Paranormal Word Series Box Set (Books 1-3 and Novella)

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Paranormal Word Series Box Set (Books 1-3 and Novella) Page 87

by CC Solomon

  “If you get clean, you’ll have more options,” I stated.

  She looked at me with frustrated eyes. “How? I’m unable to do anything with all these emotions. Being an empath is not a power I’d wish on anyone. I met Paul almost two years into the new world, and if I hadn’t met him, I’d be dead. I haven’t been able to control my powers like others can. It’s like my mind is resistant.”

  “We can find someone who can help. Maybe I can. Maybe the soulmate power can. I have a spell that I prepared for the challenge that might work.”

  Ella took a cautious step back.

  “It’s quick, and it won’t hurt. I promise.” If I could help Phillip, I could definitely help her.

  She looked to Erik who gave her a nod. What? She didn’t trust me? I wanted to be annoyed at that but decided to let it go for the sake of the bigger picture.

  I grabbed her hands and closed my eyes. I whispered the words of my spell and poured my magic out. She definitely felt disturbed. Her magic surrounded me like a sticky film, and I wanted it off me. However, I pushed through and kept chanting my spell.

  Nothing changed. This was different than with Phillip. I hadn’t just taken his word for it; I felt the change in him.

  “It’s not working,” she said in a low voice, looking all too dejected. She let go of my hands. “I thought you said it would work.”

  I thought it would. It had worked on Phillip, who had a lot more darkness over him than Ella. She should have been a simple fix.

  “He wasn’t lying about it working,” Erik stated, cutting into my thoughts. “As much as I hate to admit it, Phillip is changed.”

  I looked up at him and then back to Ella, a sneaking suspicion sweeping over me. “Phillip and I can help you. We’ve grown back limbs, given people their eyesight back. Remember when Phillip psychically tore that guy’s tongue out?”

  Ella grimaced before nodding her head. “I saw him speaking the other day. He said you both grew his tongue back.”

  “We did. So, if we can do that, we can help you with your issues. Maybe my spell just isn’t the right fit for what’s going on with you. Phillip’s out of town right now, but he can teleport back.”

  Ella took a step back. “I have to go to Seth’s now. Tomorrow though.” She smiled at me. “I believe you can help me. Thank you for trying.” She moved towards me again and gave me a tight hug.

  “If you need anything from us, we can help. You don’t need Seth. And lay off the drugs. They might be blocking my spell from working.”

  She stood back and nodded. “Thank you both for all you’ve done for me and Brandon. I’m so thankful.” She looked to Erik again, and they exchanged a look that I couldn’t quite decipher. There was something more meaningful behind it than a simple thank you for us watching Brandon tonight.

  When she left, we went to Erik’s room, leaving Charles again with Brandon.

  I put up a hand after closing the door. “While I do think her doing those magical drugs are hampering my spell from working, because it is a good spell, what if there is more. However,” I paused for dramatic effect, “what if the regression is not a sickness. What if it’s a side effect of these magical drugs. Remember years ago, there was a drug that came out in the Pre-world that made people go all zombie-like and bite folks?”

  Erik tilted his head back slightly and looked down at me with furrowed brows. I knew he was in serious mode, but darn if that look didn’t give me all sorts of sexiness vibes. “You think this drug is causing people to regress?” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “I don’t know, Mina. While I haven’t seen the drug itself, I’ve seen some people on it, and not everyone goes all primitive. Hell, Ella hasn’t. I hate to say it, but the drug has had the opposite effect on her. It dulls her powers like she wants. Why would it make some people go crazy and not others?”

  I shrugged. “Some people died from drug use after the first hit, others can be on it for years. Or maybe some people are using the drugs too heavily. Maybe they overdosed.”

  “True, but some of the people who’ve regressed clearly aren’t the drug using type.”

  “Maybe we don’t know people like we think we do. This is a tough world. It’s got people doing things they never thought they would do to survive. And with teleportation, this drug can easily spread world-wide.”

