Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 26

by J. L. Berry

  “That makes me sound like some hero who had a plan. It was pure luck mixed in with a couple of promises and a lot of help.”

  “A good Alpha knows when to ask for help. They listen to their people and use their skills to everyone’s advantage. An Alpha isn’t a hero. They’re the father to all their people.”

  Elijah didn’t know how to respond to her. He felt ill equipped to be an Alpha but if the Moon Goddess was willing to give him a second chance then he would need to step up and do what was right for his pack. The tawny wolf stepped back out from the tree line and padded to Selene’s side. As her fingers ran through his fur she looked down at his amber eyes and a sad smile crossed her features.

  “What is it?” Elijah asked.

  “Come,” she beckoned him as she turned to follow her wolf back through the trees. She didn’t say another word to Elijah but he followed her dutifully until they reached a clearing. A familiar figure stood to one side but amidst all of his rambling thoughts regarding the Raptors Elijah was struggling to place who the outline belonged to. It didn’t take long to find out. The person turned and his eyes immediately fell on Elijah as a look of shock spread over his face.



  “Oh goddess no.... she’s all alone.” Drake’s look of shock quickly changed to one of horror then of grief.

  “It’s ok Drake,” Selene reassured him, “Elijah won’t be staying.” Drake looked at them confused but didn’t get the opportunity to question her statement. “Are you ready to go back Elijah?”

  “Yes. But what about...”

  “We all have to make our own decisions Elijah, remember that.” He nodded his understanding before looking at Drake, trying to figure out what his future held. Selene raised one hand to touch Elijah’s cheek once more.

  “Wait!” Drake interrupted, “Please can I talk to him quickly before you send him back?”

  “Make it quick.” Selene stepped back to allow Drake to speak to Elijah in private. The two men shared hushed whispers for several minutes during which Drake appeared to relax but Elijah became more fraught. Eventually Drake moved away and offered his thanks to Selene for her patience.

  Without another word she placed her hand on Elijah and he felt his body fill with light until he was so blinded he couldn’t see.


  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  Chapter 47:

  Drake watched Elijah become filled with light and then fade away as he returned back to the mortal plain. Selene turned to face Drake once again with a curious smile on her delicate face. “What did you tell him? She asked.

  “I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough,” Drake smirked in response.

  “You’re not going to tell me?”

  “You’re an omniscient Goddess. If you don’t already know then surely a surprise every now and then will be a welcome change.”

  Selene chuckled, “You’re quite right. I shall wait and see. I must admit I’m intrigued.” She paused for a second before continuing, “I presume that this means you do not wish to return along with Elijah?”

  “No,” he answered simply, “And I think you know why.”

  “Indeed.” Selene tucked her long blonde hair behind one ear before moving to take Drake’s arm and encouraging him to walk with her.

  “Is she here?”

  “She is. She will be happy to meet you at last.”

  This brought a soft smile to Drake’s face, “I hope she hasn’t been waiting long?”

  “No, just a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, like many of the workers in the Raptor pack she was starving and had no desire to return.”

  “Given everything I’ve seen and heard she’s in a better place now. It hurts to know she’s been through so much hardship when I haven’t.”

  “Her life has been tough, yes. But she is a strong woman for it. Are you ready to meet her?”

  Drake nodded as he felt his palms become sweaty and his mouth dry in anticipation. Why was he suddenly nervous?

  What if she doesn’t like us? His wolf fretted.

  She’s our mate, of course she’ll like us he reasoned although there was a niggling doubt that she may judge him for his relationship with Autumn, especially when she had experienced life at the hands of the Raptors.

