Making You Mine – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)

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Making You Mine – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls) Page 15

by Melissa Foster

  “Knox, please take them off.”

  He answered with a low moan and nipped at her hip. Then he released her wrists, his big hands claiming her waist as he circled her and stood behind her. His hands moved up her body and she closed her eyes. He kissed her shoulder. Once. Twice. Three times. Each feathery touch of his lips sent rivers of heat coursing through her. One hand covered her breast, the other held her belly, keeping her tight against his cock as he sucked her earlobe into his mouth.


  She had no idea how her legs were keeping her up. Her muscles tingled and twitched, her sex pulsed and clenched, and when he whispered, “I’ve waited a lifetime to find you. Being excessive with you sounds perfect to me,” her heart opened even more.

  When his hand left her breast she mourned the loss, but he worked her zipper lower and pushed his hands down the front of her jeans, using one to tease between her legs, while the other wreaked havoc with the magical spot that he homed in on with laser precision. She melted back against him, and he pushed his fingers deep inside her, stroking her in all the best places. His teeth sank into her ear, and she went up on her toes. She pushed at her jeans, trying to get them off, but they stuck at her knees. His tongue delved into her ear, and she moaned out his name. At least she thought she did. She was so lost in the overwhelming sensations consuming her, she couldn’t be sure. Then his mouth was on her neck again, and she thought she might die as raw passion tore through her, her orgasm consuming her. She bucked wildly, every nerve ablaze. She wasn’t even sure she was breathing as scintillating charges went off like fireworks inside her. She clutched at his arms to remain upright, panting and moaning, utterly lost in him.

  He circled her again, going down on one knee, and removed her boots, socks, jeans, and panties from her trembling body. He rose to his feet and unhooked her bra, pushed the cups to the side, and took her breast in his mouth, sucking and loving her so exquisitely, she felt another mounting storm.

  He tore his shirt off, pinning her in place with a dark stare. Then he guided her to the bed and lowered her to the edge. He knelt before her, his hands on her thighs. His eyes never left hers as he parted her knees, spreading them wide. He leaned in as if to kiss her mouth, but stopped short. His breath tickled her face as he licked her lips in quick, taunting motions and then slid his tongue slowly over them until she was panting even harder. She leaned forward trying to take a kiss, but he leaned back, remaining in total control of her pleasure. He pressed a kiss to the crest of one breast, to the taut peak of the other, and then he flicked his tongue over it.

  “Please, Knox.” She reached for him.

  He caught her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the center of it. Then he opened his mouth and pressed it to her palm, sucking and licking with fervor. She never knew her palm could be so erogenous, but she felt his tongue as if he were licking between her legs. He kissed all the way from wrist to shoulder, down her body, and then he brought that magnificent mouth of his where she needed it most. In one slow slide, he coaxed her orgasm to the surface, perched and ready to explode. His mouth covered her needy sex, one hand clutched her hip, keeping her rocking body right where he wanted it. His shoulder held one leg, and his hand gripped her other thigh, spreading her legs wide open—and holding her there. He slid one hand up her belly, pushing her down to the mattress. She went willingly, his wanton lover. His hand moved from her thigh to her sex, dipping inside before traveling lower, to her bottom. He teased over her tightest hole as he ate at her sex, fucking her with his tongue. She’d never let a man touch her ass like that before, but she wanted all that he had to give. In that moment she knew she’d become his.

  She lifted her hips, giving him the green light for the naughtiness he offered. His thick digit pushed into her at the same moment his tongue plunged forward. Lights exploded behind her closed lids. She arched and thrust as her climax tore through her, churning and pulsing for what felt like forever.

  When the whirlwind finally abated, he stripped off the rest of his clothes and moved them both to the center of the bed. He came down over her, her body still reeling with pleasure. As he slid inside her, she didn’t even try to hold back. “Keep loving me like this, and I just might let you stay forever.”

  He nuzzled against her neck and whispered, “‘As you wish,’ princess.”

