Our Voice 8

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Our Voice 8 Page 6

by Scot McAtee

  #26. My Cat

  I met a dog and my cat got bit from the dog. The cat bit it back. Then the owner came back and yelled at the cat and the dog. Then the kid went to play with the dog.

  The Woodland Animal Party By: Riley Miller

  Once upon a time there was a little deer named Holly. She thought the woods were boring. She didn’t know what to do. She was so lost that she wandered off out of the forest! There Holly found her idea of fun. She saw some people having a party! “That’s the perfect thing!” She went back home and went into a secret place she had made. Nobody knew about it. Then she started to make the lace look like a party. Once she had the look down, Holly got the word out. She told everybody in the forest to tell everybody else in the forest about the party. Then she went to the party store to get goody bags and treats. Finally the day of the party arrived. Everybody in the forest was there. She had made special fake trees for the squirrels and chipmunks. She had made a special feather painter for the turkeys. The best thing about it was that the people who were decorating the feathers were fairies! The party was a blast. She had never had so much fun in her life! There was dancing and a disco ball the fairies had brought. When it was about time for the end of the party, while holly was passing out the Goody bags some people asked “Holly what are you going to do with this place?” her only answer was “You’ll see.” She smiled every time she said it. Years later Holly had made her special place to a party themed restaurant. Where you could dance! Holly was so glad she had made the first forest party. Even better, she now had herself a restaurant, and she was the most popular woodland creature in the forest!

  The Deadly Ghost By: Grayce Noe

  Once upon a time three little puppies are in their cage sleeping. My dog Thor hears a bang. He goes in the room that made the bang. He sees a demon he barks until someone comes home. He tries to fight the demon to protect his puppies. Someone comes home. No one can see anything, but in the corner one shadow looked like a girl. So the mother searches if someone died in the house. She looks in the attic when she gets up there she hears a bang. The mother called 911, she thought someone was in her house, but when the police got their no one was there. After a week things got worse. The two smallest puppies started barking. When the kids get home from school, one kid yells that there is a demon. They run outside. They stay outside for 2 hours, which was when their mother got off work. The kid tells what happened. The mom calls special people to help. He made the house free forever. The End

  The Beach By: Aryana Neal

  There was 5 minutes left until the bell rang and I’ll be hooked up to my jet pack holding my crazy puppy heading to a beach and living in the beach house all summer. Finally the bell rings and I jump out of my seat and dash out the door. I got hooked up to my jetpack my crazy dog louie got his own personal jetpack to ride to the beach house. I’ll pack food coke and clothes. When I get there I’ll go zip lining. I’ll have to go sell sea shells by the sea shore to be able to buy stuff. Louie will go bowling when I’m doing it. I won’t have to clean my room or do the Dishes Summers over We had a party watching football and drinking coke

  Our Trip to the Milky Way By: Kortney Kyser and Keeley Deniston

  One summer Kortney and Keeley and their mother went to the Milky Way. They take Keeley’s dog Rudy too. They flew off in rainbow rocket shoes. They brought tools, candy, cotton candy, fago, and a huge hot pink tent. Once they got there they set up their tent and watched the starts and drifted into their dreams. When they woke up they had to find jobs, they finally found jobs. The mom built ships to sail on the Milky Way and Kortney and Keeley made chocolate to put in the Milky Way. Everybody was sad because they would leave in a couple of days. But the good thing about the trip was they didn’t have to see their brothers. To say good bye to their new friends they shot fireworks off the moon.

  Vacation By: Caden Harker

  Where I will go is Texas, what I will bring is money, candy, Gatorade, and electronics. I would bring my dad, my mom, and my brother. I would get a job at mcdonalds. I would play basketball for fun and if I was bored. How I would get to places is a car. The things I wouldn’t have to do is unpack and cook is food. I would throw a Nickelodeon party for fun.

  The Awesome By: Grayce Noe

  My best imaginary vacation is to go to cloud cukoo land where there are no rules, except theses. There are no babysitters, no bed time, no bushy mustaches, and no negativity of any kind. There is only happiness in this world. I would bring all of my best friends in the world. My job will be only to play and eat candy and you will still get paid. I would eat sparkly candy for fun and after you eat it you will glow. I will get their by the Unikitty. The things I don’t have to do is do chores and be bored because I am never tired. At the end of the vacation I will play, dance, ride every water slide, eat candy, build candy castles, and eat marshmallows. THE END

  By: Peyton Duttenhaver

  Saving Turtles

  The best I’m aginary ever to the bach Igcan recuce baby turtles. I bring my umbrella if it rains, Aryana and mom dad to help techce turtles.

