Warrior's Claim

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Warrior's Claim Page 2

by Tehya Titan

  Since arriving on the planet, she’d watched no less than a dozen males shift, so she wasn’t wholly unfamiliar with what was happening. Seeing a warrior in his full-on demon form—skin completely black, eyes red like burning coals, fangs like daggers—was the literal stuff of nightmares. She’d also only known it to happen for one of two reasons.

  Either a warrior was about to go to battle, or he’d found his chosen mate.

  At the moment, she really couldn’t be sure which emotion—rage or lust—had triggered her rescuer’s transformation. Considering how hard he seemed to be fighting against it, she feared it was the former. Fuck, everything on the island really was trying to kill her.

  Taking another step back, she crouched low and prepared to defend herself. Even if she had no chance of winning, she wasn’t going down without a fight.


  Rumors of the females who had traveled to Vor from some faraway world had reached every corner of the planet, even the remote island of Forhvar. They were said to be beautiful creatures, a treasure beyond all imagining, a prize fit for a warrior.

  Soujin Mahar had scoffed at such tales.

  Now, watching the female before him lower into a defensive crouch, he could honestly say that the murmurings hadn’t done her justice. She was smaller than the females of his race, with soft lines and delicate features, but he’d never seen anyone or anything so lovely.

  Fair, flawless skin stretched tightly across high cheekbones and a strong jaw, and a mess of dark curls further complimented her complexion. Her strange, amber eyes were only a shade brighter than his own, but hers were encircled by white, and the pupil was barely noticeable.

  Soujin tilted his head, studying her. In the midmorning sun, her creamy skin practically glowed, but he was confused by her unusual markings. Instead of stripes on most of her body, unfamiliar symbols and pictures covered only her upper arms. Even more perplexing was the clear jewels embedded in her earlobes.

  “Okay, Soujin,” Rox said, pulling him out of his thoughts. “We’re not going to have a problem, are we?”

  A purr of satisfaction vibrated through his chest at the sound of his name coming from her pink lips. Everything about the female called to him, demanded he take her right there in the sand and make her his own. Although she looked ready to fight, she wouldn’t resist him. He could sense that much about her.

  Still, he held that instinct in check, battled back the part of himself that craved her, that wanted to strip her bare and bury his cock between her legs and his fangs into her neck. He fought it with every ounce of strength he possessed until the very fiber of his being screamed with the effort.

  She was his, and soon, he would claim her, bind her to him in every way possible. Yet, as the beast within him gnashed its teeth, instincts necessitated he put her needs before his own. It compelled him to protect her, soothe her, and calm her fears. Even the distress currently pouring off her—its bitter stench curling his nose—was unacceptable.

  “I will not harm you.” A low growl threaded his words, making him sound more animal than male. “You don’t have to be afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid.” She practically spat the words at him, but some of the tension eased from her coiled muscles. “Okay, so…you’re not going to eat me?”

  Soujin shuddered as his mind supplied images of him lapping his tongue over her drenched pussy. He shook his head, as much to clear the thoughts as to assure her she was in no danger.

  “I think you wouldn’t make much of a meal.”

  He hadn’t said it to be humorous, but Rox laughed, the sound just as musical and enchanting as the first time he’d heard it. Something in her gaze shifted, lightened, and she rose slowly to her full—albeit diminutive—height.

  “You don’t want to fight me?”

  Soujin gritted his teeth when she came closer. His entire body responded to her proximity, tensing and flexing, preparing to pounce. Behind the buttons of his leather pants, his cock swelled, throbbing in time with his racing pulse, aching to be freed of its confinement.

  He shook his head. “I won’t fight you.”

  She could rail against him with fists and swords, but he’d never raise a hand to her. No matter how deeply she wounded him, he could never bring her pain. The only thing he couldn’t do was let her walk away now that he’d found her.

