War of the Damned Boxed Set

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War of the Damned Boxed Set Page 113

by Michael Todd

  Katie brushed out her hair and pulled it back into a messy ponytail. She rummaged through her drawers until she found a comfy pair of old sweatpants and a Las Vegas T-shirt from back in her college days. The smell of coffee wafted to her nose, and her stomach grumbled. She made her way out of the bedroom and shuffled into the kitchen, where Angie was standing in front of the stove finishing up breakfast.

  Katie plopped down at the table, her wet ponytail dripping down her back. Angie looked at her with a smile. “I barely heard you come in last night. Did you have fun?”

  “I guess. To be honest, I don’t remember a lot about it. I was drunk and got into a fight with Pandora pretty early in the evening. I just let her take over. I passed out after that, nice and comfortable in the dark abyss inside my own body.”

  Angie plated the eggs and bacon and looked at Katie with surprise. “But you didn’t get in until really late. What did Pandora do?”

  Katie shrugged. “I have no clue. She’s not talking to me right now. I think she’s still asleep, but she could just be shutting me out.”

  Angie giggled and poured their coffee. “I had two little sisters growing up. They annoyed the hell out of me. I can’t imagine walking around with one of them in my mind. No matter how much I love them, I need my space.”

  Katie shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth. “I used to feel that way, but I won’t lie, it’s a little weird in my brain without her yammering on about food.”

  Angie gave her a comforting smile. “I’m sure. You know, everyone needs a sleepy day once in a while. I’m sure she’ll be up and jamming your frequencies in no time. For now, though, we can talk about life. The project is still full speed ahead, and I got a call from Calvin saying the move is right on schedule.”

  “Oh good. I almost forgot about all of that. My trip to hell and everything kind of threw me for a loop. I think it was the oppressive heat. Or it could have simply been me hitting my head when I passed out.”

  Angie wrinkled her nose. “You need to get that looked at?”

  Katie tapped her head. “Nah. Remember, I have my own personal MD inside. She fixes anything that has gone awry, or at least she does when she’s awake.”

  I’m awake, Pandora responded quietly.

  Holy hell, you live! What did you do last night, fly all over the city? I’ve never seen you sleep later than me.

  Pandora’s voice lacked any emotion. I was up late with my thoughts, that’s all.

  Do you feel better now? Katie looked at Angie and nodded to let her know Pandora was up and around.

  I do. I think we need to talk, though.

  Katie couldn’t help feeling nervous. It was like a boyfriend telling her they needed to talk—never a good sign. Sure. You mind if I finish my breakfast and conversation with Angie?

  Nope, not at all. The bacon is hella tasty today.

  Katie glanced at Angie. “Pandora says you did a good job on the bacon.”

  Angie laughed. “Oh, you know, I take my time slaughtering and butchering my own pigs.”

  Katie raised an eyebrow at her. “You pick up a new hobby?”

  Angie shook her head, rolling her eyes. “Man, you are off. I was kidding. Thank Hormel for packaging it and putting it in the supermarket. All I did was throw it in a pan.”

  Katie chuckled abashedly. “Sorry. Not sure why I thought you had opened a slaughterhouse. It’s been a long couple of weeks.”

  Angie picked up their empty plates. “I know it has been, at least for you. I’ll take care of all the lingering details and contact you if I need an answer to anything. You go do whatever it is you do. Try to relax. Get your mind straight. It’s just as important as physically being there.”

  Katie finished her coffee and handed Angie the mug. “I will. Thanks for breakfast. I’m probably going to head out for a bit. I have my backup cell, so you know how to reach me.”

  Angie nodded. “Yep. I got ya, girl.”

  Katie walked back toward her room so she could get changed. I’m assuming we aren’t having a leisurely talk in the bedroom. What’s the attire?

  Get dressed for success, and that means the big guns too. Those boys haven’t been out in a while.

  Katie clapped her hands together excitedly. Yes! Tom and Harry have been stuck in the drawer for far too long.

  Pandora snickered. Nobody puts Harry in the corner.

