by Will Durant
77. Ibid., 66.
78. Voltaire, 233; Michelet, V, 95.
79. Rowse, Early Churchills, 254.
80. Trevelyan, English Social History, 294.
81. Martin, II, 474.
82. In Hoover, H., and Gibbons, H. A., Conditions of a Lasting Peace, 33.
83. In Hazard, 437.
84. Voltaire, 306.
85. Martin, II, 493.
86. Lewis, Splendid Century, 181.
87. E.g., cf. Cruttwell, 284.
88. Saint-Amand, Court of Louis XIV, 51.
89. Martin, II, 540n.
90. Cruttwell, 347.
91. Martin, II, 539.
92. Saint-Simon, II, 354; Guizot, History of France, IV, 483.
93. Boulenger, 317.
94. Saint-Simon, II, 355.
95. Ibid., 356.
96. Boulenger, 318.
97. Michelet, V, 125.
98. Martin, H., Histoire de France, XV, 7.
99. Duclos, Secret Memoirs of the Regency, 21.
100. Voltaire, 308–9.
101. Michelet, IV, 392.
102. Quoted by Voltaire, in Works, XIXb, 99.
103. Parton, Life of Voltaire, II, 493.
104. Saint-Amand, 53.
105. Acton, 234.
Dates in parentheses following a name are of birth and death except when preceded by r., when they indicate duration of reign for popes and rulers of states. A single date preceded by fl. denotes a floruit. A footnote is indicated by an asterisk. Italicized page numbers indicate principal treatment. All dates are A.D. unless otherwise noted.
Abbeville, France, 23
Abélard, Pierre (1079–1142), 609, 686
abiogenesis, 520, 521
Abjuration Act (England, 1702), 705
Aboab, Isaac, da Fonseca (1605–93), 459
Abrabanel, Isaac (1437–1508), 609
Absalom and Achitophel (Dryden), 223, 224–226, 505*
absolutism and divine right, 286, 308, 368, 369, 413, 414, 453
of Alexis of Russia, 375
Anglican Church position on, 253, 301
Bossuet’s treatise on, 77–78
Charles II of England and, 277
of Charles XII of Sweden, 369
Cromwell and, 191, 254
English Parliament’s modification of, 298–99
Fénelon’s views on, 84
Filmer’s treatise on, 253, 579–580
Hobbes’s formulations on, 549, 556–57, 560, 561, 563
James II and, 288–89, 290
Locke’s views on, 580
Louis XIV and, 6, 10, 12, 14–15, 290, 721
Peter the Great and, 375, 396
popes and, 49, 431
Spinoza’s views on, 652, 659
Academia Secretorum Naturae (Naples), 495
Académie de l’Opéra (Paris), 33
Académie de Musique (Paris), 33
Académie de Peinture et de Sculpture (Paris), 87
Académie des Beaux-Arts (Paris), 87, 89, 97, 98, 99, 434
see also French Academy
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Paris), 130
Académie des Sciences (Paris), 23, 496, 499, 533, 618
Académie Française, see French Academy
Académie Royale de Danse (Paris), 32
Académie Royale de France (Rome), 88
Académie Royale de l’ Architecture (Paris), 88
Academy of Medals and Inscriptions (Paris), 95
Academy of St. Petersburg, 403, 410, 495, 677
Accademia dei Lincei (Rome), 495
Accademia del Cimento (Florence), 495, 506
Acosta, Uriel (c. 1591–1647?), 458, 476–78, 609, 621, 653
Acta Eruditorum, Leipzig, 484, 498, 534
Acta Sanctorum, 490
Act for the Settling of Ireland (England, 1652), 187, 302
Act of Seclusion (United Provinces, 1654), 174
Act of Settlement (England, 1701), 310
Act of Toleration (England, 1689), 252, 301, 483, 589
Act of Uniformity (England, 1662), 252, 519
Acton, John Emerich, Lord (1834–1902), 686–697, 721
Adam and Eve, and original sin, 53–54, 167, 567–68, 610, 611
in Paradise Lost, 236–37
in Quaker theology, 196
fall of, explained as allegory, 507, 567
Leibniz’ conclusion from, 674.
