking hands with each one of the cops. He made his way over to Katie and handed her his handkerchief. She smiled and wiped the blood off her face before handing it back to him.

  He held it up with the tips of two fingers and dropped it to the ground. “I have a million of them. Good job in there. You guys really kicked some ass.”

  Katie grinned. “You guys weren’t too shabby either. I heard the gunfire.”

  “Yeah, they really knocked it out of the park. Not a single one got away. Now we have to go clean up and get the survivors out of hiding.”

  “Oh, that reminds me. Floor two, Apartment 2c, there is a little girl all alone in the closet with a blanket and teddy bear. I have no idea where the adults are. I told her you guys would come and get her when it was safe.”

  Travers waved a nearby cop who was eavesdropping to go get the girl. “Sure, sure, we got this part. You guys get out of here. We’ve taken up enough of your vacation time already.”

  The guys were already halfway down the block when Katie caught up with Brock. They reached the main road and looked around. Across the street was a donut shop, with a pizza place next door. The guys turned around and looked at Katie.

  “Hell, yeah. You can’t offer me donuts and expect me to pass that by.”

  Yass, you are learning. I thought you never would.

  I’m also fucking starving.

  Hey, I think you deserve a snack. Pandora chuckled. Except for the whole wing thing. That is like five points off.

  Let it go. They aren’t going anywhere.

  We’ll see about that.

  Katie chuckled and followed the guys across the street, ready for some delicious food. They all deserved a break, and Katie was going to treat them. She grabbed her donuts and met them next door, sitting down by the window and chowing down.

  It felt like old times, she could get used to the idea of having a team again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Remind me again, how many spots did we hit at once?” Baal asked, walking beside Moloch.

  “Thirteen my friend, thirteen glorious places and Lilith could only be at one. Three of those bad boys were complete and total destruction. There wasn’t a human left for miles around.”

  “Nice, but New York was a bust.”

  “Meh, doesn’t matter. New York was a distraction really, something to keep her and her crew focused on what they thought was going to be a massive incursion. Half the demons didn’t even pay them any attention. They were too worried about getting out of the building. I told them anyone who died in the building would serve an extra century in the pits. They were clawing through the walls to die on the pavement out front.”

  “Genius, pure genius.”

  “We will attack the US again, but we need to really show that this battle has no borders. That we are coming on strong and are not backing down. I will not have some lowlife demon bitch who thinks that because she was queen, it gives her the right to get in the way of my plans. That bitch can suck it.”

  Baal laughed. “Let it all out there.”

  “You know what?” Moloch replied, all amped up. “Let that bitch come, she can clean up a few heads as the humans scream her name. It’s time we fuck with everyone, no holding back. We are in hell, for fuck’s sake. Just because the slut changed sides for those damn donuts doesn’t mean we don’t still rule with a hot iron fist. We are holding back and getting crushed for it at every turn. Well, no more, this shit is going to be on point from now on.”

  “I like it. Has there been any word from Lucifer?”

  “Nah, he’ll stay out of it until he knows we can’t lose. There is too much at stake for him. If the angels find out he is involved, they will smite him where he stands. He has to be the one playing politics with this shit. He has to have deniability. I’d rather work just like this anyway. It’s quiet, and we get all the glory for it.”

  Baal chuckled. “We also get the shit, too.”

  “I can take the shit, it doesn’t bother me in the least. There is never victory without a few losses along the way. We just had to find our rhythm, figure out how to get around these asshole humans and their technological advances. Now there is no holding back, we are out for blood and entrails. When this all comes to a close, I am going to decorate my office like it’s fucking Christmas with human guts hanging like garlands.”

  “Fancy.” Baal chuckled. “Don’t forget the balls for ornaments.”

  The two demons laughed loudly, reveling in their success, thinking about what came next. They were heading out to explore their victories, but they had to ensure that Lilith and her meatsack were too tired to even notice. From what Moloch sensed, they didn’t even know the whole story yet.

  They were oblivious, and that was exactly how he wanted it.

  When they got back to the condos there was no real conversation, everyone went upstairs, shut their doors and passed the hell out. They were spent, mentally and physically from the start of the trip through the incursion. On the kitchen counter in every room was a six-pack of donuts and the coffeemakers were filled and ready to go, so all they had to do the next day was press the button and they would have a fresh breakfast.

  Katie walked into her apartment and tossed her bag onto the floor, letting out a deep sigh. As usual, the house was immaculate. Angie made sure that nothing was awry, and kept the house very clean. Katie dragged herself to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and looked up on the shelf, finding three dozen fresh donuts waiting for her for the morning.

  Look, P, someone is watching your back.

  I know, right? It’s about time. That girl was the best choice you’ve ever made. We are going to get along just fine.

  I like how for me it takes a perfect body, stuffing myself to the gills, sex, and about a thousand other things to make you happy, but for anyone else, it’s three dozen donuts and a smile.

  What can I say? I hold my vessel at a higher standard than everyone else. They don’t have to carry my ass into battle, you do. Being in here, I know better than you do what you need.

  For some reason, I don’t think donuts are on that list.

  No, I need those. But then again, who’s to say where I stop and you begin?

  That’s kind of a freaky thought.

  You’re welcome. Now, when are we giving the old Brockmeister the big V?

  Please don’t call him that. I had a note sent up to him earlier. You will get your happy ending tomorrow. Relax.

  I’ll relax when the big O tells me to.

  Gross. I have to share everything else in my life with you, and now this too.

  I know! It’s great, isn’t it?

  Katie rolled her eyes and chuckled. She finished up a bottle of water and headed straight to bed.

  Upstairs, Brock took the time to shower, then stood in the kitchen drying off and drinking some OJ. He looked down at the coffeemaker and picked up a folded note. It was from Katie’s assistant, letting him know he would be meeting with Katie the next day at two. The condo number was listed after a personal note from Katie reading, Come on down for a drink.

  Oh yeah, sure, a drink, his demon scoffed. Followed by demon sex, and s
he may or may not bite your head off your shoulders afterward like a praying mantis.

  Brock laughed. I really don’t think it will be that horrific. She doesn’t seem like the kind of woman to go all primal on me after the fact.

  You don’t know her demon. When I was in hell, I heard rumors that she would line up demons just to look at who had the biggest junk and everyone else got their heads ripped off.

  That’s interesting. Brock yawned. Well, I’d better get a good night’s sleep if it will be my last.

  Go ahead, joke about it. It’s all fun and games until someone loses a fucking testicle!

  Jesus, he replied rubbing himself. Enough with the evil comments, my body doesn’t want to picture that whole event.

  Just giving you a friendly warning, that’s all.

  Goodnight. See you on death day.

  The next day Brock woke up with a pep in his step. It wasn’t a given that he was going to get laid, with Katie he never really knew what to expect. But it was definite that he was going to get some alone time with her. He hadn’t been alone with a woman since before Incursion Day, and for the first time since...well, his first time, he was slightly nervous. At the same time, he couldn’t tell if those nerves were coming from his own demon or were all his own about what was to come.

  He spent the day relaxing. He ate his donuts, drank his coffee and just enjoyed the luxury of being alone for a while. The other guys went out sightseeing, so there was no one there to bother him. They’d all had their fair share of excitement for the week, and having a day without any was a welcome respite.

  His alarm went off at one to remind him to grab another shower, tighten up anything unsightly, and get ready to go up. He kept the information from his brothers, not wanting to get the rousing applause he knew they would have given him. He could already imagine it, leaving the apartment while the four other guys stood outside their doors clapping for him as he got into the elevator. That was not the type of start he wanted. He still couldn’t wrap his head around why he was so nervous.


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