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Rip Gop Page 37

by Stanley B Greenberg

  and Trump

  and Trump rallies

  and Trump’s base strategy

  on Trump’s morality and style

  and 2016 Republican primaries

  and 2018 midterm elections


  on Affordable Care Act

  and civil rights era

  and culture war

  and expansion of GOP base

  and sexual revolution

  See also Evangelical conservative voters


  Falwell, Jerry

  Faris, Robert

  Farm Bill (2008)


  financial crisis (2008). See also Great Recession

  Finnegan, Michael

  Flint, Michigan, water crisis

  Focus on the Family

  food stamp program (SNAP food benefits)

  Ford, Henry

  Fox News

  and Catholics

  and immigration

  and right-wing media ecosystem

  and secular conservatives

  and Tea Party movement

  and Trump campaign rallies

  and 2012 presidential election

  and working women

  Francis, Pope

  Freedland, Jonathan

  Freedom Caucus

  Frum, David

  Fukuyama, Francis

  Galston, William

  Gans, Herbert

  Garland, Merrick

  gay marriage

  Catholics on

  and culture wars

  Evangelicals on

  and Fox News

  liberals on conservatives’ opposition to

  Massachusetts Supreme Court’s legalization of

  millennials on

  moderate Republicans on

  Obergefell v. Hodges

  and Republican Party

  Tea Party voters on

  and 2018 midterm elections

  Generation Z

  Gephardt, Richard

  Gilded Age

  Gingrich, Newt

  globalists and globalism


  Goldwater, Barry

  Gore, Al

  Gorsuch, Neil

  government shutdown (2013)

  government shutdown (2018–2019)

  Gray, Freddie

  Great Depression

  Great Recession

  Great Society programs

  Green New Deal

  Grunwald, Mandy

  H.R. 1 (“For the People Act”)

  Hamilton, Darrick

  Hannity, Sean

  Haskins, Ron

  Hasson, Paul

  Hemingway, Mark

  Heritage Foundation

  Hertel-Fernandez, Alex

  Hillbilly Elegy (Vance)

  Huckabee, Michael

  Hunt, Jim

  Hurricane Maria


  border wall with Mexico

  Bush (George H. W.) administration

  Bush (George W.) administration

  and California

  Catholic conservative voters on

  comprehensive immigration reform

  and culture wars

  DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

  Emergency Quota Act (1921)

  Evangelical conservative voters on

  family reunification (“chain migration”)

  Immigration Act (1990)

  Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)

  moderate conservative voters on

  Obama administration

  Proposition 187

  public opinion on

  Reagan administration

  S.B. 1070 (Arizona)

  secular conservative voters on

  and Tea Party movement

  Tea Party voters on

  zero tolerance policies

  inequality, economic

  inequality, social

  Jackson, Jesse

  Jindal, Bobby

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Kaepernick, Colin

  Kaine, Tim

  Kasich, John

  Kavanaugh, Brett

  Kennedy, Anthony

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Robert

  Kennedy, Ted

  Kerry, John

  Keynesian economics

  Kim Jong-un

  Kinder, Don

  King, John

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  King, Steve

  Kobach, Kris

  Koch, Charles

  Koch brothers

  Americans for Prosperity


  Koch Industries

  Kornacki, Steve

  Krugman, Paul

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

  La Follette, Robert

  Larrimore, Jeff

  LePage, Paul

  “level the playing field, rewrite the rules” message

  Levin, Sander

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Luce, Edward

  Macomb County, Michigan (Detroit suburb)

  Catholic conservative focus group

  presidential voting patterns

  Reagan Democrats in

  speech by Hillary Clinton in

  2008 interviews

  2016–2018 focus groups

  Major, John

  Mann, Thomas

  March on Washington

  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting

  Mayer, Jane

  McCain, John

  McCarthy, Kevin

  McConnell, Mitch

  McCrory, Pat

  Meadows, Mark

  Meals on Wheels


  budget cuts to

  and Clinton, Bill

  creation of

  expansion under Affordable Care Act

  focus groups on

  popularity of

  Trump on

  and 2018 midterm elections

  and welfare reform (1996)

  and work requirements

  Mercatus Center

  Mercer, Robert

  messages and message testing

  “breaking barriers”

