Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 21

by J. L. Berry

  “Erm Mom, that’s not...” Cole began but when he looked in the room he saw a double bed had replaced his child sized single and his childhood possessions had been packed into a couple of boxes and replaced with a few more generic adult items.

  “Sorry this was all I could manage in the time with everyone else to sort out too.”

  “You didn’t need to do this...” Cole began. Jess placed a hand on his arm stopping him from finishing his sentence.

  “It looks great, thank you.”

  Luna Grey smiled at them both before excusing herself and heading to the other end of the house to her own room, leaving them alone. They stood in awkward silence for a few moments before Cole finally spoke.

  “You don’t have to sleep with me,” he started, “I... I mean well it was wrong of my Mom to assume you want to share a room... Not that I don’t want you to, it’s just that you may not...”

  Jess jumped at Cole fusing her lips to his, silencing his rambling thoughts swiftly. His arms circled around her as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving around hers while his tongue delved into her mouth. Eventually they pulled apart both breathless and their eyes filled with lust.

  “Does that answer your question?” Jess told him.

  “Technically I didn’t ask you a question,” Cole smirked back at her.

  Jess smacked him on the arm playfully before heading out of the room and into the bathroom across the hall to get ready for bed. Cole stood in front of the window staring outside at the night sky. It still seemed surreal to him that he was finally home and the fact that Jess was there with him only added to his feeling of euphoria. It would definitely take some getting used to. Despite this there was a part of him that was more scared now than he ever was as a prisoner. For the first time he felt like he had something to lose.

  Jess returned from the bathroom to see Cole now in a state of melancholy. How quickly his mood had changed and from the time she left. She walked up behind him and circled her arms around his waist, pulling herself close to his back and breathing in his musky cedar scent. “Are you doing okay?” She whispered softly to him.

  “Yes... No. To be honest I don’t really have an answer to that.” Cole spun around to face his mate, “I’m scared for this to be real.”

  “Why on earth would you be scared?”

  “Because if this is real then they can take it all away from me again. And if it’s not real then at some point I’ll wake up and you’ll be just a dream little mate.” He caressed her cheek with his knuckles.

  “A dream?” Jess arched an eyebrow at Cole, “How about I prove to you this isn’t a dream.”

  Jess stepped backwards away from Cole reached behind her and shut the door without breaking eye contact. Cole’s pupils dilated as his breathing became shallower. Crossing her arms Jess grabbed the bottom of her top and pulled it off over her head before dropping it on the floor. Keeping her eyes fixed on Cole she untied her scrub trousers before shimmying them off her hips. She kicked them to the side and stood confidently in her underwear as Cole’s eyes roved over her from head to toe.

  “Still feel like this is a dream?”

  Cole swallowed loudly, “I’m gonna need a bit longer before deciding.”

  Jess nodded at Cole her eyes sparkling with mischief.

  He needs more, we’ll give him more.

  Jess unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. Cole’s gaze dropped to her exposed breasts as he stiffened further in his pants. He shifted on his feet as Jess hooked her thumbs in the top of her lace panties and peeled them down her legs. Cole groaned in appreciation as his mate stood naked before him. He palmed his erection and shifted himself as Jess stalked towards him, “I think you’re a little overdressed.”

  Cole thrust his hands into her hair and devoured her mouth in a searing kiss as her hands automatically moved to drop his trousers. She took his erection in her hand releasing a moan as her thumb ran over the precum on his head. In a split second Cole had removed his top and scooped Jess up in his arms, making her wrap her legs around him. His tip sat at her entrance as he lowered them onto the bed.

  “Little mate. We don’t have to rush this,” he told her.

  Jess pushed her pelvis up into Cole while gripping his ass in her hands and pulling him inside her.

  “Don’t tell me what I want,” she sighed as she felt him slide inside.

  Cole stared down at his mate in disbelief.

  Don’t keep her waiting, his wolf was salivating at the thought of taking his mate at last.

  Cole thrust into her slowly and deeply as he took his time kissing her and running his hands over every inch of her body. He hitched her legs over his shoulders to deepen the angle causing Jess to moan in response. He swallowed her groans with his mouth as he increased his pace, folding her like a pretzel. Reaching his hand between them, he began to stroke clit her making Jess buck against him. Cole increased the pressure as he felt Jess tighten around him. Faster, harder. He pursued her release as she moaned his name and trembled beneath him. Seeing his mate come undone was enough for Cole to let go himself as he released inside of her.

  He rolled to the side allowing her legs to drop back down before he held her close and kissed her head. As their breathing steadied Jess asked, “Still wondering if this is a dream?”

  Cole had to laugh at her. He felt blessed to have someone so loving but smart to challenge him.

  “Hmmmm... I’ve always had a pretty vivid imagination so I think I may need to give that another go just to be sure.”

  He ran his hand down to caress one of her breasts as Jess felt him harden against her again. She leaned back to look at him arching an eyebrow, “Already?”

  “Oh little mate... I’m just getting started.”