  Erik rubbed a hand across his face. “Shit, Mina. How do we even find out if all this is true? It’s a magic drug. It’s not like we can do a blood or urine test to find it in a person’s system. Until we know for sure, we still have to treat this like a contagion.”

  “That’s fine. Better to be safe than sorry. I just want us to consider all possibilities as we look for a cure. Now, what else did Ella want?”

  He moved his hand from his face and looked at me with confused eyes. “What do you mean?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I saw the look you two gave each other. And while I know it wasn’t based on something inappropriate, it still meant something.”

  Erik nodded and rested his forearms on his thighs. “Yeah, she’s worried about herself. She knows she’s acting unfit. If she can’t get off these drugs, she wants us to take care of Brandon.”

  I looked at him with shock, my jaw dropping. I wasn’t sure I was real parent material. More like a fun aunt. He’d actually been a parent. He knew what he was doing. I was just winging it.

  “We can’t just take her child. I mean, this is a small town. They’ll see each other. It’s wrong.”

  “She’s worried she won’t make it. She just wants a backup plan.”

  “What if something happens to him because of us? He’s a liability. These first soulmates or their cohorts could use him against us. They could kidnap him, and we’d have to give in to save him. We’d risk everything for a child. I wouldn’t want to be in that situation. We have way too much at stake. We can’t afford any weaknesses.”

  “Weaknesses?” Erik lifted a brow. “The child is not a weakness. Family is what gives us strength. You realize this is what you did before, right? You pushed me away so you could focus on getting stronger and not having any distractions or possible risks. How’d that work out for you?”

  I frowned. He knew damn well how it worked out. We’d wasted time apart, and I was whisked away before I could even tell him I loved him. Still… “That was different. I was being silly. You are clearly not a weakness. However, a child is entirely different. Raising a child is serious work.”

  “I know that,” Erik cut in, a slight edge to his voice.

  I looked up at him but didn’t speak, not sure of how to proceed based on his tone. I’d hit a nerve talking about child raising. Of course, he knew about that. I suddenly felt like garbage.

  He relaxed his broad shoulders. “I couldn’t protect my daughter, Giselle, but maybe I can protect Brandon. I know he isn’t my child, but he needs a functioning parent. Even if for a little while, until his mother gets her shit together.”

  “Erik, I’m sorry. I know I sound like a jerk, but I honestly am thinking of Brandon’s safety. Look, we’ll revisit this later. Maybe Phillip and I will be able to heal Ella, and it’ll all work out.”

  It had better work out. If Phillip and I weren’t strong enough to take out a drug threatening to destroy society, what good were we?

  Chapter 13

  The wedding reception was held at a rooftop bar from the Pre-World now called Magic. A wizard ran it year-round, regardless of the temperature. I expected it to be cold since it was the dead of winter, but the environment was surprisingly warm, surrounded by space heaters, a few fire pits, and other heating sources I couldn’t place.

  Magic was a large beautiful space that changed its scenery weekly. For the wedding, the theme was an exotic rainforest. The floor was covered in mist so you couldn’t see anything beyond the ankles. Tall green plants sprouted up the only two walls in the area behind the bar on the left and the entrance. The plant life also wrapped around the brick surrounding the rest of the rooftop, which served as a p
rotective barrier.

  In the corners of the room were mini geysers erupting smoke and water, but it wasn’t smoky, and no one got wet. Bright orange and red lights glowed from the ground, helping to illuminate the surroundings. Further light came from orbs of yellow floating above us. The bar area seemed to be made of clouds, and the DJ played soulful house music from a booth that looked like a large fluorescent mushroom.

  Erik was currently mingling with a few other guests, and I wandered away to view more of the surroundings. I looked over the brick wall at the view of the town, taking a sip of a warm alcoholic drink. I rarely knew what type of alcohol I was drinking anymore. Much of it was some sort of bootleg mixture someone made.

