Warrior's Claim

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Warrior's Claim Page 4

by Tehya Titan

  Taking one of the purple berries, he bit it gently between his teeth and leaned toward her with a smirk. The smile she gave him in return dazzled him, and he purred for her as a reward when she dipped her head and swiped her tongue over his lips, catching the fruit in the process.

  “See? It’s good.”

  Rox nodded as she swallowed. “It’s very good.”

  “Another.” This time, he selected a cube of cheese, holding it with his lips instead of his teeth.

  They went on that way for several minutes, him feeding her between languid kisses and tender caresses. When she refused to take even one more bite—and had finished at least half of her wine—Soujin breathed a small sigh of relief. It was the most she had eaten in days, and he took that as a good sign.

  Pushing the remaining food aside, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the center of the pool where the water was the deepest. With a finger under her chin, he urged her head back and wetted her dark locks with a copper pitcher he’d taken to keeping in the bathroom since her arrival.

  The soap he used to cleanse her hair was made by the females of his clan, and it smelled of the sea and the flowers that grew on the southern coast of the island. He’d accepted the jar graciously when it had been given to him, but he’d never had reason to use it until now. He was glad to have something soft and feminine to offer his mate, and he made a mental note to thank the young females the next time he saw them.

  By the time he’d rinsed the pink suds from her hair, he could scent her heat rising again, could feel it in the tense way she held herself. Despite his worry that it was all too much for her, his body responded, his cock swelling and lengthening as it throbbed in time with his pulse.

  “It’s happening again,” she whimpered, sawing her legs together beneath the water. “Fuck, is it ever going to stop?”

  “Soon. Very soon.” He spoke with a conviction he didn’t feel, but he didn’t want to cause her any more distress. “Let me ease you, setsa.” She gave no protest as he moved her to the edge of the basin, lifted her out of the water, and placed her on the warm stones that surrounded the pool. “Lean back.” When she complied, he spread her legs, opening her to his gaze, and settled in between her thighs. “I want to taste you.”

  Her pink folds glistened in the moonlight, slick with desire and practically begging for his tongue. Soujin wanted to take his time, to worship her the way she deserved, but the first swipe of his tongue over her pussy had her bowing up from the floor. Her strangled cry echoed through the room, and he had to fight to keep her legs parted as she bucked against him.

  Tracing a wet line down her center, he groaned as her cream flooded his mouth, but he didn’t tease. With a firm grip on her thighs, he held her open wide and flicked the tip of his tongue over her swollen clit, relishing the way she rocked into him, seeking more of his touch.

  “One day,” he growled as he inserted two fingers deep into her hot pussy, “I’m going to tie you down and lick every inch of you until you beg me to stop. One day—” He scissored his fingers, pumping hard and fast, driving her toward the edge of release. “—when the heat has passed, when the pain is gone, I’m going to devour you, setsa. Would you like that?”

  He punctuated the question by wrapping his lips around her clitoris and sucking hard.

  “Yes!” Rox screamed.

  He didn’t know if her answer was in response to his question or in reaction to her orgasm, but he purred his appreciation all the same.

  Her small frame tensed, her thighs tightened around his shoulders, and her pussy grabbed his fingers, sucking them in deeper as she writhed against the stones. He gave her no time to recover before he pulled her into the water and flipped her over, guiding her hands to the lip of the pool.

  Settling her knees onto the bench, he secured one arm around her waist and pressed the head of his cock to her entrance. A loud groan spilled from his lips as he sank into her wet heat, filling and stretching her in one, long thrust. Leashing the urge to rut against her like a wild beast, he paused, giving her a moment to catch her breath.

  His little mate was having none of that. She hissed out a breath and pushed back into him, taking him even deeper. “Move. Please, Soujin. I need you.”

  He didn’t think he’d ever tire of hearing those words.