  Cole made love to his mate for hours, worshipping every inch of her body until she was too exhausted to continue. As she slept he watched over her, stroking her hair and basking in the moments they had shared. When dawn was about to break he kissed her on the forehead and gently climbed out of bed making sure she remained covered with the blankets. He headed downstairs and out into the backyard to sit on one of the lawn chairs.

  Cole had never seen the sunrise. As the light crested over the forest on the horizon it coated the leaves with an orange and pink hue. Sitting outside, basking in the first light of the day was more beautiful than he could ever have imagined. He was truly free.

  We’re not dreaming.

  Chapter 40:

  Bodies littered the floor like discarded items of clothing as blood seeped into the ground. Both human and wolf forms mingled together as the war waged on around her. Autumn turned in a circle panicked by the chaos and unable to get her bearings. What was she doing here? It was too soon. They weren’t ready.

  A body thrown through the air collided with her, sending her sprawling to the ground. Heaving the weight off her, Autumn raised her hands to see they were covered in blood. Her gaze travelled down to the lifeless form she had pushed away. Drake’s eyes were glazed over and his face softened peacefully now death had claimed him. Autumn felt the scream rise in her throat but only a strangled cry could escape.

  She heard a low growl as an enormous dark brown wolf, with eyes as black as night, prowled towards her. Blood dripped from his jowls as he curled his lips to snarl at her. Autumn was paralysed with fear. The devastating destruction that followed this wolf who seemed to be so much more than a normal shifter was enough to steal any glimmer of hope she still held. The wolf shifted seamlessly into his human form, his malicious eyes glinting with triumph as he towered before her.

  Before he could strike Elijah’s white wolf soared over Autumn’s head to tackle the man to the ground. He simply laughed as his arms held Elijah at bay while he snapped at his throat. The noise was so out of place in the surrounding chaos is brought goose bumps to Autumn’s skin.

  The blast of the gunshot was unmistakable despite the cacophony of sound surrounding them. Elijah’s wolf stilled his attack before slowly
turning his head to look at Autumn. His blue eyes were filled with sorrow as his beautiful white coat turned crimson and he finally collapsed.

  Autumn’s scream rang out as she pulled herself from her nightmare. Moments later her bedroom light flicked on as both Alpha and Luna Grey came in. The nightmares had begun a week ago as more packs visited Lunar Forest bringing news of the Raptors. Each time she saw one or more of her loved ones die right in front of her while she remained powerless to stop it. The first time Alpha Grey had stormed in and shifted anticipating an attack which had scared Autumn even more than her nightmare. Now the nightmares were almost nightly her parents were adjusting to them and consoled her as best they could.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered as her heart rate and erratic breathing slowed.

  “Don’t be. We’re right here for you,” her mother soothed.

  “Can we get you anything sweetheart?”

  “No thanks. I think I’ll head out for a run, try to clear my head.”

  Her mother gave her a grim smile while Alpha Grey nodded, “Don’t stray from the forest.”

  After further assurances that she was fine and wouldn’t go far Autumn’s parents headed back to bed to try and catch another couple of hours of sleep. Autumn dressed and quietly slipped out of the house and down the pathways to the edge of the forest.

  “Another nightmare?”

  Autumn paused before turning to face the familiar voice. “You heard about that huh?”

  Drake gave her an apologetic smile, “Our Dad’s are always going to talk. Sorry if you didn’t want me to know.”

  “Its fine,” Autumn replied, “It seems ridiculous to be having nightmares about something that hasn’t even happened but I just can’t seem to stop.”

  “I wish I could do something to help.”

  Autumn wasn’t sure what to say to that. Drake had every right to hate her for leaving him at the altar but at the same time he had lied to her and they hadn’t had time to talk about everything that had happened. “Drake, we need to....”

  “Talk,” he finished for her. “Yes we do. Can I join you on your run?”

  Autumn smiled at his question, it seemed so long ago that a morning run was their routine. “Yeah I’d like that.”

  They set off at a gentle pace initially in companionable silence. Dawn had not yet broken and so the light through the forest gave everything a blue hue. Their feet hitting the ground set an audible rhythm like the beating of a drum as the crisp air stung their lungs with every breath.

  Autumn wasn’t sure how to begin, but as usual Drake led the way for them both. “I’m sorry,” he began, “I never meant for things to turn out the way they did.”

  “You mean you never meant for me to find out?” Autumn couldn’t help her snide remark. She was still angry about the deceit from Drake and her father even though she was aware they had the best of intentions.

  “I guess I deserve that,” Drake responded, “But did you honestly for a second even consider that we weren’t meant to be together? I didn’t. I turned eighteen and suddenly everything I’d ever dreamt of was no longer the right path for me, surely you can understand how difficult that was! We are taught from a young age that our future is carved out for us by a divine spirit. That they alone know what’s best for us. But how can you being with someone else be what’s best for me when it hurts this much?”

  “It hurts because you haven’t found your true mate yet. When you meet her, your feelings for me won’t seem so grand.”

  “You don’t know that. If Elijah is your fated mate then that means his love for you must be greater than mine. While I don’t doubt his feelings for you, they are definitely not greater than my own. So don’t you see, we should be able to choose?”

