Rock Me

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Rock Me Page 8

by Raven K. Asher

  I hadn’t wanted to cover my bruises with makeup. I didn’t want to hide what had happened to me, and Mickie agreed that it would gain sympathy that we could use in our favor.

  After another moment, the host stands and then waves towards Shiloh and me. “Who’s ready to welcome Chloe Cooper and Shiloh Moran?”

  The crowd cheers while Shiloh and I intertwine our fingers together before walking out onto the stage. We wave towards the audience before sitting down together on a small couch across from the host.

  After a few moments, the crowd grows quiet.

  “Welcome, Chloe and Shiloh. It’s an honor to have you both here today.” She greets.

  “We’re honored to be here, Suzanne,” Shiloh replies while wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

  “I was afraid that you’d have to cancel after what happened yesterday.” Suzanne states before continuing. “How are you feeling?”

  “I woke up feeling as if I was hit by a bus this morning,” I answer first.

  “You’ve got quite the bruise,” Suzanne replies. “I know I saw it earlier behind stage, but it doesn’t get any easier to see. I can’t imagine how you feel emotionally.”

  “There has been a whole range of emotions that I’ve had to deal with. At first, I was terrified, and then I was angry.” I reply.

  “And how do you feel now?” She pushes.

  “Now, I feel…I guess I feel grateful.” I reply while glancing towards Shiloh. “I’m grateful that we both didn’t get hurt any worse than we did, and I’m grateful for the support that we’ve gotten from our fans too.”

  “We are all grateful that it didn’t have a worse outcome and that those girls who attacked you won’t be able to do it again,” Suzanne replies.

  After a moment, she turns her attention towards Shiloh. “How have you been feeling throughout this situation? I’ve heard your injury required stitches? Is that true?”

  “I’ve honestly been more worried about Chloe throughout this ordeal, but she’s held strong. I may have been injured worse than her, but I’m thankful that it was me instead of Chloe.” Shiloh replies before kissing my cheek.

  Leaning back, he grins. “As for my injury, it required ten stitches.”

  He then turns his attention toward the audience. “Would you like to see?”

  They shout and cheer in response, so Shiloh stands and then lifts his shirt to reveal his wound. About half of the women swoon while the others gasp with shock.

  All around his wound had bruised, making it appear worse than it was.

  Pulling his shirt back down, Shiloh returns to his seat next to me.

  Suzanne laughs lightly while fanning herself. “Chloe, you are one lucky woman.”

  I snort and then nod. “I am.”

  “So, I have to ask, what are your plans for the future? Will we see a duet with you and Shiloh? Is there any chance that Cyclone Lies will join Lucky August for a show?” Suzanne asks next.

  “We haven’t had the chance to plan a duet yet, so I can’t give you an answer to that. As for the bands joining together for a show, I’m going to have to say no. Yes, we all get along very well and enjoy sharing concert arenas, but we’ve decided to keep the bands separated.” I answer.

  Suzanne nods. “That’s understandable. There seems to be some tension between Marshal and Shiloh anyway, which brings me to my next question. Rumor has it that you were in a relationship with one of your bandmates. The fans are dying to know who it was. Could you give us an answer to the question that everyone is longing to know?”

  My face heats as I glance towards the audience. I had admitted that I had been with Russell to only a few people, and I wasn’t sure that I was ready to share it with the world.

  “You don’t have to tell us if you’d rather keep it a secret.” Suzanne insists.

  I shake my head. “No, I’ll reveal my secret.”

  Taking a deep breath, I smile. “I had a short relationship with Russell. We tried to date, but it didn’t work out very well. It was just too much to juggle a relationship while our band was on the rise. We still care about each other very deeply now, but we’re only friends.”

  “How do you feel about that, Shiloh? Were you aware that Chloe had been in a relationship with one of her bandmates?” Suzanne asks.

  “It doesn’t bother me if that’s what you’re asking, and yes, I knew about it before we began dating. We’ve been honest and open with each other from the start.” Shiloh replies.

