The Change

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The Change Page 17

by Lori Aisling


  Straining to see across the rippling plains in front of him, Bane squinted his eyes. He could feel the pull of his Other and his brethren. He knew he was traveling in the right direction, but his path was so unclear. His frustration was mounting as day after day of traveling to the west, towards that pull, resulted in yet another night of sleeping alone under the stars. He had traveled for years, crossed oceans and traversed wilderness and mountain ranges. Now, he was traveling across flat plains and he felt as if the miles passed under his mount’s feet so slowly with the unchanging scenery. The sun was setting and the horizon was painted in a beautiful blend of pinks, reds and orange hues. Sighing, Bane patted the thick neck of the large, line-backed dun that carried him day after day. “What do you think, péngyǒu, my old friend? Do you think we can find a flat spot to set up camp for the night?” He chuckled at his own joke, everything was flat here. The horse flicked his ears and bobbed his head as if the joke was funny to him as well.

  Suddenly, Bane felt a tug inside his mind. He pulled his steed to a stop and stared into the horizon. The tug became a strong pull and tendrils of warm yellow light danced around his peripheral vision and along the prairie stretched out in front of him. He felt a rush of warmth, compassion, love, and acceptance flood him. White-knuckled, his hands gripped the reins and he shuddered as the strong emotions showered his battered core. Then he heard the command. Spoken gently, but with a great presence. ‘Come to me.’ His silver eyes dilated, then focused on the horizon in front of him, the yellow magic dancing and dotting the path ahead farther than he could see. His runes pulsed silver and his steed snorted and tossed his head, pulling against the reins. Keeping his focus on the horizon, Bane loosened the reins, giving the horse his head. “You heard her, Qiānlǐmǎ. It would be easier to stop the tide than to refuse her.” As the horse leaped forward, Bane leaned down, the horse’s mane whipping his cheek. Eyes still honed in on the path ahead of him, his muscular thighs squeezed the sides of his mount as the fabled Chollima horse surged, gaining even more speed. With the dry air rushing past, his eyes began to water as he stared, focused on chasing the setting sun. “She is powerful, Qian. And she needs us. Take me to her.” His heart pounded hard in his chest and he felt resolve flood him. It would be different this time; she was so strong. Even if she had the other three, the difference in her power was staggering. He would do things differently in this Re-Order, not be so hard on her; so demanding and controlling. Then again, with the magic she had just displayed and the commanding presence in her plea, Bane could feel that this was a warrior that could not be intimidated. She was his Other, but his equal, and she would not be denied or challenged. Tingles of desire made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He smiled. He couldn’t wait to meet her. I am coming Qīn'ài de. My beloved. The ground beneath him passed in a blur as they raced towards their destiny.


  The evening passed with laughter, mainly at Bror and Ristan’s expense as they struggled to learn the many card games Jessie and Boz kept suggesting. When the fire pit was nothing but glowing embers, they retired to the inside of the cabin where a nest of blankets awaited Bristol, Bror and Ristan. She had taken to sleeping between them, always having a warm body to curl around when the other was on guard duty. Boz had set up an old army cot in the corner of the room and Jessie and Jayson were occupying the one tiny bedroom the cabin supplied. Bristol had been adamant they take it, as it was too small for her and the guys anyway. Since they were not going to be traveling for the next few days, Jessie and Bristol had argued that they should be included in guard duty, feeling that it was important for them to not get lax in their vigilance. They had been excused in the past due to traveling in their shifted forms and the excess energy that the task consumed. Bristol volunteered for the first shift and the guys figured out the rest of the schedule. Taking her whip and a long dagger, she found herself a spot that afforded her a great view of the area and settled in for her duty.

