The Age of Louis XIV

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The Age of Louis XIV Page 106

by Will Durant

40. Amsterdam.

  41. Dresden.

  42. New York.

  43. Mather, 590.

  44. In Beard, Miriam, 288.

  45. In Browne, Sir Thomas, Religio Medici, 19.

  46. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 94; Martin, Louis XIV, 1, 333.

  47. Voltaire, 93.

  48. Bowen, Marjorie, William Prince of Orange, 196.

  49. Martin, I, 347.

  50. Bowen, 92.

  51. Camb. Mod. History, V, 158.

  52. Burnet, Bishop, History of His Own Times, 117.

  53. Camb. Mod. History, V, 160; Acton, Lectures, 228.

  54. Kronenberger, Marlborough’s Duchess, 30.


  1. Firth, Oliver Cromwell, 228.

  2. Ibid., 230.

  3. Trevor-Roper, Historical Essays, 218–219.

  4. Firth, 244.

  5. Gooch, English Democratic Ideas in the 17th Century, 168.

  6. Trevelyan, England under the Stuarts, 294.

  7. Carlyle, Oliver Cromwell, I, 427.

  8. Ibid., 428; Gardiner, S.R., History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, I, 48.

  9. Gooch, 183–84; Bowie, Western Political Thought, 343.

  10. Gooch, 189–90.

  11. D’Alton, History of Ireland, IV, 308.

  12. Camb. Mod. History, IV, 533.

  13. Carlyle, Cromwell, I, 458.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Firth, 255.

  16. Camb. Mod. History, IV, 538.

  17. Firth, 259.

  18. Lingard, History of England, VIII, 178.

  19. Churchill, Winston, History of the English-speaking Peoples, II, 235.

  20. Lingard, VIII, 146.

  21. Lang, Andrew, History of Scotland, III, 233.

  22. Morley, John, Oliver Cromwell, 319.

  23. Gooch, 165.

  24. Lingard, VIII, 194–95.

  25. Firth, 312; Hallam, Constitutional History of England, II, 229–30.

  26. Gardiner, History of the Commonwealth, II, 208–10; History Today, October 1953, p. 690.

  27. Morley, Cromwell, 336.

  28. Firth, 319.

  29. Hume, David, History of England, IV, 55 m.

  30. Churchill, II, 245.

  31. Guizot, History of Civilization, I, 240–1.

  32. Lingard, VIII, 207.

  33. Ibid., 211; Trevor-Roper, 188.

  34. Morley, Cromwell, 427.

  35. Firth, 445.

  36. Hume, D., History, IV, 578.

  37. Walpole, Horace, Anecdotes of Painting in England, I, 425.

  38. Lingard, VIII, 271.

  39. Hallam, Constitutional History, II, 241–243; Morley, Cromwell, 390.

  40. Morley, 400.

  41. Plato, Republic, §§556–65.

  42. Evelyn, Diary, I, 331.

  43. Morley, Cromwell, 413.

  44. Macaulay, History of England, I, 128.

  45. Lingard, VIII, 203.

  46. Firth, 355; Morley, 412.

  47. Hume, D., History, V, 45.

  48. Churchill, II, 248.

  49. Firth, 344.

  50. In Masson, David, Life of John Milton, V, 23.

  51. Fox, George, Journal, 34.

  52. Ibid., 4–5.

  53. 8–9.

  54. 11.

  55. 12.

  56. 20.

  57. 22.

  58. 27.

  59. 36.

  60. 43.

  61. 51.

  62. 105–6.

