Siren's Song

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Siren's Song Page 2

by Hayden Archer

  Sarah moved even closer, moved her second arm around me and then her body was molded against mine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Damn did she feel good against me. Her body pressed against my own, that music tickling at my ears, it was enough to send an orgasmic tingle out from my ears to every other spot in my body where Sarah’s made contact with mine.

  This was not the time for me to get turned on. This was not the time for me to get distracted by some hottie snuggling up against me. This definitely wasn’t the time for some weird song to distract me.

  Why the hell couldn’t I get that song out of my head? Where the hell was it coming from anyways?

  I found myself having trouble holding onto my connection with whatever creatures were out there trying to sneak up on us. Not that it seemed to particularly matter. As that song grew louder, as I saw a mysterious glow rising from between the trees off in the distance, the things that were surrounding us seemed to be pulling away from us. Seemed to be retreating. That was both comforting and worrying.

  On the one hand I was more than happy they were leaving us alone. On the other hand I was worried about what could possibly be lurking out there that was making all those creepy crawlies that had been sneaking up on us with malicious intent suddenly decide they had better places to be. I always heard the phrase thrown around that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but that didn’t count if the enemy of your enemy was an even bigger, even scarier monster with giant claws and nasty teeth that made the previous things that were chasing after you look like fluffy kittens in comparison.

  “What were we talking about?” Sarah asked.

  Her voice was slurred. If I didn’t know any better, if I didn’t know that she really wasn’t the drinking type, I would’ve thought she was drunk off her ass. She swayed against me, holy shit did her body feel so fucking amazing everywhere it pressed against me and particularly where she was grinding against my cock, swaying in much the same way I’d felt when I had a drunken dance with girls at house parties back before this little transformation pushed me to the point that I had more interest in a girl grinding against me than getting the guys around us worked up.

  My power went out and everything around me went dark. I had no idea if there was anything around us. Of course when my powers winked out everything around us had been beating a hasty retreat, so I wasn’t too worried in the near-term anyways.

  Not that I even particularly cared that my power was giving out. No, I was suddenly far more interested in that strange glow coming through the trees, coming from just ahead of us in the darkness around a bend in the path. I started walking along the path, worry, apprehension, the need to get to the history building and see what happened to my friends, was all replaced by a burning curiosity to discover what that glow was. What that song was. That curiosity burned almost as brightly as the desire burning deep in my body for Sarah as she continued grinding against me.

  A part of me knew this was wrong. A part of me knew this wasn’t going to end well. A part of me knew this was probably some fresh magic, some fresh trouble I was about to get into. And yet as I grew closer to that glow, as that song grew louder, the intoxicating effects overtook my mind. I was drunk on that music, and the only thing I could think about was hearing more of it.

  We rounded that bend and I found myself staring out across the large pond in the middle of campus. My mouth opened as I looked out on that incredible sight. The pond definitely looked very different tonight then it usually did.

  A glow suffused the pond, but that wasn’t why my mouth was open. A glowing golden island that seemed to be made of sand brighter than anything I’d seen even on trips down to the Caribbean, had grown out of nowhere in the middle of that glowing water. That wasn’t even of what had me staring open mouthed though.

  No, the reason I was a staring in shock was them. They were beautiful. Gorgeous.

  “Holy shit,” Sarah said.

  Yup. That summed up exactly how I felt. A group of gorgeous women lounged on that improbable island in the middle of the pond in the middle of campus. Each one of them was completely nude, each one of them was a definite 11 on a scale of 10, and each one of them was staring at the two of us and beckoning us with their arms. Beckoning us with their voices.

  They were the source of that enchanting song. And as I got a good look at them I realized that calling it an enchanting song probably wasn’t that far off the mark. I didn’t know what it was about that music, but it made me want to step forward into the water.

  A gasp from behind me drew my attention away from those gorgeous women for a moment. I turned to see Sarah staring at me with her eyes wide and her hand over her mouth looking down. I followed her eyes down and blinked. Now that was new. I was walking over the water and it was a barely lapping at my feet. I felt like I was walking on solid ground.

  I didn’t know if that was my own power or if that was courtesy of the magic from those delicious creatures out there on that island. Whatever it was, I wasn’t going to knock it. Something told me that going for a swim in the cold pond water, I had no doubt it was still freezing despite that strange golden glow, would ruin the mood pretty damn quick. I looked at Sarah, grinned, shrugged, and turned to continue following that siren call out to the middle of the pond.

  I heard a splash behind me and glanced over my shoulder one last time. Sarah was following me and she was doing the same thing. Walking without the water actually touching her. That definitely had to be something these beauties in the center of the pond were doing, in that case. I definitely wasn’t doing anything to affect both me and Sarah.

  My cock pulse with rock hard desire that seemed to grow more and more insistent the closer I got to those creatures. The closer I got to their wonderful song. It was as though their voices were going through my ears and straight down to my cock which was throbbing almost to the point of pain. It was so wonderful!