  Males from his clan, as well as others from the trade ship, moved restlessly behind him, watching and waiting for what would happen next. He heard them, saw some of them in his periphery, but he paid them little mind. As long as they didn’t come too close, he wasn’t concerned with anyone except his mate.

  “You look like you’re in pain,” Rox said, taking another step toward him.

  She wasn’t wrong. Fighting against his intrinsic nature wasn’t easy, and the effort it took set every muscle and bone in his body alight with fire. Honestly, he didn’t even know how he was doing it. He shouldn’t be able to do it. Maybe that was why it hurt so damn much.

  “I…” He trailed off, unsure of what to say.

  He didn’t like it. As a warrior, as the chieftain of his clan, he always knew what to do. This tiny, fragile female, however, had him tied in knots, confused, and completely out of his element.

  “I’m yours, aren’t I?” Her mouth curved up on one side, and she looked almost smug. “Your mate.”

  Soujin blinked at her as he sniffed the air. The bitter odor of fear and anxiety had faded, replaced by the light, sweet fragrance of…desire.

  The iron grip he held on his control shattered.

  Throwing his head back, he roared to the sky as his markings stretched and writhed, bleeding together until they covered every inch of his skin. He felt his fangs elongated, and he welcomed the bite of pain as his wings burst free and unfurled once again. The world became clearer, sharper, colors more vibrant as his eyes shifted to their demon counterpart.

  “Mine!” he bellowed, his voice echoing through the nearby trees.

  “Yes.” There was a whole world of conviction in her tone as her grin stretched even wider. “It’s about fucking time.”

  He didn’t know what that meant, and he didn’t care. “Come here, female.”

  To his surprise and annoyance, she shook her head. “Oh, no. It’s not going to be that easy.” Angling toward the forest, she took a measured, purposeful step away from him. “If you want me, you’re going to have to work for it.”

  Before he could repeat his summons, she turned her on heels and sprinted for the forest.

  A growl of approval rolled up from his chest, and he smirked as he watched her go. His mate wanted to play. She wasn’t running from him in fear. She wanted him to chase her, and she wanted to be caught. It wasn’t easy, but he locked his body down and waited, giving her just enough of a head start to slip through the tree line before he pursued her.

  Her first running step into the forest pulled a snarl from his lips. Her second dragged him forward a step, as if they were connected by an invisible tether. By the time she took her third step, he was trembling with anticipation, and he couldn’t wait any longer. Even if he somehow found the restraint, another couple of steps, and she would be out of his line of sight.

  He wouldn’t allow that to happen.

  Leaping into the air, he flapped his massive wings and shot forward, cutting through the wind like a spear. He caught up to Rox quickly, reaching her between one heartbeat and the next and wrapping his arms around her to lift her up from the ground. She screamed, but it was tinged with laughter, and her scent was all adrenaline, desire, and something uniquely her that he found utterly intoxicating.

  Holding her gently yet securely, he lowered them to the forest floor. He purred as he scraped his fangs against the side of her neck, then nuzzled the underside of her jaw with his nose.

  “Don’t be afraid, setsa.”

  She relaxed into his embrace, leaning back against him and tilting her head to the side to give him room to explore. “Don’t worry. I know h
ow this story ends.” She arched her neck even more. “Go for it, big guy. I’m not afraid.”

  Clutching her tightly, her back pressed firmly against his chest, Soujin clamped his mouth over her throat and slid his canines through the supple flesh. The first rush of blood over his tongue made his heart pound and his cock throb. By the moons, she tasted incredible, like honeyed wine tinted with something wild and exotic. If he wasn’t careful, he could easily become addicted.

  As he took one final draw, he traced his fingertips up and down her bare arms, further marking his new mate with his scent. Their bond completed, his claim solidified, he withdrew his fangs and lapped his tongue over the twin dots on her neck. Something inside him shifted at the sight, settled, and contentment washed over him.

  Rox’s chest heaved as she inhaled deeply, then released the breath shakily. “That didn’t hurt,” she muttered, easing out of his arms so that she could turn to face him. “I thought it would hurt.”

