The Rogue Spark series Box Set

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The Rogue Spark series Box Set Page 60

by Cameron Coral

I don’t know how long she can stay invisible or even if she’ll be safe from harm. “Stop it.” I grit my teeth. “I'll cooperate. But not until you put the weapons down.”

  Kenmore regains his composure and manages a half smile. “I thought you’d come around eventually.” He waves at Rik to lower his weapon. The other guards follow suit.

  “I’ll touch him.” I breathe in deeply, steeling myself because there’s no telling what the serum’s effects on me are. Stepping over to Peterson, I tap his side gently with my foot.

  “Get on with it,” says Kenmore sternly.

  As I crouch down, I glare at Kenmore with all the hate I can muster. I sink to my knees, lift my bare hands, and inspect my palms. No outward signs that anything is different.

  Peterson's sleeping face looks peaceful now that his ferocity has disappeared. Slowly, I rest my fingers on the exposed skin of his neck and shut my eyes.

  And wait.

  By now my arms should tingle. I should hear a fizzing sound as the surge from the artificial intelligence in my blood streams into his body, interrupting his heart, attacking his brain.

  But nothing happens.

  A low ripple of laughter starts deep inside me and gurgles up and out of my mouth. My cheeks grow wet with tears. Opening my eyes, I find Kenmore peering down at me. His face is red, and the veins on his temples protrude like they’ll pop.

  Across from him, Rik looks bewildered.

  Kenmore flushes. “Why isn't it working?”

  I pull my hands away from Peterson’s body and rest them on my lap. “Why don’t you come over and touch me? Find out for yourself,” I challenge him.

  His angry gaze travels to Rik. “Touch her face.”

  “But, sir?” Rik is flustered.

  “Do it,” hisses Kenmore.

  Rik edges toward me slowly. Lifts his hand to my cheek. With one finger, he pokes my skin and then yanks away.

  “Again! Longer this time,” orders Kenmore.

  Rik grimaces and pokes my cheek with a shaky index finger, holding it there for several seconds.

  Absolutely nothing happens.

  My ability to kill with a touch is gone.

  Kenmore surges forward and pushes Rik out of his way, cups my face in his palms. “What did you do?” Flecks of spit land on my face.

  I grin. “You have no control over me.”


  “Get her up,” Kenmore tells Rik. “Secure her and get her in the medi-lab.”

  Rik starts toward me but as he's about to secure me, a door slams.

  Cassie and Cecile appear, hurrying toward us.

  Ogre marches behind them. He points a rifle at them.

  “We have trouble,” warns Cecile, glancing at Kenmore.

  “What the…?” Rik shoves me aside and raises his gun at Ogre, but Cecile and Cassie block his line of fire.

  “Rik,” says Kenmore. “What is happening?”

  Rik’s eyes widen and the color fades from his face. “I don't know, sir. The robot’s not reacting to my commands. It's not working like usual.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpse someone rushing through the stands so fast, it’s a blur. As Rik’s back is turned, Joe appears and tackles him from behind. Rik’s gun fires; bullets ricochet into the empty seats. Joe knocks the rifle away.

  The two struggle, and Joe punches Rik hard in the jaw.

  Ogre trains its rifle on the two guards. “Throw down your weapons.” They bend and place the rifles on the floor, backing away.

  Kenmore reacts by lunging for Rik’s gun as Joe straddles Rik, slamming his head into the ground.

  Still down on the ground, I go for the gun too, but Kenmore reaches it before I do. Kenmore points the gun at my face, and I halt where I am. “Enough,” he shouts.

  Joe rolls a stunned Rik over and clamps on a pair of handcuffs meant for me.

  “Let Rik go, or I kill your friend,” says Kenmore without taking his eyes off me.

  Out of the corner of my eye, Ogre flings the iron club at Kenmore but the doctor senses it somehow and ducks just in time. The club clatters onto the pit floor out of reach. Kenmore steps sideways and fires at Ogre, hitting the android’s chest.

  “No!” I scream.

  But Ogre doesn’t flinch. Instead, Ogre flickers, once, twice, then disappears.