  I stepped onto that impossible mysterious island in the middle of the pond and it was as though I was stepping onto a cloud. Not that I knew exactly what stepping on a cloud felt like. I imagined it would feel a lot like stepping through nothing, followed by a lot of screaming as I felt through and on towards the ground a few thousand feet below. But you get my point.

  What I’m trying to say is that sand was surprisingly soft. As I stepped onto that island one of the women moved to me. She had bright curly blonde hair that fell down past her shoulders. Past and impossibly gorgeous pair of tits. They were supernaturally incredible, and that small part of my brain that was telling me this was wrong was also telling me that of course they were supernaturally impossible. That sort of thing happened when you were dealing with gods, goddesses, and all of the mythical creatures that came as part and parcel of those dealings.

  And yet the larger part of me, the part of me that was going “holy shit look at how hot this chick is!” didn’t care. It was surprising how compelling that louder voice was. I really didn’t care. At the moment the brain down below was calling the shots and doing all the thinking. Well, that and whatever that song was doing to me.

  Either way, it was a powerful combination that quickly and firmly overrode my rational mind.

  “Welcome,” the woman said with a smile.

  As I looked at her in that odd glow cast by the sand, cast by the water, I realized there was something odd about her skin. Faint gold lines that traced across her tanned skin. Lines I could almost see out of the corner of my eye when I looked at her, but that were difficult to see even in that bright light when I look at her directly. The pattern was almost like a faint tattoo, and something about it tickled and my memory, though I couldn’t for the life of me figure out exactly what it was that was being tickled.

  “What did she say?”

  I turned and saw Sarah stepping onto the island. She still had that half drunk look on her face and she was swaying back and forth. I wondered if I looked that ridiculous. If I was swaying back and forth like that. I didn’t feel like I was, and yet at th
e same time I felt so impossibly giddy.

  “She said welcome,” I said. “Couldn’t you hear her?”

  “I couldn’t understand whatever language she was speaking,” Sarah said.

  I turned and my eyebrows lowered as I looked at the beautiful blonde woman standing before me. There was something odd about that too, and yet I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. My mind was too clouded. That damn ever present song was taking over my brain. It was drowning out everything else.


  The blonde leaned up and kissed me. Where her lips made contact with mine it was like an explosion of pleasure. I didn’t know a kiss could feel that good. Again that small part of my mind that was fighting against this was screaming that it was obviously supernaturally enhanced, but the larger part of me that was in control said that I didn’t care if it was a supernaturally enhanced kiss. All I cared about was how fucking amazing that kiss was.

  The blonde pressed forward and then her body was against mine. She felt so soft. Her skin was so warm. I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my arms around her and then she was raising a leg and grinding against me. Her body felt so amazing. More amazing even then Sarah pressing against me.

  I heard a gasp behind me and pulled away from the kiss. I turned towards the gasp and saw Sarah surrounded by two beautiful women. Both of them also had that same faint gold tracing running up and down their skin. It seemed it was easier for me to get a good look at that pattern the farther they were from me. One of the women, a redhead, was leaning forward and kissing along Sarah’s neck. The other had her hand down where Sarah’s shirt was exposing some of her stomach and she was pulling up. Sarah, for her part, seemed to be a giving up absolutely no resistance to their attentions. She lifted her hands up, her eyes closed as she continued to sway back and forth to that song.

  Something tugged at my pants and I looked down. A gorgeous girl with dark hair looked up at me, her eyes flashing with an impossibly green color. There seemed to be a glow behind her. She was undoing my jeans and then they were being pulled down revealing my panties and the bulge between my legs where my cock stood proudly. Another set of hands reached out behind me and pulled up on my shirt.

  It was odd the things I noticed when I was trapped in situations like this. I probably should’ve been worried about this impossible island in the middle of the pond. I probably should’ve been worried about these impossibly gorgeous women who surrounding Sarah and me. Sure that was all interesting, but by far the most overriding concern I found running through my mind was how cold it had been when we stepped out. And yet here on this island it was warm as though we were on a tropical island in the middle of the Caribbean. Or maybe an island in the middle of the Mediterranean during the summer. I suppose that was probably more geographically correct considering the originating location of the creatures we were dealing with.

  Even that distraction fled from my mind as I felt kisses running along my back. I turned to see another woman, this one with bright hair the color of the fire, kissing down my back towards my panties. She hooked her hands in my underwear and her touch felt amazing against my ass.

  I turned back around to face the blonde. She cupped my cheeks in her hands and pulled me forward. It was inexorable. I couldn’t resist. Once again our lips came together. And down below the brunette must have still been working as well. As the redhead pulled my pants down in the back, kissing the entire way, I felt someone yanking on my panties in the front. Felt a mouth close around the head of my cock and a tongue swirl around it as my panties were pulled down and I stepped out of them. My shoes were the last to go, and I distractedly kicked them aside along with my socks.

  I was a bundle of purely orgasmic sensation. It was so incredible. The redhead continued massaging me behind while peppering my body with kisses. The brunette down below seemed to be enjoying herself going to town on my cock. Yet there was something odd about her tongue. For that matter, there seemed to be something odd about the girl who was kissing me up above. Her tongue felt strangely odd as well. Not quite human. I suppose that should’ve been expected, but it was still bothering me.

