The Change

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The Change Page 1

by Lori Aisling



  Lori Aisling

  Copyright © 2019 by Lori Aisling

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover art by Katrina Curry with Crimson Phoenix Creations

  Formatted by Nicole JeRee at The Swamp Goddess

  Edited by Andrea Richardson and Stephanie Martin

  This novel is dedicated to Jack Jabbour:

  **My junior high English teacher who not only allowed my love of reading but encouraged it.

  **His book club crammed with literary gems of all genres ready to be absorbed by my eager mind.

  **His smile when I victoriously slammed down a stack of books from the TBR pile.

  For all the reasons listed above, I thank you. Although you may not have realized it, you made this ‘bookworm’ feel special and valued. The confidence that inspired is beyond words- even for me. Thank you, Mr. Jabbour.


  1. Bristol

  2. Ristan

  3. Bristol

  4. Bristol

  5. Ristan

  6. Bristol

  7. Bristol

  8. Bristol

  9. Bristol

  10. Bristol

  11. Bristol

  12. Bristol

  13. Bristol

  14. Bror

  15. Bristol

  16. Bristol

  17. Bristol

  18. Bristol

  19. Bristol

  20. Bristol

  21. Bristol

  22. Bristol

  23. Bristol

  24. Bristol

  25. Bristol

  26. Bristol

  27. Bristol

  28. Bane

  29. Bristol

  30. Bristol

  31. Bristol

  32. Bristol

  33. Ristan

  34. Bristol

  35. Caspian

  36. Bristol

  37. Ristan

  38. Bristol

  39. Bane

  40. Bristol

  41. Bane

  42. Bristol

  43. Ristan

  44. Bristol

  45. Bror

  46. Bristol

  47. Bane

  48. Bristol


  About the Author

  Also by Lori Aisling


  Bristol closed her eyes and sighed before squaring her trim shoulders and pushing open the door to the beat-up old building that was to be the host for tonight’s entertainment. The walls were grungy and in need of a good scrubbing and a coat of paint. The old, scuffed hardwood floors could use shining, but they lent personality to the place. The air smelled of hops, hard booze, and cloves; not unpleasant, actually.

  Most of the tables were taken, inhabited by people similar to her friends. These were hard-working people, craving the normalcy of a pleasurable night out. Enjoying a DJ was a rarity these days due to the price of electricity and it seemed that the locals had responded to the invitation the owner had extended for this evening.

  She quickly glanced on either side of her and took in her current company. Her co-workers had finally convinced her it was time for a night on the town, and try as she may she could not come up with any more viable excuses to back out. It was Jayson’s birthday and he and the rest of the crew had really poured the guilt on thick throughout the entire shift. Jayson was strutting like a cock rooster, always loving to be the center of attention. He was kind of an asshole; it really was that simple. Yes, he had a pretty face and a nice build, his high cheekbones accented with messy black hair and crystal blue eyes, but there was just something ‘off’ about the guy. He could instill a sense of fear easily, a bad boy to the core. A complete womanizer in every definition of the word, none of his catches stuck around for more than a few days. Most likely, it only took a couple of nights for his conquests to realize what they were to him and they’d run for the hills. Not all vamps were bad, but Jayson personified the traits that made his race dangerous. Bristol got along well with him at work, and regardless of how hard he pushed, she just made it clear that she was not interested in anything ‘extracurricular’ with him. This had created an easy friendship and a sense of trust, in spite of his nature.

  Jessie poked her side and whispered in her ear “Lighten up, would ya? This is going to be fun! It’s been entirely too long since we all just cut loose and had a little downtime.” She wasn’t wrong. Money was tight for everyone and fun was something that came with a price. Tonight, the crew appeared ready and willing to foot that bill. Jessie was dressed in a pretty black and white sheath dress that hugged her curves and showed just enough cleavage to hopefully get them a discount on a couple of rounds. Her long, auburn hair dropped in waterfall curls to the middle of her back. She had taken the time to polish up an old pair of stilettos to a brilliant shine and that girl was going to turn some heads. Bristol was really lucky to have her in her corner, she was a good friend and a hell of a worker. As Jessie scampered up to the bar, Bristol took in her friend’s watchful eyes as they scanned the joint. A predator, without a doubt. Bristol could see the big cat hiding inside that girl.

  Boz brought up the rear of the party and placed his hand on the small of her back as he ushered her forward. She could tell he sensed she was ready to turn tail and sneak out, and he was having none of it. Boz was tall, lean and dashing with sparkling green eyes, shoulder-length blonde hair and a sexy accent that she had never been able to place. Perhaps it was the Fae in him that brought out the brogue. His ears were just slightly pointed, but you wouldn’t notice with his longer hair. Besides, it just added to his charm. He had a sweet nature and a calm demeanor that really helped balance out the little motley crew.