  “build ladders of opportunity”

  “build on the progress”

  “level the playing field, rewrite the rules”

  “Make America Great Again”

  #MeToo movement

  midterm elections of 2010

  midterm elections of 2014

  midterm elections of 2018

  and abortion

  and GOP polarization

  and GOP tax deal

  and immigration

  margin of Democratic victory

  and nationalized anti-Trump vote

  and representative diversity

  and Rising American Electorate

  and rural voters

  and support for Democratic agenda


  and women voters

  and working-class voters

  millennial generation

  on Affordable Care Act

  and approval rating of Obama

  on CEOs

  and consumer branding

  and Democratic Party

  on the economy and wages

  on immigration

  and message testing

  on multiculturalism

  and New America

  percentage of eligible voter population in 2020

  and Republican Party

  and Rising American Electorate

  and trade

  and Trump

  Trump voters on

  and 2018 midterm elections

  and 2020 presidential candidates

  and urban demographics

  white women

  Miller, Stephen

  moderate conservative voters

  on abortion

  on climate change

  and defections from GOP

  education of

nd Fox News

  on gay marriage

  on health care

  on immigration

  on McCain

  on Obama

  and party identification

  percentage of GOP base

  on polarization

  on Republican Party

  on sexual revolution and pre-marital sex

  on size and role of government

  on Tea Party movement

  on Trump rallies

  and 2016 presidential election

  and 2018 midterm elections

  and 2020 presidential election

  on women’s rights

  women voters

  Mondale, Walter

  Mook, Robby

  Morgan, Julie Margetta

  Moving Michigan Forward

  Moyers, Bill

  Moynihan Report

  Mueller, Robert

  Mueller report


  and California

  Catholic conservative voters on

  and Democratic Party

  and millennials

  moderate conservative voters on

  and New America

  and polarization

  and Republican Party

  Tea Party voters on

  and Trump

  Mulvaney, Mick

  Mummolo, Jonathan

  Muslim ban

  Mutz, Diana C.



  Nagourney, Adam

  National Association of Manufacturers

  National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

  Navarro, Peter

  New America

  as anti-corporate

  characteristics and demographics

  and consumer branding

  and the economy

  and health care

  and message testing

  and millennials

  response to 2016 presidential election

  and trade

  Trump’s politicization of

  and 2018 midterm elections

  and 2020 elections

  and Women’s Marches

  See also Republican Party counterrevolution against New America

  New Deal

  New Deal Democrats

  “New Rules for the 21st Century” (Roosevelt Institute report)

  New Zealand mosque shooting (2019)

  NFL protests

  Catholic conservative voters on

  secular conservative voters on

  Tea Party voters on


  Nixon, Richard

  Noel, Hans

  Norman, Geoffrey

  Norquist, Grover

  North Carolina


  Obama, Barack

  and abortion

  and birtherism

  civilian executive branch positions under

  and Clinton, Hillary

  DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

  Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act

  as first African-American president

  immigration policy

  inauguration of (2008)

  job approval ratings

  as mixed race

  nomination of Merrick Garland

  post-reelection focus groups on

  and racial polarization

  right-wing ecosystem on

  and Tea Party movement

  trade policy

  and Trump

  and voter party identification

  Wall Street bailout (TARP)

  Obama, Michelle

  Obama-Trump voters

  Office of Economic Opportunity

  Office of Management and Budget

  O’Reilly, Bill

  Ornstein, Norman

  O’Rourke, Beto

  Palin, Sarah

  party identification

  Paul, Rand

  Pell grants

  Pelosi, Nancy

  Pence, Mike

  Perot, Ross

  Perry, Rick

  Piketty, Thomas

  Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue shooting (2018)

  Planned Parenthood

  and abortion

  defunding of

  moderate Republicans on

  Planned Parenthood v. Casey

  Tea Party voters on

  and Trump administration

  Podesta, John


  Pope, James Arthur

  pre-marital sex

  Pruitt, Scott

  Public Citizen

  public opinion

  on CEOs

  on climate change

  on Democratic agenda

  on the economy

  on environmental regulation

  on health care

  on homosexuality and gay marriage

  on immigration

  on likely voters in 2020

  on renegotiated NAFTA (U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement)

  on “rewrite the rules” message

  on Trump tax cut

  on 2020 presidential election

  on voter engagement post-2018 midterms

  See also Catholic conservative voters; Evangelical conservative voters; moderate conservative voters; secular conservative voters; Tea Party voters