  “Did you just quote Princess Bride? And call me princess?”

  “My girl’s a movie buff. I’m counting on it being among your favorites.”

  She laughed softly, feeling whole and happy as she said, “You’re becoming one of my favorites, too. Now shut up and remind me why.”

  Chapter Twelve

  THURSDAY EVENING, AUBREY wiped the sweat from her face as she left the treadmill and fell in step with Presley and Libby on their way to the mats for crunches. They were just as red faced and worn out as she was, while their evil trainer, Trinity—who also worked as a columnist at LWW—headed to the juice bar with an all-too-pleased-with-herself grin.

  “Why do we let her do this to us all the time?” Presley complained.

  “Because we care about our health,” Libby said.

  “And because Knox wasn’t around last night, so I had lots of extra energy to burn off,” Aubrey said as they lowered themselves to the mats. “I swear the more I’m with him, the more I want him.”

  As they began doing crunches Libby said, “Like an addiction?”

  “Worse,” Aubrey responded. “You know how you feel when you want a guy, all hot and bothered? Then after you’re satisfied it’s like, Okay, that was fun. Move on…And you go on with your life.”

  “Um, no,” Libby said.

  “Okay, not you, specifically, my pure friend,” Aubrey said. “Let’s talk about me. I haven’t thought about a man after doing the deed in ages.”

  “You’re always focused on work,” Presley said as she did crunches. “You’d better do crunches as you talk or Trin will crack her whip.”

  “Exactly, and you’re right.” Aubrey began doing crunches. “When Knox isn’t around, I can’t stop thinking about him. He’s slept at my house three nights this week. You’d think I’d want a break. You know how much I like my movie and sweats nights.”

  “Well, at least you’re still getting the sweat part in,” Presley teased.

  “That’s just it. It’s so easy being with him, I still lounge around in sweats. They just don’t stay on very long.” She smiled, remembering how he’d chased her around the pool table the other night. “We watch movies together and I can actually talk with him about more than just if they’re good or funny. I didn’t realize he was that interested in media, but he is.”

  “He’s interested in you, Aubs, and he’s probably become interested in media because of you. I think you’ve met your match,” Libby panted out. “He’s the one my friend told me about that I wanted to set you up with for that blind date. I knew you’d hit it off.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me when you first met him? Or for that matter, when I started hooking up with him?”

  Libby lay on her back and shrugged. “If we tell you we like a guy, you tend to run the other way.”

  “I do not.”

  Presley stopped midcrunch and said, “Jack Keener.”

  “Caleb Martin,” Libby said. “Oh, and Tim Larren.”

  “Whatever. They weren’t right for me. It was just coincidental that you liked them so much. And if that were true, Libs, you wouldn’t have tried to set me up for a blind date with Knox.”

  “It’s different,” Libby said, doing more crunches. “I didn’t know him. I knew of him. Can we get back to your sexual addiction? I’m seriously lacking in that department and living vicariously through you.”

  “It’s not a sexual addiction. It’s an everything-with-him addiction.”

  “So, let me get this straight,” Presley said. “You went from not sure you want to commit to dating to having a live-in lover? Oh man, this is one for the books. Nobody gets you to do a one-eighty li
ke that. He must be a master in the bedroom.”

  “In the bedroom, the spa, the snow, the kitchen,” Aubrey said with a laugh. “And look who’s talking. You and Nolan have been shacking up for months.” She lay on her back to catch her breath. “He’s not living with me. And it’s not all about sex, even though the sex is amazing. I always thought if I had a guy in my life, I needed to keep him separate from all the other parts of my life.”

  “No drama,” her friends said in unison.

  “Yes! It is weird though, isn’t it? Suddenly we’re in each other’s lives in a big way. I’m sleeping in his T-shirts, and my sheets smell like him. And God, you guys, since when do I even notice things like that?”

  “Since you finally stopped allowing yourself to only be Aubrey Stewart, self-made billionaire, and realized you deserved a fuller life.” Libby touched her hand and said, “This is a good thing.”