  Katie paused as she pulled out her spandex outfit. Nice reference!

  I’ve been working on it. Pop culture is all the rage now, apparently.

  That it is, my fiery devil friend. Katie chuckled and pulled on her outfit, straightening the bust and noticing the top was a bit tighter.

  Pandora giggled. I heard you this morning, so I decided to move you up a quarter of a cup size. Don’t joke about the titties, dude. That’s sacred territory.

  Noted. Katie smiled.

  She pulled Tom and Harry from the drawer and carefully slid them into their holsters, tightening her straps. I forgot how heavy these bad boys were.

  Worth the weight.

  She pulled her hair back in a tight ponytail and walked to her balcony doors, taking a step out into the cool morning air. She leaped off the balcony as easily as she would step off a street corner, spreading her wings.

  “Katie, we love you,” several people yelled from below.

  Katie smiled and began flapping her wings, soaring high above the buildings and the city. People ran to windows in the skyscrapers, waving and gawking as she flew by. She took a sharp right and dove, skimming just above the water of the river. People on the running trails and in small boats pointed and took pictures as she hovered over the water.

  Pandora spoke softly in Katie’s mind. You know, I once thought everyone bowing down to me was the emotional connection I needed.

  Really? I mean, it’s not that big of a surprise. I always assumed that those things were changing. Do you still feel like that?

  I have my moments, I guess.

  What’s different?

  Pandora took a moment to think about it as Katie blew past a couple of boats and arced higher into the air. I’ve been alive for a very long time. In that time, I’ve met a lot of different people, some good and some not. There were times in the past that I sought love. I looked for it from both men and friendships.

  Katie was surprised. Then you do know what it means to love someone.

  I thought I did. But now that I look back, I don’t think any of them ever really loved me. It was infatuation. Lust, even. None of it was pure love, the kind where you would give up anything for the other person. I hear a mother’s love is like that, and I know there are higher beings who have that kind of love, but no one close to me.

  Katie was saddened by this revelation. She realized that she had never thought about the concept of love in connection with Pandora. Katie spent so much time focusing on the fact that she was a demon, she’d just assumed Pandora never cared about the love of strangers.

  Pandora chuckled. Imagine my surprise when I’m down in the bowels of hell, my bastion of power and authority, and an angel pulls me out and gives me my freedom! And then asks me to save her. I’m a goddamned demon, Katie. But you told me to do what I wanted with you.

  Katie stayed silent, not really sure what to say. This was a light bulb moment for her, an emotional moment that Katie hadn’t seen before. She didn’t want to scare Pandora away from it. She wanted her to get out what was in her head and her heart. Katie knew it might not ever happen again. Pandora had held this inside for so long that it had taken action on Katie’s part for her to finally open up.

  Pandora had finally said fuck it. She wasn’t going to hold onto it forever.

  Pandora stayed silent as they soared past the bridge and over the cars honking and creeping toward the city. You told me to do whatever I wanted, and I defied everything about being a demon. I surprised myself, but not at that moment. At that moment, there was no question. I picked you up and saved your life. It wasn’t because I couldn’t stay
in hell, or because I was afraid to be there alone. I’m a badass bitch who can take care of my own.

  Amen to that. Katie smiled.

  I don’t know how exactly to explain it to you. There wasn’t a second thought. I simply couldn’t let you die down there. I couldn’t give those two morons what they wanted, sure. But it was more than that.

  Katie made her way to the Statue of Liberty, waving at the tourists on the boats as she approached the grand woman holding the torch. She spiraled all the way to the top and landed for a moment on the statue’s crown. She crouched and watched as the sun sparkled over the water, looking one way toward the crowded metropolis and the other toward New Jersey and beyond.

  Pandora blew the air from her lungs. It’s damn beautiful out here. I remember when they put this statue up. There was barely a skyline to look at. Everything changes so fast.

