Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology Page 11

by Skye MacKinnon

  I wanted to pull back, to end the kiss, but my body refused to listen. I needed this kiss like I needed to breathe.

  One thing was certain in my mind as his lips parted, allowing his tongue to push against my mine, finding its way into my mouth… nothing good could come of this.

  But it would be so good in the doing.

  Chapter 7


  With the briefest of nods in my direction to give me a split-second heads up, I watched as Caleb strode across the room, bent over Isabella on the couch, and slammed his lips on hers. Inside I shouted for joy. About fucking time.

  I wasn’t sure what changed, what forced him to get over his feelings about the age difference, but whatever or whomever it was, I was grateful. In the past, it took him days if not weeks to change his mind about things, like when we purchased this house. From the time Caleb returned to Voyageur Bay, we talked about purchasing a house together and created our wish list. Then we found this house—well we found the plot of land with the hole already dug for the basement foundation—and discovered that we could modify the floor plan to suit our needs. Even though it checked off each item on our list, including location, Caleb took four weeks before he agreed to the purchase. We would have lost it if I hadn’t put down a down payment knowing that he loved the plan for the house and its location. So while I’d been prepared to wait him out with Isabella, the fact that he acted upon his feelings within twenty-four hours had me jumping for joy.

  Isabella moaned under his onslaught. I couldn’t keep my eyes off them, off her. The sight turned me on like nothing I’d ever watched before. Mixed messages travelled to my brain. On one hand, I wanted to sit back and watch them. Watch how his mouth took control, swallowing the whimpers and moans that came from her. The way Caleb encompassed her, surrounding her entire body while only allowing his lips to touch hers. To see him dominate her and to have her allow it as she melted into him, keeping her hands to herself, had my cock jumping, embedding the print of my zipper on it.

  And on the other hand, I wanted to touch her, to taste the saltiness of her skin on my tongue, to swallow her moans when Caleb would move down to suck on her nipples or push his fingers into her. Just the thoughts had me wanting to pop open the button on my pants and free myself.

  But when her gaze met mine, those thoughts flew from my head. In her eyes I could see her desire, her confusion, and her fear. The first I wanted to see all the time when she looked at Caleb or myself, but the final two, I never wanted to see those again… especially in relation to us.

  I stepped closer, placing my hand on Caleb’s shoulder to stop him. Instead, he responded by sliding his body to the side, giving me room to join in.

  And I wanted to…

  So damned much…

  But the lines of tension that showed in her muscles even while her body continued to melt into his as his tongue thrust into her mouth, twisting around hers, kept me from following through. I needed her to understand what was going on between us, to give us permission before I’d take what she offered. Because one touch and I knew I’d lose all control. I’d be swallowed whole by her like the old cartoons containing quicksand. Only in this case, there’d be no vine to grab on to to keep me from drowning.

  “Caleb, man. You need to slow down. We need to talk.” I didn’t need to say more. The lack of verbal consent must have been pricking his conscience because he pulled away before I even finished my statement.

  He sat on the couch beside Isabella’s thighs and shoved his hands into his hair. “Fuck. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to attack you like that. I was just…” He pulled on his short blond hair. I hated how upset he was. Caleb had never been like me, preferring to stay a little more in the background, allowing me to make the first move, so this only highlighted how affected he was by Isabella.

  Before I could say anything, she pulled his hands from his hair and then wrapped her arms around him. “Don’t. You didn’t do anything I hadn’t dreamed about from the moment I met you.” She lifted her gaze to encompass me. “Met both of you.”

  “But I didn’t ask—”

  “Did I tell you to stop?” she countered, lifting her eyebrows. The look had a chuckle burning a hole in my chest to escape. I assumed she meant to raise one eyebrow, but couldn’t since one side of her lip also pulled up. It. Was. Adorable.

  “Well, no—”

  “But you weren’t comfortable with me here, watching.” While I was happy Isabella smoothed over Caleb’s issue, I wanted to move our discussion along. I wanted her lips under mine, her tongue in my mouth, and my hands on her body. Only this time, the touching would lead somewhere instead of serving to tease my mind.

