Our Voice 8

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Our Voice 8 Page 2

by Scot McAtee

Chippy the Amazing by Daisy

  She’s dark, she’s cute, and she’s kind of fat, but who cares! She’s Chippy the dog! Started off as a puppy, and could barely understand anything. She thought she was getting a shot, when she actually got dumped on the road. Hungry, she was so very. Her only food was worms. We found her on the road, oh so very alone. We took her home and got her treated. Poor ol’ Chippy. She was not having fun. She soon grew up to be an awesome pup. Cute and alone, she ran off. I’m assuming she wanted to catch the bus. She ran off, and boy she ran. It’s like she sensed something, something rare. She went to a house, near the dark and noticed a car with no license plate. She sniffed and sniffed then ran inside. She saw someone and bit his thigh. He ran out screaming with a bitten thigh! Then Chippy went home knowing she had saved the day and no one knew until this day.

  The Dog That Saved the Day by Alex

  My biggest dog Rambo, one day we were playing baseball and we lost the baseball in the woods. We could not find it, and we called Rambo, and we looked and we looked until it was down. Finally we looked in the last spot and found the call in a deep, like 7 foot and Rambo jumped into the hole. We called the fire department and got Rambo out and we gave him a lot of treats, and at night time we brought Rambo inside and let him sleep on the couch. We feed him whenever he is hungry and give him water whenever he is thirsty, and when he is sick we will give him medicine to not make him sick anymore.

  Goldfish World by Caleb Weiss

  We are almost done boss. Good. I want that time machine done by midnight. Done. Okay, set the time machine to 3456, and we’re off. When they landed they were arrested because they weren’t wearing goldfish masks. The Goldfish jury found them guilty. They looked out the window and saw the Statue of Liberty was the Statue of the Goldfish. Then they realized they had a crowbar attached to their shirts. These people must have brains the size of eraser shavings. Well let’s get out of here. Clink! They popped the bars open and got back to the time machine. Let’s go to 100596. Oh no, not living and walking sharks! Advice from the boss: don’t live to tell the tale!

  A Super Hero Dog by Ty

  Once upon a time their lived a dog named Boe. One day he got bit by a spider, not just any spider, one with magic powers. The bite from the spider burned. Boe felt dizzy and started to stumble. He fell on the ground. When he woke up he had muscles, then lightning shot out of his fingers. He hears a person in a tree and rescues the person. He saves the day and Boe saves the world. The End.

  Pepper the Dog by Emily

  Pepper in a miniature schnauzer super villain and his hobby is blowing things up with his laser eyes. He has teeth of steel and his claws can cut through anything. Once he destroyed a whole city just by barking. He can jump 50 feet in the air and land straight on the ground and walk away without a bruise. Nobody dared to stop him because he is so powerful, but one day a girl named Emily fought Pepper, but Pepper got away. Emily wasn’t going to give up so she looked all over town, but she couldn’t find him. He wasn’t anywhere to be found. She decided to look for him tomorrow. The next day the dog was there and Emily was close enough to talk to Pepper.

  “Why are you destroying the city?” She Said

  Pepper replied, “Nobody loves me. Nobody wanted me at the pound. All they did was give me dirty looks and walk away.”

  “I will take you home.” Emily said.

  In those few words Pepper leaped into her arms and they were friends forever.

  Pig Poem by Ryan

  Pig you make mud,

  But you aren’t a thud.

  You saved your friend,

  From an unfortunate end.

  Pig you bite,

  But you are bright.

  You have great digging skills,

  I watch you from my window sill.

  You don’t have gills,

  But you are ill.

  You are my bud,

  And you eat spud.

