Leashes & Lace Books 1-3: MM Romance Boxed Set

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Leashes & Lace Books 1-3: MM Romance Boxed Set Page 43

by Shaw Montgomery

  “Please touch me. Take them off, please. Wilder, I need to come.” The sweet pleading words were some of the sexiest I’d ever heard.

  Opening the button on his jeans, I carefully eased the zipper down. As my hand slid into his briefs, I moved my other hand up to his face. As I turned his head, his eyes opened up and my hand started inching closer to his cock. I took his mouth in a deep kiss as I finally let my fingers brush up against his erection.

  Lane gave himself up to me completely. He held nothing back. Whimpers and beautiful sounds flowed into my mouth, and his fingers dug into my leg. Stroking his tongue with mine, and his cock with my fingers, I kept trying to send his pleasure even higher. I wanted to give him everything, every bit of pleasure, every bit of passion, until he was right on the edge.

  Moving my hand back to use his nipples, I loved the way he squirmed and didn’t try to hide his need. But he didn’t force me to go any faster. Letting me decide how quick or how slow we went was probably a conscious decision on his part, but he also seemed to love it.

  Nothing said he wanted to take control.

  Nothing said he was frustrated with my desire to set the pace.

  No, everything from his kiss to his sweet sounds to the jerky movements that escaped as he was trying to be still said that he was loving every moment. Pinching one nipple again, I wrapped my fingers around his erection and started jerking him off.

  I pulled back just enough from his mouth to hear his beautiful moan as the pain and pleasure mingled. Kissing seemed to take more focus than he had, because he sagged back down against me and just let the pleasure roll through him. The gentle kisses I pressed to his mouth and face were probably at odds with the rough touch to his nipple and the firm grip I had on his cock, but it all just pushed him closer to the edge.

  When his eyes focused back on me, they were hazy with need and I could see how much he wanted to orgasm. “Please, Wilder, let me come.”

  Oh, my sweet stalker.

  I moved my thumb to caress around the sensitive head of his dick and pinched down on his nipple as I took his mouth. He either took that as consent or just couldn’t hold back any longer, because he cried out against my mouth, and I felt his erection jerk. His orgasm rolled through him and cum spurted out onto my hands and up his abs.

  Kisses and caresses and more little flicks of pain to his nipples had his orgasm pulsing through him. When he finally sagged against me, completely spent, he peeked up at me and smiled. “That was amazing.”

  I bent my head and gave him a tender kiss. Moving my fingers away from his nipples, I wrapped my arm around him and cradled him to my chest. I couldn’t have agreed more. He’d gone from my cute little stalker to something more precious in just days, but there was no denying the fact that nothing had ever felt more right.

  Chapter 10


  “What are you going to wear for your man?” Eli flopped down on my bed like he owned the place.

  Shaking my head, I shrugged. “He mentioned a few things that he wanted me to show him later, but I don’t know.” I pointed to the clothes on the bed. “I’m going to bring those and a few other pieces to his house, but I’m not sure what to wear when I go over there.”

  I kept digging through my drawers, mentally debating the different options. “With the other stuff, if he changes his mind, I can just leave it in the bag and it doesn’t matter. But if things get heated again…well, that’s where I’m stuck.”

  “It has to be something other than those boring ones. I can’t believe you wore those when he came over.” Eli sighed and looked at me like I was an errant child that had missed the lessons they’d been taught.

  “I wasn’t sure what would happen when he came over.” I didn’t know why I was making excuses to Eli; Wilder hadn’t minded what I’d been wearing.

  “If he seemed nervous, then I would understand. But everything you said and even the conversations you guys have had at the coffee shop says that he’s curious and at least somewhat confident. Just show him.” Eli was clearly more of a gambler than I was because he honestly didn’t understand why I was dragging my feet.

  But I hated to admit that he might be right.

  “But what if he’s—”

  Eli interrupted, shaking his head. “No, he’s asked questions, and he’s opened up to you. You’re not the first guy that he’s played doctor with, just the first one he wants to keep.”