  63. Firth, 357.

  64. Lingard, VIII, 243–44.

  65. Beard, Miriam, 397; Firth, 392.

  66. Beard, 396.

  67. Churchill, II, 249.

  68. Hume, D., History, IV, 592.

  69. Firth, 433.

  70. Harding, T. S., Fads, Frauds, and Physicians, 118.

  71. Lingard, VIII, 267.

  72. Ibid., 268.

  73. Macaulay, History, I, 152.

  74. Enc. Brit., VI, 745d.

  75. Camb. Mod. History, IV, 542.

  76. Masson, Milton, V, 619.

  77. Bowle, Western Political Thought, 337.

  78. Camb. Mod. History, IV, 554; Bryant, Sir Arthur, Charles II, 58.

  79. Lingard, VIII, 236.

  80. Hallam, II, 328.

  81. Ibid., 329.

  82. Bryant, 60.

  83. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 66.

  84. Bryant, 64.

  85. Lingard, VIII, 304.


  1. Allen, J. W., English Political Thought, 268.

  2. Walton, Izaak, Complete Angler, 15.

  3. Palgrave, Golden Treasury, 67.

  4. Bunyan, Grace Abounding, No. 2, in Entire Works, I, 5–6.

  5. Ibid., No. 4.

  6. No. 8.

  7. In Froude, Bunyan, p. 8.

  8. Bunyan, Grace Abounding, No. 14.

  9. Ibid., No. 97.

  10. No. 96.

  11. No. 104.

  12. Coulton, Life in the Middle Ages, I, p. 20.

  13. Grace Abounding, No. 116.

  14. Froude, Bunyan, p. 59.

  15. Ibid., 65.

  16. 72.

  17. 74–82.

  18. Pilgrim’s Progress, 7.

  19. Acts XVI, 31.

  20. Pilgrim’s Progress, 169–71.

  21. Ibid., 193.

  22. 196.

  23. 11.

  24. Camb. History of English Literature, VII, 197–98.

  25. Froude, Bunyan, 86.

  26. Milton, Defensio Secunda, in Areopagitica and Other Works, 291.

  27. Johnson, Samuel, Lives of the Poets, I, 57.

  28. Saintsbury, History of English Literature, 159.

  29. Milton, Reason of Church Government, in Areopagitica, etc., 305.

  30. Milton, Poetical Works, 46.

  31. Comus, II. 768f.

  32. Defensio Secunda, loc. cit., 293.

  33. Reason of Church Government, loc. cit., 301.

  34. “Letter to Mr. Hartlib,” in Areopagitica, etc., 46.

  35. Johnson, Lives, I, 63.

  36. Milton, “Letter to Mr. Hartlib,” loc. cit., 48.

  37. As indicated in Apology for Smectymnuus, in Areopagitica, etc., 113.

  38. Masson, Milton, II, 215.

  39. Milton, “Of Reformation,” in Areopagitica, etc., 58.

  40. Ibid., 102.

  41. 103.

  42. Masson, II, 257.

  43. Ibid., 390, 396.

  44. Milton, in Areopagitica, etc., 123.

  45. Ibid., 121.

  46. 124.

  47. 304.

  48. Reason of Church Government, in Masson, II, 371.

  49. Areopagitica, etc., 302.

  50. Ibid., 303.

  51. 304.

  52. 146.

  53. Masson, II, 487.

  54. Aubrey, Brief Lives, 201.

  55. Milton, Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, in Taine, History of English Literature, 281.

  56. Pattison, Mark, Milton, 58.

  57. Areopagitica, etc., 198.

  58. Ibid., 225.

  59. 195.

  60. Masson, III, 320–21.

  61. Ibid., 269.

  62. Areopagitica, 4–5.

  63. Ibid., 21.

  64. 13.

  65. 35.

  66. 36.

  67. 38.

  68. 34.

  69. Masson, IV, 64.

  70. Ibid., 92.

  71. Areopagitica, etc., 4.

  72. Masson, IV, 45n.

  73. In Areopagitica, etc., 289.

  74. Masson, IV, 168.

  75. Ibid., 255–58.

  76. 261.

  77. 263–67.