  Kenmore stares in disbelief, and before he can lock onto a new target, Cassie appears beside him, aiming the barrel of a rifle at his temple.

  “Don’t make a move.”

  Kenmore’s knuckles go white as he grips his gun. “Cassie?” He says, his voice strained. “This is all a big misunderstanding.”

  Cecile hurries over to Cassie and Kenmore. “Sis, what the hell are you doing?”

  Cassie tenses and keeps her gun on Kenmore. “He’s been lying to us.”

  “Cassie,” his tone is gentle. “What are you doing, dear? Why would you point a gun at me?” He lowers his rifle and starts to turn.

  “Stop.” Cassie's voice is shaky. “Don't you move.”

  He stops and locks a questioning gaze on Cecile. “Cass, you better come up with answers fast,” Cecile says, placing her hands on her hips.

  “Doctor,” says Cassie, “are you lying to us about the hybrids? Ida said you lied.”

  Kenmore shifts his feet, still clutching the weapon.

  “I need you to answer my questions,” Cassie says.

  Cassie and Joe exchange a nervous glance as Cassie continues, “Did you create the hybrids?”

  “Of course not.” Kenmore’s voice wavers. “Why would I? I created all of you. You’re my children. My greatest achievement.”

  I step forward. “He's lying. Cecile, can’t you read his mind?”

  “He made me promise never to read his,” she says. “Off limits.”

  “Try,” I say.

  Cassie persists, glaring at Kenmore. “Did you create them? Tell the truth.”

  “Tell them what really happened,” I say.

  Kenmore's forehead glistens with sweat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Cecile stares, her eyes growing wide, then narrowing. “He’s lying,” she says.

  He turns on her, points the gun at her chest.

  Cassie gasps and grips the rifle tighter.

  I edge closer so I’m just off to the right of Cecile, facing Cassie.

  “Stop where you are.” Kenmore’s mouth twists into a crooked grin. “You all want the truth? I made a mistake. I created the first hybrid.” He keeps his gaze locked on Cecile. “Then I created a few…hundred.”

  Cecile gasps. “Why? Why lie to us all this time? You created that?” She points to Peterson.

  Kenmore pauses. “Yes, but I can explain.”

  Cecile and Joe shake their heads, confused.

  Kenmore says, “Look, people make mistakes, even me. I made a huge mistake when I spliced animal and human DNA. The hybrids were monsters. Ruthless killing machines. Of course, I denied them.”

  “You denied the very thing you created?” I say.

  “They served a function,” says Kenmore, “but then I created something better. You.” He scans Cecile’s face. “All of you. A superior species.”

  Cecile interrupts, “You created the hybrids and then you thought of a better invention. What happens when you think of something better than us? Will you cast us inside?”

  “Cecile?” He winces, eyes brimming with tears. “I raised you like a daughter. I never meant to hurt you.”

  She frowns. “I may not be able to fully read your mind…You blocked me somehow, but I can read your character, you piece of shit.” She steps forward, defiant. “You made a big mistake when you ordered Rik to point a gun at my baby sister.”

  “You goddamn ingrates,” Kenmore sneers. “I’ll have you all destroyed for your insubordination.”

  I lunge forward, shoving Cassie away, stepping in front of Kenmore, grabbing for his gun.

  He pulls the trigger, and it feels lik
e a dozen fireworks explode against my midsection. My momentum takes Kenmore down, and I land on top of him. He clutches the gun in a tight grip, and next thing I know Joe is at my side, grasping for the weapon. My stomach stings, and I imagine blood is pouring out. I rear back and punch Kenmore in the jaw hard as I can.

  His face goes slack and he peers up in terror.

  Joe wrestles the gun away as Cassie yells, “Ida!”

  My vision grows dim, and someone grabs my shoulders from behind. Strong, steel hands. My head lolls back and Ogre pulls me off Kenmore.

  Cassie rushes over. “Call for help!” she yells, as Ogre lays me down on my back. Cassie looms over me, her mouth gaping.

  Above me, Ogre’s head is upside down. “What’s happening?” I ask. “Is it bad?”