  Pet Ideas

  34 – The Rescue

  By: Claire Downey

  Once upon a time there was a puppy and a kitten. Their names are Rosie and Blue. The kitten’s name is Blue because he has blue eyes. One day they were in their castle and Blue heard the noise, then Blue yelled, “Help! Rosie woke!” Then she went to Blue and she said, “Blue!” Blue was getting captured by a bear! So Rosie jumped out of the window and followed the bear. They got to a cave! Rosie said, “LET GO OF HIM!!!!” The bear said, “OK! But, but . . . I want to eat him!” “We’ll he’s my friend and I don’t want you to eat him.” “OK fine.” So then Rosie had saved the day! When Rosie and Blue got back to the castle they had a big dinner and cherry pie for dessert. And they lived happily ever after! THE END!!!!

  35 – Detective Dog Part 1

  By: Tessa

  Rusty the detective dog was sitting in his office when a poodle interrupted his thinking, “Help me, help. My dog treats are gone,” she burst out dramatically. Rusty perked up his ears. Quickly he answered, “Dog treats eh, I know just the person.” He emerged from his chair and rushed out of the door. The poodle helplessly said, “Where are you going Rusty!” He got in his car and drove to the forbidden house 7666. He knocked on the door and . . .


  36 – Love Kitten

  By: Jaslyn Medley

  Love. Love kitten, kit-ten.

  Cu-te eyes, co-ld nose. Chas-ing mice and ra-ts.

  Tiny paws wreck the couch. Then you’re a little ki-ty.

  Your fur is black and sometimes white.

  Can you be an an-gel?

  So you are kit-ten cause you look like an an-gel.

  You are my fluffy angel.

  You are my playful angel.

  And you are my cute little angle.

  Related to: What does the cat say?

  (Editor’s note: Try singing to the tune of “What Does the Fox Say?”)

  37 – Hero Dog

  Brayden Scott

  My dog saved the bus of kindergarteners. But the bus didn’t stop at the bus stop. He went to the bus stop. He found the station and got us out.

  38 – My pet, Nalla

  Bella M.

  This song is dedicated to you, my very pet and my beautiful hue

  You make me smile everyday, you get me thinking right away

  Maybe I should write a song just for you, or else get you something new

  I chose the song so you won’t run, now I have to try and make you hum

  By singing this song straight and clear, it’s all for you, Nalla dear

  If you’re reading this it will make you sway, that’s my pet that makes me smile everyday

  This is my pet that I love so much, It’s to my awesome pet, Nalla

  She’s the best, even if she’s a pest

  I love her so, she smells worse than a rose,

  But I still love her, even though she smells gross

  This letter is all for you, my beautiful hue

  39 – Ice Cream Pie, Brownies, I Love You


  You’re my pet. And I am very grateful for you. I love you with all my might. You’re my favorite pet in the world. I love you more than ice cream pie, that’s from the heart. I love you more than anything in the world, even brownies! You’re my favorite pet!

  40 – Love

  Jayden Matthews

  I have a looooove!

  But it isn’t who you think it is!

  It is a caaat!

  His name is Champion!

  The reason I love hiiim is because he’s my friend.

  That’s why I love hiiim.

  When I’m down in the dumps he keeps me: happy, safe, loooved, and best of all . . .

  From screeeeeeaaaaaammmmmmming!!!!!!!

  He keeps me from . . . screaming!!

  Now this part’s for my Champ:

  We’ll be together again soon my love.

  We’ll be together soon, my love.<
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  41 – Daredevil Fish


  Once there was a fish, a gold fish. He dreamed that he would be a daredevil fish like his uncle. One day the fish did a back flip in the air. The owner said, “What the?” and gave him a treat. Then the owner got a ring on fire. The fish swam and jumped and lived and jumped into the lizard bowl. The owner took the fish and put the fish in the fish bowl. And lived happily ever after.