  Any thoughts about what was slightly off escaped my mind as the girl who was behind me did something very surprising. Suddenly she went from kissing around my ass to slipping her very odd tongue between my cheeks. I wanted to clench my cheeks as she started rimming me! I knew what that was. I knew what it meant. And yet I’d never had someone do it before.

  Even as I thought about how no one had ever done that before I also found myself wondering why I’d never let any of the guys who’d expressed an interest do that to me. Damn did that feel good!

  And so I stood there and very nearly melted into the girl standing in front of me. Used her to support me as we continued making out. As the brunette down below continued moving her head up and down on my cock. As the girl behind me continued her assault on my ass that was so incredible even though I would have it never thought so before she did it.

  It was all too much for me. I had to come up for air. Had to take a breather. I pulled away from the blonde and she frowned in disappointment, but I smiled to reassure her.

  I took that breather to glance around the small island. It seemed to be crawling with these strange women, more and more of them. As I looked off to the side where the glowing water met the rapidly growing shoreline I saw another couple of gorgeous women, also completely naked, climb out of the water.

  I looked over my shoulder to where Sarah was allowing herself to be pulled down. One girl was kissing her and another was down between her legs with her tongue thrust out working on her pussy. As I watched Sarah collapsed back onto the sand. She sighed as the girl making out with her moved over her and put an arm on either side of her. As the girl who’d been in between her legs went back to work moving her impossibly long tongue out toward Sarah’s pussy again.

  I blinked.

  Looking at that girl with her tongue between Sarah’s legs made it obvious what was odd about their tongues. They were slightly forked at the end. And as I looked at them moving around her I realized there was something almost predatory about the way they were moving. Not exactly the movements of lovers caressing someone. I still make out those faint gold lines. I blinked again and then that song filled my mind. All those thoughts about predators, about gold lines, escaped my head.

  As I watched Sarah in action I felt a familiar heat burning inside me. An impossible heat. I wanted to panic. I wanted to scream. It was my power rising uncontrollable within me again. Just like it had back in the dorms.

  There wasn’t much to it now, but if it was anything like the dorms then I worried I’d be in for a repeat performance. That was the last thing I needed.

  Only with these women surrounding me and that song controlling me I couldn’t do anything about it. Even if I did have full control I wouldn’t know how to stop it. My power was building inside me, threatening to break out like it had earlier. Violently. And these women were still surrounding me. Still running their mouths and tongues all over my body. Still making me feel impossibly good. Still singing that song that made me a slave to my own desire even as that desire threatened to burn me up.

  I found myself pulled down to the impossibly soft sand in the same way Sarah had just moments before. And I allowed it to happen. I allowed them to do their work on me. There was nothing I could do to stop them. What could I do to stop them? I was powerless before that song. I was powerless before my lust. Before that impossible painful pulsing I felt between my legs that moved in time with the impossible painful pulsing of the medallion between my tits that glowed fitfully.

  I spread myself out on the soft sand and sighed. The redhead was gone from between my ass cheeks and I was surprised to feel emptiness there. Interesting. That was never something I thought I’d be into, and yet now that I’d experienced it I found myself wanting more. I’d have to add that to my list of things to try some other time. Assuming that some other time ever came along consideri
ng all the trouble I’d been having recently and all the ancient mythological creatures that seemed hell-bent on killing me.

  The brunette who’d been working on my cock moved forward and then she was straddling me. God she was gorgeous. She had a slim waist. She had breasts that stuck out and turned up at the tips. They were perfect cones and looked absolutely delectable. Her nipples were an impossibly bright pink color as they strained out towards me. Her hair hung down only to about her neck, and as she looked down and smiled at me with those green eyes that glowed slightly it was absolutely hypnotic.

  She reached down with her fingers that seemed just slightly too long for a human hand and gripped my cock. I sighed as her hand made contact with my dick. She guided my cock and then I felt myself pressing against an impossibly warm wetness. She shifted her hips and then I was sliding inside her.

  Holy shit! She felt absolutely amazing. Her delicate fingers pulled away from me as her pussy moved down the length of my dick. Then the blonde was in my field of vision again obscuring my view of the brunette. She smiled down at me, and there was something odd about her teeth. Almost as though some of them seemed more pointed than the others. But then that pouting mouth, pointed teeth and all, descended on mine and once again I found myself making out with that impossible beauty as the brunette slid and bottomed out on my cock.

  I moaned into the blonde’s mouth as the brunette pulled up and moved down again. As she fucked me, as the blonde made out with me, I felt another pair of hands moving up and down my body and rubbing wherever there was an extra inch of my skin free for the taking. That must be the redhead who until so recently had been working on a forbidden exploration of my back side.

  Much the same as with Sarah in the dorms earlier I found myself fighting against my powers. Trying to keep them from bursting free. And yet I felt as though I was out of control. I felt as though I was on the verge of being burned to a crisp.


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