Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 11

by J. L. Berry

  “Tactically I’m not sure I buy his whole story,” Mariah countered, “I’ve no doubt there’s elements of truth but that’s what makes all the lies more believable. How do we know his punishment was for feeding prisoners? It could easily have been for something else which would paint him in a bad light, like rape or murder, both of which would have led to him being outcast.”

  Nods of agreement came from most of the wolves present.

  “If we do believe his story then the Raptors must have a way of concealing themselves and I find it difficult to believe that someone who escaped doesn’t know the location they ran from or how the area is concealed. I believe he knows more than he’s told us and his lack of candour means he can’t be trusted.”

  “Exactly!” one of the other warriors agreed, “Who’s to say he’s not bait for a trap? I mean he comes here saying he’s Autumn’s mate but she hasn’t accepted him so it’s gotta be bullshit.”

  “He’s right; all we’ve got to go on is his word that he recognises Cole’s scent!” Drake remarked bitterly, “We all know he wants in Autumn’s pants. What better way to do it than promise the chance of her long lost brother. She opens her legs and we’re forced to let the outcast traitor in.”

  “Careful Drake, don’t let your prejudice cloud your judgement,” Alpha Grey warned.

  “Nate,” Luna Grey called softly from the end of the table, her mate’s eyes looked to her immediately as the room went respectfully quiet to hear her. “If our son is out there, I want him home.” Alpha Grey could see the desperate plea in her eyes.

  “We all do, but I also don’t want to give the pack false hope that we can bring anyone home when we have no evidence. Drake’s right about one thing, we only have Elijah’s word.”

  “Alpha,” Beta Morgan cut in, “as much as I hate to be the pessimist, why would the Raptors keep Cole alive all these years? It’s not in their interests to feed him if he’s not contributing to the pack. It makes more sense to me that someone would use the memory of Cole to manipulate us in to some form of action. The better questions are what and why?”

  There were many murmurs of agreement throughout the room. Alpha Grey sighed, it was an impossible situation. There was nothing he could want more than to believe his son was alive after all this time. But to risk the members of his pack on the word of a stranger and raise the hopes of his mate only for them to be dashed again. That he couldn’t do.

  “Beta Morgan, please get in touch with our allied packs and gather as much information as you can. Give them details of the situation and see if anything new may come to light. For now we do nothing. I will not risk the safety of our pack on the whim of a stranger without any evidence to his claims,” he decreed with Alpha authority.

  With that the meeting ended and everyone cleared out. Luna Grey paused by her mate, “I hope you know what you’re doing Nate.”

  He looked at her with a grim expression, “So do I love, so do I.”

  Chapter 21:

  Elijah went back to his cell alone, embarrassed for his emotional retelling particularly in front of Autumn. He didn’t want to witness the outcome for he knew most of them didn’t believe him. Autumn watched everyone leave the conference room and she received mixed looks from her fellow pack members. A few smiled gently like Dr Matthews but the majority scowled at her which was something she wasn’t used to. It shocked her to be treated with such vehemence. She was the Alpha’s daughter.

  When Drake exited the room she saw him pause and a myriad of feelings passed over his countenance in quick succession. He schooled his features into a neutral expression and approached her, “We need to talk.” He gestured towards her father’s office.

  Autumn wasn’t surprised, she knew she had some explaining to do, and in all honesty she had some questions for Drake as well. She nodded and followed Drake to her father’s office, closing the door to give them some privacy. Drake paced back and forth a few times as he tried to reign in his emotions. Finally he stopped in front of Autumn licked his thumb and swiped it over her neck to rub away the make-up. His eyes and nostrils dilated in anger when his thoughts were confirmed.

  “You cheated on me,” Drake said as a statement of fact, not a question.

  Tears welled in Autumn’s eyes, “Yes, I’m so sorry Drake I...”

  “Save it!” Drake cut her off, “I can’t believe you let him get to you. He’s a loner, an outcast! You know nothing about him and yet he marks your neck like a hormonal teenager.” Drake gripped the back of his neck as he worked through the turmoil he was feeling inside his heart. “Am I not enough for you is that it?” he asked.

  “No! No Drake, I love you....”

  “Then why Autumn answer me that?”

  “I don’t know what to say... I feel drawn to him. My wolf, she’s drawn to him but I don’t understand how that’s even possible when your wolf feels the mating bond.”

  “You wolf wants to mate with him?”

  “No... well I don’t know,” Autumn stumbled over her words as her thoughts remained in disarray. “I always thought the mating bond would be clear but I’m torn between the two of you and there’s no clear answer! I hate myself for cheating on you but being with him didn’t feel wrong.”

  We must convince her, Drake’s wolf was pacing in the back of his mind.

  Drake stormed towards the closed door.

  “Drake,” Autumn cried, “Don’t leave, please!”

  He paused with his hand on the handle before taking a deep breath and locking it. Turning, Drake barrelled towards Autumn pushing her against the wall as his fingers dove into her hair. He kissed her passionately worried it may be the last chance he’d get.

  Holy crap! Autumn had never known Drake to be that passionate but she loved it. She hiked one leg up over his hip inviting him closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her heart felt warm within her chest as she returned his kisses with fervour and her necklace emitted a soft glow illuminating their faces.