  The Worst Day Ever

  By: Addy Corn

  “The end” said the teacher in a very shaky voice right after the play. That was my teacher Mrs. Lobs. This was my story about why she said that in a shaky voice. Let me go way back before the paly. Let’s start off with me John Lyn. I was just walking through the hallway and this is the worst day ever. It started like a normal school day. I went to my first class at 8:15. Oh, and I am in middle school. When school ended I went home and saw Max on the table with mashed potatoes on the table, the sink, and the walls. Then I saw a note. It said: “Dear John, I had to go to the store. Please watch our brother. From, Mom.” Then I thought, “Why didn’t she just take him with?” So I just threw it away and watched my brother. Finally my mother got home at 4:36. She picked up my brother and said hi to me. Then I went in my room because my mom was home. Then we got a phone call. It was my dad. He said his car broke down and we have to pick him up. My mom asked me if I wanted to go. I said yes. She told me we had to go to the store again. When we got to my dad, he was looking at his car with his hands on top of his head. And his car looked pretty bad. So we just called a tow truck to come pick his car up and went to the store and just to tell you, things didn’t go so well at the store either. At the store we had some Max problems. What he did was he screamed all the way there and he got icing all over his hands from his cookie. Also my mom hit her head. I tripped and didn’t catch myself. Also my dad had a headache. My borhter also screamed all the way back. When we got home none of us unpacked groceries. We all took naps. When we left to go get my dad it was 4:40. We got home at 6:20. I woke up at 6:30. My brother made me so tired. Then I got a call from my friend Alice. She said her parents won a trip to Hawaii but they could not go because they were going on a trip to Illinois with her sister and brother. There were 5 tickets so she asked us if we wanted to go and take her with. I said I would ask my parents if we could but it would be after the play. She said that was okay and I hung up. I came running into the living room and told my mom and dad. When I was done, they just looked at each other then looked back at me. My mom and dad whispered something to each other. The only words I could hear were “she”, “was” and “her”. When they stopped whispering they looked at me and said yes. I was so happy I screamed then I thought about it and fainted. When I woke up I saw a bright light and squinted. It took me a while, but I found out I was at the hospital. I sat up and saw my mom and dad then I looked at the clock. It was 7:50. I really couldn’t get the numbers for a while, but I did. Mom and dad said I would probably make it to the play but not to Hawaii. I said okay and they took me home. I get home at 8:45. I told my mom my head hurt. Mom said she was sorry for me because passing out is not fun. She asked me what I was going to wear to the play. I told her to walk in a beautiful gray dress and for the play my costume. I told her, “I just hope that the play will be way better than the other parts of our day!” We got there an hour before it started. Oh, and things didn’t go so well at the play or back stage. When I walked in I saw my teacher Mrs. Lobs. She looked like she was about to have a heart attack! When she saw me, she said thank God you are here and she pushed me in the girls’ dressing room, and when I looked in there I saw all of the girls in the play just sitting there. I asked, “What are all of you doing sitting there?” They all said, “Mrs. Lobs wouldn’t let anyone change until all of us here and you were the only one left.” I told all of the girls, “I am sorry and what took us so long is that I passed out, then something bad happened… Wait, I can’t tell you! Yes I can! No I can’t! Okay I saw Alice!” I told all the girls what happened and they looked at each other then at me and Jane, and Jane said, “Good luck.” I told her and she wasn’t very happy, but she was still sorry for me. The play started and all of us stepped out on stage. When we got there a boy knocked down one of our trees. The teacher came up and fixed it when we were singing one of the songs. When we were talking, well, when I was talking one of the kids started crying. Don’t ask me why. I do not know. Then one of the teachers had to take him back stage and calm him down and he went on with the play. Finally came the last song and that was a mess. After play was over my mom was the only one who clapped. Then Mrs. Lobs came on the stage and said, “the end” in a very shaky voice.


  The Oops

  Once upon a time there was a boy at his house and he was playing outside when he heard a sound. It was a very scary sound! He saw it and ran over to it. Do you want to know what it is? It is a scarecrow! The scarecrow had a book in his hand. The boy said I have to school or I am going to be late. So the boy left. When he got back his family wasn’t there so he went back to the garden and guess what, he was gone! So he asked a racecar driver, he asked “Did you see a scarecrow?” He said “No!” He asked an army man and he said no! He found him, he was in the garbage. He was broke so the boy put him together with super glue. He messed up and he asked an army man and the race car driver to help him and they fixed him right up.

