The Age of Louis XIV

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The Age of Louis XIV Page 114

by Will Durant

Euclid (fl. 300 B.C.), 548–49, 633, 654

  Eude, Frans van den (d. 1676), 621

  Eudoxia Lopukhina, Empress, consort of Peter the Great (1669?–1731), 379, 394, 406

  Eugene of Savoy, Prince (1663–1736), 425, 426, 669, 704, 706, 707, 708, 710, 713, 714, 717

  Eugène Maurice, Prince, see Soissons, Comte de

  Euripides (480–406 B.C.), 139, 142, 144, 162

  Evelyn, John (1620–1706), 244, 246, 249, 269, 271, 274, 279, 331–32, 457, 463, 487, 491, 518

  arrested for attending Anglican services, 194

  plan for air-pollution control, 260–61, 332

  quoted on London fire (1666), 262

  his diary, 332

  host to Peter the Great, 382

  and Royal Society of London, 495, 496, 497

  reference to Spinoza as “infidel,” 656

  Evcrard, William (fl. 1649), 185

  Examiner (periodical), 313, 345, 353

  Exclusion Bill (England, 1679), 282

  Exeter, 35

  cathedral, 267

  Fable of the Bees (Mandeville), 486

  Fables (La Fontaine), 145

  Fabritius, Barent, 168*

  Fabritius, Johann (fl. 1673), 631

  Fâcheux, Les (Molière), 19

  Facnza, 439

  Fagel, Kaspar (1629–88), 295

  Faguet, Émile (1847–1916), 611, 613

  Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel (1686–1736), 498

  faïence, 95

  Fairfax. Thomas, 3d Baron (1612–71), 185, 188

  Fairy Queen, The (opera by Purcell), 267–68

  Faiseur d’oreilles, Le (La Fontaine), 144*

  Falcone, Aniello (1600–65), 433

  Fanshawe, Lady (fl. 1660), 269

  Far East, trade with, 26

  Farquhar, George (1678–1707), 315

  fashion magazine, first, 27

  Faversham, England, 297

  Fawkes, Guy (1570–1606), 257

  Fehrbellin, battle of (1675), 368, 413

  Félix, surgeon (fl. 1686), 527

  Fell, Thomas (1598–1658), 198

  Femmes savantes, Les (Molière), 125, 150

  Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe- (1651–1715), 74, 75, 81–86, 131, 162, 487, 602, 604, 687, 695–97, 716

  Feodor III, Czar of Russia (r. 1676–82), 377

  Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1556–1564), 464

  Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1619–1637), 464

  Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1637–1657), 367, 420, 511

  Ferdinand II, Grand Duke of Tuscany (r. 1620–70), 434, 506, 508

  Fermat, Pierre de (1601–65), 57, 498, 499, 500, 534

  Ferrara, duchy of, 456

  Ferry, Paul (fl. 1650), 75–76

  Festin de pierre, Le (Molière), 118–20, 129

  Fielding, Henry (1707–54), 338

  Fifth Monarchy sect, 190–91, 194, 246, 459

  Filicaia, Vincenzo de (1642–1707), 438

  Filmer, Sir Robert (d. 1653), 253, 286, 563, 579–80, 582

  Finland, 369, 390

  Fiorelli, Tiberio (1605–94), 105

  First Dayes Entertainment (Davenant), 267

  Fischer von Erlach, Johann (1656–1723), 418, 426, 427

  Five Mile Act (England, 1665), 253

  Flamsteed, John (1646–1719), 498, 504, 505, 513, 525

  Flanders, 8, 42, 43, 45, 115, 164, 175, 277, 439, 704, 710

  Fleetwood, Maj. Gen. Charles (d. 1692), 201, 202, 231

  Fleury, Claude (1640–1723), 161

  Florence, Italy, 216, 434, 435, 436, 445, 470, 506

  Florinda (Handel), 419

  Flying Post, The (daily newspaper), 313

  Foe, James (fl. 1660), 335

  Fonseca, Isaac Aboab da (1605–93), 459

  Fontainebleau. 35, 93, 94, 96, 114, 440

  Fontanges, Marie Angélique de Scorraille de Roussilles, Duchesse de (1661–81), 38

  Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de (1657–1757), 86, 132, 151, 161, 162, 505, 541, 564, 576, 601, 613–19, 677

  predicts man flying to moon, 530

  Fontpcrtuis, M. (fl. 1680), 68

  Ford, Charles (fl. 17:5), 358

  Forli, cathedral at, 434

  Fortunate Mistress, The (Defoe), 337

  Fouquet, Nicolas (1615–80), 18–20, 87, 92, 96, 101, 131, 144, 151, 161

  Four Articles (Gallican statement), 49, 79

  Fox, George (1624–91), 196–99, 256, 416

  Fracastoro, Girolamo (1483–1553), 526

  France: army, 17, 41–44, 71–72, 74–75, 176, 180, 296, 691, 693, 706, 710, 712, 717

  and the arts, 87–103 (see also architecture; painting; sculpture)

  Church and state, 48–50 (see also Catholic Church in France; Gallicanism; Huguenots)

  colonies, 26, 693, 699, 711, 713, 714, 715

  commerce and industry, 22–26, 69, 74, 166, 448, 690, 698, 700

  crime in, 16–17, 482

  economic conditions and organization, 20–26, 690, 693–95, 697–98, 708–12, 720 (see also commerce and industry. above)

  education, 52, 485, 486, 495, 496

  and England, 11, 36, 175, 200–1, 273, 276, 277–78, 286, 290, 291, 296, 304–11

  passim 330, 692, 693, 694, 699–705

  passim, 710–11, 713, 714

  and Europe, relative position in, 3, 41, 45, 163, 411, 412, 693, 703, 706

  Fronde, 5–11

  and Germany, 180, 296, 416, 664, 691–692

  government apparatus, 16–20

  and Grand Alliance, 691–93, 699

  and Holy Roman Empire and Austria, 43–45, 175, 178, 179, 180, 296, 383, 414, 421, 422, 425, 464, 691, 693, 699–708, 710–15

  and Hungary, 423

  and Italian states, 44

  literature, see literature, French; manners and morals, 27–31, 32, 34, 69, 75, 416

  navy, 17, 25–26, 43, 74–75, 176, 179, 693

  nobility, 5–11, 15–16, 89, 711, 712

  and Palatinate, invasion of, 14, 43–44, 417, 425, 426, 631, 691–92, 699, 715, 720

  and Poland, 372, 373

  population of, 3, 22, 257, 695

  and Portugal, 25, 446, 706

  regency of Anne of Austria (1643–51), 4–9

  religion, 46–86, 598–619 (see also Catholic Church in France; Gallicanism; Huguenots; Jansenists; Jesuits; Nantes, Edict of)