  “It feels good. Weird, like I said, but really good. We’re having dinner with Graham and Morgyn tomorrow in the city,” Aubrey said.

  Morgyn’s sister, Amber, had attended Boyer University with them. Amber was part of their LWW sisterhood and had lived in the LWW house. They’d met her five sisters and her brother several times. Aubrey had hired Amber’s oldest sister, Grace, a screenplay writer/producer who had recently married and moved from New York City back to their hometown of Oak Falls, Virginia, to write the screenplay for Charlotte’s book. She’d done a fabulous job.

  “That should be fun. And I just have to say that you’ve come a long way, baby. Double dates are serious dating,” Presley said.

  “She has been with Knox for two years,” Libby reminded her. “I think this was bound to happen. That’s a foundation that can’t be overlooked.”

  Presley lay flat on her back, breathing hard, and said, “Always the voice of reason.”

  “Thank God, because you and I aren’t always the most rational. Libs pulls us back down to earth. But she’s right. Maybe that’s why we fit so well together, you know? My family can be a lot to handle, and he waltzed right in like he’d known them forever. He doesn’t care if I’m Aubrey Stewart the billionaire or Aubrey Stewart from a football family. He likes me for me, and he’s not intimidated by me.”

  “I’m intimidated by you,” Libby said. She reached over and squeezed Aubrey’s hand. “Not really. But once upon a time…”

  “I was intimidated by you too, Libs. You were the sweetheart I could never be.”

  “Good thing we wore off on each other,” Libby said.

  “And you both wore off on me,” Presley said. “I’m a killer bitch with a sweet-as-sugar touch.”

  They all laughed.

  “So, did Mr. Everything score the Monroe House for you?” Presley asked. Presley and Libby had been traveling the first half of the week, and this was the first time they’d had a chance to catch up.

  “We’ll know within a few weeks. His brother, Landon, is mulling it over. He’s gun-shy because of the media craziness that followed the engagement of actor Carlos Ruiz, but Knox is finessing the situation. He thinks we’ll get it. It’s gorgeous, and perfect for the movie.”

  Presley smirked. “That man knows how to finesse, that’s for sure.”

  You have no idea. I’m pretty sure he could finesse an orgasm from a nun. Aubrey kept that thought to herself and told them about his family, Joyce, and Leon, and about her humming debacle at dinner and how it had somehow brought out a more emotional side of his father. “Knox thanked me for it, and I hadn’t even meant to do it. But I have to confess, when Knox whispered thank you to me? I can’t remember ever feeling like I had done something so important, so meaningful. All that just from two whispered words. It’s crazy.”

  Libby and Presley exchanged a knowing look.

  “I think this is bigger than dating, Aubs,” Presley said. “I know when things changed for me and Nolan, I finally realized I was holding myself back. I needed to give myself permission to love him.”

  Aubrey did more crunches and said, “Let’s not get carried away. It was a big moment for sure, but don’t force me down the aisle just yet.”

  They exchanged another look, and Aubrey said, “Stop. I have to be able to tell you guys these things without pressure to say it’s more, okay?”

  “You’re right.” Presley coughed as she said, “Jack Keener.” Cough, cough. “You’rearunner.”

  “Shut up,” Aubrey said. “Do you see me running? We’re going to a Gratitude Ball his parents are hosting for their colleagues and clients. That’s not dodging commitment. Do either of you have a flapper dress I can borrow?”

  “No, but Becca will.” Libby sat up and exhaled loudly. “That girl must have a closet in her apartment for every era.”

  “Oh, right!” Aubrey said. “Why didn’t I think of that?” And then she realized why. She’d tried to give Becca a harsh talking to about nosing into her love life, but it was hard to be mad when things had ended up so good. Becca had been gracious enough to apologize and to promise never to do anything like it again, but as she’d left Aubrey’s office she’d poked her head back in and said, “We LWW sisters have to stick together. I just wanted you to be happy…” To which Aubrey had given her a yeah right look. Becca had laughed and said, “Okay, fine. I wanted you to get laid so you wouldn’t be so edgy all the time, but you can’t really complain when your man is smokin’ hot. Send him my way if you get bored. I wouldn’t mind being his rebound girl!” She’d been smart enough to duck out of the office before Aubrey had a chance to throw something at her.