  Olivia Nickerson

  Eastlawn Sports Rock!

  One spring morning Olivia was going to Kendal’s house for a sleepover and Olivia though this was going to be the best day ever. When she woke up and ate breakfast, when she was finished she read a book to pass the time them she headed off to Kendal’s house. When she got there she knocked at the door. Kendal answered the door. Olivia asked “do you want to play sports?” “I hate sports.” replied Kendal. Olivia grabbed Kendal. She took her to the gym. They played for a while and then Kendal screamed “I love sports” and she did. They went home and fell asleep on the living room couch.

  Friends on the Moon

  By Genevieve

  One morning Steeve got a call from NASA. They needed Steeve to find a missing space robot. They next day…10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…….Blast off!!! Few days later. “Hey, wake up!” a voice said. “Bhhaaaa!” Pound, pound, pound. I opened the door. “Are you robot, Ana?” I questioned. “Why yes. How’d you know?” “I need to go back to earth with you.” Click, click, click. Steeve shut off! Two days later. “Back to earth but you have to keep him,” said my boss. “Okay” said Steeve. Next day. “Church Day.” Four hours later. (after church!) “Let’s go to the library.” Said Ana. Afer seven hours of reading. I said “I need to see my teacher.” After two hours of reading to her. Bye. Well she’s gone.

  My Hero


  One day my dad and mom told me and my brother, “We’re going to the zoo!” Can I bring my friends? Who. Aspen, Carmen, Haley, and my teacher Mrs. Wiegen! Can they can they ohh please can they. Yes only if you stop talking Katelynn. Oh you’re not my boss. But do you think Mrs. Wiegen will come to the zoo. She’s probably too bored because she has been here too long so she might not want to go again. She’s not old brat. Aspen’s here now. So is Carmen, Haley, and Mrs. Wiegen. See I told you she would come today to the zoo with use. Let’s go. I love all of you especially the food. We’re here. I can’t breathe. Look a stackoo rhino and a stackoo bear. Sweety I don’t think those are rea. They’re going to bite off our face if we don’t run. I’ll stop them. NO DON’T MRS. WIEGEN! Don’t you’ll die. She got a gun sleeper shooter. She shoot the bear. It fell asleep. She shoot the rhino. Mrs. Wiegen saved the day. My brother said you didn’t tell me you were going to kill them. The end!

  Bob and Joe the Stuffed Bear


  Bob is in his room watching tv and then heard a voice and it said, “Hi pal.” Then he said, “Who said that who’s they are.” And the voice said, “Well I’m on your bed next to you lamp a
nd camera you use a lot also you sleep with me.” “What?” Bob said, “Where are you again?” The voice said, “Well I’m sitting on your bed. Don’t you see?” “Well let me see.” What are you my teddy?” It said, “Yes I am.” Bob said. “I’m losing my mind.” “No you aren’t.” Bob asked, “So what do you want?” “Well first, my name is Joe the Stuffed Bear.” Bob says, “What do you want to do?” “Can you write me something like a story?” Bob says, “ I hate writing. No way. It’s summer. I write only at school because I have to!” “Please Bob can you write me a story. It’s fun. Really you can take yourself and me to anywhere you want.” “Fine!” By writing a story for the bear, Bob began to like writing for Joe the bear. Then in time Bob loved writing. The days went past when bob and Joe were writing and chatting with each other about their story. When it was the last day of summer, Mrs. Wiegan knocked on the door so Bob opened the door and she said, “Hi. I’m going to publish your books. Do you want me to do that?” Bob said, “Yes. Thank you Mrs. Wiegan.” After that, Bob still truly loved writing.

  By: Gracie

  What To Write?

  One day, I was getting a piece of paper to write on, “Oh no!” I exclaimed. I went on the couch and thought about what to write. Nothing. I heard something. “Hi, um can I help any?” I said, confused. “I said it!” Someone confessed. I looked at my mom. “Nope,” she said. “Oh.