  Now comforted that she would belong to no other, the demon part of him receded, leaving only the warrior, and he smiled as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I would never hurt you, setsa.”

  “That’s pretty. It’s something like ‘treasure,’ right?”

  He loved the way she leaned into his touch, the way she sought even the simplest contact with him. “It is.”

  “This is different.” She swayed toward him, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes glazed. “Not how I expected it to be.” Lifting her hand, she pressed it to the side of his face and smoothed her thumb over his cheek. “Why do I feel like I know you?”

  He understood what she meant, but unfortunately, he didn’t have an answer. “It is how it’s meant to be.” There would be time for talk later, but as much as he wished to learn everything about her, the heat would be upon her soon. “We must hurry. My village isn’t far from here.”

  “Oh, right.” She pressed even closer to him until her lithe body rubbed against his straining erection. “The heat thing.” There was a wickedness to her smile as she purposely rotated her hips to grind against him. “We’re going to fuck like bunnies for the next couple of days, aren’t we?”

  “I don’t know what these ‘bunnies’ are you speak of, but yes. Your heat is already starting, setsa.” The scent pouring from her would have dropped him to his knees if he hadn’t been anticipating it. “It will be my honor to see you through it.”

  “I hope you mean that.” Her breath caught in her throat, and she swallowed several times before continuing. “Because I really think it’s st—fuck!”

  Soujin groaned as a blast of heat radiated from her, slamming into him with the force of a supernova. Damn it, he was supposed to have had more time.

  “Christ,” Rox panted. “Fuck, it hurts. Oh, god, what the hell?” Her legs buckled, no longer able to support her, and she fell into his arms with another loud cry. “Soujin, please!”

  “Easy, mate. Breathe. I can ease you if you let me.”

  One glance down her slender body, however, had him cursing. The fact that she wore leather instead of some silky fabric hadn’t fazed him when he’d first seen her. The females of his clan also wore leather, as well as furs and various other animal skins. In Kings Castle and other large territories, maybe pretty dresses were the norm, but it wasn’t practical in Forhvar.

  No, what had him swearing was the limited access her tight pants provided. The boots that laced clear up to her knees didn’t help. As it stood, he had two choices. Waste precious time undressing her, or simply shred the offending material.

  If he chose the latter, he’d then have to find a way to get her back to his village without anyone seeing the loveliness of her naked form. As territorial as he felt, such an incident would likely end in bloodshed.

  When Rox clutched at his arms and whimpered, a single tear trekking down her cheek, he made his choice. The consequences be damned.


  During her time with the LAPD, Rox had been kicked, elbowed, punched, and even stabbed. Then, of course, she’d been blown right the fuck up and had basically died. Not even that had hurt as much as this so-called heat.

  It felt like her insides were being ripped apart, flambéed, then stitched together again, only for the process to start all over. A deep ache started in her chest but spread throughout her body, aided by the wild pounding of her heart. Her stomach clenched, her muscles coiled tight, and her pussy throbbed so violently she couldn’t hold herself upright.

  Why the hell had she ever wanted this? What the fuck had possessed her to go looking for this kind of pain? No one had told her it would feel like this. No one had informed her that she’d want to claw at her own skin just to alleviate even a little of the pressure building inside her.

  “Soujin,” she pleaded, uncaring that she sounded desperate because honestly, she was. “Please, do something.” A sob ripped from her chest, and she dug her fingernails into his biceps as another wave of intense heat seared through her. “Do something.”

  “Okay, mate.” His purr sent a ripple of pleasure down her spine, but it did nothing to soothe the ache. “Just hold onto me.”

  That was all the warning he gave before tangling one hand in her hair and holding her immobile as he plunged his tongue between her lips. He didn’t just kiss her, nothing so tame as that. He invaded her, pillaged, consumed. His tongue caressed every inch he could reach, sliding over her own in obvious possession, pushing so deeply she swore he was branding her soul.