  Breathless, Drake pulled his lips away and rubbed his nose along hers, “Forget everything else right now and ask yourself one thing.... does this feel right?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her breath mingling with his.

  Satisfied for the moment Drake grumbled low in his chest before lifting Autumn off the floor and pinning her against the wall. His hands grabbed her buttocks, kneading them as he ground his pelvis into her. Autumn moaned as she felt Drake’s shaft rubbing against her sensitive nub, throwing her head back and closing her eyes. Taking advantage Drake trailed kisses down her neck making her pant and grind back against him.

  Mine! His wolf growled in excitement.

  Unable to contain himself any longer Drake carried Autumn over to her father’s desk, sweeping the contents onto the floor with one arm and placing her on top. Autumn was momentarily shocked by his actions but was quickly distracted by Drake removing her panties from underneath her dress. She could feel herself want to panic. What if someone came in? What if her father came in?

  “Drake,” she tried to capture his attention away from the kisses he was tracing up between her thighs.

  “Relax, the risk is worth it I promise.”

  With that Drake’s tongue descended on her folds. He lapped at her core with long languid strokes as his fingers dug into the skin at her hips. Her back arched as she felt the pleasure course through her body. His tongue poked into her entrance causing her to buck against his face. Drake smirked pulling away for a second before letting his fingers slide inside her.

  “So wet already baby, we better make this quick before someone comes looking.”

  Her heart rate quickened at his words as his fingers stretched her insides. He sucked on her clit flicking it with his tongue causing her to jolt from the sensitivity. Faster and faster he moved his hand building the tempo to a crescendo as he felt her legs begin to shake. Her hands were in his hair pulling him deeper. His wolf growled in approval desperate to bring her pleasure and mount her.

  Not just
yet. With one last lick of his tongue Autumn spiralled over the edge crying out loud. He pulled her close and suckled her neck as her orgasm was dragged out by the continued thrusting of his fingers.

  Drake smiled. If he gets to mark you then so do we, his wolf howled in agreement.

  “That was amazing,” she panted.

  “We’re not done yet.”

  In one smooth movement Drake had flipped Autumn over on the table and pulled her back so she was kneeling on all fours in front of him. He dropped his trousers along with his boxers and kicked them to the side allowing his erection to spring free.

  “You asked me a couple of years ago what someone meant when they said ‘a quickie’, well let me show you.”

  The table was the perfect height as he lined himself against her entrance. He knew Dr Matthews hadn’t officially given him the all clear yet for sexual activity, but Drake felt he was out of time and it was worth the risk. He gripped her hips and slammed himself inside. She cried out at his sudden entry but he continued to pound himself in between her wet walls.

  Her dress had ridden up around her waist giving him an unobstructed view of her ass. His wolf growled in triumph as he watched them take her from behind. The sound of his flesh slapping against hers filled the room. Drake dropped one hand to rub her already sensitive clit as he drove into her. She moaned incoherently as she met his rhythm pushing back into him.

  Outside voices could be heard as people passed the front of the main building, their destination unclear. “You better come quick baby if you don’t want them to see you like this,” Drake urged.

  Shit. Autumn felt her insides quake at his words as he relentlessly pounded into her. Part of her wanted him to stop so they wouldn’t get caught but the other part desperately wanted to feel him finish inside her. Drake felt her walls begin to tighten as he watched himself entering her. Without thinking he brought his palm down on one of her alabaster ass cheeks causing her to cry out in pleasure. As her skin pinked from the slap Drake felt Autumn’s walls close on him like a vice as she slipped into her second orgasm. That was all Drake needed to tip himself over the edge as her walls milked him dry.

  Completely sated although definitely sore Drake pulled out and bent over to kiss her shoulder, “I’m glad we got a do-over. That was amazing.”

  Autumn slipped off the table but used it to support her as she found her feet. She looked at Drake with flushed cheeks and lust in her eyes, “I never knew you wanted to do that?”

  Drake shrugged, “There’s still at lot of things we can learn about each other. I never knew you had a little exhibitionist in you!”

  Autumn looked mortified at his words until she saw him smirk. He’s teasing us her wolf chided. She punched him on the shoulder before laughing. “Guess we better put the room back together before someone does come in.”

  “Yeah they never include that romantic part in the movies do they.”

  They quickly dressed and rearranged the office back to normal before they left the building. Drake tucked Autumn under his arm kissing the crown of her head.

  “Drake,” Autumn began, “why do you think my wolf didn’t claim you?” She felt him stiffen in response, “I know it’s a difficult question but I’m just trying to make sense of everything.”

  Do we tell her, his wolf questioned?

  “Honestly, I think if we hadn’t been interrupted she would have and we would be mated and married by now.”

  It wasn’t really a lie, Drake genuinely believed it, no need to tell her about the mate bond unless she asked specifically.

  “Look, I know this has been confusing and I haven’t always handled things as I should but we can’t go on like this,” he told her stopping to face her. “You need to choose. Not only is it unfair to keep both of us hanging on but it’s causing instability in the pack.”