  and Spain, 11, 34, 41–45

  passim, 200, 699, 704–15

  in Spanish Netherlands, 21, 42–43, 69, 175, 277, 422, 704, 710

  and Spanish succession, 453, 699–715

  States-General, 5–6

  and successor to Louis XIV, 716

  and Sweden, 368, 388

  taxation, 20–21, 690, 693, 698, 709, 712

  and Turks, 373, 383, 422, 425, 661–62

  and United Provinces, 44, 164, 167, 175, 176, 178, 179, 276, 277, 368, 691, 699

  Franche-Comté, 43, 44, 179, 201, 699

  Francis I. King of France (r. 1515–47), 49, 88

  Franciscans, religious order, 429, 635

  Francis of Assisi, Saint (1182–1226), 66

  Francke, August (1663–1727), 416, 485

  Franconia. Congress of (1650), 411

  Frankfurt-am-Main, 411, 416, 463, 464

  Franklin, Benjamin (1706–90), 515

  Frascari, 415

  Frederick I. Elector of Bandenburg (r. 1417–1440), 412

  Frederick III. Elector of Brandenburg, see Frederick I, King of Prussia

  Frederick II, King of Denmark (r. 1559–68), 394

  Frederick III, King of Denmark (r. 1648–70), 365, 367

  Frederick IV, King of Denmark (r. 1699–1730), 369, 383, 384

  Frederick V, Elector Palatine (r. 1610–23), King of Bohemia (r. 1619–20), 464

  Frederick I, King of Prussia (r. 1701–13), 380, 414, 418, 660

  Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia (r. 1740–86), 161, 392, 412, 413, 485, 613, 656, 660, 679, 715

  quoted on Peter the
Great, 391

  Frederick Augustus I, Elector of Saxony, see Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland

  Frederick William the Great Elector of Brandenburg (r. 1640–88), 71, 73, 412–14, 418, 483, 484, 659, 691

  wars against Sweden, 366–67, 368, 413

  gives asylum to Jews, 464

  Frederick William I, King of Prussia (r. 1713–1740), 387, 393

  Fredrikssten, Norway, 389

  free will, 238, 239, 571, 621, 625, 673

  Calvinist credo on, 53, 54, 643

  Hobbes’s position on, 552

  Jansenist credo on, 53, 54, 55, 69

  Locke’s position on, 586

  Malebranche on, 603–4

  Spinoza on, 639, 643

  Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 44

  French Academy (Académie Française), 105, 130, 132, 138, 142, 143, 146, 147, 160, 161–62, 618

  dictionary of, 130–31, 598

  French language, 3, 131, 168, 416, 489

  dictionary of, 130–31

  Racine’s use of, 142

  French Revolution, 6, 19, 25, 469, 582, 680

  Frères Chrétiens, religious order, 486

  Friends, Society of, and Friends of Truth, see Quakers

  Fronde (1648–53), 5–10, 12, 15, 30, 31, 35, 39, 41, 54, 151, 156

  origin of name, 6

  Huguenot loyalty during, 69

  Louis’ bitter memories of, 91, 711

  Hobbes’s conclusions from, 549

  Frontenac, Louis de Buade, Comte de (1620–1698), 26

  Froude, James Anthony (1818–94), 657

  Fugger family, 470

  Fulda, cathedral at, 418

  Fulda river, 517

  Fuller, Thomas (1608–61), 330

  Fulton, Robert (1765–1815), 517

  furniture, 88, 94, 102

  Freemasonry, 569

  free will: Calvinist beliefs on, 53, 54, 643

  Cresca’s formulation on, 621

  Descartes’ views on, 625

  Hobbes on, 552

  Jansenist beliefs on, 53–55, 69

  Leibniz’ views on, 673

  Locke on, 586

  Malebranche on, 603

  Milton’s beliefs on, 238, 239

  Spinoza on, 639, 643

  Fumifugium (Evelyn), 260, 332

  Furnes, Flanders, 712

  Gagarin, Prince Matvei (d. 1721), 402

  Galen (Claudius Galenus: 130–200?), 524

  Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 217, 374, 474, 481, 495, 519, 681

  as astronomer, 62, 498, 528, 617

  ecclesiastical decree against, 60, 484, 566, 617, 666

  meeting with Hobbes, 549

  meeting with Milton, 216

  as physicist, 510, 512, 543, 585, 643, 675*

  portrait of, 434

  Galleria Borghese, Rome, 91

  Gallicanism, 48, 49, 69, 79, 81, 83, 483, 664, 689

  Galway, Ireland, 303

  Gama, Esteban da (fl. 1593), 460

  gambling, 269, 475

  in England, 250, 271, 305

  in France, 31, 32

  Gardie, Magnus de la, Count (1622–86), 367–68

  Garrick, David (1717–79), 317

  Gascard, Henri (fl. 1665), 37

  gas engine, first, 517

  Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655), 55, 85, 106, 161, 374, 549, 577, 600, 602