  78. Johnson, Lives, I, 69.

  79. Masson, IV, 520.

  80. Defensio Secunda, in Johnson, I, 72.

  81. Masson, IV, 455–56.

  82. Ibid., 457.

  83. Ibid., 458.

  84. Disraeli, Curiosities, I, 154.

  85. Masson, IV, 627.

86. Ibid., 582.

  87. 588.

  88. 605.

  89. 612–15.

  90. 609.

  91. 610.

  92. Ibid.

  93. Masson, V, 206.

  94. Ibid., 215.

  95. 369–70.

  96. 573.

  97. Ready and Easy Way, in Areopagitica, etc., 166–69.

  98. Ibid., 186.

  99. 181.

  100. Masson, V, 603.

  101. Aubrey, 202.

  102. Masson, VI, 447, 649; Johnson, Lives, I, 87.

  103. Pattison, Milton, 148.

  104. Masson, VI, 476.

  105. Aubrey, 201.

  106. Paradise Lost, VII, 26.

  107. Hutchinson, F. E., Milton and the English Mind, 118.

  108. Johnson, I, 85.

  109. Ibid., 102, 108.

  110. Paradise Lost, 1, 11. 106f., 105–40.

  111. Ibid., 1, 253–55.

  112. IV, 800.

  113. IV, 515f.

  114. IX, 703–8.

  115. VIII, 66f.

  116. IV, 738f.

  117. IX, 1051f.

  118. X, 884, 888f.

  119. Cf. IV, 634–38.

  120. Samson Agonistes, 1053–60.

  121. Masson, VI, p. 830.

  122. Paradise Lost, III, 1. 183; Masson, VI, p. 831.

  123. Masson, 818.

  124. De Doctrina Christiana, Ch. xxx, in Willey, Seventeenth-Century Background, 71–72.

  125. Masson, VI, 827.

  126. John Toland in Hutchinson, 152.

  127. Johnson, I, 192.

  128. Masson, VI, 683; Hutchinson, 104.

  129. Aubrey, 201.

  130. Masson, II, 473.

  131. Ibid., I, 312.

  132. Johnson, I, 60.

  133. De Doctrina Christiana, in Masson, VI, 837.

  134. Paradise Lost, 1, l. 496; IV, 765f.

  135. Masson, VI, p. 654.

  136. Paradise Regained, 11, ll. 352f.

  137. Ibid., IV, 338.

  138. IV, 606.

  139. Masson, VI, p. 655.

  140. Johnson, I, 88.

  141. Samson Agonistes, ll. 68–72, 80–82.

  142. Ibid., 1034–60.

  143. Ibid., 597–98.

  144. Masson, VI, p. 727.

  145. Johnson, I, 92.

  146. Dryden, Essays, 108.

  147. The Spectator, Jan. 5–May 3, 1712.


  1. Evelyn, Diary, I, 341.

  2. Bryant, Charles II, 85.

  3. Gooch, English Democratic Ideas in the 17th Century, 271.

  4. Taine, English Literature, 314.

  5. Hume, History of England, V, 61.

  6. Bryant, 90.

  7. Ibid., 89; Churchill, II, 264.

  8. Cf. his speech in Peterson, H., Treasury of the World’s Great Speeches, 96.

  9. Pepys, Diary, Oct. 13, 1660.

  10. Evelyn, Diary, I, 350.

  11. As by Macaulay, History of England, I 135; cf. Bryant, 128.

  12. Burnet, History of His Own Times, 71.

  13. Bryant, 133.

  14. Ibid., 159.

  15. Pepys, July 27, 1667.

  16. Burnet, 101.

  17. Grammont Memoirs, 115n.

  18. Ibid., 116.

  19. Pepys, May 19, 1668.

  20. Bryant, 238.

  21. Evelyn, Oct. 4, 1683.

  22. Taine, English Literature, 314.

  23. Bishop, A. T., Renaissance Architecture of England, 43.

  24. Burnet, 103.

  25. Evelyn, Feb. 4, 1685.

  26. Grammont Memoirs, 350.

  27. Ibid., 356.

  28. Aubrey, 288.

  29. Bryant, 168.

  30. Burnet, 33.

  31. Bryant, 82.

  32. Robertson, J. M., Freethought, II, 84.

  33. Buckle, la, 261n.

  34. In Robinson, J. H., Readings in European History, 363.

  35. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 137.

