Scholomance 5

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Scholomance 5 Page 22

by Logan Jacobs

  “Oh, yes, you can,” Theodora coughed and waved her daughter away. “I’ll be fine… go with Cole and do whatever needs to be done, and be quick about it, for Satan’s sake.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Vanessa answered after a long, deliberating moment. “We won’t let you down.”

  “Come on,” I ordered before I grabbed Vanessa’s hand and practically dragged her away from her mother. Then I grabbed the professor by her shoulders, forced her to look at me, and gazed deeply into her eyes before I gave her my next command. “I’m going to grab all the books, and then I’ll meet you back in the banquet hall. Do not say a word until I get there.”

  For once in her life, Vanessa did not argue. She simply nodded and then rushed out the door and down the corridor.

  I opened the fireplace and retrieved all the forbidden books, and I glanced at Theodora one last time before I swept out the door. I felt terrible for leaving her here to recover on her own, but time was of the essence.

  So, I sped through the door and practically flew down the corridors until I reached the banquet hall where the Scholomance students were eating with the newly resurrected witches. When I stepped inside, all the chitter-chatter died, and then all eyes turned to me. The room was filled with heavy silence as I marched down to the front of the hall where the other professors were seated, and Vanessa turned to look at me with imploring eyes and a pale face.

  I could tell she was still worried about her mother, so I decided I would take the lead now.

  “Cole?” Evanora asked as she stood up and then regarded the books with skeptical eyes. “Just what on hell’s red soil do you think you’re doing with those books?”

  Instead of directly answering her question, I slammed the heavy textbooks down on the table and narrowed my eyes at Professor Luna.

  “What?” she asked as she brushed back her long, pale blonde hair. “Do I have something on my face?”

  “Tomorrow’s lesson is going to take place right now,” I said as I grabbed the book of Shadow and handed it to her.

  “What in Satan’s name are you talking about?” she inquired with a raised, pale blonde eyebrow. “And how dare you presume to give me orders--”

  “The headmistress had a vision,” Vanessa explained in a faint voice. “A violent one at that--”

  “And she said we have three days until an army arrives,” I finished. “We need to complete this last class and then organize the school into distinct groups.”

  “Distinct groups?” Professor Crimson repeated. “We’ve already been doing that--”

  “I’m talking about devising groups for war,” I explained. “You all know which students are more gifted in certain areas, and we need to devise a strategy before the third day. Once we’ve completed the last class, you will need to summon your best students and separate them into legions. Those who are best in hexes should be put into one group, while those who are more skilled in shadow should be placed in another, and so on.”

  The professors all turned to look at each other with furrowed eyebrows and deep, concerned frowns, and I could see the color draining from their faces as the realization of what was about to happen dawned on them.

  “Be that as it may, it is highly unusual to take orders from a student like this, Cole--” Professor Evanora began, but then Vanessa raised a hand to stop her from saying another word.

  “This is a highly unusual situation,” Vanessa cut in, “and as much as it irks me to admit this aloud, Cole is correct, and we must listen to him. Theodora ordered it, and we know her word is final.”

  The professors all sighed and then shook their heads before meeting my eyes once more.

  “Can this truly be happening?” Luna asked in a faint voice as she pressed her fingertips against her temples.

  “It is happening,” I answered in a firm tone, “and the time to act is right fucking now. Otherwise, we’ll all die. I’ve seen it myself in a vision.”

  Again, the professors all swapped fearful glances amongst each other, but Luna abruptly stood up and cleared her throat.

  “Then let’s get started,” she declared. “As you said, we have no time to waste.”

  “I’ll formally inform the students,” Vanessa added, and it seemed as if her poise and determination had also returned.

  “Excellent,” I said.

  Vanessa brushed past me and then headed toward the very front of the banquet hall before she raised her hands high into the air and regarded the entire academy.