  Cassie sinks to her knees and pulls back my jacket, then lifts up my shirt. “I-I…can’t believe it.”

  It must be really bad. I thought it would hurt more to get shot in the stomach, but I assume the shock is masking the pain.

  Ogre’s pulse beams rapidly in his visor. “You appear to be…unharmed.”

  “What?” I manage to sit up, checking myself. “The serum.”

  Cassie shakes her head. “This is unbelievable.”

  Joe secures Kenmore in handcuffs and sits him up. Blood trickles from the corner of the doctor’s mouth. “Nobody will believe you,” he rants. “They'll attack you all for being terrorists.”

  “You got it?” Cassie says over her shoulder to Max. In the rush of events, I hadn’t noticed when Ogre and Max arrived.

  “Yep.” Max strides forward and pulls a paperclip sized device from his collar. “Don’t fret, Dr. K. Everyone in Terranus will believe us when they see the video of you confessing to creating the hybrids. And how you lied to us.”

  In the arena, a large vid screen flickers on. Footage shows the scene from minutes ago—Cassie, Kenmore, and Cecile in their standoff. And more importantly, every word of Kenmore’s confession was captured loud and clear.

  I stare at Max in awe. “How did you manage to record this?”

  He smiles. “Turns out your robot has some nifty tricks.”

  “There are several cameras in the arena,” explains Ogre. “I hacked in.”

  The android lends me a hand to help me up. “You can hack again?”

  Ogre nods and Max catches my gaze. “I gave Ogre an upgrade including a barrier to block Rik's power.”

  “Wait.” I face Cassie and Cecile. “If you broadcast this, everything will change. Your people will find out the truth. That Kenmore manipulated you. Some may not handle it well.”

  Cassie and Cecile exchange a long glance “I’d rather everyone know the truth,” says Cassie.

  Cecile faces me, her mouth pressed in a tight line. “Do you want to kill him? After all he did to you. It's what you wanted, isn't it?” She glances at Cassie who nods. “We’re in the arena. We won't stop you. Justice is justice.”

  Again, I have my chance to kill Kenmore. He squirms on the ground, gripping his knees to his chest, looking haggard.

  Killing him is what I've wanted for as long as I can remember. I think about the young lab victims, the hybrids, and all the pain and suffering he's caused. Wiping him from existence would be a fitting end.

  My mind travels to Gatz. His quest for justice–done openly and honestly. He will help me do the right thing.

  If I ask for his help.

  I peer down at Kenmore with disgust. “No. He's not worth it. Beam the video.”


  Five Days Later

  “Hey,” says Cassie after knocking on my door while I’m packing my things.

  I've spent the last few nights in her small extra bedroom. “Hi,” I say. “How are you doing?”

  “Okay, I guess.” She shrugs.

  I look at her with raised eyebrows.

  “Saying goodbye sucks, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “You don't want to stay longer?” she asks. “It would give Peterson more time to adjust.”

  “No, I have to return. And honestly, the best thing for Peterson will be for him to go far away from here. Far from the memories of this place.”

  “You're right,” she says, eyes downcast.

  “Are you going to be okay given that Kenmore is still here?”

  “Are you kidding? Now that my sister rules with an iron fist?” she says, grinning. “Don't worry about Kenmore. Next week, my sister’s making sure he gets transported to Tucson and will face a federal court there.”

  After the citizen of Terranus viewed the footage of Kenmore in the arena admitting he created the hybrids, they found out about his fraud. His lies.

  Not only that, they immediately sided with Cecile and Cassie. The sisters proved so popular that Cecile has been named interim leader.

  The new responsibility has changed her. What I once took for coldness has transformed into discipline. She's decisive and concerned with helping create a better life for all of the people in Terranus.

  I see some of the same qualities in her that I see in Gatz. They're both natural born leaders.

  “Good,” I say. “I wish I could stay to watch it happen but I'm moving past all of that.”

  “I understand,” says Cassie.

  “And I'm putting you in charge of Ogre. Do you think you can handle it?”

  She giggles. “I got this.”