  “Did I tell you I got the film rights to Beneath It All by Zane Walker?” Aubrey said. “I cannot wait to bring it to the big screen.”

  “That’s fantastic,” Libby said.

  “I’m thinking about trying to get Brad Parlor for the lead. He was named Sexiest Man Alive a few years ago by People magazine. He’s the right age, and I’m tight with his PR rep, Shea Steele. She said it’s the perfect role for him.”

  “Sounds promising,” Presley said. “Back to Knoxley…”

  “Don’t even…” Aubrey glared at her, still doing crunches, while Presley and Libby were both sitting up, reaching for their water bottles. She spotted Trinity heading their way and said, “He called me princess.”

  Libby’s and Presley’s eyes widened.

  “Uh-oh,” Libby said.

  “Did you deck him?” Presley asked.

  “No. It was weird. I kind of liked it…”

  “Let’s go, slackers,” Trinity said as she approached. “Give me twenty-five push-ups.” She clapped her hands, and the girls flipped onto their stomachs, obeying her command.

  “I hate you,” Aubrey said.

  “So you’ve told me,” Trinity said flatly. “If you keep bitching I won’t share my newest exercise with you. The one that promises better orgasms.”

  “I’m out!” Aubrey rolled onto her back and said, “If they get any better I might die.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  AUBREY WANDERED THROUGH Knox’s loft Friday evening admiring the gorgeous paintings hanging on the walls. They were meeting Graham and Morgyn for dinner, and Knox was wrapping up a business call. The longer she studied the two abstract paintings before her, the more pangs of sadness they brought. If she looked hard enough at the first sea of muted earth tones, she could make out a little girl wearing a dress walking away while looking over her shoulder with a lost expression. Dim shades of clay, yellow, gray, and browns blended together and yet somehow also stood out, as if each color were swallowing a piece of her. Another painting boasted bolder colors. Shades of peach, purple, magenta, and green came together to form a woman wearing a long dress. She was walking forward, toward the viewer. Her features were blurry and indistinguishable. Her neck was bent as if she were looking at the ground, her hair curtaining half of her face. Within her body was another shadowy blur. Her edges were frayed and felt almost transparent, though she looked real enough to walk off the canvas and right past Aubrey.

ubrey startled when Knox’s hands circled her waist. Knox had asked her to stay for the weekend, and after missing him so much last night—regardless of how needy that sounded in her head—she’d wanted nothing more than to do just that.

  “Paige painted those,” he said softly. “They were some of her first paintings when she started therapy as an inpatient at the treatment center. I had no idea what to think of art therapy, but it was a great outlet for her in many ways. None of us, including Paige, knew she was so talented.”

  “They’re so emotional. I can feel that lonely little girl pleading for something.”

  “To be seen,” he said as he came to her side. “She titled it Unseen.”

  “It’s her?”

  He nodded. “She said it’s how she felt as a child. And this one”—he pointed to the woman walking—“she calls Alone.”

  “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “For me, too, especially since we’ve always been close. But it’s not about us as her family. She said it’s a depiction of her and her illness. If you look hard enough you can see it inside her, the darkness.”

  Aubrey put her arms around him, hoping to ease the sadness in his voice. “She must have been terrified. How does someone get past so much pain?”

  “Therapy helped, but I think love helped more. Kids need to feel like they matter as individuals. Like their parents see them not as part of a group, but really see them each for who they are—faults and all. She needed to be embraced as Paige, the little girl playing dress-up, the teenager wanting to laugh or fight with her parents. Unlike me, she was afraid to push the limits, afraid of disappointing them, I think. So she got all tangled up inside, and then she found something of her own in modeling, but that toxic environment wasn’t what she needed, either.”


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