  36. Hallam, Constitutional History, II, 327.

  37. Ibid.

  38. Burnet, 41.

  39. Dick, O. L., Introd. to Aubrey, Lives, lxxviii.

  40. Besant, Walter, London in the Time of the Stuarts, 87; Lecky, W. E., History of . . . the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, II, 66.

  41. Burnet, 45–46; Ure, Peter, Seventeenth-Century Prose, 136–38.

  42. Burnet, 45.

  43. Quoted on title page of Toland’s Christianity Not Mysterious.

  44. In Allen, J. W., English Political Thought, 297.

  45. Markun, Leo, Mrs. Grundy: A History of Four Centuries of Morals, 122.

  46. Weber, Max, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, 158–9.

  47. Macaulay, History, I, 377–79.

  48. Besant, London in the Time of the Stuarts, 152; Green, J. R., Short History of the English People, III, 1338.

  49. Ibid.

  50. Aubrey, 234; Enc. Brit., XVII, 473d.

  51. Buckle, la, 301n.

  52. Churchill, II, 271.

  53. Bryant, Charles II, 162n.

  54. Fülop-Miller, The Jesuits, 344; Macaulay (History, III, 261) estimated the Catholics as 2 per cent of the population of England in 1690.

  55. History Today, March 1954, p. 150.

  56. Trevelyan, English Social History, 276; Clark, G. N., Seventeenth Century, 5; Macaulay, History, I, 221.

  57. Toynbee, A. J., Study of History, ed. Somervell, 237.

  58. Trevelyan, Social History, 322; Marx, Capital, 300n.

  59. Nussbaum, Economic Institutions, 216.

  60. Wolf, History of Science . . . in the 16th and 17th Centuries, 616.

  61. Macaulay, History, I, 320.

  62. Besant, London in the Time of the Stuarts, 287.

  63. Macaulay, I, 324.

  64. Mousnier, Histoire générale, 146.

  65. Rogers, J. E. T., Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 267.

  66. Rogers, Economic Interpretation of History, 267.

  67. Nussbaum, 108.

  68. Wingfield-Stratford, 579.

  69. Ibid., 577.

  70. Lipson, E., Growth of English Society, 176–7.

  71. Ibid., 182.

  72. Hume, History, V, 429; Cunningham, W. C., Western Civilization in Its Economic Aspects, II, 216; Lecky, England in the 18th Century, I, 194.

