La Photographie Moderne

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La Photographie Moderne Page 3

by Neil Crenner

brilliant blue and there was a feeling in the air; it thrilled him and he wanted to grasp it, feel it.

  When he got to the gallery, he would have a Sale. The thought just popped into his mind. He drove along listening to the classical music playing on the radio, all the windows rolled down allowing the breeze to encompass the interior of the vehicle, giving it a sensation of wind being swept up to the skies.

  When Reason arrived at work, he immediately opened all the shutters to let the sun's rays shine in. He was so fond of doing this in the morning, especially on such a beautiful day. Colbert went to her bed in the back and fell into a deep dog sleep; she would wake up later and want to go for a walk. He had started to make coffee when the phone rang. He wondered who it could be as he picked up the phone. "Good Morning," Reason said gaily.

  "Hey Reason, what's going on?" It was Joe Handel, the friend who owned the gallery, Don-Janies, the West End Girls, across town. Reason met him a few years back via the gallery circle and found him to be pleasant and outgoing. He was fun to be around.

  "Oh hey there Joe, I was just about to call you."

  "Well I looked at my Caller ID and saw that you telephoned yesterday afternoon, pretty late too."

  "I did? Oh yes I did."

  "Well who else would have called me from your gallery?"

  "Well I had this young nouveau artist in here yesterday and I was going to send him over to your place, but as I was calling you, I got interrupted, so I hung up the phone before I could leave a message."

  What is he talking about? Reason thought, he never dialed the number, and at least he didn't think that he had. He just played if off though and pretty good too he thought to himself.

  "Well what's him name? Is he cute? Tell me about him."

  "Yes he’s cute in that sense, not my type. He did have his own unique style." Reason held back for a moment. "He gave me his card, how about we go out to dinner soon?"

  "Okay, sometime next week. So he was cute?”

  “Yes, your type completely.”

  “David is my type right now.”

  “Glad to hear you haven’t suffocated him yet.”

  “Anyway, what kind of art did he have?" Joe segued.

  "Some dark photography, kind of ghastly at first sight, but then when I looked at it I saw that he does have some talent."

  "Are you sure about that?"

  "Yes I am sure."

  "Well good then. I'll have him bring in some of his work by and I will be the judge. You are too easy on some of these boys."

  "I know that he has talent, raw, but it was there and I am only easy if he's showing it at your place."

  "Okay then. I will let you know when we can get together later today."

  "How's everything else?"

  "Oh, fine, I met some really nice guys last week here at one of my shows."

  "Oh yes, the shows always bring in the men." Joe Handel loved men, but apparently he could not keep his hands on one for very long.

  "Whatever works," Joe said with some glee in his voice. "I will tell you all about it over dinner. I have another call, later." Joe hung up.

  Reason hung up the phone without saying goodbye. I am sure that I didn't dial the number yesterday. That seems so odd to me, but now it was time for his mission to sale "life as art" at a cheap price. What a remarkable day! He cranked up the classical music a tad louder on the surround sound.

  Many people did stroll in and out just to window shop. Reason was so pleased by this, as he believed that he had caused all of these people to casually move along with life and make it into his gallery. Someone even inquired about the photo of the Lighthouse on the bluffs. Reason said with a big grin, "Oh that one's not for sale. I'm sorry."

  "Oh!" was the reply. The man apparently a bit taken back quickly left the gallery.

  "Colbert, don't people just love a sale, especially at a gallery and especially when the art is current, fresh and real, or real cheap?" He sold several pieces that he had had for some time, but could not manage to sell before. Maybe he had done this with his stepping in.

  What other effects would happen if he initiated some innocent gestures? Reason wondered. Maybe he could change things always for the better. He had never really given this much thought before now, because most of the time he pondered how he would make things turn out worse. He was amazed at this very simple revelation that just occurred to him.

  He had to put on a Pet Shop Boys song, "One Thing Leads to Another." He had to play it loudly and he did. It was near the end of the day, he would relax all day tomorrow, no errands, and no chores. Just lounge around the pool, sleep in late and stay on the sofa watching old movies. He needed to rest this weekend. Maybe even go to Temple.