  He let that sink in a moment as he sat up. “You have to trust that he’ll tell you if something is too much. He’s made it clear he’s curious about the lingerie and who you really are when you’re not playing Mr. Conservative in public.”

  When all I could do was stand there, not wanting to admit he was right, Eli continued. “If you’re not willing to show him, then you need to walk away. If this wasn’t something serious for him, he would have probably already started letting things fade between you guys. But just that smile when he saw you at the coffee shop yesterday said that this isn’t casual for him.”

  “It’s not casual for me either. It’s not like I’m just trying to hook up with the straight guy or bi or slightly curious guy, whatever he is. I like him.” Probably more than I should.

  Eli rolled his eyes and leaned back down on the bed. “Then show him that. If all you’re willing to show him is that facade, then he’s going to end up being frustrated, because he’s being honest with you.”

  I hated it when Eli boiled things down like that. He was such a drama queen and could be such an asshole. But most of the time, when he started lecturing people about something, he was right. It just made me want to throw something at him.

  “Okay then, smarty-pants, what do you think I should wear?” It was a stupid question, but in my defense, he’d been driving me crazy for days.

  Served me right for telling him, though.

  Eli snorted and stretched out against my pillows like a drama queen on his throne. “Well, for starters, anything but those hideous briefs.”

  I just rolled my eyes but put back the simple boy shorts I’d started to take out of the drawer. “They weren’t hideous.”

  “Hideous enough. You’re going to wear something sexy and fabulous so when you strip down, you look incredible.” Then Eli’s whole body tightened, and he grinned. “Because he wants to sketch you, and that has to be hotter than Roman taking pictures. It’s like Titanic all over again, but this time there’s no sinking boat or asshole fiancés in the background.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “So what? I’m just supposed to throw myself on his couch and say ‘Wilder, sketch me like one of your French girls’?”

  Eli nodded excitedly. “God, wouldn’t that be hot?”

  “You’re insane.” It was going to be sexy, though.

  “I’m fabulous, and you know it.” Eli’s grin turned slightly wicked. “How about a skirt and those red panties from the shoot a few weeks ago? That would look awesome as a striptease.”

  When had it become a striptease?

  “Eli, I’m not pole dancing for the guy.” I wasn’t sure I had the balls for that and I also wasn’t sure about the coordination factor as well. “I’m going to show him some lingerie, and hopefully will have sex if things go right.”

  “That’s just semantics, dear. Okay, no skirt. Let me think.” Eli sat up, glancing between my closet and the dresser. “Are you sure you don’t want to wear any of your pretty clothes?”

  Eli sounded truly disappointed, like I’d told him he couldn’t have a puppy or something. I just gave him a stern look. “That doesn’t work on me, stop pouting. And no, I’m not wearing anything like what you’re imagining clear across town.”

  Although, part of me wanted to—there was no denying that.

  Most of the time, when I thought about wearing a skirt or dress, or even just heels in public, it was like a tornado settled in my stomach. There was just no way. But something about the way Wilder looked at me made me curious. “How about the heels with those black skinny jeans? W
ilder said he thought something like that would be sexy.”

  I’d only worn the shoes out a handful of times. I loved the way they made me feel. Eli had badgered me into wearing them when we’d gone out to a club a few times and when I dressed up for Halloween.

  I’d never worn them on a date.

  Eli brightened, like a kid who’d been promised an ice cream cone. “Yes, that would look good. And what about that white top? The one that’s clingy and almost see-through.”

  That was one of the shirts I’d only worn around the house. It wasn’t so feminine people would stare, but it didn’t look like anything that could be purchased in the men’s department. But it was soft and silky, and I loved the way it looked on me. It would also look good with the pants. “I don’t know.”

  Eli gave me his puppy dog expression, trying to look innocent. “You’re just going from here to the car and then from your car to his place. Unless you end up in a car accident and they’re taking off your clothes, no one will notice. And at that point, they won’t care.”

