Scottish Player: A Hero Club Novel

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Scottish Player: A Hero Club Novel Page 2

by Karen Frances


  “Well, Fletcher Adams does have a reputation.”

  “I believe his playing off-field days are well and truly behind him.”

  “You always want to believe the best in people, but even you should know that people let you down, especially when you least expect it.”

  “That’s harsh,” I say. “Can we just enjoy today, please? Without talking about that.” My eyes drift to where Fletcher is heading and I wonder how long it will be until my brother comes over to find out why I’m here.

  “Okay.” We lie back, sipping on our drinks in an uncomfortable silence. Sometimes I wonder what the hell goes through her head before she opens her mouth and starts spouting off. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

  “It’s fine. I just don’t want it brought up. I thought the whole idea of this trip was for us to forget everything that’s gone on these last few months.”

  “Of course it is. I think we need more drinks and a plan of attack.”

  “I don’t like the sound of a plan of attack.”

  “No, I just mean what we want to see and do while we’re here. Like tonight, dinner and play in the hotel casino. Tomorrow, a strip club.”

  “A what? Well, maybe don’t mention that to Logan when you see him because I can just see the expression on his face.”

  “You heard me, and I’ll deal with Logan. Come on, we only live once. You never know, Miss Sweetness and Light, it might just make you horny.”

  I’m not about to tell her that her brief encounter with Jackson has already done that. He’s much more pleasant on the eyes than I thought. I wouldn’t mind being behind the lens and getting some shots of him… topless, with his shorts low on his hips. My thoughts trail off.

  Jackson is a man with a reputation. Both on and off the field. But I can fantasise about him, right? After all, what harm can that possibly do?

  Chapter Three

  “Are you sure about this?” I stand looking in the mirror and I’m scared of the reflection. This is so not me. My skin has a warm glow to it, but it’s not that… I’m unsure about this dress, the hair, and the make-up, even though compared to Kate’s, mine is very light.

  “What aren’t you sure about?” she asks, standing behind me with a cautious smile.

  “I look so…”

  “So fucking hot. I would if I were that way inclined.” She smirks, her eyebrows raised. I shake my head. “Samantha, you look amazing. We’re set for dinner, drinks, and hopefully we’ll win at the casino. But, if we don’t, I can promise you we’ll have fun. So, no more hesitation or doubts. You look incredible.”

  “Fine,” I huff, smoothing down the front of the blue dress that clings to my body. I try to ignore the fact that there’s more of my boobs on show than I’d like. My long dark hair sits perfectly the way Kate has styled it, curls flowing down my back. I turn to face her. “You look great.”

  “I know I do.” She smiles, her voice full of confidence. Her black dress has a criss-cross design at the back and shows off her perfect figure and slender legs. “Let’s go. I have a table booked.”

  I nod and grab my clutch, and we leave the room.

  I’m surprised when we enter the restaurant. It’s lovely and not overly formal, yet I don’t feel overdressed as a waiter leads us to our table and we order drinks.

  “I hope the food portions aren’t huge,” Kate says as she glances over the menu. I shake my head because I know she’ll pick some salad and hardly eat any of it. Yet, give her alcohol, and she’ll drink it all day long. Kate says, ‘eating’s cheating,’ when drinking.

  I’m just picking up the menu when I see my brother walking toward our table with Jackson right behind him. Crap! Logan does not look very happy.

  “Hey, you,” I say as he reaches us.

  “What are you doing here, Sam?” he asks, not even looking at Kate.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you too.” I stand, and he gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Kate thought I needed a break.”

  “She’s right, you work too hard. Hi, Kate. You do need to take more time off. Maybe when the season starts back again, I can finally convince you to come to a game.”

  I shake my head. I love my brother, but going to football games in the cold, wet, blustery weather we have in Scotland and watching grown men kick a football around a pitch for ninety minutes is not my idea of fun. It’s as much fun as watching paint dry, and given the choice, I know what I’d rather do; the paint wins every time.