  For Katie, the view was a representation of her life before Pandora and after. Although up here it was open and quiet, if you looked closely, there was garbage and turmoil. After, the city was filled with craziness, people, excitement, and lights. It was overwhelming at times, but when the seasons changed, the sun set, and calmness fell over the twinkling lights of the buildings, it was the perfect place for her. It was her sanctuary. It was home, and that was something she hadn’t had in a long time.

  When she woke up that morning and Pandora wasn’t speaking to her, things weren’t right. So in a way, Katie knew what Pandora was saying without having to hear an explanation. She had spent a long time not only with this woman in her head but even more importantly, with this woman having her back at almost every turn, no matter what.

  Katie cleared her throat and stood up, feeling the wind on her face. You see all those people down there? Some are tourists, some are New Yorkers, and others are just passing through. They all have something strong and vibrant in their lives. They all have something that pushes them. I have someone who pushes me. You do, every single day of my life. I wanted to pay that back, show appreciation, and stop fighting you so damned hard on every single thing. I wanted to give you everything you gave me.


  I wanted to give you something for doing what you did. You want guys, so I went out to find them. I was going to find the best dick I could to fill you.

  Pandora cackled loudly. You were paying me back with dick?

  Katie blushed. Well, it’s either sex or donuts, and I tried cramming in five dozen as a start. I figured sex was next, and who knew what else? You not only saved me, but you chose to stay with me. I’ve never been wanted that badly by anyone, Pandora. Only my mom, and she doesn’t count because she’s my mom.

  Pandora couldn’t believe she was letting it all out, but since it was on the tip of her tongue, she knew it just needed to roll. Katie, I got thrown out of heaven for wanting something I couldn’t have. I was forsaken because of a soul that was breaking. I was told that hell wasn’t my place, but I knew heaven wasn’t either. I felt like I was sailing the sea with nowhere to land, searching for something I couldn’t find. Something I couldn’t even name.

  Believe it or not, minus the hell and heaven thing, that’s not uncommon for us mortals either. We tend to spend our whole lives stumbling from one fuckup to the next. Some of us meet that person who changes it for us, but the rest continue to stumble until the end.

  Pandora listened. She realized she was a lot more like humans than she liked to admit. You know what they told me after I left heaven? They said God cried storms into existence when I left.

  Thanks for that.

  Pandora smirked. The thing is, we all have determination, and I needed to see and feel more than my role in heaven. How are you supposed to be that good and that pure if you don’t understand why you’re doing it? I’ve spent over ten thousand years roaming to find the acceptance you gave me. Your strength, your honor, and your loyalty are beyond any relationship I have ever experienced. At first, I thought it was the angel in you, but then I realized it was just who you were. That touched me from the beginning, and not in the gropy way I was used to. I was just me, and you were just you, and that was enough.

  Tears were streaming down Katie’s cheeks. They slid off her chin and cascaded over the side of the statue and down into the water below. Ripples of blue angel magic shimmered in the river every time a tear dropped in.

  Katie wiped her cheeks and stood up, letting the wind whip around her.

  Pandora sent a comforting feeling through Katie’s body, almost as if she were hugging her from the inside. You are my sister, Katie. When you freed me, I chose to come back to you. I guess that means we’re together forever.

  Katie’s lips curled into a half-smile, remembering what Pandora had said when they were in hell. I so swear it.

  Just then, a huge flash of lightning blasted through the sky, and the frightened screams of tourists below filled the air. Katie lifted an eyebrow and looked around. Pandora, there aren’t any clouds.

  Chapter Eight

  Pandora sighed. I’m glad we talked.

  Me too. Now that the mush fest is over, I figured we could take a little swoop-swoop around New York to find out what’s going on in the Big Apple today.

  Pandora wrinkled her nose. More angel crimefighting, I suppose. I guess you’re feeling better.

  Katie smirked. A thousand times better, both physically and mentally. And shit, I’m glad I don’t have to go out tonight searching for tail.

  Whoa, whoa. I laughed, but repaying a debt with dick isn’t the worst idea you’ve ever had, sister.