  By: Addi Ward

  Ryan & Addi

  Addi and I had the most amazing time ever last year. I brought along with me swish cheese, loly pops, Hanna Banana Loops, T-Money. I brought light weigh air tanks helmets, and everything I could fin in my bags but… going to mars was cheap. Me and Addi has to save up some bucks. I decided to get a job at the scoop (ice cream shop) as soon as we got there we road some roller coasters, went tot the water park and surfed while eating awesome tacos. Once we were done we unpacked at the penthouse. Then we went to a midnight dance party on our flying carpets carried by elepahants guided Pegasus. We had an awesome him with no chool, no parents, and no work. Our after party was held in the clouds with Peter P. Taylor Laughtner. Taylor Swift, Jennifer and Josh from the hunger games, Iron Man Batman, Maroon 5 singing (sugar) and everyone from the hunger games. Ed Sheeran, the cast of I didn’t do it, Nikii, Ricky , Dicky, Dawn Grwon hrs, Big Bang Theroy. Our party has a b-ball court and a dodge ball championship[, neon lights, dance floor, snow cone stuff, roller coaster, hot tub, fair food, movie theater, petting zoo, steaks and spaghetti, water park and fruit snack, skaty zone,cotton candy and a game room. Me and Addi had the best time ever.

  By: Megan Vancleve 5th

  Under the Sea

  For animaginary Vaction me and my parents will go under the sea. We will take a sub to get there. We’ll take scuba stuff and other stuff. We won’t have to unpack or pack up. To get under sea money we’ll collect seashells. Then relaz when we leave we’ll have an underwater fiesta. I’ll invite mermaids, fish, and seahorses. There will be a seahorse race. THE END.

  By: Zachary Craig

  Minecraft Part 2: The Herobrine

  Me and friends we on a Vacation, but something strange happened but we didn’t care because last time it was scary it might be a camera but it wasn’t. Adam was scared then I said “chill out dude! It’s a canera” adam responded with “Maybe, lets have fun” but it disregard then adam said “not a camera defenetly not” Because adamas move then he DIED!!! I yelled “ADAM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” then he disappeared then Davion yelled “noo” then Yahir it was sad then Davion went “NOOO” Then He died. Then Yahir said “maybe its an owl” then he said im dying and then me and diego got mail an invitation to a pary at the city park in the woods meet me”



  By: Suri Clemons

  Vacation to Big Splash

  I rode my jetpack to big splash, I brought my swimming suit, I brought my brother and sister. I was a pizza man! I went on a big water slide, I won’t have to help my mom do the laundry. The last day of my vacation I ate strawberries dipped in chocolate from the chocolate fountain.

  By: Haily Phillips

  The one day trip

  I went to floda I went to the bech then I went to the water slide then we went to bed the next day then brot briefest then I look my dog
for awak then I went to the zoo then we went home.

  Hannah Hodgen

  The Dark Door

  The door falls over, so Addi and I pick it up. All of a sudden we see a dark hole in the ground. It was sucking everything into it! Even us! We were in the tunnel, swirling around for what seemed like forever. Then we finally landed on the ground.

  “Ow, my head!” Addi groaned.

  “What just happened?” I asked, astonished.

  Addi shrugged. Just then we heard a splash. Addi’s eyes widened. I started to step forward. I saw a small lake that was as clean glass. I saw a figure in the water. It was blue and colorful. Just then a tail popped off.

  “What is that?” Addi asked, creeped out.

  “I’m not sure,” I told her. I stepped closer. My eyes widened. It was a mermaid! It had a bright blue tail. Right then and there I stepped back.

  “Don’t be afraid!” it said. “My name is Danielle and I’m a mermaid.”

  Addi was astonished and so was I. We asked her a few more questions like where we were and how we got here. She said we were in a place called Cutopia. She said we were here for disturbing Dr. Dairy Queen so he sent us here for punishment. Just as she was telling us about her favorite kind of candy, we heard a particular noise. It sounded like geese.