  Gliding his free hand up the flat expanse of her stomach, he cupped the swell of her breast, then pinched the hard bud of her nipple between his fingers. Her body jerked, and an intoxicating whimper spilled from her lips. So, he did it again, twisting and tugging the tight peak as he thrust hard and fast, setting a demanding tempo.

  Every snap of his hips churned the water around them like a violent storm as their coupling turned frenzied. If he worried he was hurting her, his mate eased any concerns by matching every brutal thrust and pleading for more.

  It didn’t take long for her to find release again, and Soujin followed soon after, roaring her name as her pussy gripped him tight, milking every last drop of seed from him.

  And as suddenly as it had started, the heat was over.

  The frantic energy that had consumed her for days disappeared as if it had never existed, and she sagged limply into his arms with a quiet, happy sigh.

  Still connected by the mating knot, Soujin moved carefully, turning them so that he sat on the bench with her perched in his lap. He caressed her arms from shoulders to wrists, over her hips, then finally rested both hands over the middle of her belly.

  His heart swelled with joy, and his eyes brimmed with moisture as a sense of peace settled over him. “Congratulations,” he whispered against the side of her neck. “You’re going to be a mother.”

  “Oh,” Rox gasped, her hands covering his. “Already? How do you know?”

  “The heat has passed.” Not only that, but he could sense it, the tiny spark of life growing inside her. The scent was faint, barely detectable, but unmistakable. “Thank you, setsa. Thank you for this gift.”

  “I should be thanking you.” There was a world of emotion in her voice, and she turned her head, burying her face against his throat. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”

  “It was my honor and my privilege,” he answered honestly.

  “I didn’t know it would feel like this. I didn’t know anything could feel like this.” When the knot receded, she lifted off of him, then turned to straddle his thighs. “I was so mad when I woke up in a cage on this weird, alien planet.”

  Soujin growled. “They put you in a cage?” He didn’t care if it was the fucking king or not, he’d slaughter anyone who had hurt her. “Tell me their names.”

  Rox just laughed, then leaned in to kiss him with smiling lips. “Relax, big guy. The point I’m trying to make is that, yes, I was mad at first, but it’s the best thing that could have happened to me. If the Wraiths hadn’t found me, hadn’t given me a second chance, I wouldn’t be here with you now.” Her hand went to her belly again as tears filled her amber eyes. “I wouldn’t be carrying our baby.”

  He liked what he was hearing, but he had a feeling she was saying more than her words implied. “There’s something you aren’t telling me. Speak plainly, female.”

  She chuckled again, her laughter feminine and sexy. “I barely know you at all, yet it feels like I’ve known you all my life. It’s crazy, but it’s like I can’t even remember what my life was like before I met you.”

  “I feel the same way, setsa.” He would raze planets for her. He would destroy his own world, his own people. He’d die for her. “You are mine, and I promise you will never regret it.”

  “And you are mine.” Wrapping her hand in his long hair, she pulled him in for a proper kiss. “What I’m trying to tell you, Soujin, is that even though it’s insane, maybe impossible, and it definitely doesn’t make any sense…I love you.”

  Light and warmth flooded him, illuminating the darkest recesses of his soul. He didn’t know what he’d done to be given such a treasure, but he vowed then and there to nev
er take a single day with her for granted.

  “You are my whole world, Roxanne Mahar. You and our child. There are no words to adequately begin to express how much I love you.”

  The tears she’d been fighting finally spilled over, and she threw her arms around him in a crushing embrace. “Yeah, well, that’s a pretty damn good start.”


  Dressed in a pair of brown suede pants that hugged her like an old lover, Rox stared at her reflection and grinned. The black, long sleeved shirt was clearly the Vor equivalent of cotton, but she didn’t know what kind of animal had donated the fur trim on her vest.

  Maybe it was selfish, but she didn’t really care, either. With her hair tied into twin braids that rested tight against her scalp, she looked like some badass, Viking warrior, and she absolutely loved it.

  “Females really wear this here?”

  Leaning against the doorway of the bedroom, Soujin purred as he looked her up and down. “They do. They also wear dresses, but it’s not practical for everyday attire.”