  I said. “Meow you need to see me!” The voice said again. I knew who it was now! “Smokey?!” I said. He didn’t talk normally but how was he talking!?! “How can you talk?” I asked Smokey. “Well, um I don’t really know!!” He said. “THIS REALLY IS CHRISTMAS!” I screamed. “You need to get ideas though!” he said to me. “But how?” I asked. “B-O-O-K-S!” he spelled out. I got my book, woof, that I was reading. I read to chapter twenty one and got an idea. A dog mystery! I wrote away. All thanks to Smokey! THE END!

  By: Haley Smolek


  Tommy and Hallie are best friends. Hallie is not real but Tommy is real. When he is sad he always eats ice cream, Hallie loves ice cream. Hallie is a wizard just like tommy loves his family. He is the only child. He only has one friend, which is Hallie. They are the best of friends which means they have a very good friendship. The next day tommy ate over twenty ice cream cones with dark chocolate. Didn’t make him feel good so he cast a magic spell with Hallie. They healed Tommy then he made Hallie a human. She was so thrilled.

  By: Alex Harker

  Christmas Morning

  One morning, everyone was waiting for Christmas at Jimmy and Bob’s house. They went downstars and their eyes grew as big as two mammoths. Bob wanted a taco. Now we did. Now jimmy wanted that night they were having tacos, and that makes the night.


  The missing Homework ?

  One day I was thinking about math but I can’t do it’s hard. A problem that I made up I just. When I got to school. There was a math page on my desk. It was easy; I got it down in one min. My mom was happy so was my baby brother was happy too and my dad and my sister they were all happy. I am thankful for my mom and baby brother and my sister and my dad. What are you thankful for? And I am thankful for book and my favorite season of the year, summer. And in summer I was the math master in the class.


  The Talking Plant

  Once upon a time there lived two boys named Alex and Ty. One day Alex and Ty were playing in the garden. All of a sudden, we heard someone talking. We were looking but no one was there. We kept on looking we got bored. Then we found him, it was a talking plant. After we found the talking plant, we played with him then we read with him and then he took a nap and we lived happily ever after. The end.

  Happy Thanksgiving

  Mrs. Weigand


  The Missing Homework

  One day I was at school, it was the end of school. Mrs. Darnstat said I can’t found our homework. Then said I just had it on my desk. I said let’s make new home work. So we did then we went home. Then we did our homework. Then mom said you are good at solving problems. Then my whole family said it. Then I started reading a book for 15 minutes. Then I asked my mom if I could go to grandmas and grandpas house. Then we went back to school and Mrs. Darnstat had that days homework.

  Morgan Galyen

  My outside day

  One day I asked Mrs.Wiegand do you want to go outside and read a book with me? Will you play games with me Bryce while Mrs.wiegand reads me my favorite book? Okay Bryce said ill you play candy land with me. Emalee will swim in the lake with me after me and Bryce play a game of candy land. Mom its hot please makes me a glass of water now. Dads take me on a Jet Ski ride now please.

  Kinsey Snyden

  The pie fight

  Or stop fighting over a stupid pie. My mom said. Let’s start to talk what happen. I went to Morgan’s house to pick her up so we could go to school. School is over how and my mom made a pie. Me and Morgan wanted it but it was not cut up. So some pie got smacked in our faces so my mom made a new one and this time she cut it up and my dad and Mrs. Wiegand came and have some pie too. The pie was pumpkin and berry pie.



  The book

  One beach day I heard a crying noise, but what. I think I heard it from the beach house… “What? Are you there? can you hear me?” “I’m the life guard.” “Cool, what’s wrong?” “I ripped a book page.” “Awe, don’t worry I have tape.” “Yes.” “Want to read the book crazy hair day.” “Okay!” so it went on we read and read and read but when the week was over I said bye and left. Five years later I saw the life guard again. “Hi life guard.” You’re back want to eat some food and drink some water.” “Sure.” I’ll be right back.” “I’m here life guard, No!! My best friend is gone my only friend left me a note,” the note said “Dear sally, sorry they took me to Kentucky. Love, the life guard.” Bye life guard.