  “Quack quack! Quack quack!” the animal said. Then he landed on a branch next to us. “Hi! My name is Ben! I’m a goose. You see I was a pigeon before and I loved being a pigeon, but I did something wrong so Dr. Dairy Queen changed me! Dr. Dairy Queen is evil and he always will be!” quacked Ben.

  “Wait, who is Dr. Dairy Queen?” asked Addi.

  “He is the evil mastermind who sent us to this world! It may seem beautiful now but just wait, pretty soon you’ll see alligators, poisoned oranges, and worst of all, Dr. Dairy Queen’s evil monkeys,” Danielle told us.

  Oh my gosh, I thought to myself. Just then I felt something land on my shoulder. It was big and hairy. It was a monkey! Then I started seeing 30 or 40 monkeys. They attacked us!

  “Run!” Danielle and Ben shouted at the same time. Danielle went under water and Ben flew. Addi and I followed him, stunned. We went into a small shack. Then Danielle just popped up with no water.

  “Can’t breathe,” choked Danielle. So Addi got a bucket of water and splashed Danielle. “Aw, that’s better,” Danielle said.

  “What happened back there?” I asked.

  “Dr. Dairy Queen’s monkeys happened,” Ben said.

  “Guys, I’d hate to cut the chit chat but I’m running out of water!” Danielle explained.

  Ben went outside to see if the monkeys were gone, and thank goodness, they were. Danielle splashed back into the lake.

  “So are we going to have to stay here the rest of our lives or what? I’ve really got to get home or my mom is going to be pretty upset with me!” said Addi.

  “I don’t know, but something I do know is I’m hungry. I don’t know what ducks eat since I used to be a pigeon. If I can get back to Earth I will be able to become a pigeon again,” said Ben.

  “I want to see what it’s like on Earth, too!” explaimed Danielle.

  “Okay I will try and bring you guys home with me, on one condition. You help us find a way out,” I told Danielle and Ben.

  “No problem! We just need to get through the onion forest,” Danielle said.

  “The only problem with that is we will cry when we go through there,” Ben explained.

  “Hello, did you forget about my water situation?” Danielle asked Ben.

  “No, we can cry on you,” Ben told her.

  “Good point,” Danielle said.

  So we headed that way. We brought buckets with us and cried in them. Then we dumped it on Danielle. We finally got out of there. We saw a door. We went through it and poof, we were home. I told Danielle about the pond in my front yard and how she could live there. I told Ben the pigeon about an old parrot cage I had for him that he could live in. Something I realized though was no time had passed from when we got sucked in. It was after school in the woods. That meant Addi wouldn’t be in trouble. After that we lived happily ever after.

  Jayden Mathews

  Nothing Dull

  When Bella finished knocking I smacked her arm. “Ow! What’s with the sudden violence?” she screeched playfully.

  I replied, “What do you expect, an invisible house?” She looked hurt.

  “Sorry… I… it’s just… who knows what’s behind it?” I stuttered.

  “S’okay,” she replied.

  “Uh… guys…look.” We obey. Creeek goes the door. Inside the door stands a man with greased black hair and devilish black eyes, a little girl with blonde pigtails and blue eyes, and a brunette girl with amber eyes. The blonde girl said, “What do you want?”

  “What?” I said.

  “Never mind, Karina,” said the man. He started after us.

  Annabella, Hallie, Layni, Maddie, Karina, and I raced out the door. We slammed the door shut. “Guys,” Layni said, “We need to bury the door.” Then we raced home.

  Madison Jurs

  The Mystery Door

  The door opened by itself, I look at Alex, and I said “Alex do we go in there?” “My gut is telling me to” said Alex. “My gut is telling me too also.” I said. We both stepped inside; the old wooden floor creaked and groaned as we tiptoed over them. “Al-Alex wha-what do we do?” I said trembling “we…I don’t know just walk” then we heard sad morbid music to the beat of a girl crying. “I’m scared, let me out of here”. We both looked at each other, we opened the door, and a girl was sitting in a corner crying, sobbing her eyes out. “I just want to go home.” There, playing the piano was a woman with a dull grey bun on the top of her hair. She wore all black as if she was sad. “Why Sarenity, Why!” the mysterious woman sloped playing the music and put her face in her hands and sobbed hard. ‘Excuse me ma’am” said Alex. The old woman turned around “Who are you and why are you in my house!” the old woman yelled. “GET OUT!!” yelled the woman. “take one with you !” yelled the girl. Alex walked over to the girl “Calm down, stop crying, you can come with us.” The old lady said “No you are not taking her away from me again, unless you solve this riddle” “What is it?” asked Alex “What comes up but never down?”