  Back home, she’d kissed her share of men. Sometimes it had led to more. Sometimes, it had been just a kiss. No matter the intention, there had always been that subtle power exchange, that small struggle for dominance.

  Kissing Soujin was nothing like that. Between them, there was no question of who was more dominant. There was no battle for control. She gave herself over to him willingly, trusting him to give her what she needed in return. Relinquishing that bit of power, however, didn’t mean she was a passive participant.

  Capturing his face between her palms, she moaned into his mouth, encouraging him without words to get the damn show on the road. There would be time for slow teasing and casual exploration. This wasn’t it.

  “Please,” she whimpered, just in case he hadn’t gotten the hint. “Please.”

  With another one of those sexy purrs, he walked them backwards until her shoulders pressed against the trunk of a nearby tree. The hand in her hair vanished as he disengaged from her mouth, leaving her panting, moaning, and desperate for another taste of him. Delirious with need, she tried to lean toward him, but he anchored her easily to the tree with his muscled frame as he gripped the waistband of her pants in both hands.

  The sound of ripping fabric rang through the forest, and Rox shivered as the chilled air bathed her sensitive skin. He didn’t stop there, either. He kept ripping and tearing, reducing the leather to nothing more than tattered strips that fell down over the tops of her boots.

  Understanding seeped through some of the lustful haze, and she reached for his pants in return, only to have her hands batted away. It was probably for the best. With her trembling fingers, it would have taken ages for her to undo the buttons, but Soujin had them opened in less than a second.

  Rox’s mouth filled with saliva, and she swallowed reflexively when his cock bounced free—thick, hard, and glistening with the proof of his desire. Her throat tightened, her chest constricted, and she managed to force out just a single word.


  Clearly, that was all the invitation he needed because strong hands gripped her backside and hoisted her into the air. On instinct, she wound her legs around his waist, gasping at the first feel of his skin against hers. Damn, he was warm. Despite the rising temperature of her own body, she wanted more of his heat. Needed it. Craved it.

  “Be still, setsa,” Soujin growled as he gripped the base of his cock and guided it to her entrance.

  She hadn’t realized she’d been moving, but sure enough, she found herself
writhing against him, her hips rocking without any conscious decision on her part. Arching away from the tree, she grinded down on his pelvis, searching for the kind of friction that might bring her some kind of relief. She told herself to stop, to show even a little bit of dignity, but instincts had taken over, and she didn’t seem to have command of her own body anymore.

  “I can’t…I don’t…I need.” Fuck, she didn’t even know what she was trying to say.

  Since words were beyond her capabilities at present, she threw her arms around his neck and dragged him closer for another taste of his lips. His mouth crashed down on hers again as he leaned into her, all other pursuits momentarily forgotten. She drank him in, echoing his moan as she drowned in him.

  Christ, she was completely drunk with lust, out of her mind with a ravenous need that couldn’t be put into words. She couldn’t fight it, and she wasn’t even sure she wanted to anymore.

  Feral with desire, she caught his bottom lip between her teeth and tugged sharply, glorying in the savageness of their coupling. The bark of the tree scraped against her shoulders, and while the sensation registered, if there was pain, she didn’t feel it. Maybe because there wasn’t room for anything besides the clawing need to be filled and stretched, to be held down and fucked hard until the world melted into oblivion.

  His long hair fell over one shoulder, the ends tickling her bare thighs in featherlight touches. With her nerve endings laid raw, even that light contact was too much to endure. Her reaction was immediate, almost violent, and she thrashed against him, causing the bulbous head of his cock to rub against her swollen slit.

  Rox shattered.

  Throwing her head back to the lavender sky, she screamed as a fresh wave of liquid fire drenched her pussy. Her legs clamped around his waist, drawing him even closer, and she bucked hard against his groin as she rode the wave of orgasm to its completion.

  It wasn’t nearly enough. If anything, it only intensified the need.


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