  “And they have real jobs here?” It was so different from where she’d started her journey. The more she learned, the more convinced she was that she’d made the right decision when she’d left Kings Castle. “I mean, they’re actually allowed to be useful?”

  “Yes, my love. We protect our females, but we don’t shelter them. Everyone is expected to contribute to the clan. It’s how we survive.”

  Rox practically vibrated with excitement. It had been too long since she’d had a purpose. Yes, she’d worked hard on the trade ship, but the males hadn’t really let her do any of the heavy lifting. Plus, she’d always known it was temporary, which had dulled some of her enthusiasm.

  “That’s fucking amazing. What kind of job will I have?” Thinking back to the bird who had tried to turn her into an appetizer, she whirled around to face her mate with a bright smile. “Can I be a hunter? Can I kill stuff?”

  Soujin’s deep chuckle went straight to her libido. “While I admire your thirst for blood, I don’t know that my heart could take it.” Pushing off the doorjamb, he sauntered closer, his gaze boring into hers with enough intensity to singe her furs. “You seem very happy, setsa.”

  “I am.” She was mated to a gorgeous warrior who practically worshipped the ground she walked on, and together, they’d created a life. She was much more suited to the island than she had been to the castle. Even the clothes were better. “Why do you look so surprised, though?”

  He shrugged, but it didn’t come off as casual as he’d probably meant it. “I wasn’t sure that you’d be happy here. Life on the island isn’t fancy or indulgent. There are no servants to bring us our meals or prepare our baths.”

  Rox tilted her head to the side. “Not even your chieftain?”

  “Not even our chieftain.” He smirked as he said it, but she didn’t really get the joke.

  “Is this what was bothering you the other day?”

  He’d distracted her with food and amazing sex. Then, he’d dropped the whole baby bomb on her, and she’d kind of forgotten about his sour mood. Not her proudest moment, and it probably made her a terrible mate.

  Well, there was no time like the present to make it right.

  Closing the distance between them, she pressed against his solid chest and cupped his jaw in her palm. “I’m so sorry you were worried about that. I didn’t know.”

  His fingers settled lightly around her wrist, and he turned his head to press a kiss against her pulse point. “You have nothing to apologize for, nothing at all. I just want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life, and I swear you have zero reason to think otherwise.” She pressed even closer, arching up on her toes to place a kiss against the side of his neck. “I wasn’t happy in Kings Castle. That’s why I left in the first place. I don’t need fancy rooms, pretty dresses, or lavish food. That’s never been my style.”

  His fingers skimmed up her back, then curled gently around her nape. “You just love me for my pool.”

  Rox grinned at his teasing tone. “Well, it doesn’t hurt.” Tilting her head back, she offered her lips for a kiss. “I do love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  Their lips met in a slow, tender kiss that smoldered rather than ignited.

  Her entire life, she’d done the right thing. The smart thing. She’d made rational choices, followed her instincts, and trusted in logic. Nothing about loving an alien warrior was logical, but it felt right. It felt real. Falling in love with Soujin had been the most natural, uncomplicated thing she’d ever done, and she didn’t regret it for a second.

  “Are you ready?” he asked long minutes later. “Let me show you your new home.”

  Rox nodded, but she clutched his hand a little too tightly as they exited the bedroom and crossed the living area to the front door. “What if I say something stupid? What if I offend someone?”

  “Impossible.” His hand squeezed around hers in reassurance. “Just be yourself. There is nothing about you not to like.”

  He was so freaking sweet, and it was exactly the right thing to say to calm her nerves. He was totally getting a blowjob for that later.

  “Okay, let’s do this.”

  Nestled into the heart of the forest and surrounded by towering trees, the village was like something she’d read about in a fairy tale as a child. There were huts in varying sizes along the narrow path they walked, each one made of sapphire wood and green clay with roofs constructed of the biggest red leaves she’d ever seen. Some had front doors adorned with colorful wreaths, while others were as bare and mundane as Soujin’s.