  Selene continued to lead Drake through the forest before dropping her arm from his and gesturing for him to take the lead. Venturing forward the horizon became hazy and Drake lost sight of Selene as he felt the air shift around him. He found himself stood at the edge of a lake, the water clearer than any he had seen before. At the water’s edge stood a beautiful wood cabin with a deck that extended over the water. The adjacent trees helped the cabin merge into its surroundings beautifully like it was always meant to be there. As Drake moved forward a fresh strawberry scent wafted towards him. The door to the cabin had opened and a tall slim woman now stood on the porch. Her shoulder length blonde hair framed her face which was lightly tanned. Her sky blue eyes locked on to Drakes as a beaming white smile grew on her light pink lips.

  “Drake,” he heard her soft voice whisper as his wolf rejoiced at the sight of her.


  Without hesitation she ran towards him and he met her half way. He gripped her around the waist as she jumped into his arms and wrapped her long legs around him, sealing their lips together in a blazing kiss. Drake wasn’t sure how long they kissed for before his mate finally pulled her face back to look at him. He was completely in awe of her energy and confidence.

  “I’m sorry,” she blushed adorably, “I probably shouldn’t have just thrown myself at you... it just feels like I’ve waited for so long!”

  Drake chuckled at her now bashful behaviour, “It’s fine... well better than fine if I’m honest! But it’s definitely the first time I’ve kissed a girl without even knowing her name?”

  “I should hope so!” She mocked him with a wink, “My name’s Catherine.”

  “Catherine,” Drake repeated, sounding out his mate’s name for the first time. His wolf purred with happiness. He slowly released her allowing her body to slide down his until her feet hit the floor. He moved his hands upwards to hold her face as he looked deeply into her eyes. “I am so sorry.”

  She looked puzzled at his apology as her forehead furrowed, “What on earth for?”

  “For not finding you. For not getting you out of that horrible place. For not giving you the life you deserved.”

  “Drake,” she chastised, “You can’t apologise for things you didn’t know or things you couldn’t do anything about!”

  “But I wasted time trying to understand everything with Autumn...”

  “Stop.” She placed a finger over his lips to silence him. “There’s no point dwelling on the past. Your relationship with Autumn was a beautiful thing. I’m glad you had someone who loved you that much. Besides... it was great practice now I’m the lucky one that gets to keep you for eternity,” she winked at him again.

  “I don’t want to ask but I need to know something... were you kidnapped? Did they use you like they did so many of those other poor girls?”

  Catherine’s heart ached for the look on Drake’s face. She had never truly known about the prison camp until she met Selene and was horrified about what had happened there. She wished she had believed Elijah rather than following the general consensus that he was a trouble maker. “I was born into the Raptor pack Drake. So no, I never suffered like those poor girls did. Yes, it was a tough life, but I had friends and a family who loved me just like you did. And one day I can’t wait for you to meet them. They’re going to love you just as much as I do.”

  Drake was gobsmacked by his mate’s complete acceptance and lack of judgement or jealousy. Is this what true love is really like? If so, he definitely considered himself lucky to spend the rest of time making Catherine feel as loved and treasured as she clearly deserved to be.

  BETA MORGAN WAS SAT by his son’s side when he passed away. He could have sworn he s
aw his son smile in that moment and he hoped that meant he had found peace in the afterlife that waited for him. A parent should never have to say goodbye to their child first but he knew he would see Drake again, along with his own mate, when it was his time.

  The nurse turned off the machines and removed the tube from Drake’s throat before giving Beta Morgan some time alone with his son. He talked to him about a whole host of things but especially how worried he was to be acting as Alpha. “I don’t know if Cole will even want to be Alpha now he’s back. What if he doesn’t? Or what if the pack won’t accept him?”

  Beta Morgan had no desire to be Alpha, especially now Drake was gone. As much as he would love to hear his reassurance it was time to inform his pack and get some answers of his own. Taking a deep breath he stood and kissed his son on the forehead like he did when he was a boy. “I’ll see you soon son,” he whispered before leaving.

  His first point of call was to tell Autumn and Cole and so he headed down towards Elijah’s room in the ICU. As he approached he saw Elijah being wheeled back inside. Cole glanced up the corridor and saw him coming along with the confused look on his face.