  Huck Fin and Tom Soyer

  Huck fin and Tom Soyer lived in a small town. The scary problem was a murder took place in town. All of the People were worried about their Families. There was a big lake called the Mississippi. It had a lot of water. Each year the Mississippi came to vote who the boat captain would be. One day Tom was late for school. His teacher was upset so he sent him with the girls. Tom put an apple on the back of his friend’s chair. The girl sitting next to Tom gave the apple to the girl in front of her. She smiled at Tom. All the boys looked at tom. Tom had to stay after school. Then oh no Tom and the girl next to him got engaged right there dude and they kis.


  One morning I was at writing club and this pumpkin body blew a hole in the top of the school roof. I had 4 spy kits Mrs. Her, Calub, Talor, and Mrs. Wegind got a spy kit. We went to follow him. He throws nuks at us I threw a boomerang at him. I knocked his head off. He fell off the roof into the trash can. We put him in jail. He was in there for 50 years after a few years his head got rotten and his body was not wet so he died. The kids lived happily ever after. And no pumpkin head.


  I picked it from an oddly colored pink vine. My brother named it “Pump.” I went along with it. It was small. The farmer said “four sugar water on it.” It told Logan to pour sugar water on it. “what it look like?” he asked. “white” I said, he ran in the house. Litle did I know he thought the talking potion was it… he brought it out. “POUR” I yelled. He poured it. It glittered. I scratched my head. “why is it sparling?” I asked. IT BLASTED OUT SPARKLES! I ran. Logan ran. I saw it talking “who are you?” ask Pump. AHHHHH screamed my brother “ JUST STOP SCREAMING!!!” I said. “uh, we are Gracie and Logan.” I stammered. It walked on into the house. “NO!” I yelled and it ran. It knocked over the table and the chairs. I then ran out. I smashed it with my dad’s hammer. Lesson: Don’t pick pumpkins with pink vines or pour talking potion on it. 


  I got home went to bed and the next day my
pumpkin grew legs. I don’t know how and it started talking, and it started to run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I went to my friend house to pick Gracie up when we got home it grew bigger, so I call Sammy, and she brought a friend with, then we went to sleep, the next day the pumpkin grew bigger, so I called Kenzie and she brought a friend;. We all went to seep the next day, and the pumpkin grew bigger, so I chopped it up and made pumpkin pie, and Mrs Wegin ate the pumpkin Pie and everyone else.


  My mom tried to hit it with a broom to settle it down. When that didn’t work m brother tried to lock it in a room but it broke the wood door. So my sister tried to put it to sleep. When that didn’t work I said “lets put it outside and lock the doors and windows.” They must have water it wrong in all stral yaso that is why my pumpkin is so mean and not calm and not so well behaved. So we finally got it together and everyone lived happy ever after. It still lives with us and he is now well behaved

  Alexis Boer

  It said; “I want to go home,” so I said “You can’t go home now we just bought you from the pumpkin patch. Then, we’ll take you home, carve you, take you outside, and put a candle in you.”

  “Then will I get to go home?!”

  My pumpkin got sad when I got up from bed. “I’m hungry, tired, and thirst.”

  “Well, then I will get you a drink, some food, and make you a bed.”

  Then my sister and brother were playing with my jackolatern and it broke! So we made it into a Pumpkin Pie! After that my brother, my sister, my dad, my mom, and I made a lot of pumpkin seeds too! We ate them all! Next, we went and got another pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, after bringing it home, it tried to go back to the pumpkin patch!

  “What! You are not going back to the pumpkin patch!” I said

  “Then what I am going to do?!” it said

  “You’re going into my garden with the other pumpkins.” I replied

  “No! I don’t want to!” it replied back.

  “Okay? Then what DO you want to do?” I asked

  “I want to play outside!” It said

  “No, it’s way too cold for that and I’ll get sick or my mom, dad, sister, or brother too.” I said

  “So what? I can’t get sick! But, let’s just go play in your room.” said the pumpkin.