  She shrugged. “It wasn’t… I didn’t… I wanted…” Colour climbed over her cheeks and her legs rubbed together, giving me a clue to her thought process. She wanted him. She wanted me. But she didn’t know what to do with her thoughts.

  A grin tugged at my lips as I crouched down. My ass found the corner of the coffee table, putting me closer to her height so she wouldn’t have to tip her head to see me. “Caleb and I, we like to share women.” Her eyes went round and bulged as her gaze darted between us. “We both like you. We both want you.”

  “But…” Her voice trailed off as she sucked in a deep breath.

  “But nothing. Sharing you means that I’m not in competition with my best friend for the girl. It’s a win-win situation.” I gave a slow sensual smile as I watched her gaze drop to my lips and her breathing rate pick up. “Can I kiss you?”

  She nodded as she licked her lips.

  “Can Caleb?”


  I didn’t give her a chance to change her mind. I leaned forward, shoving a hand through her hair, cupping the back of her head, and drew her face to mine. The moment our lips touched, all the tension fled from her body. It travelled to mine where it snapped my control.

  Her lips were softer than I imagined. Like silk being drawn over mine—yes, I knew what that felt like. I stroked my tongue across them, tasting the faint hint of the sweet dill dip she’d had with her chicken at lunch and the taste of the coffee that came from Caleb. A groan reverberated through my lips, forcing hers open. I took advantage, shoving my tongue inside her mouth, taking control.

  “Fuuuck,” Caleb exclaimed. “That’s so hot.”

  I had to agree.

  One of her hands reached for me, wrapping around my waist, teasing the small patch of skin that it touched. A shiver went through me and my tongue stuttered against hers, drawing another moan from us.

  The tang of Caleb’s aftershave that he wore to cut down on the scent of medical disinfectant that seemed to cling to him after a shift, filled my nose. And if that hadn’t told me that he’d joined in, the way that Isabella’s weight transferred to my hand, holding her up and the way her tongue rolled back would have.

  I left a trail of open-mouthed kisses along her cheek and down the side of her neck, allowing Caleb to take my place at her mouth. I wasn’t too upset about it since this meant I would be the first to explore the rest of her body.

  When Caleb’s hand met mine at the back of her head, I withdrew, allowing him to control her movements while I used both of mine to divest her of my shirt. Each of her muscles rippled and flexed as I dragged my fingers up her chest. Her breathing became shallow, on the good side of laboured, as my fingers closed in on her braless breasts. They’d tormented me throughout the day whenever the air conditioning would kick in, stiffening her nipples until they poked against my t-shirt. And each time I saw them, I struggled to maintain any sense of decorum. It made for a very hard day.

  I pulled back, keeping my lips to myself. I’d waited too long to see what was under the shirt to miss it by tasting more of her sweet saltiness. This reveal needed to be watched. A little pressure to Caleb’s arm broke his kiss. He glanced around and then smiled when he saw my hands gripping the hem of the shirt, bunched up under her breasts.

  He sucked in a deep breath and p
ulled on her hair, tilting her head back, elongating her neck.

  I lifted…

  A fuck me… those breasts made my mouth water.


  My breath caught in the back of my throat. Her breasts, slightly more than a handful and tipped with dusky pink nipples, had me licking my lips. I wanted to taste them, but I couldn’t decide if they should be the appetizer, the main meal, or the dessert. An argument could be made for each. Either way, no matter when I choose to take them into my mouth, I’d be… no scratch that… we’d both be the winners.

  I met Ben’s stare, giving him a little nod. It served two purposes. One, I wanted to thank him for stopping me so that I could witness that initial reveal. And two, I wanted him to know that he could go first. It was the least I could do since he’d been so patient with me. And since I’d stolen the first kiss.

  My hand released her head, allowing me to take the shirt from Ben’s hands. With a swift yank, I had it up and off her before he managed to suck that delectable nipple into his waiting mouth.