  73. Bryant, Charles II, 278.

  74. Besant, 184.

  75. Camb. Mod. History, V, 206.

  76. Rogers, Economic Interpretation of History, 212.

  77. Besant, 122.

  78. Ure, Seventeenth-Century Prose, 47; Los Angeles Times, Dec. 21, 1958.

  79. Howard Kennedy in Los Angeles Times, March 2, 1958.

  80. Besant, 223.

  81. Defoe, Journal of the Plague Year, 7–8.

  82. Evelyn, Feb. 7, 1666; cf. Pepys, Sept. 2, 1666.

  83. Pepys, Sept. 2, 1666; Evelyn, Sept. 7, 1666; Lingard, IX, 65; Churchill, II, 277.

  84. Besant, 251.

  85. Ibid., 245.

  86. Summerson, Sir Christopher Wren, 55.

  87. Ibid., 134.

  88. Fergusson, History of Modern Styles of Architecture, 294.

  89. In Wingfield-Stratford, 605, where Riley is handsomely restored.

  90. Duke of Marlborough Collection.

  91. Pepys, Mar. 25, 1667.

  92. Ibid., Oct. 20, 1662.

  93. London, National Portrait Gallery.

  94. In Hampton Court Palace.

  95. Pepys, Sept. 2, 1666.

  96. Ibid., Jan. 16, Feb. 3, Mar. 5, Apr. 9, 1660, etc.

  97. Jan. 16, 1660.

  98. Brockway and Weinstock, The Opera, 32.

  99. Burney, Charles, General History of Music, II, 383.

  100. Ibid., 399.

  101. Rowse, A. L., The Early Churchills, 98.

  102. Hallam, Constitutional History, II, 344n.

  103. Pepys, Mar. 26, 1666.

  104. In Grammont Memoirs, 90; Macaulay, History, I,

  105. Taine, English Literature, 315.

  106. Grammont Memoirs, 281f.

  107. Pepys, Aug. 31, 1661; Nov. 9, 1663.

  108. Pope, Essay on Criticism, ll. 536–43, in Collected Poems, p. 71.

  109. Grammont Memoirs, 112.

  110. Ibid., 284n.

  111. Evelyn, I, 366.

  112. Ure, 36.

  113. Markun, Mrs. Grundy, 127.

  114. History Today, October 1958, p. 672.

  115. Trevelyan, Social History, 313.

  116. History Today, loc. cit., 668.

  117. Smith, Preserved, History of Modern Culture, I, 529.

  118. James, B. B., Women of England, 295.

  119. Camb. Mod. History, V, 213.

  120. Besant, 345.

  121. Macaulay, I, 327.

  122. Saintsbury, Dryden, 182.

  123. Bryant, 119; Camb. Mod. History, IV, 265.

  124. Macaulay, I, 240; II, 426.

  125. Hallam, II, 377.

  126. Trevelyan, England under the Stuarts, 376.

  127. Camb. Mod. History, V, 218.

  128. Pepys, Nov. 2, 1663.

  129. Ibid., Aug. 18, 1664.

  130. Besant, 303.

  131. Day, Ninon, 182.

  132. Traill, H. D., Social England, IV, 489.

  133. Ashton, J., Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne, 163.

  134. Pepys, Sept. 25, 1666.

  135. Camb. Mod. History, V, 108.

  136. Pepys, June 1, 1667.

  137. Camb. Mod. History, V, 202.

  138. Ibid.; Lingard, IX, 85.

  139. Text in Lingard, IX, Appendix; cf. Bryant, 168; Acton, Lectures, 210; Camb. Mod. History, V, 204.

  140. Ibid., 226; Lecky, History of England, I, 18.

  141. Bryant, 183.

  142. Burnet, 34.

  143. Trevelyan, England under the Stuarts, 347.

  144. Macaulay, I, 183.

  145. Camb. Mod. History, V, 220.

  146. Enc. Brit., XVI, 662c.

  147. Hallam, II, 413.

  148. Macaulay, I, 186.

  149. Trevelyan, Stuarts, 400–2.

  150. Macaulay, I, 186; Bryant, 225.

  151. Hume, History, V, 320.

  152. Trevelyan, Stuarts, 387–88.

  153. Hallam, II, 421.

  154. Acton, 215.

  155. Churchill, II, 298.

  156. Acton, 215; Hume, V, 320.

  157. Enc. Brit., XX, 616b; Guizot, History of Civilization, I, 258.

  158. Macaulay, Essays, I, 63; Wingfield-Stratford, 622; Lecky, History of England, III, 53.

  159. Bryant, 270.

  160. Mencken, H. L., New Dictionary of Quotations, 481.

  161. Bryant, 283.

  162. Ibid., 282.

  163. Turner, E. S., Call the Doctor, in Time, Dec. 8, 1958, p. 63.

  164. Macaulay, History, I, 335; Bryant, 294.

  165. Macaulay, I, 337; Bryant, 296.

  166. Macaulay, I, 338.


  1. Turin Gallery.

  2. London National Gallery.

  3. Macaulay, History, I, 560–64.


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