  “Save a dance or two for me, won’t you, lass?” he asked, as he smiled and flopped his arm around her shoulders.

  “You got it, Elf,” she joked as she slid her arm around his waist. Boz was fun, sweet and most importantly, safe. She was in no way getting wrapped up in any heart-wrenching relationship with the chance that one of them would have to run. Hunters seemed to show up right around the time that everyone started to feel safe and enjoy a semblance of normalcy that was definitely not ‘normal’ in these times. It was just the way of the world now.

  The group grabbed a table close to the bar and a tiny waitress sashayed her way through the other tables making a beeline to them. The four of them were dressed in their best, looking like good tip potential and with the way the waitress was eyeing Jayson, it was clear she had high hopes of getting more than just the monetary bonus at the end of her shift. Poor thing; she would soon realize her judgment of character needed some work. Jessie gave the girl a big smile and ordered a round of amber shots and a pitcher of dark sorghum ale.

  “Really, Jessie? Amber shots?” Boz gave the girl a grin and shook his head. “We start out with amber and we’ll all be on our asses before the DJ starts!”

  Amber was a mystery that no one could explain. Distilled from the flowers of a large, fern-like plant that started growing wild like weeds when the world changed, it was plentiful, cheap and potent- the perfect trifecta.

  “Live a little, Boz! It’s not often we get out, and dammit, we’re going to do this right!” Jessie tossed her hair over her shoulder
and laughed, earning a warm smile from Boz. Bristol felt herself relax a bit and made the decision to try and take Jessie’s advice and enjoy this evening with her friends.


  He saw her from across the bar as she walked in and his heart stilled. Could it be? Is it really her? Everything blurred around him as his vision honed in on her. She was tall. Her tight black mini skirt hugged her curves, showcasing her long legs. The knee-high leather boots, combined with the skirt, turned her outfit into a sexy style that definitely worked for her. She wore a snug, royal blue blouse that accented her hourglass-shaped waist with a simple black leather choker around her neck. Her hair was long and loose, almost to her waist, and so blonde it was as if the gods themselves had saturated it with the blinding light of the sun. But what grabbed his attention were her eyes. Those soul-scorching, wise, hazel eyes that collected shards of every shade to create a prism of color that cautiously took in her surroundings.

  Ristan had been looking for her for so long. He never knew how long it would take to search her out, and although his heart screamed to reach for her, talk to her, hold her; he knew that she would not know him. She never did. It didn’t matter how many years or decades passed, starting over was the same every time. He was a stranger to her. His heart bled to be so easily forgotten, time and time again, yet he knew that this would never change. This was his role to play.

  He watched her across the dimly lit bar. It appeared that she was with friends. There was an easy comradery between the group, nothing seemed stressed or serious. Jealousy stabbed through him as he watched the tall Fae wrap his arm around her shoulders. His mind conjured images of ripping the innocent man’s arms from their sockets as he wrapped her in his embrace. His inner beast growled in agreement. This was the first time he had made his presence known in all these months. Traveling from one desperate, desolated town to another had yielded no sign of her. The feral creature within him seemed content to stay in the background and allow Ristan to bare the disappointment alone. To sense his intrigue and desire pointed at this tall, beautiful woman gave Ristan hope that his search could finally be coming to an end.

  He had to speak to her. Like a compass searching for true north, he was drawn to her. As the DJ completed setting up the stage and speakers, he planned his move. He knew she would be leery of him, of any stranger. If he scared her, she would run and he knew from experience that if she ran, it could take months for him to find her again. Self-protection was hard-wired into her from birth and for good reason. As hard as it made it on him, he was proud of her for making his search so arduous. She did not know it yet, but she was the key to the survival of this realm.


  The music started slow and methodical. ‘Youngblood’, by 5 Seconds of Summer, was a good choice to prime this eager clientele. Ten years old, but a great dance song. The bass hit deep, a steady rhythm that spoke to the burned out, overworked and underpaid crowd. Couples and groups started making their way towards the dance floor, drawn to the beat like moths to a flame. Jessie let out a happy ‘whoop’ as she jumped to her feet and grabbed Jayson’s arm.

  “Come on, birthday boy! Let’s get this party started!” Jayson grinned and tossed back his second shot of amber.

  “You don’t know what you are getting yourself into, Jess,” he flirted. “I will remind you of this moment when you wake up in my bed tomorrow,” he said with seduction in his eyes.

  “Dream on, bloodsucker!” She taunted, smiling and slapping his shoulder. “My mama always said ‘never shit where you eat’ so co-workers are off limits! But she never said I couldn’t party with them! Come on, you don’t want to leave a girl hanging!” Jessie had a great way of handling Jayson. He never got angry with her when she refused his never-ending pickup lines and although he would never admit it, it had created an element of respect and unique friendship between the two polar opposite personalities. Holding hands, they headed to the rapidly filling dance floor.