  The sounds of the night were so peaceful. Even though there was a bite in the air, it wasn’t quite yet cold. The crickets were singing in perfect harmony and the moon was almost full. Opening her senses to the forest around her, she listened as the slight breeze whispered through the pines and the sound of the creek in the distance soothed her soul. She could hear an occasional snort or sneeze from the horses where they were grazing and resting down by the creek. She smiled and enjoyed the tranquil setting. If only things were different, this would be the perfect place to put down some permanent ties. She could grow a nice garden, maybe plant some fruit trees. They could build a couple more cabins; one for Jessie and Jayson, a larger one for her and her Others and Boz could keep the existing cabin for his bachelor pad. Bristol shook her head as she realized how silly her daydream was. If it weren’t for the mess the realm was in, she wouldn’t even have her Others, let alone be planning a nice cabin-in-the-woods life for all of them. Hearing a branch crack, she was instantly alert. Squatting down to make herself less visible, she strained her vision to see in the dark while staring in the direction of the noise. Eyes and ears peeled, she held her breath waiting for another sound or any sign of movement. There you are, she thought. About 60 feet from her location she saw something, but couldn’t make out any details. There was a small clearing between two clusters of Ponderosa pines and Bristol was able to make out a large shape, but she could not definitively describe it. Traversing the terrain silently, and with stealth, Bristol was aware of its sheer size. She caught another glimpse of movement to the left of the first creature, but again, she could not make a positive identification. The moon gave her just enough light to make out white or cream-colored fur for just a split second, but then it was gone. Within moments, the two beasts had vanished into the trees and she could no longer hear or see, any sign of them. Slowly moving towards the spot she had first noticed them, she cautiously surveyed the area surrounding her, making sure they had not circled back to catch her unaware. Reaching the location, there was no sign of any animal that she could see, the darkness hindering further investigation. Crossing the open patch of land, she walked all the way around the cabin and then made the short trek to the creek to check on the horses. They appeared relaxed and rested with no signs of agitation they would normally show if large predators were around. Remembering the light-colored fur, she wondered if perhaps they were large livestock guardian dogs that had been set loose since The Change. Utilized to guard sheep, the big white canines were common in agricultural areas and it was not out of the realm of possibility that there were a couple of strays roaming this area looking for small game. She would tell her friends to keep their eyes out for them; they could all look for tracks or signs of the dogs in the morning when there was more light. Settling herself back in her original spot, Bristol spent the rest of her shift surrounded by silence and the peaceful sounds of the mountains.

  Sneaking quietly back into the cabin, Bristol made her way to Boz’s cot. Placing her hand on his shoulder, his eyes opened and he gave her a sleepy smile.

  “My turn?” He asked as he stretched and yawned.

  “Yep. I think I saw two large dogs, but I can’t be sure, so watch for them. Other than that, it’s so peaceful and just about perfect out there,” she whispered.

  “Get yourself in bed and get some rest, lass. The next few days are going to be interesting with all the magic work your two boys have planned for you.” He crawled off the cot and slipped on his boots. “I’ll wake Bror in a few hours for his shift, but I’ll try to not disturb you.” He gave her a quick hug and exited the cabin, silently closing the door behind him.


  Bristol made her way across the dark room to the cozy burrow of blankets and pillows Jessie had arranged for her, Bror and Ristan. The moon’s light coming through the window was just enough to make out the perfect spot for her between her two lovers. Slipping off her boots and jeans, she snuck into the bed wearing only a t-shirt and panties. Ristan stirred in his sle
ep, his breathing deep and even as he rolled to face her. Snuggling up against him, her head under his chin, she breathed in his scent that was so unique to him: amber, leather and something she could only describe as ‘strength’. A smile tugged at her lips as his arm circled her and pulled her closer. Running her hand up his ribcage and onto his back, she let her fingers paint the picture in her mind of his broad shoulders and defined muscles. He was sculpted of hard and cut edges, his appearance similar to his personality in that aspect. But Bristol knew how much he cared for her, the memories of him in past Re-Orders erased any doubts she may have had and she never wanted to forget him again. Recalling their run-in with Fear, she shuddered thinking about how close she came to losing him. She pressed a kiss into the hollow at the base of his throat. Surrounded by his large frame and all the history she now remembered, her body came alive- she wanted him. She could hear the steady beat of his heart and she pressed her lips against his chest. Running her tongue around a nipple, her teeth grazed the tip. He moaned, the sound sensual and deep, and his arm tightened around her. She let her mouth continue its path along his pecs and moved higher, towards his neck. His hand slid down her back and grabbed her ass, pulling her closer to him and she could feel his hardness against her belly.