  Chapitre 3

  Monday morning.

  The car parked out in front of his place was this old 1950's limo that was this behemoth, the hood was missing and it had all these cats sitting on top of it. He walked around and could see his car, the doors both wide open, toilet paper strewn all over the place, they had even left several rolls laying there unused. He went around the corner and he didn't recognize his place, it had been remodeled and built outwards. He must be on the wrong street. He started to walk back to his car.

  The phone rang and Reason awoke from his dream, he reached over and picked it up. "Hello," he said in his morning voice. "Oh sorry wrong number," the voice said abruptly and was gone. He put the receiver back down on the cradle and turned over on his side, he wanted to go back to sleep. He lay in bed for a while, not moving. Not going back to sleep.

  The dream he replayed in his mind, how odd it was. Last night he drank too much Chardonnay and had forgotten to take some melatonin before going to bed. Now his head hurt and he was burning up. He rarely drank 2 bottles by himself, but last night there was a good old Bette Davis movie on, Now Voyager, and he somehow finished off 2 bottles. He laid there for a while longer but couldn't go back to sleep.

  "Well Colbert, I guess it's time to get up." Colbert was still sleeping down at the end of the bed, under the cover. She didn't budge. He dragged himself out of bed and headed for the bathroom. A cool shower would wake him, or at least cool him down. After the shower, he dressed all in cotton, and then took off for some breakfast. Colbert didn't wake up. "You can stay home today then," he told her as he left.

  Reason headed for Main Street to the bagel place to get something salty. He hated anything hot when he had a hangover. It was like making his body temperature higher than it already was, which was pretty miserable. His brain refused to allow him to drink anything hot. That meant no coffee, unless it was iced-coffee. However, he was craving an ice-cold diet soda. The carbonation would go to his head and he'd feel better soon. He needed it bad.

  "Finally," he said as he pulled up to bagel store, "It felt like it took forever to get here." Before he got out of the car, he grabbed some coins from the cubby hole left of the steering wheel, he always liked having the exact change with him. Then he closed his eyes and looked up to the sky for a moment. This always helped somehow. He sighed and then opened his eyes, readjusting to the light. Now to have breakfast, it matters the most.

  Reason stepped into the bagel shop craving a jalapeno bagel with sun dried-tomato cream cheese and an extra large diet coke. This would satisfy his salt craving. He wanted to be completely refreshed from resting all weekend, but then he drank the wine. Next week he would be wiser.

  He stood in line looking around at the people sitting eating bagels and drinking coffee here in suburbia. They all looked so awake. He envied them a bit. He wanted to be awake this morning.

  Reason noticed the man standing in line just ahead of him and he looked so handsome from the back. Reason sized him up: let's see broad shoulders and a large defined back, he works out. Nice derrière, not too big or too wide, he must workout, nice thick legs and big calves. A nice package altogether. Maybe he's even more handsome from the front he thought. His blonde hair was very thick and cut short, a large neck as well.
He couldn't see his feet.

  Who could this man be? He pondered. He was curious now. The man's turn was up at the counter and Reason could hear what he ordered: "A bagel, toasted dark with butter and a large coffee, please.”

  "The man's voice was low and soft, another plus. Reason stood there waiting anxiously for him to finish so he could catch a glimpse of what he looked like from the front. The man turned and stepped aside, glancing around towards Reason and their eyes meet for a second. Reason was waiting for what seemed like an eon to see what this man looked like from the front.

  When his eyes met the man's, he was awestruck. They were the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. His face had perfect features and he was just the right height, his exact height. The second was gone and the man turned and walked over to the window and stood. Reason was taken aback by what just happened and he felt a trembling in his voice when he ordered his bagel and extra large diet soda. That glance just made him melt. Did the man have some power over me? he pondered.

  He finished paying and stepped aside; the next customer in line walked up to the counter and started ordering a dozen bagels. 'Better not let this one go,' Reason thought. 'The time is now.' He casually walked over to where the man was standing next to the window, very nonchalantly.

  The man turned towards Reason, "Hey there," nodding his head at the same time. Reason was in shock. This guy is great, he broke the ice first.

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