  Those facts saddened Autumn to hear even though she knew them to be true. She was the future Luna, her actions had consequences which affected everyone. “For what it’s worth I want you to choose me,” Drake stared into her deep grey eyes, “I have loved you my whole life. You are my world and I’ve just proven how good we are together. Tell me you feel it too? Choose me. Choose the security it will bring our pack.”

  Chapter 22:

  Although Elijah still slept in the detaining cells he was granted the freedom to leave as long as he advised where he was going and reported in regularly. Beta Morgan had determined that he was no immediate threat but warranted close supervision. The morning after the meeting Beta Morgan went to visit Elijah, “I thought I’d come and tell you the outcome of the meeting after your departure.”

  Elijah had been eating breakfast but ceased when Beta Morgan began talking to give him his full attention even though he knew what was coming. “And?”

  “There is no evidence to support your claim, only your word. Given how dangerous you say the Raptors are Alpha Grey will not risk the lives of his pack on your word alone.”

  “So you don’t believe me?”

  “Honestly, no. We think you have ulterior motives and it’s clear you’ve not been completely honest with us so any good faith you did have you ruined all by yourself.”

  Elijah gave a sharp nod and continued eating his breakfast. The outcome was exactly as he predicted but at least he’d tried.

  “I’m going to share this new information with our allied packs and see if it brings up anything new that might support your claims but in my opinion it’s unlikely.”

  “Is that all?” Elijah responded sharply.

  Beta Morgan growled deep in his chest, “Watch your tone boy! You’re still here out of courtesy, don’t make me banish you because believe me it would make life a hell of a lot easier.”

  Elijah scowled but kept his opinions to himself.

  We’re here for our mate his wolf reminded him she’s all that matters.

  After breakfast he decided to go find her, after last night he was desperate to be close to her again. His wolf needed his mate and so did he. Now that door had been opened there was no turning back.

  DRAKE HAD LEFT AUTUMN at her front door last night with a lot to think about. She had tossed and turned in her bed, his words haunting her dreams. Choose me, choose our pack. How could she argue with that? She knew Drake and yet last night he had surprised her in the best possible way. She didn’t doubt she could be happy with him and it was the outcome every member of the pack expected. It was an easy choice, and yet her dreams were haunted with crystal blue eyes, eyes which pierced her soul.

  The next morning Autumn felt drained. She needed to clear her head and wake up her body so she headed down to the training centre to put herself through a workout. Once she was done her muscles ached in a delicious way and adrenaline coursed through her veins as sweat coated her body. Throughout her workout she had deliberately ignored and avoided anyone else using the gym, but after she had showered she became more aware of her surroundings. Once again she received cold looks from her pack members some even whispering as she walked passed.

  Autumn had had enough, “If you’ve got something to say at least say it to my face!”

  A group of girls sniggered but one of them spoke up, “We were just wondering how it feels to have two guys on the same night? Drake must be very understanding... but if he’s willing to share then maybe he can screw me now he’s all better.”

  “I still can’t believe she let that outsider touch her,” another of the girls shuddered, “I mean he’s hot but still.... god knows where he’s been she could have caught anything.”

  “Ewww maybe I won’t proposition Drake just yet, she could have passed it on.”

  “Enough you lot. Leave the poor girl alone,” Mariah interrupted. “If you’ve got the energy to stand around and gossip you’re clearly not training hard enough!”

  The girls dispersed, giggling as they went.

  “Thank you,” Autumn told Mariah.

  “No need, but a word of advice.... choose, and choose quickly. If it’s D
rake then let Elijah go... if it’s Elijah then be prepared to sacrifice your future role in this pack. An outsider can never truly be accepted as an Alpha, you know that.”

  Autumn exited the training centre, the high from her workout now ruined.

  What are we going to do? She asked her wolf.

  Lost in her thoughts she walked straight into a solid wall of muscle and was knocked back half a step. Looking up her eyes met with the crystal blue gaze of Elijah. “Hi,” he said smiling down at her, “I was just looking for you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in to kiss her but Autumn turned her head, diverting his lips to kiss her cheek instead. “What’s wrong?” He asked as she wriggled out of his grasp.

  “Nothing, it’s just people are staring at us.”


  “And I don’t like people prying into my life!”

  “Woah, take it easy. Its fine,” he was startled by her response. Gone was the carefree firecracker who’d detonated around him last night. “Why don’t we take a walk?”

  Autumn nodded and together they made their way down the road in the direction of the forest. Her arms were folded across her chest defensively and she avoided looking at him.

  What’s changed with mate his wolf was anxious.

  It was like a different person stood before them. Once they reached a quiet clearing in front of the forest with no-one around Elijah spoke up, “Ok Autumn, what the hell is going on? Last night everything was great and now....”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. It’s just all very confusing. You’re here telling me you’re my mate but so does Drake and I don’t know how that’s possible.”

  He’s lying! Elijah’s wolf was furious.

  “I don’t know who to believe. I don’t even know how I feel! And to top it all off my pack is starting to turn their back on me because of it.” Autumn broke down into tears covering her face with her hands. Elijah automatically moved to comfort her, wrapping himself around her. Letting her bury her head in his chest.


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