Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

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Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1) Page 31

by Shaun F. Messick


  A few moments later, Doc walked to the bag he had brought into the room with him, unzipped it, and pulled something out. Jake couldn't tell what he had pulled out because his hand was closed. Doc walked behind Jake and Skip and placed four small, circular computer chips encased in silver metal on the table in front of them. The computer chips were the same size as the tip of the small finger on a human. Two long needles, about an inch long, protruded from the back of the chips.

  "What are these?" Skip asked, as he picked one up and examined it.

  "These are Mind Inhibitors," Doc said.

  "Mind what?" asked Jake, picking one up as well.

  "Mind Inhibitors," repeated Doc. "These small devices were actually developed by the Gnols. They were developed to keep Gnols from reading one another's minds. The inhibitors are activated when they are inserted into your head."

  Jake winced as he looked at the long needles. "Whoa, wait a minute. You're not sticking these things into my head."

  The big doctor put a hand on Jake's right shoulder. "It's okay, Jake." Doc knelt down, turned his head, and pulled both of his ears to the front. Jake leaned toward the back of Doc's head in order to get a closer look. There behind each one of Doc's ears rested a Mind Inhibitor.

  Jake shuddered at the thought of someone sticking the inhibitors into his head. "I hope you're putting us to sleep to put those in?"

  Doc stood up and walked to the front of the room. He laughed and said, "Nope."

  Jake and Skip just looked at one another with fear on their faces.

  "Okay," Adrian said. "Quit fooling around with them. Tell them it's painless, and what the inhibitors do."

  Doc laughed. "Yes, sir. Don't worry. When our guest arrives, we're going to conduct a little science experiment. The procedure is painless. I'm simply going to numb the area behind your ears with a small shot of Novocain. You'll only feel a small pinch when I give you the shot, and after the Novocain wears off, you will feel a dull ache for a few days along with swelling."

  Jake was a little relieved to know that the pain would be minimal.

  Doc continued. "When the inhibitors are activated, they will create an electrical charge, which creates electrical interference in your brain. But, don't worry. The interference doesn't affect your brain. It just creates interference for when a Gnol is trying to read your mind."

  Before Doc could continue, the door to the room slid open. Everyone in the room looked at the guest who had been expected. Jake sat up straight and was stunned. Suddenly, he felt self-conscious about the stitches he still had in his forehead.

  She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was dressed in a blue ceremonial gown that extended all the way down to her feet, which were covered with black high-heeled boots. Over the gown was a long, shiny black robe. The robe's collar extended to her neck. Hanging from her neck, a gold necklace with a blue diamond rested, dangling just a few inches above her chest.

  The woman made eye contact with Jake. He was suddenly embarrassed that he had been caught staring at her, and realized that this could be the science experiment Doc was talking about. But, he didn't think she had read his mind yet because he hadn't felt any head pain at all. In fact, he almost felt like he was in heaven as he looked at her piercing blue eyes, which reminded him of the blue water in a tropical lagoon. He then looked at her hair. Her hair was as black as midnight. It was cut short, extending to about an inch below the collar of her robe. Her hair was tucked behind her ears, revealing earrings with the same kind of blue diamond that was in the necklace.

  Kylee immediately broke into tears, stood up, and embraced the woman. Jake looked at his father with a confused look. Adrian walked behind him and whispered in his ear. "Yesterday, Kylee's fianc? was tortured and killed by the Gnols. He had been working with the woman she's hugging. They killed him because he wouldn't reveal where our base is."

  Jake suddenly felt compassion for his little sister.

  Kylee sat back down. Adrian approached the woman and embraced her as well. "It's so good to see that you weren't discovered, Celeste."

  Celeste spoke for the first time. Jake nearly fell out of his seat upon hearing her voice. Her English was perfect, and the sound of her voice was soothing. "Believe me, Adrian and Kylee, I wanted so much to reveal myself to save Malk's life. But I knew if I did, we would both be killed, and the cause would be lost." Celeste walked next to Kylee, placed both hands on her shoulders, and looked into her eyes. "Kylee, Malk knew that if he revealed where the base was, you would either be captured or killed. He died protecting you."

  Kylee broke down into sobs and hugged Celeste again. After a few moments, the two women untangled their arms from one another, and Celeste joined Adrian at the front of the room.

  "Celeste," Adrian said. "I would like you to meet my son, Jake, and his friend, Skip."

  Celeste smiled at both men as she nodded her acknowledgment. "Yes, I know their names."

  "What else can you tell us about them?" Adrian asked as he gave Jake and Skip a deceitful smile.

  "Well, let me recall. Skip hardly noticed that I entered the room because his thoughts are on the temple ruins just outside of Talead."

  Skip looked at Doc. "Well, I'm convinced."

  "But, your son, on the other hand, definitely noticed when I entered. I will not reveal the thoughts that went through his head because they are too private," she said, giving Jake a knowing smile. "Let me just reassure you, Jake. Those stitches on your forehead do not do anything to diminish your handsomeness."

  Everyone in the room shot curious looks at Jake. Some were even giggling. He felt his face flush red. He wanted to leave the room. For the first time in his life, someone else intimidated him. He wanted to speak but couldn't. For some reason, he felt tongue tied around this woman and nervous.

  Celeste spoke again. "I am sorry, Jake. I did not mean to embarrass you. I am just helping your father with a little experiment."