adding machines, 56, 662
Addison, Joseph (1627–1719), 243, 275, 306, 311, 313, 340–46, 529
aid political office, 312, 342, 346, 353
and success of Cato, 321, 345
and Swift, 345, 352, 353, 354
“Adeste Fideles” (Anonymous), 690
Adrian, Patriarch (d. 1700), 399
Adrianople, 423, 455, 473, 474
adultery, 28, 31–32, 34, 195, 248, 271, 315, 415
Aeneid, The (Virgil), 162, 235, 327, 343
Aeschylus (525–456 B.C.), 135, 241, 318
Aesop (fl. 560 B.C.), 144, 145, 615
Affirmation Act (England, 1696), 301
Africa, Dutch settlements in, 172, 259
Afrosinia (fl. 1717), 407, 408
Age of Enlightenment, The (Fellows and Torrey), 697*
Agésilas (Corneille), 132
Agnès, Mère, see Arnauld, Jeanne
Ahmed III, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1703–30), 387–388
Aire, France, 714
air pollution in London, 260–61, 501
air pump, 495, 498, 511, 512, 518, 528
Aix-en-Provence, 89
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of (1668), 43, 164, 175
Akiba ben Joseph (c.50–132), 609
Alacoque, Saint Marguerite Marie (1647–90), 47
Albania, 474
Albertus Magnus, Saint (1193?–1280), 585
alchemy, 270, 481, 515, 531–32, 661
Alciphron, or The Minute Philosopher (Berkeley), 596–97
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’ (1717?–83), 60, 588, 609, 697*
Aleppo, Syria, 455
Alexander VII (Fabio Chigi), Pope (r. 1655–1667), 60, 67, 367, 430, 431, 434, 439, 441
Alexander VIII (Pietro Ottoboni), Pope (r. 1689–91), 432, 445, 689
Alexander III the Great, King of Macedon (r. 336–323 B.C.), 96, 101, 369, 571
Alexander I, Czar of Russia (r. 1801–25), 381
Alexander II, Czar of Russia (r. 1855–81), 410
“Alexander’s Feast” (Dryden), 327
Alexandre (Racine), 134–35
Alexis, Czar of Russia (r. 1645–76), 367, 370–371, 375–77, 394, 398, 403, 404
Alexis Petrovich (1690–1718), 406–8
Alfonso VI, King of Portugal (r. 1656–83), 446
Alfonso II, Duke of Ferrara (r. 1559–97), 442
Algarotti, Count Francisco (1712–64), 397*
algebra, 528, 533
All for Love (Dryden), 323
All Souls College, Oxford, 263
Almira (Handel), 419
Alsace, 11, 44, 712, 714
Altdorf, Bavaria, 495, 661
Alva, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of (1508–73), 449
Amati, Andrea (1530?–1611?), 443
Amati, Nicolò (1596–1684), 443
Amboyna, 173
America: developing democracy in, 563
English colonies in, 200, 259, 311, 713, 714, 715
English migration to, trade with, 183, 185, 248, 254
French colonies in, 26, 699, 711, 713, 714
gold and silver from, 200, 446, 448, 711
Portuguese colonies in, 248, 446, 448
slave trade with, 704, 713, 714
Spanish colonies in, 200, 446, 448, 699, 700, 704, 713, 714
American Revolution, 583
Aminta (Tasso), 374
Amontons, Guillaume (1663–1705), 498
Amour médecin, L’ (Moliere), 120
Amour tyrannique, L’ (Scudéry), 56
Amphitryon (Molière),
Amsterdam, 43, 69, 167, 168, 173, 175, 176, 202, 230, 261, 395, 502, 607, 663
Jews of, 458–61
passim, 468–77
passim, 620–24
passim; labor strike in, 166
Peter the Great’s visit to, 380, 381, 382
and St. Petersburg, 396
Spinoza in, 167, 620–25
passim, 630
Amyot, Jacques (1513–93), 130
Anabaptists, 194, 246, 278, 280, 590
see also Baptists
anatomy, 495, 497, 498, 508, 521, 522–24, 528, 530
ancients versus moderns, debate on, 147, 161–163, 331, 348, 491, 530, 615–17
Ancona, Italy, 439, 456
Andromaque (Racine), 129, 135–37, 140, 142, 143, 162
Andromède (Corneille), 131
Andrusovo, Peace of (1667), 371
anesthesia, 528
Angélique, Mère, see Arnauld, Jacqueline
Anglican Church, 269, 327, 340–41, 486, 497, 507, 519, 543, 571
and Charles II, 204, 251–254, 256, 278–79, 560
under Cromwell, 189, 193, 194, 201, 560
and divine right of kings, 253, 301, 580
and episcopacy conflict, 218–220, 252, 277
High and Broad Churchmen in, 219, 253–54