  “There was a complication,” he informed Beta Morgan, “They lost him for a moment but he seems stable again now.”

  Beta Morgan could see Autumn now at Elijah’s bedside. His hand gripped in hers as tears of relief streamed down her cheeks.

  Perhaps this wasn’t the right time.

  Beta Morgan hesitated. He wasn’t typically an indecisive man but he had lost his Alpha and his son within 24 hours and had no one to turn to for advice. Cole did not know Beta Morgan at all but instinctively recognised the man was in great pain. He reached out a hand to clasp his shoulder, “What is it?”

  “It’s erm...” Autumn looked up on hearing Beta Morgan’s cracked voice causing him to pause. She took in his face and knew in that moment exactly why he was so broken.

  “Oh Goddess no,” she breathed as her voice caught in her throat.

  Cole’s eyes snapped to his sister and then the reality dawned on him. Drake was dead. He pulled Beta Morgan into a tight hold as the man finally broke down. Great sobs wracked his large body as Cole supported his weight. Autumn quickly stood to embrace him as they shared in their grief.

  It didn’t take long for word to spread and pack members to come and offer their condolences. Arrangements were made to prepare Drake’s body for the rights of the dead, along with the rest of their fallen pack members tomorrow. Autumn let her mother handle the arrangements for her father as she remained by Elijah’s bed side. She prayed he would wake in time for the ceremony. Each hour that passed he grew stronger and the doctors were confident that his wolf healing was now working and it wouldn’t be long.

  As night fell Autumn crawled into bed with Elijah, snuggling herself close beside him. The exhaustion of the last few days dragged her into a deep sleep now her mate was finally recovering beside her. When dawn broke the next morning Elijah’s eyes fluttered open as the scent of cinnamon apples filled his every breath. He felt instant relief that Autumn was tucked up right beside him like a sleeping kitten. His body ached as he shifted in the bed to pull her closer to him.

  The movement jostled her and she stretched sleepily before opening her own eyes. She smiled up at him dreamily, clearly still in a half sleeping state.

  She’s adorable his wolf purred.

  Unable to wait a second longer Elijah leaned in to brush soft kisses across her lips. Autumn moaned in response as their kiss deepened and her fingers threaded into Elijah’s hair. A second later she jerked back. Elijah’s heart raced with worry, “What is it princess?”

  “You’re awake?” She cried in disbelief.

  “I’m sorry? Would you prefer I go back to sleep while you kiss me?” He mocked her gently.

  “No of course not!” She smacked him lightly on the shoulder. “I just.... I thought I’d lost you... and now it just seems so surreal.”

  “I’m sorry princess. I promise I’ll never leave you if I can help it.”

  Tears welled in Autumn’s eyes again. It felt like she’d done nothing but cry for the last few days. “Drake...”

  “Is gone. I know baby.”

  “But how?”

  “I saw him,” he answered simply.

  “Oh.” Autumn paused as she processed this, “I want you to know that I told him you were my choice before he died.”

  “I know,” Elijah smiled gently at her, “He told me.”

  “I just don’t want you to think that you’re my second choice or anything just because he’s gone now.”

  Elijah ran his fingers through her hair relishing in the feeling, “You don’t need to explain your choices to me princess. You’re my mate and I love you unconditionally.”

  Mate her wolf preened at his words finally feeling at peace.

  Chapter 48:

  That morning the Lunar Forest pack departed the hospital to head back home with the remainder of the Raptors in tow. Elijah was their last seriously injured wolf and with him on the mend it was time to pay their final respects to those who had fallen. A small party of wolves had gone ahead of the rest to prepare the clearing for the ceremony.

  The rights of the dead were held deep in the forest on the opposite side of the lake, where Elijah first laid eyes on Autumn. There was a natural clearing where the tree canopy thinned and the stars could be seen above. It was far enough away from the pack houses that no light pollution impaired the view of the night sky. During the summer months the clearing became a meadow and the scent of the flowers filled the air with a natural perfume. A pyre was erected in the centre of the clearing ready for the fallen to be placed on top.