  Puerto Rico

  Reagan, Ronald

  abortion and contraception policy

  and California Republicans

  and culture wars

  economic policy

  GOP as party of

  immigration policy

  1984 presidential election

  social programs policy

  Reagan conservatives

  Reagan Democrats

  Reed, Ralph


  Republican National Convention (2016)

  Republican Party base. See Catholic conservative voters; Evangelical conservative voters; moderate conservative voters; secular conservative voters; Tea Party voters

  Republican Party counterrevolution against New America

  and civil rights

  and GOP base response to reelection of Obama

  and immigration

  and sexual revolution and women’s equality

  and Obama

  Republican Party, future of

  Republican postmortem report of 2012 election

  Republicans In Name Only (RINO)

  Rhodes, Ben

  right-to-work legislation

  Roberts, Hal

  Robertson, Pat

  Robertson, Phil

  Roe v. Wade

  Romney, Mitt

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Roosevelt, Teddy

  Roosevelt Institute

  Rothman, Joshua

  Rubio, Marco


  Russia investigation

  Catholic conservative voters on

  Mueller report

  secular conservative voters on

  Ryan, Paul

  same-sex marriage. See gay marriage

  Sanders, Bernie

  Sanford, Terry

  Santelli, Rick

  Santorum, Rick

  Sayoc, Cesar

  Scaife, Richard Mellon

  Schiff, Adam

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Schwerin, Dan

  Second Amendment

  secular conservative voters

  on abortion

  and Evangelical conservative voters

  on immigration

  on McCain

  on Russia investigation and limits on power

  on Tea Party movement

  and Trump base strategy

  on Trump’s business background

  on Trump’s leadership style

  on Trump’s policies and priorities

  on Trump rallies

  and 2018 midterm elections

  and 2020 presidential election


  Senior, Jennifer

  Shapiro, Ben

  Sides, John<
br />
  Simon, Kosali I.

  Simpson, Alan

  Skocpol, Theda

  SNAP food benefits (food stamps)

  Snyder, Rick


  Social Security

  budget cuts to

  disability benefits

  focus groups on

  privatization of

  Trump, Donald, on

  and 2018 midterm elections

  Stanley, Timothy

  State Policy Network

  Stein, Josh

  Stiglitz, Joseph

  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

  Sullivan, Jake

  Summers, Larry

  Taft, William Howard

  tax cuts

  Bush (George W.) administration

  and education

  Obama administration

  Reagan administration

  and Tea Party movement

  Trump administration


  Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

  Tea Party movement

  and abortion

  and Affordable Care Act

  and climate change

  and deconstruction of government

  and Great Recession

  and inequality

  and Kansas

  and McCain

  and Michigan

  and North Carolina

  and Obama

  and Pennsylvania

  and tax cuts

  Tea Party groups

  2010 midterm elections

  2014 midterm elections

  and universal health coverage

  and voter suppression

  and Wisconsin

  Tea Party voters

  on abortion

  on abortion, gay marriage, and guns

  on climate change

  on Fox News

  on immigration and multiculturalism

  on McCain

  on Obama

  on PC police and Trump’s response

  percentage of GOP base

  and Trump’s base strategy

  on Trump’s Tea Party rallies

  and 2018 midterm elections

  on Waters, Maxine

  Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)


  Tillerson, Rex


  Catholic conservative voters on


  and New America

  Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

  U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (renegotiated NAFTA)

  World Trade Organization (WTO)

  Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

  Trump, Donald

  and Access Hollywood tape

  cabinet appointments

  and California voters

  Catholic conservative voters on, strategy

  and China

  civilian executive branch positions

  Evangelical conservative voters on, and Trump

  and Islam

  moderate conservative voters on

  and NAFTA

  national security leadership vacancies

  Republican National Convention speech (2016)

  secular conservative voters on

  State of the Union speech (2019)

  Tea Party voters on

  on trade

  Trump Tower candidacy announcement

  white working-class support of

  Trump, Donald, Jr.

  Trump, Melania



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