  Doc stood up, grabbed his bag, and joined Celeste and Adrian at the front of the room. "Okay, if you will both come forward," he said as Sean placed two chairs in front of Doc.

  Jake and Skip walked to the front and sat in the chairs. Doc reached into his bag and pulled out two syringes. He numbed the areas behind both ears of the two men. After a few moments, he placed the inhibitors into the head of each man. "Okay, let's try our second test. Jake and Skip, think of anything you like, and Celeste, see if you can read their minds."

  Celeste paced back and forth a few minutes in front of the two men. Both men just followed her with their eyes. Jake tried to control his thoughts, but he couldn't help himself. The woman in front of him was too beautiful.

  Celeste stopped in front of Skip, knelt down, and looked directly into his eyes. Skip leaned back as Celeste approached.

  "Hmm ? I cannot read anything from Skip, or it could be that he does not have any brain waves at all."

  Skip gave Celeste an annoyed look and said, "Oh funny, a spy with a sense of humor."

  Celeste gently placed both of her hands on Skip's cheeks, leaned in, and softly kissed him on the left cheek.

  "It is good to meet you, Skip," she said as she pulled away.

  Jake felt a sudden emotion of jealousy surge through him as he watched Celeste kiss Skip. Why was he having these emotions? What did he need to be jealous about?

  Celeste walked to Jake and knelt down. He unexpectedly felt butterflies in his stomach. She placed both of her hands on his cheeks and looked into his eyes. Jake tried to look away, but Celeste gently held his face in place. He was impressed with her strength.

  "Let me see," Celeste said. "Jake is thinking that I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and would like to have dinner with me three days from now in the mess hall." She then leaned in and kissed Jake on the cheek as well.

  Jake was stunned. He just sat in the chair with a silly grin on his face.

  Celeste winked at him and smiled. Then she turned to Adrian and said, "A
drian, the Mind Inhibitors are working properly. I cannot read their minds."

  "Good," Adrian said. "Now that both of you have met our spy and have been brought up to date about the situation, I am going to give both of you positions in the military and your assignments." Adrian turned to face Skip as Skip stood at attention. "Skip, you are hereby commissioned to the office of Colonel in the Terrest Army."

  Skip turned and looked at Jake and gave him a smile of approval.

  Adrian continued. "You will also be in charge of three soldiers, a young civilian female, and a professor of archeology and history. The professor is also a master of ancient hieroglyphics on this planet."

  Skip gave Adrian a confused look. "A female civilian and a professor?"

  Adrian smiled. "You are going to need the professor and his daughter because they are the leading experts of ancient religion on this planet."

  Skip's grin grew bigger. "You mean, sir ? I am going to be able to research the temple ruins outside of Talead?"

  "That's correct, Colonel. That temple has so many similarities to ancient temples and pyramids on Earth. We had always had the intention of researching the ruins, but the Gnols attacked before we could start. And personally, Skip, I believe that temple has some answers about how we can defeat the Gnols."

  Skip nodded his head. "Sir, I gladly accept the position and will find the answers you need." He and Adrian shook hands.

  "I know you will, Skip," said Adrian. He then walked and stood in front of his son. Jake stood to attention as well. Adrian placed both of his hands on Jake's shoulders. "Son, we haven't had a lot of time to talk since you have arrived, but I am so very glad you are here. Your talent and leadership as a pilot will add a great deal to the liberation of thousands of Terrestrians. Until you arrived, I was the only trained pilot on the planet, and because of my role as the military commander, I have not had the resources or the time to train new pilots.

  "Within the last year, our army has stolen nearly one hundred space fighters from the Gnols; the kind of space ships you encountered when you first came through the wormhole. Until now, we haven't had anyone to fly them, except for?me and Bantyr." Adrian paused. "Jake, you are hereby commissioned to the office of General in the Terrest Air and Space Force. I am creating a new division of the army, and you are in charge of it. It will be your responsibility to recruit and train new pilots."

  Jake smiled at his father and said, "I gladly accept the responsibility, sir."

  Adrian returned the smile and the two hugged.

  After father and son embraced, Adrian turned around to face everyone else in the room. "Okay, everyone, that will be all. Are there any questions?"

  Celeste spoke. "If you will excuse me, Adrian. I have to be going.

  Adrian nodded his approval.

  "Thank you, and it was nice to meet both of you," said Celeste, nodding toward Jake and Skip.

  Before she reached the door, Jake finally had the courage to speak to her. "Wait!"

  Celeste turned. "Wow, he speaks."

  Butterflies fluttered in Jake's stomach again. "Umm ? I was just curious. When you entered the room and read our minds, why didn't I experience any pain?"

  "That is a great question. You and Skip did not experience any pain because I have been trained by the most powerful Gnol of all. In fact, only a handful of Gnols are experienced enough to control their mental powers."

  Jake was more and more captivated by this woman. She intrigued him, and he had so many questions for her. "What do you mean the most powerful Gnol of all? Who is that?"

  Celeste walked toward him. He took a step backwards and nearly fell back over his chair. She placed her left hand on his cheek. "The Gnol that I speak of is my father. Now, I cannot answer any more of your questions. I really must be going. We can speak again when we have dinner together three days from now. I must go and join my father. He will become suspicious if I am late."

  Jake looked into Celeste's eyes. He had a sudden and overwhelming urge to grab her right there and kiss her, but he controlled himself. She smiled at him as if she could read his mind, turned, and left the room.

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