  “Do you worry about the obvious attraction that Chloe has for Marshal?” Suzanne questions abruptly.

  “I’m not worried,” Shiloh replies while smiling at me.

  That was a lie. I could see it in his eyes. He had noticed something between Marshal and me, and he was worried.

  “Shiloh has nothing to worry about.” I insist. “Marshal and I grew up together. He’s more like a brother to me than anything.”

  My words were nothing but a lie, too, but I wasn’t about to admit the truth of how I currently felt about Marshal to the world. Yes, I was still attracted to him, but since I had met Shiloh, our relationship had suffered.

  Suzanne nods and then turns her attention towards me. “Earlier this morning, your manager announced that you’d be returning to your hometown for a show. How do you feel about that? Are you excited to get the chance to return home after such a long time on the road?”

  God, I hated it when anyone asked me that.

  “I’m excited. I have a lot of family and friends that I would love to see. I’m sure they can’t wait to see me too. I just wish we could stay a little longer then we’re going to be able to.” I lie while plastering on my best smile.

  “Are you going to introduce Shiloh to your parents while you’re there?” She then questions.

  “Of course…They can’t wait to meet him.” I lie again.

  Shiloh grabs my hand before squeezing it lightly. “I’m just hoping that they like me as much as I like their daughter.”

  Suzanne laughs lightly. “I’m sure they will, and I’m sure they’re grateful that you kept their daughter safe during the attack.”

  “One final question before we have to go.” Suzanne states before continuing. “Now that you’re in a relationship with Shiloh, do you see yourself leaving Cyclone Lies to join Lucky August?”

  “I would never leave Cyclone Lies,” I answer quickly. “It would be an insult to leave the band that brought me to where I am now. Plus, I could never see myself playing with anyone else. Marshal, Russell, Micah, and I work best with each other. As much as I care about Shiloh, he understands the bond that bands have with each other.”

  “I would never ask her to leave Cyclone Lies,” Shiloh adds.

  Once again, I catch the slight glint in his eyes of a lie.

  “That’s good to know. I’m sure fans of Cyclone Lies will be relieved to hear that you’ll be staying with the band.” Suzanne replies before clapping her hands together. “I’m afraid our time has come to an end.”

  “It’s been an honor and privilege to have you here.” She then states.

  Suzanne stands along with Shiloh and me before reaching her hand out to shake our hands. With that, Shiloh and I walk off of the stage while waving to the audience one last time.

  As soon as we’re offstage, Shiloh releases my hand to join Andy while I move towards Mickie and the guys.

  “I guess we’re not going to get the chance to be interviewed.” Russell sighs.

  “It’s bullshit.” Marshal snaps.

  “That’s the way things go, Marshal. Right now, Shiloh and Chloe are all anyone wants to talk to. Just be glad that the host said anything about the band.” Mickie replies.

  “I can’t believe they asked Chloe if she was going to leave the band.” Micah breathes out.

  “Maybe she should leave,” Marshal growls out abruptly before walking away.

  “What the hell?” I whisper.

  “Don’t worry about him, Sweetheart.” Russell insists while wrap
ping his arms around me from behind. “Marshal didn’t mean it.”

  “He’s just jealous of the attention that you’re getting with Shiloh,” Mickie adds.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t do any more interviews with Shiloh then. I really don’t want Marshal getting angry with me. It’s not good for the band.” I stress.

  “That wouldn’t be wise. Even though the interviews are focused on you and Shiloh, the band is benefiting. Sales have been at an all-time high.” Mickie replies.

  I sigh. “I guess I should try talking to Marshal.”

  He nods. “You should, but for right now, you should give him some space to cool down.”

  Before I can say another word, Shiloh joins us. He raises his brow while focusing his attention on Russell, who was still holding me from behind.

  “Get used to it, Shiloh. I will hold her like this anytime that I want.” Russell states.

  I snort and then shake my head. “Are you trying to get your ass kicked, Russ?”

  “I can take him,” Russell replies.