  “You didn’t let me choose! You and my father decided for me. I just don’t understand why you weren’t honest with me?”

  “Because I was afraid. I was afraid that you would care more about the old ways and not consider that they may be archaic and flawed.”

  “How can you even say that?” Autumn grabbed Drake’s shoulder and pulled him to a stop.

  “Because it’s true! The Moon Goddess created the mate bond in simpler times. Back then people were more likely to die from cholera and childbirth. Things just aren’t the same anymore.”

  “So we should just forget our history entirely?” Autumn was outraged.

  “No I’m not saying that. I’m saying that things change, people change. As the world adapts around us why can’t we change too? Look at it this way, if each shifter has a fated mate but that mate dies before they ever meet them, should that person be doomed to a life of solitude?”

  “No of course not...”

  “Then how is me choosing you any different? I’ve not met my fated mate, she might not even exist! What if she is dead? I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life, not when I know I would be happy with you.” Drake clasped Autumn’s hands, “I know we will be happy together if you would just choose me.”

  “This doesn’t change the fact that you lied to me,” Autumn pulled her hands away from Drake. “Answer me this, if I had married you that day would you ever have told me?”

  Drake took a few moments to think hard about her question before answering, “Honestly, probably not. Once we were married and the bond was in place neither of us would feel attached to anyone else so we would have been safe from that heartache.”

  “So even now you’re telling me that you would lie to me. That’s not what I want from my marriage Drake. Can’t you see how wrong that is?”

  “By telling you that I am being honest with you!” He growled with frustration, “It would be easier for me to lie right now but I’ve already learnt from that mistake Autumn. I won’t lie to you again.”

  Autumn sighed, “You’d better not Drake, I mean it.”

  “Does that mean you forgive me?”

  Autumn pondered his question and searched within herself for the right answer, “Not completely, but it’s a start.”

  With that Autumn began to run again with Drake quickly catching up to her and matching her stride. They completed their circuit with no other conversation, each lost in their own thoughts. By the time they reached the entrance to the forest once more the sun had risen well over the horizon.

  “Breakfast?” Drake asked.

  “Sure why not.”

  “Why don’t we go join everyone at the mess for a change?”

  They headed to the communal mess and came across a flurry of activity outside. Drake and Autumn looked at each other with questioning expressions. Moving closer they could see everyone crowding around a notice and grabbing printouts deposited beneath. Drake moved through the group to grab a copy before heading back to Autumn.

  “They’ve posted a dossier on The Raptors for everyone based on all the information collected from all the packs. Here,” he handed the printout to Autumn, “Take a look.”

  The Raptors:

  Origin: original members initially from North America and South America. Exiled due to experimentation. Pack name is believed to be chosen from the Spanish term “el raptor” meaning kidnapper.

  Current location: 20 miles SW of Franklin. Closest pack Winding River.

  Alpha: Marcus Santos, 43

  Beta: William Harrison, 45

  Enforcers: approximately 85 males with corresponding mates although only the males are believed to be experienced in combat. All under 40 years old.

  Workers: approximately 600, with a mix of men, women and children of various ages. Minimal combat training. May include previously kidnapped shifters.

  Prisoners: maximum 100 at a time, grouped in 10s with males housed separately from females. Will be made up of kidnapped shifters all under 21 years old.

  Arsenal: Rugers, MK 17s, normal and silver rounds, various knives, lashing whips, stun guns and other torture implements.

  Transportation: 8 pickups, 4 land rovers, 1 HGV, 2 mini vans.

  Other info: Perimeter mar
ked with experimental sensory deprivators to minimise shifter abilities once crossed. Enforcers believed to be treated with physical enhancers to increase combat ability.

  Map: location layout plotted (see overleaf)

  “Does this mean they’re ready to start making a plan?”

  “Maybe. We should go ask your Dad.”

  Chapter 41:

  After a month of planning it turned out the packs were finally ready to make a move. There had been many discussions about the different issues that could arise from targeting the Raptors. But in the end the hope that some of the kidnapped pack members could be returned was enough to convince most of the affected packs to contribute to bringing the Raptors down.

  They had enough numbers in theory to beat them; the holes in their strategy were the unknowns. If the workers sided with the Raptors then they could be easily overwhelmed. There had been much debate about the likelihood of that happening, many people reasoned that in the end they were captives and belonged elsewhere so why would they side with their captors? If anything they might rebel against the Raptors given a good opportunity like Elijah said they had done before.

  Others argued that the workers were so ingrained into obeying the Raptors for fear of punishment that they would never go against the status quo. In that scenario the best they could hope for was them to be passive and not engage at all.

  One of the packs had a trained psychiatrist amongst their members whose input was invaluable. She advised it would be highly likely that some of the workers would have Stockholm syndrome, particularly those that have been in the prisoner camp but then shifted to be amongst the workers. Elijah had described his interactions with them as completely abnormal. They didn’t seem to acknowledge or even recognise who he was and that he had tried to help him. The psychiatrist believed this could be down to Stockholm syndrome, but given the Raptors use of experimental herbs and drugs something more sinister could be in place.


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