and Hobbes, 560, 563
in Ireland and Scotland, 252, 277, 352
and James II, 285, 289, 291–94, 299, 580
Milton’s denunciations of, 212–13, 218–20
and persecution of nonconformists, 209–10, 212, 252–56, 292, 301, 336
and Queen Anne’s Bounty, 307, 352
re-establishment of, 246, 251–52
and Savoy Conference, 252
and Test Act, 278–79, 352
upper-class, identification with, 194, 268–69
and William III, 295–96, 299, 301
Angoumois, 74
Anguier, François (1604–69), 100
Anguier, Michel (1614–86), 100
Anjou, Philip, Duke of, see Philip V, King of Spain
Anne, Queen of England (r. 1702–14), 265, 279, 297, 305–11, 312, 321, 330, 336, 338, 345, 351, 352, 545, 572, 678, 712–13
Anne of Austria (1601–66
Queen Regent of France 1643–61), 4–9, 12, 29, 34, 35, 39, 40, 61, 87, 90, 115, 155, 160
Bossuet’s funeral oration for, 76
Mignard’s portrait of, 98
Annus Mirabilis (Dryden), 322, 323
Antidote to Atheism (More), 482
Antonio, Dom (1531–94), 460
Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare), 323
Antwerp, 164, 165, 175, 439, 704, 708
expulsion of Jews from, 457–58
Aphorisms (Christina), 441–42
Apollonius of Perga (c.240 B.C.), 505
Apollonius of Tyana (fl. 1st cent.), 567
Aqueduct de Maintcnon, 92, 685
Aquinas, Saint Thomas (1225?–74), 133, 585, 602, 667*
his definition of eternity, 550
studied by Spinoza, 621, 638, 641, 654
and geometrical exposition, 654
Arabia, 423, 471
Arabic language, 489, 490, 492–93, 505, 576
Arabs, 492–93
Arbuthnot, John (1667–1735), 330, 360
Arcadian Academy (Rome), 442
Archangel, Russia, 375, 378, 379, 400
Archimedes (287?–212 B.C.), 500
architecture: Austrian, 426–27
English, 263–65, 507, 593
Flemish, 165
French, 87, 90–93, 102, 162, 163
German, 418
Italian, 90, 432–434
Mexican, 450
Polish, 374
Russian, 404
Spanish, 449–50
Swedish, 368
Areopagitica (Milton), 224–26, 227, 243, 313
Argenson, Marquis Marc René de Voyer d’ (1652–1721), 16–17
Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of (1629–85), 289–90
Arianism, 239, 590
Ariosto, Lodovico (1474–1533), 133
Aristarchus of Samos (fl. 280–264 B.C.), 217
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), 218, 488, 520, 530, 554, 560, 570, 576, 588, 591, 653, 654, 667, 670
Arithmetica Infinitorum (Wallis), 500
Aries, France, 88
Arlington, Henry Bennet, Earl of (1618–85), 277, 278
Armagh, Archbishop (Catholic) of, see Plunket, Oliver
Armentières, 43
Arminianism, 167, 239, 577, 590
Arnauld family, 50–51
Arnauld, Antoine I (1560–1619), 50
Arnauld, Antoine II (1612–94), 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 67, 74, 79, 100, 139, 153, 493, 604, 662
Arnauld, Jacqueline Marie, Mère Angélique (1591–1661), 47, 50–52, 61, 67, 96
Arnauld, Jeanne Catherine, Mère Agnès (1593–1671), 50, 67, 96
Arnauld d’ Andilly, Robert (1589–1674), 51, 52, 96
Arnold, Matthew (1822–88), 657
Arnstadt, 420
Arouet, François (b. 1651), father of Voltaire, 30
Ars poetica (Horace), 147
art: French domination of in Europe, 3, 102–103, 163
French organization of artists, 87–90
see also architecture; painting; sculpture
Artagnan, Charles de Baatz, Sieur d’ (1611–73), 19
Art de pevser, V (Nicole and Arnauld), 52
Articles of Union (1707), 308
Artois, province of, 11, 42, 164
Art poétique, V (Boileau), 147–49
Arundel, Earl of, portrait of by J. Rilcy, 265
Arundell, Henry Arundell, 3d Baron (c.1607–1694), 277, 280
Ashkenazi, Solomon ben Nathan (fl. 1571), 455
Ashoka, King of Magadha (r. 273–232 B.C.), 563
Asia, English rule in, 200
“Astraea Redux” (Dryden), 322
Astrakhan, 375, 405
astrology, 270, 481, 525, 531
astronomy, 62, 496–501
passim, 502–5, 528–31
passim, 535–39
passim, 547, 617
Athalie (Racine), 128, 137, 138, 141
Athanasian Creed, 589.