  “Attention all!” she bellowed in her most commanding voice. “What I am about to tell you will cause you serious alarm, but I want you to remember to keep a collected frame of mind. Tonight, Headmistress Theodora saw into our future, and it appears war is on the horizon. She is alright and remains strong, but we have exactly three days to prepare before battle, and we will waste no time. Those of you who are highly skilled in the arts of Shadow will join Professor Luna on the grounds, and she will be the one to select those whom she so desires.”

  The entire banquet hall began to mutter and gasp in a collective panic, but Vanessa was not having any of it.

  “Silence!” she roared.

  The room went still once more, and then Vanessa took in a long, deep breath. The tension in the air was so thick I could have sliced it with a dagger. I knew the students were filled with alarm and panic, but now was not the time to falter, and Professor Vanessa knew it.

  “I know you’re frightened, and I know this has been an unusual way to conduct our classes, but we have no other choice,” the determined and poised professor continued. “Satan may be testing us, but I know, deep within my heart, that we stand a chance. This is not the time to show any form of weakness, so, with that being said, there will be no sleep tonight. We can rest when this is finished, but for now, we must prepare.”

  Vanessa turned to look at Professor Luna and gestured for her to come up and join her. The pale-haired witch quickly pulled herself up from her seat and then glided over to stand by her side. She was wearing a pale blue dress with vibrant stones sewn onto the sleeves, and her long, blonde hair was flowing down to her waist. She reminded me of a vengeful angel, with her bloodthirsty and determined eyes and malefic scowl.

  “I will be shadow porting those of you who I believe are the most skilled in my class,” Luna explained in the same firm voice. “The rest of you will remain behind and be placed into whatever group the rest of the professors see fit. Everyone is expected to do their part, and that means we need everyone, no matter what level you are, to play a role of some kind. No dawdling of any sort. Understood?”

  Before the banquet hall could erupt with questions or frantic whispers, Luna snapped her fingers, and a great cloud of smoke spewed across the room. I sensed my body leaving the castle, and when the world stopped twisting and turning, I found myself standing by my coven among crowds of other students. We were all standing in a green, open field, and a bright, blood-red sun was setting over the horizon.

  I spotted Nyx and Beatrix among the gatherings and beckoned for them to join us.

  “Unholy fucking shit,” Akira whispered as her black eyes scanned the mass of witches collected on the plains.

  “So, this is really happening,” Penelope whispered.

  “It would appear so,” Morgana said as she began to pull her long, wavy hair into a sensible bun.

  “Satan, I don’t see the twins,” Beatrix remarked as she joined our group.

  “Are you really surprised?” Akira scoffed.

  “Cole, were you there when the headmistress had her vision?” Vesta asked in a soft voice as her silver eyes peered into mine.

  “Yes,” I answered in a grave tone.

  “Well, shit,” Faye breathed as she rubbed at her temples. “Was it as terrible as Vanessa made it seem?”

  “Worse, but we need to keep a cool head,” I reminded them all. “We need to focus and not dwell on the worst possibilities. All of our lives depend on it. Got it?”

  “Yes, master,”
my coven responded, and the others nodded in agreement.

  “Attention all!” Professor Luna cried out. “Gather around me, and quickly now.”

  The beautiful professor had the Shadow book in her hand, and she cleared her throat and began to scan the pages as quickly as possible.

  “I have begun reading the ancient incantations of Shadow, but I will be forthcoming with you all,” she began, “I only just started. Now that time is limited, I will show you exactly what I have learned, and hopefully, all should go according to plan.”

  Instead of erupting into a chorus of whispers and conversation, the students all remained tight-lipped and simply nodded in the professor’s direction. I could feel a shift in the air, and even though I knew the witches were terrified for their lives, they were also determined and strong-willed, and that was the exact energy I knew we needed to win this fucking battle.

  But we still had a long way to go.