  “If you can guarantee the weather then I’ll be there.”

  “I wish I could. This is Jackson.” He turns and introduces him to us.

  “Yeah, we had the misfortune of meeting earlier,” Kate says sharply.

  “Oh, so you’ve met my sister? You didn’t say.”

  Poor Jackson. He doesn’t know what to say or where to look. Fletcher obviously didn’t inform him I was Logan’s little sister.

  “His comment about ‘Scottish lassies,’ didn’t go down well with Kate,” I tell Logan. “I didn’t realise you were here this week.”

  “Yip. Boys’ trip before the wedding next week.”

  “So, let me get this right,” Jackson says. “This is your sister?”

  “Yes.” Logan smiles at me, but then his eyes knit together in a frown. “So, you’d better remember that,” he adds in a low, warning voice.

  “Why did I not know that?” Jackson asks, his eyes on Logan, confusion written over his face.

  “Sam doesn’t attend the games because she’s too busy darting about the world, taking pictures of the rich and famous.” I suppose that is a true assessment of me. My job takes me to a lot of countries, and I’ve worked with more than a few celebrities. “It really would be good to see you more often and not just casually bumping into you here of all places. What’s the chances of that?”

  “I make a point of seeing Lee and Chloe as often as I can. It’s not my fault you’re always at training when I have some time at home.”

  Logan nods. “Hopefully, after you and Kate have dinner, we can have a few drinks together.”

  “We’ll call you. Kate wants to go to the casino.”

  “Yes, I do, and whilst you’ve been talking, I’ve picked what I’m having.” Logan and I share the same knowing look and laugh. “A chicken salad. What?”

  “Nothing,” I say, shaking my head. Kate and her rabbit food. She’s always keeping an eye on her figure.

  “Right, I’ll wait for your call.” Logan kisses me on the cheek again before almost dragging Jackson away from our table. I watch as Jackson looks back over his shoulder as my brother talks to him, and I smile.

  “Sam Walker, you sit right down and explain.”

  My eyes dart back to Kate. “What?” I ask, shrugging.

  “Jackson.” I sit down. “And don’t you dare tell me nothing.”

  “I have absolutely no idea what the hell you’re talking about,” I say calmly.

  “Really?” A waiter appears with our drinks and to take our order, earning a scowl from Kate. She’s like a dog with a bone. I know she won’t give up, but at least for a few moments I can think about my answer to her question.

  I have no answer.

  When the waiter leaves, I take a long drink, still buying myself time.



  “What was that look on your face when Jackson was only mere metres from you? Was I really too busy mouthing off at him earlier not to notice your reaction to him? You like him.”

  I shrug again. Kate places her hands on the table, tapping her fingers.

  “What? You saw him shirtless. He’s a good-looking guy. I was just appreciating the view.”

  “I don’t think your brother would agree with that.”

  “No, I don’t suppose he would.”

  “And how did you not know he would be here and staying in this hotel this weekend?”

  “Because I’ve not seen him in weeks. You do remember I’ve spent the l
ast few weeks in London? I completely forgot, but it’s made me remember that I never actually replied to Fletcher and Jess’s wedding invitation.”

  “Hold up. You’ve been invited to their wedding?”

  “Well, yes. I’m going with my mother. Fletcher insisted, and as Lee and Logan wanted Chloe there, it gives me more time to spend with my niece.”

  “Some folk get all the luck,” she says as she looks around the room. “You’ll have to take your camera and get plenty of pictures. Oh, isn’t that the couple we saw earlier today walking with the goat?”

  I follow the direction she’s looking, and yes, there is a couple being shown to a table, and it looks like the same couple. The clothes are the same, the girl’s hair is the same, and the guy’s jeans sit low-ish on his hips. His arse is so familiar. Why?

  “Yes, I suppose it is,” I say, not mentioning that he looks somewhat familiar, from the back at least.