  Gastaldi, Monsignor (fl. 1656), 528

  Gaulli, Giovanni Battista (“II Baciccio”: 1639–1709),’ 435

  Gaulthier, Abbé (fl. 1711), 713

  Gay, John (1685–1732), 312, 354, 360

  Gazette of St. Petersburg, 403

  Gelderland, province, 176, 179

  Geneva, 73, 430, 616

  University of, 605

  Genoa, 433, 444, 470

  Geoffrin, Marie Thérèse Rodet (1699–1777), 619

  geography, 498, 508–9

  geology, 497, 498, 500, 507–8

  geometry, 55–57, 131, 500, 501, 528, 548

  analytical, 499

  as basis of natural beauty, 264

  method of, in philosophic exposition, 131, 529, 533, 572, 620, 636, 654

  George, Prince of Denmark (1633–1708), consort of Queen Anne of England, 297, 306

  George I, King of England (r. 1714–27), Elector of Hanover (r. 1698–1727), 310, 356, 359, 389, 415, 678

  George III, King of England (r. 1760–1820), 583

  George Dandin, ou le Mari confondu (Molière), 124

  George William, Elector of Brandenburg (r. 1619–40), 412

  Gerhardt, Paul (1607–76), 419

  German language, 168, 416, 417, 485, 659, 663

  Germantown, Pennsylvania, 256

  Germany, 3, 22, 41, 365, 411–20

  arts in, 418–20

  Catholicism in, 71, 414, 415, 464, 483, 664–667

  education and learning in, 414–15, 485, 486

  and French attack on Dutch (1672), 176, 178

  French designs on (1667), 41–42

  French invasion of (1674), 43–45, 692, 715, 720

  French invasion of (1688), 180, 296, 425, 426, 691–92, 720

  Jews in, 414, 463–65

  literature in, 416–17, 485

  Manners and Morals in, 416–18

  Peter the Great’s visits to, 380, 405

  philosophy in, 658–80

  Pietism in, 53, 83, 417, 485, 660

  population of, 257, 411, 412

  Protestantism in, 71, 75, 80, 413–16

  passim, 464, 483, 664–67

  and Spanish-succession conflict, 700, 706–7, 713, 714, 715

  superstition in, 481, 659

  Sweden, struggles with, 175, 366–69, 412, 413

  Thirty Years’ War in, 411, 412, 415, 417, 420, 464, 485, 660

  unification of, 412–13, 414

  Gesù, II, Church of, Rome, 435

  Gesù e Maria, Church of, Rome, 434, 435

  Geulincx, Arnold (1625–69), 602–3, 672

  Gex, province of, 71

  Ghazati, Nathan, see Nathan Ghazati

  Ghent, 44, 97, 179

  ghetto, 456, 457, 463, 470, 471

  Gibbon, Edward (1737–94), 161, 571

  Gibbons, Grinling (1648–1720), 265

  Gibraltar, 693, 707, 713, 714, 715

  Gilbert, William (1540–1603), 514, 537

  Giordano, Luca “Fa Presto” (1632–1705), 436–37, 451

  Giornale de’ letterati, of Rome, 484, 498

  Giornale Veneto, 484

  Girardon, François (1628–1715), 88, 99, 162

  Glanvill, Joseph (1636–80), 482, 574–75

  Glasgow, 257

  glassmaking, 23, 95, 419

  Glencoe, Scotland, 305

  Glessker, Julius, sculptor (17th cent.), 418

  Glisson, Francis (1597–1677), 524, 669

  Glorious Revolution (England, 1688–89), 242, 259, 288, 295–99, 303, 318, 331, 563

  Locke’s philosophical basis for, 579–82

  Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87), 445

  Glück, Pastor (fl. 1702), 395

  Gobelin tapestries, 23, 87, 89, 93, 94, 95, 377

  Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry (1621–78), 280–281, 335

  Godolphin, Mrs. (fl. 1680), 269, 332

  Godolphin, Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of (1645–1712), 307, 336, 341, 352, 713