  “We all know the basis of summoning our own shadow,” Luna continued as her lavender eyes scanned the vast crowd, “but what you don’t know is how to summon it to its full, satanic power. In the days of the First Dawn, the Wicca who harnessed the ancient power against elder magic used their shadows to complete the most arduous and dangerous tasks. These shadows could take out entire mortal villages and ravage great elder castles. The process of summoning such a great shadow, though, is far more draining than the magic we’re accustomed to. If not completed properly, it can cause a fate even worse than death itself… but we are the Wicca of Scholomance Academy, and we will not be deterred by the threat of death or purgatory. We will prevail, and we will conquer. Now, everyone, gather into a circle.”

  Witches quickly took their positions, and we all collected ourselves into a large circle and then stared at the pale-haired professor as she slowly wandered right into the middle of the organized gathering. She still had the book in her hands, and before she glanced down at the ancient text, she regarded her students with a serene and self-assured smile.

  “Watch me closely,” she ordered before she carefully set the open book down. She then retrieved her wand and aimed it high above her head. “Qui vocat umbra mea, et in umbra mortis exitium!”

  Her eyes slowly shifted from magnificent lavender to menacing, blazing yellow orbs when the incantation left her lips, and her skin morphed from pale as snow to a sickly green. Thunder rang from above, and the sunset-hued sky turned black as a raven’s wing.

  Luna bent her neck back, and then, when she opened her mouth, a cloud of dark smoke emerged from her lips and began to take form. The beautiful professor’s body started to tremble, and her eyes widened and nearly bulged out of their sockets when the black shadow finally left her body.

  Professor Luna jerked back as soon as the silhouette seeped entirely from her mouth, and then the color gradually returned to her face, and her eyes turned back into their stunning lilac color. She was gaping at the shadow before her, and it was about the size of a towering castle pillar. The shadow had a pair of glowing yellow eyes that reminded me of a golden sunset, and its face resembled an obscure version of Professor Luna. It had the same small narrow nose, almond curved eyes, and heart-shaped face. However, this version of Luna was far more feral, and when it opened its mouth, I saw rows of sharp, transparent teeth that reminded me of icicles.

  “Professor?” Morgana asked in a small voice. “Are… are you alright?”

  Luna turned to look at the bookish brunette, but it took her a long moment to say anything at all. She panted heavily and seemed to be entirely out of breath, and her eyes were brimming with tears.

  Then the shadow turned to look at Morgana with a foreboding glare, and for a terrifying moment, I thought it was going to attack her.

  “No!” Luna shouted before the silhouette could even move an inch. “You are mine to command. Now, stand by my side and be my obedient servant from here on out. Do you understand, slave?”

  The shadow swung its sinister head to look back in Professor Luna’s direction, and then it opened its dark mouth. A piercing scream escaped its dark lips, and the sound was so unbearable, it could have broken glass.

  Everyone, aside from Luna, covered their ears and scrunched up their faces in agony.

  “Enough!” Luna cried out in a commanding voice. “You are mine to control… again, I forbid you to attack anything or anyone unless I give you the command. If you do not abide by my rules, I will send you back from where you came, and you shall never return.”

  The silhouette regarded Professor Luna and outstretched its cloudy hand as if it were preparing to choke the life out of her, but then Luna raised her hands even higher into the air, and as she did so, her eyes filled with unrelenting determination and valor.

  “I command you to stop!” she bellowed.

  The shadow came to a sudden halt, and the air swiftly shifted. A calm presence drifted through the field, and then Luna’s silhouette hovered over the pale-haired professor and remained compliant and still as it awaited her next command.

  “Excellent,” Luna breathed before she wiped the sweat from her brow. “Now… let’s see which of you can summon your shadowy half. Nyx… would you come here, please?”

  The sapphire-skinned witch took a tentative step toward the scarlet-haired professor, and her indigo eyes were wide with apprehension and terror, but she did not dare voice her concerns aloud. Instead, she took a sharp breath and stood tall before the unwavering professor.

  “I’m ready,” Nyx said with as much confidence as she could muster.

  “Just repeat everything, word for word,” Luna instructed in a calm voice.

  Nyx nodded deeply and then pulled out her wand and aimed it high above her head. “Qui vocat umbra mea, et in umbra mortis exitium!”