  A groan left my mouth, mingling in with theirs as it disappeared. My cock throbbed painfully in my dress pants. I thanked my lucky stars that dress pants meant not going commando so my boxer briefs gave it a little extra support. Without asking, a quick glance proved Ben wasn’t so lucky.

  I watched him for a couple of breaths, sucking and twisting and pinching those luscious breasts before I needed to jump back in.

  Her mouth called to me. I loved kissing and with her I’d never get enough. The flavour of dill washed over me again as my tongue played with hers. The sweetness of the dip—my favourite—combined with her made my knees weak. It was a good thing I was sitting down. If not, I’d have fallen and embarrassed myself. As it was, I was still in danger of embarrassing myself, just this time it would come with a mess.

  I’d never been this hard before. A result of being semi-erect since the moment I looked into her pain-filled, honey-coloured eyes the night before. Even the short dreams I had between checking on her throughout the night were filled with visions of her. The number of times I reached for my dick to jack myself off couldn’t be counted on both hands, but I hadn’t caved. I kept it all for her… and that could end up being my downfall.

  As I trailed kisses over her face, making a quick pit stop to suck an earlobe before making my way down her neck, I fumbled to release my belt. A few extra flicks of my wrist had the belt open. But when I began to open my button and lower the zipper, I found another hand helping me. I smiled against her skin where her neck met her shoulder before I gave it a deeper nip with my teeth. Guess I wasn’t the only eager one.

  “I want you.”

  The breathless tone to Isabella’s voice sped up the work of my fingers as I shucked my pants and underwear along with my socks.

  “Both of you.”

  I heard Ben’s clothes rustle next to me as he undressed.

  I grabbed my cock, stroking it from base to tip, ensuring she saw the movement. She licked her lips and the idea of that tongue sliding over me had a burst of precum beading at the tip. I drew my hand through it before stroking back down toward the base. But the moment my fingers hit the bottom, I released it. I was too close to the edge, and I wanted to be in her when I let go.

  Instead, I reached for her panties. Surprise had my hands hesitating as I took in the different colour of lace than I remembered her wearing the night before.

  She must have understood my hesitation as her voice carried a hint of laughter. “I’m a prepared woman. Always carry a spare pair in my purse.”

  The sound of chuckles eased the tension. That was until my fingers curled around the lace over her hips.

  The air crackled.

  I pulled, taking the scrap of lace down her legs, but my gaze never left the juncture between her thighs.

  Fuck me.

  Chapter 8


  My mouth watered at the feast before me. Each of my senses were on overload. From the scent of musk and desire, to the sight of two sculpted bodies and hard cocks before me, to the taste of coffee and lemonade with every swipe of my tongue, I was swimming in lust and need.

  While Ben’s muscles were a little more defined, a little larger than Caleb’s due to the broadness of his shoulders and chest, both were the perfect blend of muscles and softness. Like men who worked in the office but made time to do physical activities to maintain their physique instead of spending hours in the gym. Men who didn’t have to try so hard and were confident in themselves. It made them a little more rugged. All things that boiled my water.

  It was a nice change from whiny Bradford who spent more on hair products than I did and worked out with a personal trainer—read masseuse—as well as watching each calorie he put into his mouth to maintain his slim look.

  I reached toward them to remove Caleb’s glasses, only to find my wrists encased in Ben’s hands as he lifted them over my head. At the same time, Caleb gripped my waist and slid me down the couch. Ever the doctor, he wedged his thigh under my calf and ankle so that my foot didn’t hit the couch as I moved. “Always taking care of me.”

  “Forever,” Caleb replied as he plumped the pillow under my leg before lifting my other one to rest along the back of the couch.

  The move had my mind jumping from where it had been stuck on the word forever to focus on how spread open I was. The urge to move my foot back, to hide a part of me that I felt wasn’t my best, had my leg twitching. The labia on the left side hung a little longer, appeared a little plumper than its counterpart on the right. An imperfection that bothered me since Bradford mentioned each time he’d shove a finger in me.