  “Uh-I don’t know.” whispered Alex. Then I remembered “AIR!” I yelled. “Correct” then the woman disappeared, the door took her place. We helped the girl up “What’s your name?” “My name is Marissa.” As we all walked out the door I felt like if I had been hit in the head. As I woke up I was on the floor and from that moment on I didn’t really remember anything.


  Addi Ward

  The Wonder Hallway

  The door opened, it was like magic. They slowly walked through the doorway. Boo! The boys jumped back, a little snowman walked out. He had an ice-sickle through his stomach! “Oh look at that I’ve been impaled” the snowman said.

  “I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs.” Alex looked at the snowman.

  “Let me help you little guy.” He slowly pulled out the ice.

  “Thank You” said Olaf.

  “Well let’s begin our Journey”

  “What journey?” I asked.

  “Well you want to get home don’t you?”

  “Oh um oh yeah…”

  “Then that’s it”

  They slowly walked into the hallway. It’s awfully dark. Then I noticed something. There was um.. a door.

  “It’s a door!” I shouted

  “Woohoo” said Alex.

  “let’s get out of here”

  “Hey, hey slow down, it’s not that easy. This hallway is full of optical illusions. The only way to get out of here is to solve all of them correctly,” stated Olaf.

  “And let me assure you, not all are really that easy. Some might make you faint, some might make you sweat. most will make you faint. And let me be assuring. I’m not here to stay. I’m also an illusion.”

Poof he was gone.

  “I guess this is up to you and me” I said to Alex, hopefully sounding reassuring.

  Slowly they walked forward, inching in slowly. They went toward the door they just saw. They nocked and slowly it opened. The room was very colorful like someone captured a rainbow then let it free in this very room. They walked over to a table in the middle of the room, there was a small piece of paper and on it, it read

  “You have been lost, time has past, find your savvy, and make it last.”

  I had no idea what it meant but Alex was good at deciphering. He said this one was pretty easy. “Savvy means talent or specialty” I was already lost, I just let him do his thing. As he continued, “You have been lost. That one’s obvious, find your savvy or special power and make it last, take your time to figure it out.”

  “Oh he said if we learn what we are good at it will help us out through this, well… whatever you call it.”

  “Well” I stated.

  “I am good at math and football” He mentioned

  “I’m a nerd, got at everything school.”

  “Yes, yes you are!”

  So we walked over to the wall and Alex pressed some buttons and a voice read aloud “Congratulations, you’ve deciphered this. Go into the door and find your next assignment” We looked around what door suddenly the voice faded away and a bright green door appeared. We knocked and it opened. We walked into the small room. They couldn’t dance, run, jump, do anything, because it was small. There were four buttons in the middle of the room going left to right, top to bottom, blue yellow green, red. It didn’t take Alex long to figure it out.

  “I know what this is” he stated.

  “An optical illusion” I threw in.

  “Har Har, very funny, but no. This is a pattern”

  “How do you know, did you read the instructions?”


  “We have to find all the ways we could sort these in our heads, we can’t mic up the color patterns though. They always have to go in the same order.” declared Alex.

  “That’s easy!” I replied.

  “There’s only four ways.”

  “Thanks.” Alex pressed some buttons, and the voice rang over again.

  “Wow. But let me say, that one was easy. But you still cracked the case. Go through the door.” The boys waited patiently, a small door appeared. The boys knocked and slowly opened it, this room had a huge projector. They walked in quickly and passed a green button, bright neon colors ran across the screen. The video sucked in their minds, the video was two hours long but it seemed like two minutes. At the end of the video the voice said you will now have brains of super human alike of cats. Slowly they looked at each other.

  “Meow” said alex

  I meant to say “oh great” but it came out.


  We stride over to the new door, we waited so patiently, for it was dark green. We knocked and it opened. A room with one window and a light shaded brown of walls, three walls. We were strapped to the wall. In front of us colors were layed out in midair, overlapping, turning into different colors. A voice over us was reading off the instructions. It was up to us to separate the colors.

  “Meow.” I said to Alex indicating we got this.