  A moment later, Nyx’s stunning purple eyes shifted to a glowing, lightning hued yellow, and when her deep blue lips parted open, a cloud of black smoke emerged from her mouth as her entire body began to violently tremble. Ebony mist continued to spurt out from her lips, and the blue-skinned witch nearly fell backward as her dark double exited her body and hovered in front of her.

  Nyx struggled to catch her breath, and her pallid face scrunched up in pain as she placed a hand over her heart.

  “I-I can barely breathe,” she panted.

  “Nyx, you must take control over it!” Luna reminded her. “Now!”

  The sapphire witch nodded weakly and then slowly raised her hand in front of her face.

  “You… you are mine to c-control,” she muttered in a faint voice. “Be still, and listen to my v-voice.”

  “Louder, Nyx!” Luna shouted. “You must show it who is in control! Speak with authority and demand obedience!”

  “I’m… trying…” The blue-skinned witch’s slim body stumbled and swayed, and not another word left her lips. She could barely keep her eyes open, and the shadow knew it. So, it took advantage of the situation, quickly expanded in size, and let out a petrifying scream that caused every witch to cover their ears and close their eyes.

  I watched in horror as the shadow neared the weakened Nyx and opened its black hole of a mouth. Its screams grew louder, and I knew its only intention was to harm the blue-skinned witch and take away her own soul.

  Or worse.

  At that moment, I knew I couldn’t just stand by and watch, so I cleared my throat and thrust my own wand into the air without another thought. “Qui vocat umbra mea, et in umbra mortis exitium!”

  Violent fury cascaded across the sky, and a blast of furious red smoke emerged from the tip of my wand and began to take on a gigantic form. My entire body convulsed as lightning seemed to race through my veins, and it felt like my lifeforce was being transmitted into my shadow.

  The sky darkened as the world shook, but my weary eyes were fixated on the shadowy demon before me. Then an echo of gasps filled the air as my crimson double grew in size. Massive, curved red horns, like a ram’s, began to form on each side of its head, and then its smile revealed rows of sha
rp, yellow stained teeth.

  I gazed upon a misty demon of epic proportions, and just when I thought it stopped increasing in size and power, enormous scarlet wings sprouted from its back. Then it opened its shadowy mouth and screamed in a tongue I’d never heard before.

  The agonizing sound pierced my skull to the point where I thought it would crack like marble, and blood began to drip from my broken eardrums. The other witches all crouched down in anguish, and I knew I had to take control over the situation before the shadows wreaked havoc on us all.

  “Hey!” I shouted, even though I could barely hear my own voice. “Over here, remember me?”

  My red double slowly ceased its unbearable screaming before it craned its shadowy neck to gaze down at me with its bright yellow eyes. For a moment, I thought I could see recognition in its soulless stare, and a wave of pure relief washed over my aching body.

  “I’m your master,” I reminded the entity. “You are mine to command, and you’ve served me well… I know you must be feeling different, but regardless, you belong to me.”

  The crimson silhouette stared long and hard into my eyes while Nyx’s black shadow began to float aimlessly in a circle. My stomach tightened in a knot as the eyes of the blue-skinned witch’s dark reflection fixated on Nyx once more, as if it were trying to decide when or how to devour her.

  I knew I had to act quickly.

  “I order you to take control of that disobedient shadow,” I commanded as I pointed at Nyx’s massive doppelganger. “All shadows that will be resurrected from our bodies will be yours to command. I am giving you control over them, but only as long as you remember you still answer to me.”

  My crimson shadow craned himself forward to peer deep into my eyes, but as Nyx’s shadow floated away from the horned witch and neared a trembling wicca with long pink hair and bright, green eyes, my double whipped around and roared at the disobedient silhouette. It abruptly stopped in its tracks and turned away from the terrified witch, and it gazed at my shadow with bright eyes. Then, to my relief and amazement, Nyx’s black silhouette gently bowed to my towering scarlet shadow, and the air settled.


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