  “Okay! Let’s go play with my toys!”

  “We can play with this!” I said holding Elsa and Anna toys.

  “Let’s play Elsa and Anna! You can be Anna and I’ll be Elsa!”

  “No!” the pumpkin said

  “Okay then, let’s play school?” I asked


  After we played for a while we ate and went to bed.


  One day I went to a vacant beach. A pumpkin rolled to me that stand’s up! But it didn’t have a face, so I gave him a pumpkin face anyway like 30 minutes into carving his face I got hungry. So I gave him cake cake, oh mY GOSH! IT HAS LEGS! “Where are you from?”

  “The Ocean”

  “I’m Bobby”

  “I’m Sally” the pumpkin said

  “Let’s make a sandcastle and then go to my house okay?”

  “Did you know I’m from Alaska?”

  “Well I’m from Indiana”

  “We need to go to the store”


  “We need milk, eggs, flower, and some more stuff”

  after getting home from the store, I say “Okay! Let’s get to baking!”

  “I’ll bake, you eat okay?”

  Two hours later of cooking.

  “Mmm, this pumpkin pie is really good! HAHAH”

  The End.


  Jack and Carla were stuck on an island in New Orleans and Carla’s pumpkin started to talk. Carla found out that an ant bit her pumpkin and a witch cast a spell on the pumpkin and it jumped out of Carla’s hand and Jack screamed, “Oh no a pumpkin is on the loose!” and then Jack fell in a boat that drifted out to sea. But the pumpkin got stolen from a whale and then the pumpkin flew up into the sky and said, “I’m Pumpkin the Magical Pumpkin. I’ll save Jack.” and he flew to Jack and picked him up and the pumpkin said, “I’m from New Orleans. I must explode in 5 seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BOOM!” And Jack makes it safe to the ground.


  One day me, my mom, and my dad went to a pumpkin patch and I got a big pumpkin and got home and carved it and went inside to wash up and all of a sudden we heard a voice. We went down stairs to see the pumpkin that we bought, so we scared it and it went under the couch and it got stuck under it, so we had to lift up the couch and get it. So we lifted the couch and it went running and we lost it. We split up around the house and trapped it in a net and got it but…

  To be continued.


  One week ago. “Hello mom, can I pick a pumpkin?” said Tony. “Sure thing. Ask your father. I want a nap.” So Tony went down stairs. “Dad, can you take me to go to pick a pumpkin?” said Tony. “NO!! I am tired,” said dad. Three hours later. “I wish I may, I wish I might have my wish or whatever,” said Tony. The next day. (By the way we are VERY poor.) “Ahhhhhhh!!!” screamed Tony. “Hi, my name is PUMPKIN. I need your help,” said Pumpkin Britishly. “Who are you?” Tony asked. “RONY,” he yelped. “Ok then!” “Number is 596-600-9398. CALL NOW.” “I don’t have a phone,” said Tony. “I DO!” said Pumpkin. Ring Ring Ring!!! “Hello, pumpkin is that you?” asked Rony. “Yes, come pick me up in Indiana,” said Pumpkin excitedly. “OK!!!” said Tony. Four hours later. “Hello, I’m here.” Two hours later. Ring Ring Ring!! “Hello,” said Pumpkin, “I got back, and I am safe.” The End.


  Once there lived some farmers. Their names were Lucius, Heidi, and Chy. There was some village people. Their names were Addy and Meia. Addy and Meia went to California to get a pumpkin. When they were back at home sleeping, the pumpkin grew arms and legs. In the morning it was talking! The pumpkin said “I AM HUNGRY!” So they got him some food. He said “I AM THIRSTY!” So they gave him some lemonade. He said “I AM TIRED!” So they made a bed for him. He said “I’M NOT SLEEPING OUTSIDE!” He kicked them out. In the morning he was even grumpier than yesterday. He said “I WANT BREAKFAST!” In the afternoon, he said “I WANT LUNCH!” Then he got kicked out of the house by the kids. The pumpkin ran away. He wasn’t heard of again.


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