  At the end of the instructions he told us this was the last illusion. This one would be tricky. There was an obvious one in the middle I already saw. Then the straps undid and released us. We walked over to the colors. The easy one was blue and yellow where they overlapped was green. You had to be careful not to separate them too much because there was a tad of purple right there and yellow + purple makes nothing so it would be hard to separate. Alex found another one brown and yellow with a green shaped triangle on the brown. He separated all three. I saw a pink rectangle on a splatter of maroon. Then the voice came over again. “now put them in a rainbow!”

  “hissss” wined Alex.

  In this order we put them, maroon pink, yellow, blue, purple. The voice said “close but not close enough” We swithed around pink and maroon and then there was a bright light and I wasn’t a cat anymore and neither was Alex. I figured he was at his house when I realized I was back at mine. What a day!

  Inside The Lion’s Cage

  By Evan Bruder

  The door suddenly opens so tthen we slowly walk and there was nothing there. Then the tree by it slowly falls down so we ran away so we can dodge it. It was pitch black in there so I pull out a lighter and a good thing Alex brought a Styrofoam plate. I quickly gather some leaves and twigs so I made a pile and started a fire. I picked up a stick and melted the Styrofoam on the stick and caught it on fire. “Boom,” I said as I created a fast torch. “Wow,” Alex said, “That is impressive.” “Thank you,” I said. So then we leap into the hole and it turns out there was a lion with a golden necklace on. Then we hear a “poof” sound then the tree stands up tall and the door shuts locking us in there. I started shaking even though I had a coat on and a fire was by me. Then the lion woke up and he saw us. Suddenly he started charging at us. Right when he was about to bite us, a knight called, Albert, cuts off the lion’s he not even leaving a scratch on the necklace and a door that looks exactly like the other door opens. Alex quickly staggered out. Why don’t you be on our team. You would make a great addition to help us get home.

  The Mysterious Door

  Jillian B.

  One day two girls named Jillian and Evelyn were walking home from school, when he came to an old wooden door that had a lion’s head attached to the front of it. Evelyn walked up to the door and knocked three times. The door slowly opened. Inside of it, it looked like an old closet. There were empty books on the book shelf and a bunch of pages flow everywhere. The pages uncovered a message that said, “Put the pages in their right order or else.” They hesitated and then started sorting the pages. It took them almost four hours. After they had finished, the message started to glow. They started to leave when they heard a whisper say, “Thank you.”

  Everyday after that on their walk home from school, they never saw or heard of the door again.


  Invisible House

  The door opened by its self. I teleported to the move Harry Potter! “Where is Emma?” “Hello Shyanne!” said a voice. “My name is Judy.” She looked like a clown. “Now that’s not very nice Shyanne” said Kaden, who could tell what people were thinking. “Do you know where Emma is?” I asked. “Who” they both said. “Emma” I said. You now the girl who teleported somewhere else. “Not a clue” Said Judy. I know said Tyler, who could see into the future. What don’t mean to change the subject or anything? Where are we? I don’t know, we just came with you. Ringggggg. What happened? You fell asleep again at math. Let’s go home said Emma.

  Stephanie McCarthy

  The Invisible House, the Invisible U.S.

  Then… A lady opens a door and says “Back Daisy.” As a small white fluffy dog barking, while doing a little circus dance. Then the lady just shuts the door on us but, the door went right through us! I couldn’t believe it! The lady went back to her kitchen and started banging pots and pans together. Then we heard this faint voice. “Mommy, mommy who is it?’ then a girl running down the stairs holding her two baby dolls. “It was no one dear.” “Oh, man I wanted a visitor!” Whined the little girl. I reached out the shake her hand and she yelled “Who’s touching me?!?” The little girl wiggled and ran to her mom. “It’s okay sweetie.” The mom. (I’m guessing) said as trying to calm her daughter (I think). We started searching the house and went upstairs. We found three rooms with all the doors open. One looked like a bathroom, the next looked like a mom and dad’s room, the next looked like a pink blob all we could was Pink, so we started in the mom and dad’s room. There was a closet, a bed, a dresser and a closet. Wait another closet!? We decided to start there. There were books everywhere. Of course being the person I am, I organized them. When I got the books all sorted there was a hole.
It was like a vacuum. It sucked us in. Then we ended up walking out of the door. We raced to the pine tree and hugged it. Then the door creaked open then a foot stepped out.

  Evelyn S.