  Rolling my eyes, I threw a pair of panties I’d randomly grabbed at him, wishing it was something heavier. “If I so much as get a flat tire or speeding ticket tonight, you are a dead man.”

  Eli laughed and grabbed the panties that had actually made it to the bed before flopping back against the pillows again. “It’s going to be fine. You worry too much.” He held up the little black panties and grinned. “These would be perfect.”

  “I worry just the right amount, thank you very much. You just don’t worry enough. And there is no way I’m wearing those.” There just wasn’t much to them.

  I looked back down at the clothes in the drawer and tried to figure out what to wear. But I couldn’t get Eli’s striptease images out of my head. Doing something like that wasn’t me, and wasn’t something I could make look natural, but the heels and the shirt would make the perfect backdrop for the right panties.

  Trying to picture what Wilder would like, because that was really what it was about, I pulled out a pair of black, sheer, lacy panties that were sexy but not as tiny as the ones Eli was twirling around on one finger.

  They looked a lot like the ones Wilder had already said sounded intriguing.

  They wrapped around my hips and left most of my ass bare, meeting in the middle for a nearly G-string back that went down between my cheeks. There was just enough fabric in the front to tuck my cock to one side.

  They wouldn’t work for hiding I was a guy—no, they were for drawing attention to that.

  As I let my fingers wander over the fabric, Eli sat up and looked at what I was playing with. “Oh, those are good too.”

  “Do you think?” Part of me wanted to go back to something plainer, but then I remembered the look on Wilder’s face.

  Eli was right, Wilder had spelled out very clearly that he wanted to see the things I liked. He’d done as much as he could on his own. He’d gone to the website to see what I’d worn and had clearly been thinking about it.

  But the next part was up to me.

  “Absolutely. You’re going to knock his socks off. Hopefully, something sexier than that other pair.” Eli’s face scrunched up like I was a new animal he couldn’t classify…like he’d met bigfoot or something. “I can’t believe you let him get away without trying to seduce him. Even a blow job or something to get him naked.”

  “Eli!” God, when was I going to learn not to share? “He was controlling things and seemed content with the way it went. It’s not like I was playing hard to get at that point. If he’d wanted to take things further he would’ve said something.”


  His desire had been evident, I’d felt it pressing into my back as we’d cuddled and as he’d touched me. I wanted to push things further than he’d taken them, though. He’d made it clear that he’d fooled around a little, but it had never been anything serious, and it didn’t sound like he’d gone very far.

  Letting some guy jerk him off or go down on him in the back of a bar wasn’t the same thing as making out with a date. Wilder seemed to take everything in stride, but I knew that a lot of guys would’ve panicked at that point, and I hadn’t wanted to push him.

  Yes, I’d imagined for days what it would’ve been like to undress him and touch him, but I’d wait until he was ready, or until he gave me permission. God, that was hot enough that my cock started to thicken. Trying to mentally change the subject, because the thought of Wilder dominating me was just too perfect, I turned my focus back to Eli. “How are things with you and Roman?”

  I was mostly interested in how things were with his family, but I wasn’t sure if Eli was ready to talk about that yet. Eli grinned. “Fabulous. Oh, I wanted to talk to you about that photo shoot idea.”

  He was like a dog obsessing over his favorite toy. I was going to end up doing that photo shoot just to get him to focus on something else.

  Eli didn’t seem to realize he was driving me crazy, though. He could just see it so clearly in his head and was so excited that he charged right in again. “I was talking with Roman, and we had the best idea. What do you think about asking Wilder to do it with you?”


  I just stood there staring at him.

  Eli seemed to realize I was shocked because he sat up again, gesturing excitedly. “You can’t say no yet. You haven’t heard the whole idea. Wilder has all those fabulous tattoos, and they have to keep going across his body, you know they do. You have that sweetness that shows up in the photos, it would be such a cool BDSM shoot. The contrast would be amazing.”