  “Feel free to wake me in this fashion anytime, woman,” he purred as he moved his other arm from under the pillow to slip it under her hair and grab her neck. “Come here,” he demanded and pulled her up to him, his lips finding hers in the moonlight. While his mouth wreaked havoc on her senses, he cradled her leg up over his thigh and his fingers moved her panties to the side. He slid his middle finger inside her and she sighed contentedly against his mouth.

  “So wet for me already. By the gods, Bristol. You undo me,” he groaned as her pussy clenched down on his finger, slick with her juices.

  Panting and biting down on her lip to silence the moans that she was holding back, Bristol ground herself against his hand. Ristan withdrew his finger and slid it up to her clit, rubbing her slick against the sensitive nub.

  “What about Bror, Ristan?” She asked.

  “Wake him,” he growled as he kissed her again, nibbling and sucking at the edge of her mouth.

  Bristol felt a shock of excitement and nervousness at the thought of both men touching her. She wasn’t sure what to expect, this was all new territory for her, but the very idea of it was too much of a temptation for her modesty to stop her. Reaching behind her, she touched Bror’s shoulder. She felt him shift to his side, instantly awake, and she heard his sharp intake of breath.

  “Bristol?” He questioned. She responded by running her hand down his chest as Ristan’s finger, rubbing against her clit, caused her to let out another low moan. Moving behind her, Bror peeled her panties down her legs and shoved her t-shirt up and over her head leaving her naked to the hungry eyes of her Others.

  Rolling onto his back, Ristan pulled Bristol up to straddle him and she sat up, grinding her pelvis against his as she dug her fingers into his chest. Bror came up onto his knees and moved behind her, his fingertips dancing up her spine. She felt his lips follow suit and he sunk his fingers into her hair. “Kiss him,” he commanded as he pushed her head towards Ristan. She gladly complied, her hands going to each side of his head and gripping his hair as her lips pressed against his and their tongues danced together. Her nipples grazed his hard chest and they pebbled with the friction. Ristan grabbed her ass with both hands and started rubbing his hard length through her folds and against that sensitive bundle of nerves he had awoken with his finger. Wanting more, Bristol tilted her hips, desperately craving the feeling of him filling her.

  A sharp crack filled the air as his palm connected with her ass. “Not so fast, love. We haven’t even gotten started with you yet,” he whispered, his voice thick with promise. Bristol shuddered as the slight sting from the slap created a dull ache deep in her pussy, stoking her desire. She felt Bror’s lips as they trailed along her spine, leaving icy fire in their wake. Reaching around her, his hands found her breasts, kneading her flesh, rolling her nipples between his fingers. She kissed Ristan harder, the sensation of both men’s hands and mouths on her creating a riptide of sensation. As Bror’s lips moved down her back, his hands left her breasts and he pushed her into Ristan’s chest, her butt in the air. Ristan pulled her ass cheeks apart, exposing her completely and she felt hot breath a moment before Bror’s tongue penetrated her wet core. She gasped into Ristan’s mouth, feeling his chest vibrate as she heard his amused chuckle.

  “Aren’t you glad you woke him?” He asked, teasing her.

  Bristol was unable to answer with anything other than a guttural moan, too swept up in the sensation of Bror’s tongue and mouth as he licked and sucked at her. Too soon, his lips left her and she groaned with the loss. Ristan pulled her hips up, lining her entrance up with the tip of his cock. With a quick thrust, he encased himself to the hilt in her heat and she cried out as he filled her completely. Clenching the bedding on either side of her, Bristol buried her head in Ristan’s neck and let him take control of the deep penetration that her body craved so desperately. Feeling the tingling of the orgasm that was quickly consuming her, she called out his name when it overtook her. Slowing his movements, Ristan ran his hands up her body and cupped her face in his hands, kissing her deeply. Pushing her up into a sitting position, his hands gripped her hips and resumed a steady drive into her, their bodies fitting together perfectly. Bristol reached for Bror and pulled him to her. His lips crashed into hers, dominating her, owning her mouth. Reaching down, she wrapped her hand around his shaft and began to stroke him, using the same rhythm Ristan had established. Bror groaned and nipped at her lips, his fingers tangling in her hair as he kissed her harder.