  I thought I wanted to be at this wedding, but instead, I just felt agitated. I hated that Ella was with that monster, Seth. However, Brandon ultimately deserved better. If it were a different time, I would do more, but to get too involved would be dangerous. Any day now, the soulmates would pop out of nowhere.

  We were building allies. I was still training with Shayla in Hagerstown and Liz in Galway. And just as I was building confidence in my abilities, my misfire with Ella happened. Now a little speck of doubt was entering my mind, and I wondered if I could truly be any match for either soulmate. My only hope was they were as weak as I thought they were. That it was the only reason they had not attacked yet.

  I shook my head. I didn’t have time for doubt. That would give them the edge. I downed the rest of my drink and headed to the ladies’ room. There was already a line. I sighed and decided to take the steps to the first-floor ladies’ room, which I hoped would be less crowded. There was no one downstairs, but the single bathroom for women was locked. Seemed someone had the same idea as me. I leaned against the restaurant wall and waited.

  Moments later, the door opened, and Raya appeared. She didn’t look good. Her face was slightly ashen, and beads of sweat gathered around her hairline. Her face was scrunched in discomfort. She looked up at me and deepened her scowl.

  I didn’t really want to ask, but I couldn’t ignore her if she was sick. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “What do you care?” She spat.

  I leaned back. Sure, Raya didn’t care for me, but she was never outright rude like that. It was more of a frenemy thing between her and me.

  I decided to keep my emotions in check tonight because I was wearing a cute dress and didn’t want to fight. “Because you don’t look so well. You look like you might be coming down with something. I can heal you if you’re sick.”

  Raya stood up straight. “You know what would make me feel better? You leaving.”

  I shrugged. “Is there something else that can help? Because that’s not happening.”

  “What’s so special about you?” She took a step closer to me, and I took a step back, my back hitting the wall. “You’re Phillip’s soulmate, why would he want you after that? You aren’t all that beautiful. You’re not a were. You’re more trouble than you’re worth, in my opinion. You get some points for saving Brandon, but that doesn’t make you a saint.”

  “Maybe it’s time for you to move on, Raya.”

  “I’m the fourth in command. No guy is strong enough to date me other than Seth, Carter, and Erik. I’m not the concubine type and I’ve already dated Carter.”

  That was a bit of drama I didn’t know about. Wonder why she and Carter didn’t work out? Perhaps her bad attitude.

  “Well, date someone outside of the pack; Erik’s taken.”

  “For now,” she sneered.

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t have time for this shit, move.” I was trying to help save the world, and she wanted to get in a soap opera catfight with me?

  Raya did move but not before shoving me in the shoulder and moving past me down the hall.

  “Bitch,” I muttered behind her back, rubbing my shoulder. Damn, that werewolf was strong. I had a sneaky suspicion I’d be bruised in the morning.

  She paused her stride and turned back towards me. I stood my ground as she walked my way again. Damn it, I was not up for a fight. Why did I have to talk without thinking? Ah, yes, alcohol and stress. Two things that made me become rather foolish and pick fights with weres who could slap me, sending my head flying away from my body in one swipe.

  “What did you say?” she asked, standing barely a foot away from me.

  “I called you a bitch because you are one. I mean, you are a female canine, right?” I put my hands on my hips, waiting for her comeback. I might as well go hard or go home. Home being to heaven because this werewolf would kill me.

  I expected her to curse me out. What I didn’t expect her to do was slap me. The bitch actually slapped me across the face. No, I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was thankful my head remained attached, even if it felt slightly wobbly.

  I didn’t allow the shock to paralyze me. That was easy to do since I tasted blood on my lips. I turned and swung my arm out to punch her in the face. She blocked it with ease, a superior look on her face.

  I succeeded in quickly kicking her in the privates, and she bent forward momentarily, crying out. She recovered before I could make my next move and swung out at me. I jumped back, almost losing my balance in my heels. She rushed forward and knocked me to the hardwood floor. My elbows took the brunt of my fall, shooting pain up my arms and into my shoulders.