  He was too excited and too convinced he was right to understand the word no at that point. The fact that he was probably right didn’t help either. Even I had to admit the scene would be fabulous. I just couldn’t see Wilder doing it or even asking him to consider it. Just imagining the conversation was almost impossible.

  “We’ll see. I’m not promising anything, Eli.” That was as close as I could get to bursting his bubble. I just had to wait until Roman brought it up and then I could find a way to get out of it. Roman could be difficult sometimes, but he knew when to back off.

  Unlike Eli.

  Eli just smiled. If he heard any reluctance in my voice, he ignored it—which didn’t surprise me at all. “You’ll see. It’ll be fabulous.”

  The new conversation was just as difficult as the old one. Sometimes, I wasn’t even sure why I tried with him. “What are you guys doing this weekend?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not sure yet. Roman has a shoot Saturday afternoon that I’m going to help with, and I’ve got some other paperwork I have to do. It should be a fairly lazy weekend, though.”

  “No crazy shoots planned for just the two of you?”

  Eli grinned. “I said lazy, not boring.”

  “Just remember what Preston said.” I laughed as Eli rolled his eyes. We’d all heard what Preston had to say about Eli and Roman in the studio alone. But Preston had just about given up trying to remind Eli not to get too crazy in the studio.

  The lectures weren’t working.

  Sometimes I had a feeling Eli was doing it just to push Preston’s buttons. He seemed to think that Preston was under too much stress, and I had to agree with him. But getting Preston to lecture and rant about Eli’s behavior wasn’t the best way for Eli to help. Not that he agreed with me.

  “Preston needs more excitement in his life. He’s working more hours than he needs to and I’ve caught him sleeping in the upstairs apartments way too often lately.” Eli’s tone had moved from ready to tease to honestly worried.

  “Are you just concerned for Preston, or are you frustrated that he’s stopping your fun?” I knew how close he and Preston were, which was why I was just teasing.

  Eli merely grinned and shrugged. “What can I say? He needs a hobby. Or someone to obsess over. Why can’t we find a stalker for him?”

  Preston might not have a stalker, but he did have someone who was very curious about everything he did.

“I’m not sure that’s the healthiest option. And I’m speaking from experience, remember?” Just because I’d gotten lucky didn’t mean we needed to wish an obsessive stalker on Preston.

  Eli huffed. “You’re getting too boring. We need more excitement around here. We need to get everybody together and go out. It’s been too long since we did anything fun.”

  “Whose fault is that? You’ve been the one who’s been obsessing over your man.” But having quiet evenings at home to get work done hadn’t been terrible.

  Eli grinned. “Reese has been just as bad.”

  Rolling my eyes, I went over to the closet and pulled out a small gym bag to pack everything in. “I was left alone so often I turned into a stalker. If I’d gotten in trouble, it would’ve been all your fault.”

  Eli laughed. “Because I’m a terrible influence. Isn’t it fabulous?”

  “I’m not sure I’d call it fabulous.”

  Heading back over to the dresser, I started putting in the nightgowns and things that Wilder had mentioned. Just thinking of what could happen had my knees going weak. Maybe heels weren’t such a good idea.

  Eli must have sensed my growing nerves, because he jumped off the bed and bounded across the room. Throwing his arms around me, he gave me a kiss on the cheek. “You are going to have a wonderful night and show off how sexy you are to your big tattooed hunk.“

  I just hoped Eli was right.

  Chapter 11


  He’d been nervous since he’d walked in the door. Lane was giving off mixed signals, but the one thing I was sure about was that I was excited to see what he was going to wear. And not just because it meant I was seeing him almost naked.

  He was finally going to let me see the real Lane.

  As we’d gotten to know each other, I’d come to understand how careful he’d been. Some things I’d already realized, like letting me take the lead to initiate the physical side of our relationship. Other things had taken longer to figure out. Like the fact that until he’d shown up at my house, I’d never seen him in anything remotely feminine.


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