  “I want to taste you,” she told her blonde warrior. Feeling him twitch in her grasp, he stood and she used both hands to encase his turgid member in her grip. Licking the tip she let Ristan’s thrusts into her push Bror’s hard length between her lips. She teased him, licking and sucking before fully pulling him into her mouth. He let out a hiss and pushed his pelvis into her face, gripping her hair. She grabbed his hips and began a steady tempo, reveling in the feeling of bliss they were creating in each other.

  As her men filled her, she felt Ristan’s thumb press over the top of her clit. She moaned around Bror’s cock, the second orgasm sneaking up on her, and the vibration in her throat caused Bror to gasp and she felt him grow harder in her mouth. “Come, Bror. I want to taste you.” Within moments she felt him swell and his cock twitched as he filled her throat with his warm cum. He pulled out of her mouth and Ristan increased the intensity of his thrusts, his grip on her waist tightening. She fell onto her elbows, pushing her head against his chest as Bror moved behind her. Feeling Ristan grow even more rigid inside her, she felt a slight pressure at her back entrance as Bror slipped a well-lubed finger into her ass, the sensation causing her to orgasm instantly. As she shuddered with the intensity, Ristan growled his own release, spilling into her and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body flush with his.

  Her limbs now completely weak and trembling, she let herself relax onto Ristan’s chest, breathing heavily. Ristan held her tightly to him and pressed his lips on the top of her head. Bror placed a kiss on her shoulder before easing down on the bedding next to them.

  “Feel free to wake me for a party like that at any time,” he said.

  “That is almost exactly what Ristan said!” Bristol giggled, snuggling further into Ristan’s warm body.

  “Since I’m awake, I am going to go ahead and relieve Boz early. You two get some sleep. And seriously, thank you for including me. We have missed you terribly, my love. And as you can now attest, we don’t mind sharing you,” he stated softly.

  Raising herself off of Ristan, Bristol reached for Bror and kissed him, pouring all the emotions she felt into him. Breaking the kiss, he slid his fingertips down the side of her face and smiled before leaving the bed. She could hear him pulling on his p
ants and boots as she laid her head back down on Ristan’s chest.

  Finger-combing her hair with his fingers, Ristan took a deep, relaxed breath before rolling them to the side, keeping her tucked up against him. She could feel their fluids leaking out around them, yet she couldn’t bring herself to care. He pressed his lips to her forehead and his thumb traced her bottom lip. “I’ll go grab us a towel to clean up.”

  “Don’t. Not this time. I want to go to sleep with you still inside me,” she whispered. “Now that I remember you, I feel like I have missed out on so much. I just want you to hold me like this and not move for a while.”

  “I can live with that,” he said, his tone thick with emotion. ‘Rest well, my Other. My only.”

  Bristol smiled against him, her heart swelled, and she fell fast asleep.


  Bristol was awake before the sun rose. She was nestled in Bror’s embrace, and the bedding where Ristan had laid was cold when she reached out for him. Untangling herself from Bror’s limbs slowly to keep from waking him, she crawled out of the bed and pulled on some clothes. Smelling coffee, she made her way into the kitchen where Ristan sat, kicked back in a chair, cradling a cup. He gave her a smile and nodded at the coffee pot.

  “Grab a cup and we’ll drink it outside together. Let’s watch the sun come up.”

  She grabbed a mug, filled it with the bitter brew and followed Ristan outside.

  “Jayson is on watch, but he should be back any minute,” he said. “This is the perfect time of day. The sun rising like glowing fire in the sky. The kiss of autumn in the air and someone to share it with other than Phase. I call this is a good day.”


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