  After a few minutes, Marshal returns. “Are we leaving?”

  Mickie sighs and then nods. “Yeah, we can go.”

  As Marshal glances towards me, his jaw ticks with anger. Every move I made seemed to anger him lately. When his gaze turns towards Russell, I shiver slightly. It only takes Russell a few seconds to release his hold on me before stepping away.

  Without a word, we follow Mickie through the building and then outside to the parking lot where our tour buses were waiting for us.

  Shiloh and I move away from the others before embracing.

  “Are you going to be alright with Marshal?” Shiloh asks.

  “I’ll be fine. He’s just in a mood, that’s all. It’s nothing that I can’t deal with.” I insist.

  He nods. “I still wish that you’d ride with us.”

  “You know that would only cause more problems.” I sigh.

  He nods once before hugging me tighter. “I’ll see you soon, Sweetheart.”

  With that, he kisses me quickly before stepping away. I remain still as he disappears into his bus, along with Dante, Max, and Lucas.

  After a few moments, I turn and then march towards Marshal as he speaks with the guys just outside of our bus.

  He turns just before I shove him with all my might.

  “What the hell is your problem?” I snap.

  “Take this inside the bus, now,” Mickie demands.

  In an instant, I turn and walk into the bus. Seconds later, Marshal joins me before following me into the back room.

  I take a few deep breaths before turning to face Marshal. “Do you seriously want me to leave the band?”

  “No.” He breathes out.

  “Then what is the problem? Are you jealous?” I press.

  “Yes, Chloe, ever since you met him, it’s only been about the two of you. Every second of every day, I have to listen to everyone talk about you and Shiloh.” Marshal replies.

  “I never intended for things to go this way,” I reply.

  “Of course not, Chloe, and I shouldn’t blame you, but it’s difficult to stand here and watch you be with him.” Marshal states before continuing. “I don’t trust Shiloh.”

  “Why don’t you trust him?” I question.

  “I don’t know, but my gut is telling me that he’s no good,” Marshal replies softly.

  “Well, I trust him.” I bite out a little too harshly.

  Silence surrounds us for a few moments before I speak again. “Can we just put all of this behind us? I’m tired of this tension. It’s been exhausting.”

  “I’m not sure that I can, Chloe. I’m not going to change my mind about him.” He replies.

  “Then, we should just keep our distance,” I reply before pushing past him to leave the room.

  I half expected him to stop me or apologize, but he doesn’t. Instead of stopping, I exit the bus and then walk to Shiloh’s bus.

  As I walk inside, Shiloh turns to look at me with surprise. “Chloe…?”

  “Can I ride with you?” I ask.

  He nods. “Of course…”

  Before we can say another word Russell enters the bus. He stops to look at me in question.

  “I’m riding with Shiloh,” I state.

  He nods once. “Do you want me to bring your things?”

  “No, it’s not going to be that long of a trip,” I reply.

  Russell nods again. “Alright, I guess we’ll see you when we get there. You’re still going to stay with me at my parent’s like always, right?”

  “Yes,” I reply easily.

  Any time that we went home, that’s where I stayed. Russell’s parents had made me my very own room in their house. They treated me just like one of their own every time we had the chance to visit.

  “Good. Have fun, Sweetheart.” Russell replies before leaving the bus.

  Shiloh moves closer to me. “Did something happen to change your mind about riding with me?”

  “I had a small fight with Marshal,” I reply. “And I didn’t feel like being stuck on the bus with him. I would have probably hit him if I stayed.”

  Shiloh snorts. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

  “I’m sure that you won’t,” I reply before suddenly yawning.

  “Come on; we can lie down in my room in the back.” Shiloh urges while grabbing my hand to pull me towards the back of the bus.

  “Wait, it’s your room?” I ask along the way.

  He nods while glancing back at me. “Yeah, I’m the lead singer and make this band what it is. Without me, they wouldn’t have gotten as famous as they have.”