  The Hidden Tunnel

  One day, Jillian and I were walking through the woods and we took the same way we always did. We found a door, so we knocked on it and we fell through and landed in a secret tunnel! There was a sign that said, “There are two riddles you must solve to escape this hidden tunnel.” After we read the sign we walked down the long tunnel and saw an old troll sitting in a rocking chair. “Hello, we saw a door so we knocked on it and we ended up in here. How do we get out?” asked Jillian. “You must solve a riddle for me then a door will open and send you to the old man Jenkins,” said the troll. “Okay, what is the riddle?” I asked. The troll replied with, “You must solve forty-six divided by two!” “UH OH, we haven’t done division in school yet, how will we ever figure this out?!” said Jillian anxiously. That’s when we realized division is the opposite of multiplication, so we need to find a number multiplied by two to get forty-six. “That’s it! It’s twenty-three!” I yelled. The door opened and we walked through it. We saw an old man also sitting in a rocking chair. He said, “I have a riddle for you too! You must solve twelve times two!” “Oh, that’s easy! Twenty-four!” yelled Jillian. The door opened and we walked through it to find another door with a padlock. “Let’s put the numbers twenty-three and twenty-four in!” I said. It worked and when the door opened it revealed our houses. We ran to the front door and told our parents about our adventure.

  Sarenity Inman

  The Mysterious Door

  Once upon a time, there was a boy named Alex. Alex takes the same path home from school. But on September Fourteenth, he discovered that there was a door right by the old pine tree. This was no ordinary door. It had had old wood and a lion that was holding a ring in its mouth. It was a ring that you used to knock on the door. “Do I knock?” I asked myself. I got over my fear and knocked. I waited a few seconds. “Is anyone there?” I said. Then the lion on the door said, “Hello, how are you this evening?” I screamed and ran as far as I possibly could. I stopped to catch my breath and I heard rattling in the bushes beside me. All of a sudden, my best friend James jumped out of the bushes wearing a scary mask. “Very funny,” I told James. “Man, I can never you anymore!” James said. “You got that right!” I said as I was trying to act cool.

  Emily Felz

  Don’t. Go. Through.

  One day, I was walking in the woods when I saw a weird looking door. I twisted the doorknob and nothing happened. Stupid, old, magical door. A few minutes later, the door swung wide open. Of course, like in any other story, I get sucked into a magical portal. Not surprised. I find myself on the ground. Everything seemed normal. As I kept walking, I saw a fox. My favorite animal! It was natural for me to walk up to it, but something wasn’t right. As I walked up closer, it spun around only to reveal it was three headed. Great. The three heads were chained together by a chain made of silver and aluminum. The chase is on! I am very fast, but the speed of the fox was ridiculous! I got clawed, scratched, bit and slobbered on. I finally wacked it with a stick. It ran away whimpering to my reflex. Next I saw a wolf pup on the side of a tree. Now I was careful. When I blinked, it was gone. Then with a moment’s hesitation, it came crashing down on me. This time it had wings and was the size of a tiger. It struck its fangs at me! I grabbed its neck and threw it to the ground. Talk about super strength! With a flash of red and gold light, it disappeared. Next, I saw an abandoned pizzeria. I walked inside. II saw a sign that read “Kids Cove.” Boss battle! There was a really big spider fox. Not really a spider, just a fox with a metal body. There was an off switch. I turned it off and the fox went down. Apparently, her name was Mangle. The name suits her. A portal opened up and I went home.


  The Mysterious Trip

  Eric and I were walking through the woods, we jumped over the stream and got passed the tree, then a door shows up out of nowhere. I knocked on the door three times while Eric was climbing the tree. Suddenly the tree fell over and sent Eric flying through the air and fell with a thud! I looked at the tree and found a hole that was whistling quietly. “I don’t know if we should stay here,” said Eric nervously. Then the hole started to whistle louder and louder and it sucked me and Eric in; falling to the bottom. Then Eric and I heard a voice, a very low voice and then it went dark! Next Eric and I heard a barking noise; it was a dog! It started to talk to us and said its name was Evil Paws and we were covered with chains. Then I remembered I can wiggle out of chains, so when Evil Paws was asleep we crawled through the vent to Evil Paw’s owner, Dr. Evil. He heard us, so we got out of the vent and knocked Dr. Evil over into his trap. We found the emergency exit and carried Dr. Evil to my house and me and Eric locked Dr. Evil into my sisters room and eventually, over five years he shrank and disappeared. The next day we found another door on the sidewalk and I shoved my sister in first and slammed the door shut. At least me and Eric have never seen another door again.