  Bristol took in the crowd, assessing carefully. She knew where the exits were, including the one in the kitchen since she had scoped the place out beforehand. She noted the happy couples, singles, and groups of friends that made up the participants in this dingy, old bar. She had already singled out a couple of troublemakers that, at the rate they were pounding back the booze, would surely be in a fistfight, or worse, in the next hour or two.

  She was confident that she had a good handle on the best and worst to expect from this group- except for that big bastard in the corner. She had felt him look at her when she walked in. He seemed to not even notice anyone else in the room and she had felt consumed with his stare. She was no stranger to admiration from the opposite sex, her parents had blessed her with good genetics that made it hard for her to blend into a crowd. She tried to never bring excess attention to herself, but her nearly white, long hair was a distraction in itself. It had always been long and lush, but since The Change, it seemed as if it had gotten longer and lighter overnight. She had felt him drag his gaze down her frame and back up to her eyes. She had held his gaze for a mere moment, those deep pools the same color as the amber he drank dancing with golden specks, then she quickly glanced away, using Boz’s larger frame to hide her from his stare. He had no friends with him at his table, and no one had stopped to visit him. It appeared he was a stranger in this place and that could mean a couple of things. He could be on the run like so many people these days, trying to find a quiet place to lay low for a few months, or longer if he was lucky. But with the strange magical runes decorating his arms, which were unlike any she had ever seen, and his sheer size, she found it hard to believe he would have to run from much. He could be waiting for someone, maybe he was just early and he would soon have friends or a girlfriend showing up- not likely. A man of his stature would have attracted attention, she would have seen him around before. Which left the last option. He was a hunter. Sent out to find whatever he was sicced after, and the hunters were paid handsomely for their services. They were usually hired by the rich government elite. Hunters cared not why their prey was desired, nor did they care what happened to them when they turned them over. Men like him were the primary reason so many people had been on the run, off and on for the last decade.

  However, no one else in the club appeared to be concerned and she saw no one else watching him, which gave her a small sense of security. People stuck together as much as they could for the most part and if anyone else sensed danger, it would show in their actions. On the contrary, everyone seemed to be relaxing and enjoying their night. She decided to keep an eye on the handsome, albeit intimidating, stranger and do her best to not overreact.

  Boz arched his eyebrows at her as he took a long draw off his drink. “What do you think, pretty lady? You ready to show these folks how it’s done?” She smiled at him, the shot of amber relaxing her and warming her to the idea of their night on the town.

  “I would be honored, kind sir,” she replied, feeling grateful that this town had brought her a couple of genuine people that she considered friends. She would miss them if she had to leave. Boz was on the top of that list and he seemed to know when she needed those calming and relaxing vibes he oozed with this Fae magic. He had sensed her unease over the stranger and had let loose some of his power. She felt it wrap around her and she gave him an easy smile.

  He stood and offered his hand. She accepted it graciously as they made their way through the crowded couples on the dance floor, sliding up close to Jayson and Jessie. The beat of Lady Gaga’s ‘Just Dance’ was fast and throbbing, filling her body with the desire to move, smile, and enjoy these rare feelings. Jessie threw her arms around Bristol holding her in a tight hug continuing to move to the music. Her movements had caused her dress to inch up her legs a bit, showing more of her toned, tanned thighs.

  “Bri, I can’t believe you are here!” she shouted to make herself heard over the blaring music while smiling from ear to ear.

  “Shut up, bitch, and dance with me!” Bristol laughed,
matching her smile and squeezing her friend tight.

  As the throbbing bass continued to work the dancers into a frenzy, Bristol felt herself actually having fun! She could feel sweat trickling a line between her breasts and her forehead was sticky with it. All her fears of earlier washed away. She watched as Jayson worked his way through the throng of bodies precariously holding four shot glasses of amber.

  “It’s my birthday, you slackers! Get these shots down now!” he shouted over the throbbing speakers. All four of them grabbed a shot and in unison, knocked back the bitter brew. Since she was at shot number three, and she usually stopped at one, she knew that this would have to be her last. She made a habit of never being out of control when she drank. But right now, with the music flowing, she couldn’t care less and enjoyed the amber.

  Her body felt alive with the hum of the music and her blood pumped to the beat. The four of them danced in a circle, enjoying each other’s company. She noticed Boz slip behind her and he seductively moved to the song. Shortly after, she felt a strong chest push up against her back and hands rested firmly on her hips, pulling her against him. Boz had never pushed any sexual boundaries before so she felt safe leaning back against the delicious feeling muscles behind her and closed her eyes as they swayed as one song faded into the next. It was an old Nine Inch Nails song, ‘Closer’. The lyrics and deep beat made for sensual movement, every dancer in the joint fueling the sexual tension.


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