  Stopping in the room, he turns to look at me in question. “Doesn’t Marshal use the back room as his own?”

  I shake my head. “No. He sleeps in the bunks with the rest of us. We’ve always just used the back room for practice or whenever one of us had needed it.”

  “Huh…” Shiloh replies. “I didn’t expect that.”

  I hadn’t expected things to be so much different on this bus, but it seemed that Shiloh didn’t see Dante, Max, or Lucas as equals the way that Marshal did with Russell, me, and Micah.

  Honestly, it made me think a little less of Shiloh.

  Without warning, I yawn again.

  Shiloh tugs me over to the bed before gently pushing for me to lie down. Once I’m comfortable, he lays down behind me before pulling me snuggly against his body.

  Within just a few minutes, the steady beat of his heart and the sound of the bus’s tires on the pavement lull me into a deep and much-needed sleep.

  Chapter 13

  I wake up abruptly with a gasp while sitting up. Shiloh sits up with me before rubbing his hand over his face.

  “What’s wrong, Chloe?” He questions.

  “I need you to stop the bus. I need to get on my bus.” I demand while rushing to get out of bed.

  Before Shiloh can do a thing, I rush through his bus and then stop near the driver.

  I point to the side of the road. “Pull over.”

  He gives me a questioning look before glancing back as Shiloh makes his way through the bus to join us.

  “Just do it, Nick,” Shiloh states while watching me curiously.

  As soon as the bus is parked, I rush towards Shiloh and kiss him abruptly before stepping back. “Thank you.”

  His brow rises. “…For what?”

  Instead of answering him, I smile and then quickly kiss him again before rushing towards the door. I exit the bus and then rush towards the other bus, not caring one bit that I hadn’t put on my shoes.

  Micah, Russell, Mickie, and Marshal file off of the bus to watch me with worry.

  I wave for them to get back on while moving closer. “Get back on.”

  “What’s going on?” Russell asks. “Did that bastard hurt you?”

  “Get back on the bus. We’ve got music to write.” I reply before getting onto the bus without them.

  I grab my phone from my pocket and
then my guitar from the wall before sitting down.

  The guys walk back onto the bus just as I begin to stroke my fingers across the strings while closing my eyes as I focus on the music that had been in my dream.

  “Hell yeah, she’s back.” Russell hoots.

  As I continue, I begin to sing the words that had also come to me in my dream.

  The bus grows quiet as the guys listen to me.

  I may have come up with our music, but actually putting words to it was a first for me. Typically, I came up with the sound, and Marshal, Micah, and Russell did the rest.

  The words don’t stop even as Shiloh joins us as I reopen my eyes.

  He opens his mouth to say something, but the guys shush him before he can interrupt me.

  Once I end the song Mickie grins brightly. “That was our next hit.”

  “That sounded more like a duet.” Marshal breathes out.

  Instead of replying to him, I turn my attention towards Shiloh. “You didn’t have to chase after me.”

  “I didn’t know what happened. You had me worried that I had done something wrong.” He replies before raising his hand, holding my shoes. “I also figured that you’d want these.”

  Standing up, I take them and then toss them where all of our other shoes were piled up before leaning close to kiss his cheek.

  “I’m fine, but I need to get these notes out before I forget them, okay,” I stress.

  He nods. “Alright, I guess I’ll see you when we get there.”

  Without another word, he turns and then walks out of the bus. Todd closes the door a few moments later.

  No one makes a sound as Todd then pulls back onto the road along with Shiloh’s bus.

  Four sets of eyes watch me as I sit back down with my guitar in my lap.

  “So…?” Mickie presses. “Is it a duet?”

  I nod. “Yes, it is.”

  “And let me guess, you want to sing it with Shiloh.” Marshal bites out.

  “No, this is for us. I’m not writing songs for him. In my dream, it was us singing the song.” I reply. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to sing it on stage, but maybe someday.”

  He nods and then scrubs his hand over his face before sighing. “So, in other words, it’s a useless song until you realize your voice is good enough to be heard.”


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