  Raya reared her hand back to send a fist my way, but I rolled to the right just as her fist landed hard onto the floor. She quickly swung out again, and I felt a searing pain in my back like multiple knives slicing me. She had cut me with her claws. I screamed out, arching my back. Tears sprang to my eyes. I’d never felt pain like that before.

  I struggled to turn so I could defend myself. Raya got down on her knees in one fluid movement and grabbed me by the arms, slamming me back against the floor. I strained my neck, trying to avoid cracking my head on the ground. I tried to shove her off me, pushing at her shoulders, but she was impossibly strong, and the pain in my back was distracting. Raya wasn’t ranked fourth in the pack for nothing.

  I looked up at her with watery eyes and noticed that her teeth were now horrifically sharp, and her eyes were wolfen yellow. She meant to kill me. She snapped at my face as I struggled to push her away. She moved back a few inches before moving in again and biting my forearm. I screamed again, feeling every razor shaped tooth sink deeply into my flesh. The pain was hot and vicious. I pulled my knee up so I could put my foot on her stomach and push her off me. Scooting away from her while breaking free from her bite proved foolish when her teeth tore from my arm, causing agonizing pain.

  Damn it, I was not built for this shit. If I was going to fight her, it would have to be with my magic. If I used my magic against one of Seth’s top people, there would be hell to pay. However, there would have to be exceptions, because I wasn’t going to let myself die either.

  I pushed out my bloody arm and Raya flew back down the hallway, landing on her bottom. She recovered quickly, jumping to her feet. She hunched forward and her clawed hands spread out, ready to pounce and swipe once more. She looked inhuman now; more primal. Drool fell from the corner of her mouth. Something was very wrong.

  A figure materialized in between us. Tall, athletic build with caramel colored skin. Phillip.

  “Trouble again, mi corazon?” he stated, his back to me.

  I hadn’t seen him in a couple of weeks, and for once, I was happy to see him.

  Raya raced towards Phillip, and he threw out his hand. He twisted his wrist and Raya stopped and cried out, bending back in a deep arch. I heard a snap before she crumbled to the floor.

  Phillip turned and walked towards me.

  “Did you, did you … kill her?” I asked, sitting up and holding my damaged arm to my chest.

  He touched my shoulder. “Who cares?” he answered before teleporting us away.

  Chapter 14

  When we materialized, I found myself in foreign surroundings. It looked like a hotel room with white walls, nondescrip
t artwork, a royal blue comforter over crisp white sheets, a closet, and a small black desk and chair.

  “Where are we?” I asked, looking around as I sat down on the king-sized bed.

  “Galway,” Phillip answered, taking my arm, and hovering his hand over the bite to heal my wounds. A comforting warmth soon spread over my arm, and I watched, still amazed as the torn flesh began to heal before my eyes.

  I widened my eyes. “Ireland?”

  He nodded. “Raya did all this? What happened?”

  “We were arguing, and then she just became violent out of the blue.”

  “I knew she didn’t like you, but scratching and biting you seems like overkill.” He moved behind me on the bed and started to heal my back.

  “I think she meant to kill me.”

  “You think she’s infected?”

  “Or just a bitch.”

  “Raya is smarter than that. And what I saw in her face was someone who was going off the deep end.”

  I sighed. Perhaps he was right. Raya was no fan of mine, but she meant to kill, and that wasn’t something she would do, at least not yet. Unless it was all a big act under the order of Seth to get rid of me. That was also very possible.

  I filled Phillip in on my theory that the infection was actually a bad reaction to the magical drug going around. He, like Erik, was suspicious of that possibility, but neither of us knew Raya well enough to think she was above taking drugs.

  “Did you kill her?” I asked again.

  “No, I just broke her back. She’s a were, she’ll heal fine.”

  I turned to him, my back feeling fully healed. “Thank you for saving and healing me. I need to get back. Erik’s going to lose his shit. By the way, why are you in Ireland?”

  “Gathering supporters.”


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