  Ogre has become a celebrity in Terranus. Being the only android ever to exist here, everyone is fascinated. Ogre can't go anywhere without being mobbed with people wanting to know more about him. People ask for the android’s autograph. The best part? They have a pool hall where he can play pool as much as he desires. It's heaven for Ogre. So much so, it has decided to stay in the underground city for now.

  I made Ogre send a comm to Lucy letting her know. She wasn't thrilled Ogre won’t be coming home to Spark City, but she plans to visit Terranus in the next few months—when the city discloses its location publicly. Cecile and her team are working on a plan that will reveal Terranus to the world slowly and carefully.

  Another reason Ogre stays behind is propaganda for Spark City. The android has been broadcasting video streamed from home. The footage shows hybrids going about their daily lives. Since Kenmore instilled fear about hybrids, the content is helping destroy the myths.

  So far, people are impressed that a hybrid like Gatz is mayor. They're seeing for themselves that hybrids are intelligent beings who live peacefully.

  “Are you absolutely sure?” I asked Ogre yesterday. “You'll be okay here on your own?”

  “Yes, Ida. I want to do this.”

  “You'll miss Lucy. She misses you already.”

  “I understand that,” the android says. “But this is a new experience, and I want to try new things. Get out of my shell.”

  “I wish you the best,” I said before leaving. “And I'll see you again soon.”


  “Promise,” I say.

  Other changes came fast like dominos falling into place. Rik and other guards loyal to Kenmore are held in cells until they can be evaluated. Kenmore's influence will have long-lasting effects. I told Cecile to remember how traumatic things were for Rik. Years of being Kenmore's right-hand man would wear anyone down.

  She promised to treat him as best she can.

  Peterson was moved to a closely guarded room where he's being assessed by doctors. After weaning him off Kenmore’s dangerous, aggression-inducing drugs, they deemed him fit for travel.

  He’s talking more every day. I’ve been spending time catching up with him and am looking forward to getting to know him better. It's devastating that Kenmore forced him to take the drugs for over a decade. He’s been through a lot of trauma, but he's going to get better.

  I'm bringing Peterson with me to Spark City where he can live among others like him. In many ways, he's similar to Gatz, only Peterson is further on the wolf side of the spectrum then Gatz. I know Gatz will take to h
im right away.

  The day has arrived. Time for me and Peterson to leave. Rather than motorcycles, which Peterson obviously wouldn't be able to drive, we’re taking an SUV back. We’ll stop at Space Squad before making our way to Spark City.

  The trip will be even more dangerous traveling with Peterson because people fear hybrids. At least the SUV is armored.

  People are still afraid. I hope that changes over time.

  I waited until today because Joanie and her gang have arrived. Max set out to find them and bring news of Kenmore's defeat. They've returned to Terranus for the first time in two years.

  They are finally being welcomed since their escape, and the wanted signs torn down.

  Working with scientists, Cassie and Max will wean them off of the drugs Kenmore used to poison them. The doctors say it will be a slow process and painful. But there's an end in sight.

  As they emerge into the great hall, a group of friends and acquaintances surround them, welcoming them. I spot Joanie.

  “Hey.” Her smile is warmer than before. “I’ve got to hand it to you, girl. You really came through.”

  I blush. “It was…difficult, but I'm thrilled the way things turned out.”

  “You got your revenge.”

  “In a way.” I pause. “All I care about now is that Kenmore is behind bars and not able to hurt people.”

  “I get it,” she says. “Listen, I'm sorry about taking Ogre and abandoning you out there. I was scared. I should've helped you, but all I could think about was Kenmore finding us and capturing us—”

  “Don't even say it. You have no need to explain. You were facing an extremely tough situation. A lot of others depended on you. I would've done the same thing in your shoes.”

  Her face relaxes and the corners of her mouth turn up. “You are something else, you know that.” She eyes my bag. “You're leaving already?”

  “I have to get back…I have unfinished business.”


  I blush and look away.

  “I hope you find whatever you've been searching for,” she says. “You've always been like a sister to me.” She hugs me tightly.

  My eyes water and my chest is tight. “I’ll never forget you.”


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