  In other words, it was easy to pick out the homes in which females resided.

  Sunlight filtered down through the tree canopies to glint off shiny pebbles along the path, and the pale blue light added an enchanting ambiance to her surroundings. Flowers in every color of the rainbow grew from the treetops, from bushes, and some even pushed straight up from the ground. A black plant with thin, star-shaped leaves particularly fascinated her, especially when it opened its petals to produce a burst of shimmering, golden dust.

  It just couldn’t be real. It was almost too perfect, and she couldn’t believe she actually got to call this place home.

  “Oh, my god, Soujin! It’s beautiful!”

  His arm slid around her waist, pulling her close and tucking her against his side. “Not nearly as beautiful as you.”

  It was completely sappy, and coming from anyone else, it would have sounded fake as hell. From her warrior, however, it made every bone in her body melt.

  “It is lovely,” he conceded, “but the forest is also dangerous. There are places you won’t be allowed to go alone, and I’ll teach you about which animals and plants to avoid.”

  Rox bobbed her head. She’d already been introduced to some of the dangers on the island, and it made sense that there would be others. There might be a bit of a learning curve, but she silently vowed to be the best student she could be.

  As they neared the center of the village, the sound of chirping birds and scurrying woodland animals gave way to laughter, music, and boisterous conversation. All of which stopped the moment everyone noticed them.

  Rox felt like her heart was going to fall out of her butt, but she stiffened her spine and held her head high. So what if they didn’t like her? It wouldn’t be the first time she’d lived where she wasn’t wanted. She’d survived then, and she could do it again.

  “My mate,” Soujin called into the deafening silence. “Roxanne Mahar.” His lips twisted into a lopsided grin. “You may call her Rox.”

  Holding her hand up, she wiggled her fingers at the crowd of onlookers. “Uh…hi.”

  The forest exploded with sounds of cheers and applause.

  Rox didn’t know if the whole clan was there, but if so, there weren’t nearly as many as she’d expected. No more than two dozen Vor filled the village center, and it seemed that her and Soujin’s
arrival had interrupted several tasks.

  She sighed inwardly as relief coursed through her. Winning over two dozen would be a hell of a lot easier than two hundred.

  The males in the group hung back, pretending to sharpen swords or mend spears while shooting curious glances her way. The females, however, abandoned their duties completely as they rushed to form a loose circle around Rox.

  “I’m so pleased the clothes fit you. Do you like them?”

  “A baby? Can you believe it? It’s been so long.”

  “Did you really come here from another planet?”

  “You’ve been to Kings Castle?”

  “Yes, Kings Castle. What’s it like there?”

  “I hear the warriors are very handsome.”

  Rox threw her hands up, effectively cutting off their interrogations. “Whoa! Everyone take a breath.” She smiled to show she wasn’t angry, just overwhelmed. “Yes, I like the clothes, and I’m glad they fit, too. Although, they might need to be altered in the coming months.”

  She paused with her hand over her belly as laughter swept through the group of females. “I did come from another planet, and I have been to Kings Castle. I’ll tell you all about it sometime.” Her gaze flickered to a smaller group of warriors milling near what looked like merchant tents, and a broad grin stretched her lips. “Or you can just ask the warrior who escorted me here.”

  All eyes turned to Daj, and several of the younger females covered their mouths to muffle their giggles. Rox wanted to call out to him as he approached, but she wasn’t sure if that would be allowed. She still didn’t like the idea of having to ask permission before speaking to a male, but she also didn’t want to embarrass or disrespect her mate in front of his clan.

  “That’s Daj,” she whispered to Soujin. “My friend I was telling you about, the guard who came here with me.”

  Soujin nodded. “We’ve met.”

  Well, that was news to her. “I want to let him know I’m okay, but…” She gestured vaguely with her left hand. “You’re not going to stab him or anything if I talk to him, are you?”


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