  One Upon A Time

  Hi, my name is Kevin. We are going with Santa in Christmas with my friends, my brothers, and my mom and dad. When we’re in Santa’s house I’d knock on the door and Santa says, “Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to Santa’s house!” Santa says, “Come on in, the elves have the flu and Rudolph’s nose is burned. You got here just in time, I need your help, they need help to make presents same.” One needs to hold the light. My friends, mom, dad, brothers, and I are saving Christmas. We’re on vacation because I wanted to stay through December 7 to January 3, then I’m going home.

  The Myser Door by Yahir

  Deiog and Yahir open the door and it takes them to Mars. They walk and find the door. They open the door again and it takes them to an alien space ship. The both of them find aliens and run away. They both get to the door and open it. It takes them to a room that had space suits. They pushed the button, and they were floating to Neptune. They find the door and open it. The door takes them to the space ship again. They ran to hide. They hid in a room with a door that said “Do Not Enter.” They found the door and opened in and the aliens were there, and threw them through the door. They were back to the Pine tree and never saw the door again.

  The Lion is Alive by Junior

  The lion fur turns into twelve pieces and fly into the woods. Then the lion says “You have disturbed my 10,000 year sleep now you may pay Rus-tonl-ness! Then Alex turns into a pebble. “What have you done?!” I said. “You must find the 12 piece first, then I might turn your friend back.” I started running then I stopped I heard a wimping sound. A dog fell out of the bush, and it had 1 piece of the fur, they took it, and they helped the dog. “I will name you Ames.” I said. Time 10:00 pm. They heard an “Awwwhhhh Noooooo!” There were wolves and one had a piece!

  The Wooden Door by Gabi Noe

  Once upon a time there were two girls that are weird. One day after school the girl named Gabi yelled Madison. Madison said “Gabi what do you want? I want to go home.” “Okay, go Gabi.” “No come with me.” “Oh yeah I forgot we talk together.” She said. “Oh really you did? Whatever Madison.” Gabi said. “Okay Gabi, I did know.” Said Madison. “Okay Madds lets go.” “Fine, if I have too.” Madison said. “Well you do.” Gabi said. “Okay Gabi!” “Okay now let’s go over the stream.” Gabi said. After we jumped over the stream we got to the pine tree. There was an old wooden door. Gabi said “Let’s go in it.” “No!” said Maddy. Gabi said “Don’t be a baby.” “Okay…” Maddy said scared. Well when they opened it they screamed because they saw a lion. After they ran they say another door. They didn’t go in so they ran back to the lion they saw, but it was blocking the door. They sliced the lion, opened the door, and ran back home. They never spoke of it again.

  Zach Craig

  The spooky woods

  One day Adam, Carter, Alex, mason and Zach w
ent to school and mrs.brady is their teacher. Then they went home and walked the wrong way then they were in the woods then they tried to get out and it failed they tried to make shelter but then Adam, found a door they went inside then they saw allie dancing in Mexico then they are in outer space they are going to mars. Then they got to dance. Mexico is not that bad said Alex then Adam died cater died by the lion. Allie died then Alex turned into a girl.


  The mystery door

  One day Zach and mason, carter were walking in the woods then they went into the door and they fell in and they were at the north pole. When they met Santa clause ho ho ho said Santa here you been good kids yes good well, got presents Zach got assassins creed Adam got dirt mason got a taxi car then they found Mrs. Brady hi kids here’s your homework and then they teleport to Mexico with allie they dance a while then they teleported to the muffin man they went to Santa ho ho ho me for more presents yes. Well good here Zach got dirt just kidding he got a taco salad Adam got a Zachary Manson got a legendary ship Zach got a boat then they found another door then they went back home.

  Olivia Hall

  ten pumpkins

  Once upon a time there was a little girl and her name was Olivia and she had the most biggest pumpkins but she had a little pumpkin the littlest pumpkin in the patch she always goes but every morning to water the pumpkins but one day she went to water her pumpkins and guess what she saw there was a big bite in her favorite pumpkin and she was not going to put up with it so the next night she stayed out to see what was eating all her pumpkins but it wasn’t long before she heard something behind her she looked behind her and. She saw a big fox she asked why the fox ate her pumpkins and the fox said I thought the pumpkins had no owner.