atheism, 80, 85, 570, 572, 591, 593, 606–8, 660
attributions of, to noted men, 119–20, 251, 300, 491, 587, 599, 608, 611, 612, 625, 630, 641, 655, 656
Molière play on, 118–20
and Newton cosmology, 491, 547, 566–67, 676
religious freedom denied to, 226, 239, 589, 608
and witchcraft, 482
Athens, 105, 225, 424, 472
Athlone, Godert de Ginkel, 1st Earl of (1644–1703), 303
atmospheric pressure, 506, 511, 512
Attila (Corneille), 132
Aubigné, Théodore Agrippa d’ (1552–1630), 38
Aubrey, John (1626–97), 222, 234, 239–40, 250, 502*, 525, 526, 538, 548, 549, 561, 565
and Minutes of Lives, 330
Aubusson tapestry factory, 94
Audenaarde, 43, 710
Aufklärung (German Enlightenment), 485, 656, 660
Augsburg, Bavaria, 490
Augsburg, League of (1686), 691
Augsburg, Peace of (1555), 70–71
Augustine, Saint (354–430), 53, 55, 128, 146, 153, 600, 610, 633, 679
Augustinians, religious order, 53, 598
Augustinus (Jansen), 53, 54, 55, 67
Augustus, Roman emperor (r. 27 B.C.-A.D. 14), 3, 13, 161
Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland (r. 1697–1704, 1709–33), Elector of Saxony (as Frederick Augustus I, r. 1694–1733), 369, 374, 382–85
passim, 387, 391, 413, 415, 418, 419
Austria, 3, 296, 383, 420–21, 464
arts in, 421, 426–27
and Turks, 373, 383, 420–27
and War of Spanish Succession, 453, 700–8, 710–15
Auteuil, 123, 126*
autos-da-fé, 375, 429, 449, 455, 477
ergne, 16, 56, 58
Avare, L’ (Molière), 123, 124
Aventures de Télémaque, Les (Fénelon), 84
Avignon, 432, 472
Avvakum, Russian religious leader, 376
Aymer, Jacques (fl. 1692), 481
Azov, Russia, 379, 386, 388
Bach family, 33, 420, 501
Bach, Ambrosius (1645–95), 420
Bach, Christoph (1613–61), 420
Bach, Heinrich (1615–92), 420
Bach, Johann (1604–73), 420
Bach, Johann Christian (1640–82), 420
Bach, Johann Christoph (1642–1703), 420
Bach, Johann Egidius (1645–1716), 420
Bach, Johann Michael (1648–94), 420
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), 34, 419, 420, 443, 657
Baciccio, II, see Gaulli, Giovanni Battista
Bacon, Francis (1561–1626), 66, 74, 359, 506, 521, 528, 564, 570, 597, 680, 681
comment on religious wars, 75
inspiration for Royal Society, 496
influence on Hobbes, 548, 550, 564
and Spinoza, 621, 624, 636, 654
bacteria, discovery of, 521
Baden, 692
Baius, Michael (1513–89), 53
Bajazet (Racine), 138, 143
Baku, 409
Baltic Sea, struggle for control of, 365–90, 397
Bamberg, cathedral at, 418
Bank of Amsterdam, 166
Bank of England, 304
Banz, abbey church at, 418
Baptists, 193, 194, 197, 209, 211
Barbados, Irish deported to, 187
Barbezieux, Marquis Louis de (1668–1701), 694
Barcelona, 707, 708
Barclay, Robert (1648–90), 196, 255, 256, 416
Barebon, Praise God (1596?–1679), 191, 460
Barèges, France, 40
barometer, 56, 498, 506, 512, 528
Barelli, Agostino (fl. 1663), 418
Baron, Michael (fl. 1673), 127
Baroni, Leonora (fl. 1675), 444
Barrière, Pierre (d. 1594), 50
Barrow, Isaac (1630–77), 500, 531, 533
Barry, Elizabeth (1658–1713), 315
Bartholin, Thomas (1616–80), 522
Barton, Catherine (fl. 1695), 545
Basel, University of, 501
Basile, Adriana (fl. 1665), 444
Bastille, 161, 317
Place de la, 10
Basnage, Jacques (1653–1725), 673
Bath, England, 275
Báthory, Stephen, King of Poland (r. 1575–1586), 465
Battle of the Books, The (Swift), 348, 491
Bavaria, 425, 691, 700
in War of Spanish Succession, 702, 703, 706, 707, 714
Bavaria, Elector of (r. 1679–1726), see Maximilian II Emanuel
Baxter, Richard (1615–91), 254–55
Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706), 85, 150–51, 442, 484, 486, 505, 509, 563, 571, 576, 589, 591, 596, 605–13, 680, 681
flight to Holland, 167
his literary periodical, 484, 617