  “Don’t.” Caleb held my leg, but used his thumb to trace a simple pattern on my skin, calming the frantic beat of my heart. He stared into my eyes and I swore he read my soul from the way his face softened with compassion. “You’re beautiful. Every. Single. Part.” He trailed his fingertips over my skin, raising goosebumps as they slid up both my legs toward my aching clit. Wetness began to run onto my thighs.

  I didn’t think I’d ever been this turned on before.

  My other sexual experiences were with Bradford. He’d taken my virginity, and while it hadn’t been the most pleasant of experience—not that I expected it to be the best—it had been good enough that I willingly did it again. And each time since then it had been better. Nothing to write home or dish to anyone about, but I assumed all those romance books I read set my expectations too high.

  Then Caleb put his mouth on me… there. And my eyes rolled back into my head as I gripped Ben’s arms. Without his hold on me, I felt like I would have flown away. His touch grounded me. “Mother of Matcha,” I said through clenched teeth as his tongue took another swipe, brushing my clit before delving inside.

  He chuckled, and I bit my lip to keep from crying it again.

  Ben transferred both my wrists into the hold of one of his hands. With his free hand, he pulled my lip from my teeth. “Don’t stop yourself. We want to hear you. Even all those cute little tea related sayings.”

  I tried to respond, but Caleb slid his finger and then another and another into me, stretching me wide. His tongue swirled around my clit and flicked it. Again. And again. Driving me higher and higher. The only words passing through my lips were indecipherable mumbles. He hadn’t even put his cock in me yet and this was already better than all my previous experiences put together.

  Add to that, Ben leaned over me, giving me an upside-down kiss as his hand skimmed over my chest, drawing swirls and circles over my breasts while avoiding my nipples. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth, and I sucked on it as if it were his dick. Anything to stem the tide of the building orgasm. Books said that their characters had more than one, but my experience said that I was lucky to get that. And the last thing I wanted was to have this experience end already.

  But it didn’t help.

  Ben pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger as Caleb did something with his fingers. T
hen he pressed his teeth against my clit, and I exploded. My muscles clenched, clamping down and squeezing anything in their path. Caleb’s head. Ben’s arms. Even his tongue wasn’t spared. Nor were my lungs which made my vision blur and grey along the edges.

  As my vision cleared and my lungs drew in air, I took notice of my surroundings again. Brushing against my hands, Ben’s hard cock left wet marks on my skin. He’d released my nipples to press his hands against my skin, stroking it with a soothing, calming touch. Meanwhile, Caleb remained between my legs, slowly rocking his still buried fingers as his lips pressed little kisses along my hip line.

  “Are you back with us, sweet-tea?”

  “Uh huh.”

  Caleb chuckled. I felt the reverberation of it against my stomach. “Good. Because I can’t wait to sink into you.” He pulled his fingers from me. I heard the crinkle of a foil pack being opened and then the head of his cock pressed against me. My eyes widened. He slid in, groaning until he was seated fully.

  I’d never felt so full. Not even the vibrating dildo I purchased the previous year felt like this.

  And then he moved… sliding in and out in smooth strokes. Each time he bottomed out, his pelvic bone ground against my sensitive clit.

  “Fuck. You fit around me like a snug glove, squeezing me in all the best places.” Caleb slipped his head under Ben’s to nip my lip with his teeth. “I never want this to end, but I’m too close.” He slid his hands under my hips, lifting me, tilting my pelvis and changing the angle.

  “Chomping on a crumpet. That feels so good.”

  “You like that, huh?”

  I nodded. The musky scent of sex and sweat perfumed the air. The slap of our skin competed with the hoarseness of our breathing. Each movement had me climbing that mountain again. Only this time I scaled faster, like my body knew what should be happening and welcomed it.

  Caleb shifted again. This time he sat up on his knees, lifting my pelvis high enough that my lower back cleared the couch. His next slam into me had me crying out his name. I could feel him grow even harder, filling what little space there was in me. But as close as I was—in itself surprising—I wasn’t quite there. I needed something else. Another stimulation. But with Ben holding my hands and Caleb holding me in the air, there wasn’t anything I could do.


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