  “Okay, so you want to play in the casino?”

  “Yes. We’ll start off in this hotel. I’m really excited about it. Strip club tomorrow, and we’ll hopefully do something tomorrow night. Then…”

  “You really want to pack a lot into our time here.”

  “Of course. Vegas can then be ticked off my list and then you can decide on our next break away.” I smile. We go away once a year together at least, and always to a different place. I prefer a break that involves a spa and pampering, bottles of wine, and generally just relaxing. Whereas Kate always picks something energetic. I’m just waiting on her picking something like climbing Mount Everest. Okay, maybe not. Or at least, I hope not.

  “Next time, I’m picking a nice long spa weekend. I need my relaxation.”

  “I know, I know, but come on. You have to admit the next few days here will be fun, and that’s something we’ve been missing out on lately.”

  I sigh because she’s right. “I know, and I promise I will have fun. Maybe just not as much fun as you’d like me to have.”

  She laughs. “Oh, I don’t know. I saw the way you and Jackson were looking at each other. He could be the one to give you some action.”

  “Kate!” I exclaim, just as our food is brought to our table.

  “Right, are you ready?” Kate asks as she smiles widely, her eyes bright with excitement.

  “As ready as I’m going to be.” I drink the last mouthful of wine from the glass and I’m already feeling tipsy. I’ll blame all the travelling today and the few cocktails poolside this afternoon. Truthfully, I should be asleep. It always knocks me for six, travelling and time differences.

  “Okay then. Let’s do this.” She hooks her arm with mine after we sign the bill and we wander through the restaurant. We’re almost in the hallway when we walk straight into a man, and not just any man. The man I thought I recognised, and I’m certain I do.

  “Ladies. Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” he says with a smooth Australian accent, confirming my suspicions. “Are you okay?”

  “We’re fine,” I say.

  “Wow. Incredible accents.”

  “Thanks,” Kate says. “We’ll be off now.”

  “Again, sorry,” he says as Kate tries to pull me away.

  “Chance?” a woman calls after him.

  “Sorry.” I pull back from Kate, tapping him on the shoulder. “Chance. I thought I recognised you.” The woman he’s linked arms with stares at me, assessing me as if wondering how the hell I know him. Shit.

  “And who are you?” the woman asks in a warm voice yet keeping a hold of her man, her eyes firmly on me.

  “I’m Sam Walker, a photographer. We’ve never met, but it’s great running into you. We were meant to do a photoshoot together.”

  “Oh, I know you. I missed out on meeting you a few years back. This is Aubrey, my wife.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” I say, offering her my hand. She hesitates for a moment before shaking my hand, and I then introduce her and Chance to Kate.

  “So, are you here on vacation?” Chance asks.

  “Yes,” Kate tells him. “We’re here to have some fun.”

  “Well, I do have my camera and I’d love to do a photoshoot with you.” Kate looks at me strangely and nudges me. “I will never get another opportunity like this.” I must sound like I’m begging. In a way, I am. “Please, here I am and here you are, this famous arse model, and as you’ve just said, we missed out on a shoot together...” Aubrey screws her face up. “Sorry, ass. He’s a world-famous ass model.”

  “No, sorry. I can’t. We only have a few days together,” he says.

  “I won’t take up too much of your time, I promise.” Now I am begging. I’d even go on my knees if I thought it would help.

  “It’s okay, Chance. What harm can it do? I can tag along, see a behind the scenes shoot. The behind being your ass.”

  Chance is smiling and amusement is on his face at his wife’s reference.

  “Now, that would be awesome.”

  “Sam, we’re here on holiday, not to work.” This time it’s Kate’s voice, but I’m choosing to ignore her.

  “Fine,” he says. “But it would have to be tomorrow. We have plans after that.”


  “But what about the strip club?” Kate whines, and Aubrey laughs.

  “We can do that another day.” It’s Aubrey who takes my phone number and gives me hers before we finally say goodbye.