  Katie turned down Broadway but stayed high above the buildings. Yeah, let’s just say you loved me when I was sensible, so you’ll still love me when I say no.

  Pandora grumped. I knew it was a bad idea to say anything. Now I gotta go back to coercion. That’s fine. You asked for it.

  Katie laughed and shook her head. It’s good to see things are as they should be.

  Pandora agreed. Speaking of being back to normal, what’s going on one street over? That’s like three cop cars heading somewhere at high speed.

  Katie hovered for a moment, looking down each cross street as she passed. She took a quick left and tucked her wings slightly to avoid hitting the windows on either side of the narrow street. She glided gracefully around the corner and looked ahead, keeping to a normal speed to see what was going on.

  Sure enough, rolling fast down the street ahead of her were three cop cars, their lights flashing and sirens blaring. Pandora was excited. She was tired of the bullshit, and it had been days since they’d seen any real action that didn’t involve their own sad feelings. She may have opened up once, but that was going to be the extent of her emotional outbursts for a while. Hot damn, we gots ourselves a real-life car chase.

  Katie sighed. I don’t ever want you to use that accent again. You sound like a cross between a Southerner and an Irishman. I’m not Southern, but I’m offended.

  Pandora ignored her and continued with her accent. Come on, little lady. Pick up that pace. Move that ass. We gots tractors that move faster than you.

  Katie rolled her eyes and flapped faster. Ahead of the cops was a car flying down the street, barely missing pedestrians, cars, and anything else stupid enough to be outside. It looked like someone was hanging out the passenger-side window.

  Katie swooped lower and picked up a bit more speed, flying right on the cops’ tail. I need a closer look. I think they’re doing something in that lead car, but I can’t quite make it— Whoa!

  A bullet whizzed past Katie’s shoulder and took a couple of feathers off her wings. Pandora growled. Oh no, he did not! Motherfucker almost hit my wings. Let me have him. He won’t have a hand to shoot with or a dick to piss with by the time I’m done with him.

  He’s shooting at the cops, but shit if he isn’t going to hit someone on the streets. Remember, we can’t go off half-cocked.

  I know. I’ll rip his whole dick off.

  You know what I mean. Playing the loose cannon didn’t go too
well for me at the bank, and now that I’m over impressing you…

  Oh, I get it. We have one talk, and now it’s back to pissin’ on my parade.

  At that point, Katie was no longer listening. Another round of shots rang out below, and the cop in the lead lost control of his car, ramming straight into one of the buildings. Katie’s eyes flashed red. She folded her wings and went in for the kill.

  The two remaining police cruisers followed the runaway. The new lead officer called in the accident. “Dispatch, this is One Adam Six. I’ve got a 902, officer involved, crashed into the Vietnamese restaurant on Erwin and Main. Can you send an ambulance? We’re still chasing the suspect.”

  “Hold one. We have several calls coming in from that area,” dispatch replied.

  The cop in the passenger seat, Drew Whitfield, began waving his hands wildly. “Left! Watch out for the puppy!”

  Jason started swerving left and then right. “What about the old lady?”

  Drew shook his head, his emotions heightened. “Fuck the old lady. She’s had eighty years. That should be good enough. That puppy just started to see the beauty of goddamned life here. So help me, if that bastard gets that puppy run over, you’re gonna have a homicide on your hands, and I’ll have blood on mine.”

  Jason chuckled, shaking his head. “Drew, you need to work on your empathy. People are people, too. I’m pretty sure they told you that in school. And again at that special school they sent you to after the incident involving the pig and the farmer.”

  Drew snapped his head toward Jason. “Hey, that farmer got himself out from under the tractor just fine. That piglet was trapped in the field, and his bacon would have been splattered everywhere if it weren’t for me. Piglets are smarter than dogs, you know.”

  Jason laughed. “I have to be the only motherfucker stuck in a high-speed chase with Dr. Dolittle.”

  Drew ignored his comment and picked up the radio. “Dispatch, are you out there? This is One Adam Six. We have a car down. Suspects are fleeing north on— Holy shit!”


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