  Many families had already begun preparing their loved ones before they departed the hospital but there were still a few hours to make finishing touches once they arrived back home. It was tradition to use natural fabrics and materials and represent the life of the wolf being released to the next life. The worker females had their hair braided with wild flowers interwoven to represent their innocence stolen by the Raptors. The warriors were adorned with amulets shaped to mark their achievements but they did not leave this life with any weapons. Their time for fighting was over, they deserved to rest in peace.

  Just before dusk the pack gathered outside the main hall, each member barefoot and dressed in white. Their fallen pack members were carried on their shoulders on top of stretchers made from woven branches. Family members carried their loved ones in procession as the pack moved as one towards the near side of the lake. A solemn quietness filled the air with only the sounds of their footsteps and the forest to break the silence.

  Autumn, Cole, Jess and Luna Grey carried Alpha Grey to the water’s edge before wading out to place him on one of the waiting boats. Alpha Grey was dressed in white, his hands clasped in front of him. An Alpha warrior’s amulet adorned his neck in tribute to his fall in combat while his wedding band remained on his finger. Beta Morgan, despite having no remaining family, had countless offers to help him carry his son. In deference to their budding friendship, Elijah joined Beta Morgan in carrying Drake and no-one argued the decision. In fact several members of the pack hovered near Elijah in case he needed help. He was still recovering from his near fatal injuries and the strain of carrying Drake was physically exhausting. Sweat beaded on his forehead but he remained steadfast as he helped lower Drake onto a boat.

  Once everyone had gathered at the water’s edge the boats were sailed across the lake. The sun was starting to dip lower in the sky as they glided towards the sunset. The pack carefully disembarked on the other side and moved the short distance into the clearing. The size of the pyre took many of them be surprise and gasps could be heard as everyone gathered. No-one present had experienced such heavy losses in one go.

  The families carried their loved ones to position them on the pyre. Each taking a moment to whisper their hushed goodbyes. Autumn knelt beside her father along with her family. Luna Grey whispered words of l
ove to her fallen mate before placing a soft lingering kiss on his lips one last time. She held the hands of both her children as she rose to her feet before squeezing them and turning away.

  Having had the chance to say goodbye to him properly Autumn had no more words to say to her father. Despite the grief of knowing he was gone she knew he was happy and they would be together again one day. She kissed his cheek tenderly before rising to give Cole some time alone to say whatever he needed to in solitude.

  Autumn watched Elijah and Beta Morgan move forward to place Drake down. Beta Morgan knelt beside his son, his hand on Drake’s head while Elijah and the others stood a respectful step back giving him some privacy but remaining close enough to help if needed. As Autumn drew close she placed a hand on the small of Elijah’s back. She felt him relax into her touch and as she looked at his face she could see the pain written there. Tears formed in her mates eyes as he took in the scene around him. The physical pain of carrying Drake while injured was nothing compared to the loss of so many lives and the sorrow evident all around them. Once he had regained his composure he looked down at his mate and kissed her forehead. Silently, Elijah ushered Autumn forward to say her goodbyes to Drake.

  Drake was simply dressed in a white cotton shirt and white linen shorts, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the collar open. The white made his tanned skin glow and his face looked relaxed and peaceful, just like he was asleep. Autumn placed a hand on Beta Morgan’s shoulder as she knelt beside him.

  “I’m sorry he didn’t tell you.”

  “It’s ok, I’m sure he had his reasons. Besides, he kept his promise, he didn’t lie to me. He never actually told me he was fine, I just assumed.”

  “They say it’s common for someone to get a surge of life before they finally pass away. I’m glad you got to see him like that and settle things before he died.”

  “Me too. I did love him you know, still do.... it’s just...”


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