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), 444, 593, 656, 720–21

  goldsmiths, 23, 95, 259

  Golitsyn, Prince Boris (1654–1714), 378

  Golitsyn, Prince Vasili (1643–1714), 377, 378

  Golovin, Russian general (fl. 1670), 379

  Gondi, Jean François Paul de, see Retz, Cardinal de

  Gonzaga family, 456, 708

  Gordon, Patrick (1635–99), 378–79

  Görtz, Baron Georg von (fl. 1715), 389

  Gosse, Sir Edmund (1849–1928), 319

  Götz von Berlichingen (Goethe), 656

  Goujon, Jean (1510?–68?), 99

  Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de (1746–18
28), 451

  Goyen, Jan van (1596–1656), 169

  Graaf, Regnier de (1641–73), 522

  Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (Bunyan), 210

  Gramont, Comte Philibert de (1621?–1707), 16, 39, 250, 271, 274, 312

  Gramont, Comtesse de (fl. 1679), 28

  Gran (Esztergom), battle of (1685), 424

  Granada, Spain, 454

  Grand Alliance, 178, 305, 307, 432, 690–99, 702–6, 712

  Grand Cyrus, Le (Scudéry), 150

  Grand Dictionnaire historique (Moréri), 609

  Grand Trianon, 92

  Graunt, John (1620–74), 501–2

  Gravelines, 11

  gravitation, 503, 507, 532, 536–42, 547, 675

  Great Case of Liberty of Conscience, The (Penn), 255

  Great Coalition (1672–78), 43

  Great Is Diana of the Ephesians (Blount), 567

  Great Northern War (1700–21), 384–90

  Greatrakes, Valentine (1628–66), 525

  Great Rebellion (1642–49), see Civil Wars, English

  Greece, 162, 163, 425, 570

  Greek language, 132, 168, 489, 491, 576

  Green, Nan, 502*

  Green Ribbon Club, 279

  Greenville, Sir John (fl. 1660), 204, 205

  Greenwich, England, 504

  Greenwich Hospital, London, 265

  Gregory XIII (Ugo Buoncompagni), Pope (r. 1572–85), 456

  Gregory, David (1661–1708), 498, 500

  Gregory, James (1638–75), 498, 500, 504, 535

  Gresham College, London, 263, 496, 502, 507

  Grew, Nehemiah (1641–1712), 519, 520

  Grey, Lord (fl. 1679), 283

  Griffenfeld, Peder Schumacher, Count (1635–1699), 365, 368

  Grignan, Comte de (fl. 1670), 152

  Grignan, Françoise Marguerite, Cjmtesse de (1646–1705), 152, 155, 598

  Grignan, Marie Blanche de, 152, 154

  Grignan, Pauline de, 154

  Grimaldi family, 470

  Grimaldi, Francesco (1618–63), 514

  Grimaud, Mme. (fl. 1725), 619

  Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel von (1625?–76), 416

  Grodno, 385

  Groningen, battle at (1673), 179

  Grotius, Hugo (1583–1645), 458, 459, 658

  Guardian, The (periodical), 345

  Guarini, Guarino (1624–83), 433

  Guarneri, Andrea (c.1626–1698), 443

  Guarneri, Giuseppe I (1666–c 1739), 443

  Guarneri, Giuseppe II “del Gesù” (1687–1745), 443

  Guarneri, Pietro “de Mantua” (1655–c.1740), 443

  Guarneri, Pietro “de Venezia” (1695–1765), 443

  Guénot, physician to Mazarin (fl. 1660), 12

  Guericke, Otto von (1602–86), 498, 506, 511, 512, 528

  Guida spirituaîe (Molinos), 429

  Guide to the Perplexed (Maimonides), 626

  Guidi, Carlo Alessandro (1650–1712), 438, 441

  Guienne, province of, 106


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