  “I don’t believe you. You are a workaholic. We’re on holiday. You were begging him. What’s got into you?”

  “Neither can I, but here’s the thing. I know someone who will pay good money for Chance to promote a sports clothing range.”

  Kate shakes her head. “Honestly?”

  “Yes. You have no idea who he is, do you? He was a footballer.”

  “You and your footballers.”

  “But he got injured and then modelled underwear. He’s not been around for a few years, but as far as I’m concerned, he’s still hot property,” I say as we walk along the hallway.

  “Who’s hot property? Me? I know that.” I frown, hearing Jackson’s voice and seeing him standing at the doorway into the casino.

  “You’re not what I’d call hot property. More like a pain in the arse,” I say, taking a step past him, but he puts his hand out to stop me. Kate stands to the side and I can already picture her face as she watches on, especially now she thinks I like him.

  “If that’s what you’re into, I can do that. But I’d happily settle for a date, Sam Walker. At least now I know your name.”

  “Sorry, player. That’s not a good idea.”

  “Go on. Have dinner with me tomorrow night?” He’s standing all smug and sure of himself.

  “No, but thanks for the offer.” I brush his arm away and continue walking, with Kate falling into the quick pace I’ve set.

  “Why in God’s name not?” she asks.

  “Because he’s a total player. There’s no way I want my name linked to his. And we’re on holiday together. I’m not going to ditch you for someone like him.”

  “I don’t know if I should be proud of you or if I think you’re stupid. Because, girl, I can see you want him as much as he wants you.”

  I shake my head before looking over my shoulder, and boy, was that a mistake. Even from where we are I can feel the electricity pulling me toward him. And what’s more, with the cocky grin on his face, he knows it too.


  These next few days might be challenging, trying to keep my distance from him. I smile over my shoulder before turning away from his intense gaze.

  Chapter Four

  I’m so bloody nervous, and I shouldn’t be. This is just another photoshoot.

  Who am I trying to kid?

  This isn’t just another photoshoot, this is Chance. I’ve seen his fine arse on many advertising billboards throughout my short and exciting career, so for me, this is huge. It could be huge for him too, getting his name back out there into the world after a period of being MIA.
Now knowing he’s married, I can understand why he’s not been doing so much modelling. His wife is lovely, and they do look cute together. I had no idea he was married. I wonder if they’ll reveal their story to me.

  I dropped Sid—my friend who owns the sports clothes company—an email telling him I had met Chance. Sid replied almost instantly—which surprised me considering the time difference—asking to speak to him about the possibility of working together. Chance is the name that could very well help Sid break into the worldwide market and not just the UK. This would be massive for him and his company.

  “Why the hell are you pacing the room?” Kate asks as she slings her handbag over her shoulder.

  “Because I’m nervous and scared.”

  “I’ve never seen you like this.”

  “I’ve never felt like this.”

  “Not even seeing Jackson?” I turn away from her. “Your silence speaks volumes.”

  “It’s time to go,” I say, opening our suite door.

  She’s actually onto something with that. I was nervous last night when he cornered me by the casino doorway. The knots in my stomach… seeing him so flustered in the restaurant when he realised that I was Logan’s sister. But the look on my brother’s face told me all I needed to know. As far as he’s concerned, I’m out of bounds for a player like Jackson, and I should be, but maybe that’s what appeals to me. His reputation off the field is less than impressive. He’s a total bad boy.

  After all, my last boyfriend was reliable and predictable, right up until I caught him in bed with another man. I would never have guessed. I’m not sure if I’d have felt the same pain seeing him with a woman. It’s taken me months to pull myself back together.

  Silence fills our ride down in the lift, and I’m surprised Kate doesn’t push the subject of Jackson more. Or even this photoshoot. As we exit the lift, I see Chance and Aubrey straight away. They’re standing near the main hotel entrance. He’s got his arms around her waist, kissing her, and that gives me an idea.


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