  The Wolf Stole Me Pumpkins

  “Alex! Zeke! Something is eating your pumpkins!” I see a wolf come out. “What am I going to do?!” “I’m sorry.” The end


  The bear who ate my pumpkin

  On a Dark October night, something is eating your prized pumpkins. Hide them in the tree with your friends, me, Michelle, Ella, Kenya, and Suri. You see the bear come out and take a bite of your biggest pumpkin. He said sorry he was hungry.


  The Pumpkin Snatcher

  A dark October night something was eating my pumpkins I hid them in the tree with my friend Alyssa. We see the thing come out. It was a bear “Please stop eating my prized pumpkins.” The bear stopped.

  Mylee Noe

  The Night the Pumpkin was Bitten

  It is a dark October night and me Kelly, Sophia, Michelle, and Suri were playing outside. We played a long time. It was ten o’clock when we heard a sound from behind us. We turned around and heard the sound again and this time there was a bite in the pumpkin. We went in my house and told my mom that the pumpkin had been bitten. She said, “what!” in a really loud voice. She looked and she saw a bunny rabbit. She said Please stop eating my pumpkins and she did.


  A Dark its night when me and my friend Arian play hide and seek. I hide in the tree when I saw the ice cream truck so I left. I’m Sorry

  Stephanie S.

  The Pumpkin Eater

  A dark October night, me and Kenya something is eating our pumpkins. I hide in the tree with Kenya. A deer is eating my pumpkins. I talk to the deer he said I am sorry for eating my pumpkins.


  The Missing Pumpkin

  A big dark October night! My Pumpkin is missing I got on the tree with Stephanie and Alyssa. Something ate my best pumpkin ou of all the pumpkins. The one who ate my pumpkins was a big scary bear! It as so hungry it ate the whole in the tiny pumpkin that I like for Halloween so my house so it could look scary. The End.

  Lea Dellinger

  My Garden

  My Garden is huge! Everyone come out and look t see all the plants, but today something bit into my biggest pumpkin!! So today I hid with my friend Avery it was starting to get dark and that’s when I heard something behind me it was Bob! There he was standing there then Avery grabbed the potato gun and he said “stop eating the pumpkins or else I’ll shoot” Then we ran away. THE END


  The Pumpkin Patch

  On a dark October night, I maked a trap, but the trap didn’t work on the attacking wolf! It must be a wirwolf!

  “Don’t come again!” I said

  the wolf did not listen. I will say stop once again to try to get it to stop.

  Nicholas James Catt

  The unknown pumpkin eating spider

  It was a dark October night, and I was fast asleep. But a strange sound woke me up! I looked outside, and when I saw what it was (*gasp*) my best and biggest pumpkin had a huge bite in it! I had to find out how it got this hole. What caused the bite, So the next night I watched my pumpkin patch as the sun set. I watched, and waited. But then a strange hissing sound was behind me, I had to get out of there! So I hid behind a tree. I peeked out and saw a shadow. It was a JINTE SPIDER! But I wasn’t scared of it. I walked over to it and said “please don’t eat my pumpkin!” and he said “O.k.”



  The missing animal that accidently

  “Will you please stop eating all my pumpkins?” I asked.

  “Fine, but, only because I am so sore from eating your pumpkins!” the animal said.


  Pumpkin Patch

  One dark October night Elizabeth, Sasha, and Sloan saw something eating my pumpkins! We hid in the tree with Sloan and Sasha. I see the rabbit come out.

  “I am going to the fair bunny rabbit please, don’t eat my pumpkins!”

  “I’m sorry for eating your pumpkins; I will never eat pumpkins again!” The rabbit said

  “Thank you!”


  A dark October night, Anthony and Delfino were told something is eating your pumpkin! Anthony and Delfino hid in the tree and waited and they saw something come out of the shadows, it was Defino!


  A door opened and a bear ate my pumpkin and it said “I’m sorry” and it was sad.


  A pumpkin got eaten by a fox. I ran in and told my mom and dad.


  The bear ate my pumpkin. The bear said “I’m sorry.” I said “It’s okay.” The bear and me went to play. We played and had fun. I was so excited. I played with the bear and the fox. Then the bear hid in a hole.


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