Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology Page 18

by Skye MacKinnon

  “You’re chasing me away? So soon? You’re so predictable, Lexi.” He stared at her thoughtfully. The benign look on his face crystalized an image in her mind that meant something once, a thing fulgent, readable, and understood. Now it was tarnished and barren; a facade perhaps, propped up only to keep the illusion of civility alive long enough for him to be able to make an escape without leaving a residue of callous indifference to further damage what little chance was left for reconciliation.

  She dragged in a deep breath to still her beating heart. What could she say to that?

  “Am I? Really?” Her voice lowered to a husky drawl. The lid was ripped off. All pretense and posturing was drop-kicked. In an act of pure daring, she fisted a tuft of his mane and wrenched his head within a hair’s breadth of her face.

  “Am I really?” she hissed against his lips then bit his mouth. She was unable to curb the desires that had been pulsing through her veins since his arrival. All the pain and anger from the past dissolved as they tore into each other.

  It was a first for her and she exulted in it, especially in taking the lead in an extremely passionate and heated kiss. She gave into it— gave it her all, a moment of scalding insanity where her sexual impulses reigned over her rational mind and her blood boiled. It was time to rip down the walls and expose the charade. She wanted Max… always had.

  He didn’t protest or push her away. At the same time he battled to suppress his growing desire. Becoming sexually involved with her now would be a mistake. His resolve gave way under the power of her seduction.

  “You’ve turned into a sultry siren, love,” he murmured as his lips brushed over her jaw before returning to capture her mouth.

  Wrapped and coupled as one, they savored each other’s taste. The feeling floored Max. He hadn’t counted on the effect her sweet demand would have on him. He was blown away by her heat, her scent, and the devastating sensuality of her kiss.

  He made quick work of the buttons of her dress, exulting in the lush, supple give of her rounded breasts beneath his hands. Her passion hummed through him.

  It would be so easy to give in to her lure since she completely captured his mind.

  Lexi seductively slid her tongue along his, inviting a deeper kiss. She moaned into his mouth when he pushed her bra down. He cupped her breasts as he deepened the kiss.

  He wanted to taste her no matter how much his mind told him he was getting in over his head.

  “Max,” Lexi whimpered as he brushed his lips over the curve of her breasts.

  “Oh god.” She clawed at his shoulders. She’d intended to show him she could kiss without surrendering but it backfired as his touch ignited her libido.

  He chuckled. He had every intention of taking his time. He was going to enjoy every minute of this quest to find fulfillment; of rediscovering the sensual woman she was so desperately trying to hide. He was going to play, until she was on the brink of desperation. His hand found its way under her panties. Soon he was going to rip every piece of clothing off her body but for now…

  Yes, there it is.

  The pad of his finger slowly slid over her clitoris. He watched as she bit her lip and gasped for breath. He circled the nub, watching every reaction that flashed across her face.

  “Do you want to know what I’m going to do to you, Lexi?”

  She blinked at the question; his deep voice unraveled the last of her resistance. No woman could resist that seductive, loaded drawl.

  “W-what?” She managed to stammer, overwrought by the sensations he was causing with his sensual touch.

  “I’m going to have you for a late night snack. Yes, love, I’m going to feast on you like you’ve never known.”

  “Max, you—”

  “And do you know what I’m going to do then?”

  “Please, I need—”

  Her hips twisted against his hands. The flush on her face was a sign of how close to the edge she was. He felt the pleasure swirl inside him, knowing it wouldn’t take much to tip her over.

  “Then, my sensual little baker,” he growled, leaning in closer. “I’m going to start all over.”

  Lexi’s cheeks burned. She was battling to breathe. The vision he painted with his words was enough to bring her closer to the edge she’d been teetering on since he’d showed up at her door. She’d forgotten how he managed to seduce her with no more than words.

  “Is that what you want, Lexi? Do you want me to feast on you like that?”

  He pressed his finger down and rotated over her clit as he leaned down and captured a nipple, sucking and licking and then swiping his tongue back and forth over it. He teased and tormented; her lust intensified.

  “Are you ready, Lexi?” He knew she was on the edge of an orgasm and one tiny push was all she needed.

  “Yes! Damn you, yes!”

  He sucked on a nipple as he pinched her clit, watching her neck arch as she screamed his name. The catlike mewl echoed around them like a haunting song. He continued the lazy circles around the sensitive nub, allowing her to ride out her orgasm.

  “Beautiful, love. Now, it’s time for my snack.”

  He picked her up and carried her to the den. Lexi was too limp to protest, her body still throbbing in after effect of the shattering climax she’d just had.

  Chapter 6

  Lexi moaned as he lowered her onto the sofa. She stretched sensually, aware of his eyes on her.

  Max watched her with a growing carnal hunger. Maybe it was because just looking at her brought back all the memories of her— the way she moved and her sultry voice— his moonlit nymph, who took him to sexual heights he’d only dreamed of since. Maybe it had been her innocence at the time, her need to please him that had made the encounter so special and unforgettable.

  Their eyes met— hers somewhat wary, his— hungry.

  “I want to taste you, love.”

  Such confidence. The damn man knows I can’t resist him.

  A hot blush painted her face red as his earlier words flashed through her mind. She recalled all too well how he taunted her only to leave her hanging and needy.

  “Is this snack going to end with me getting a piece of the apple pie, or am I going to end up hungry?”

  Max burst out laughing at the sulky expression on her face. She hadn’t forgotten how he loved to tease, triggering her lust, pushing her to the edge and keeping her suspended there for hours.

  “You truly have become a woman in every sense of the word. A true delight. Now, it’s time. Get rid of these clothes.”

  “I’d rather you remove them,” she invited as she stared at him through sooty lashes where he had sat down on the carpet with his back against the other sofa. She’d be damned if she jumped to his every command even though her ovaries were already doing Samba rolls at the promised delights. She was having a hard time concentrating as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, displaying his chest in all its muscled glory. She licked her lips at the exhibit of broad, sharply defined shoulders, his ripped torso, his corrugated abs and… oh lord! Her breathing stuttered in her throat as he kicked off his jeans, boldly displaying the growing ridge in his underpants.

  “Lexi.” His voice vibrated with desire.

  She blinked to try and focus her mind and not allow lust to be driving her every thought.

  “Do you have condoms? I’m afraid I don’t indulge in unprotected sex,” At least she had the presence of mind to be sensible.

  Her eyes almost popped from their sockets when he removed what looked like five condoms from his wallet and flicked them onto the coffee table next to him.

  “I’m well-stocked, love. Stop procrastinating and come here.”

  His words seared through her mind.

  “Still as demanding as ever.” She got up and walked towards him. “I wonder if I’m going to meet the stud whom the tabloids incessantly gossip about. Where is he tonight? Maybe he needs to be lured out from behind that wall of icy control,” Lexi taunted.

  She’d learned to
tap into her sexuality, because of him and now she wanted to make him sweat— just a little, to lose the hold he seemed to have over his emotions. She slipped the dress from her shoulders and allowed it to slither down to her waist.

  “Well, that’s entirely up to you, isn’t it,” he said in a gruff voice as his eyes dropped to her perfectly rounded breasts buttoned with coral tipped nipples, turgid and wanting attention. His glowing eyes were enough to excite an involuntary seasoning of her thong with the essential sweet nectar.

  “Just remember, stud, you asked for it.”

  Max sucked in his breath as he stared at her. She slowly lowered the dress until it pooled around her tiny feet before she wiggled out of her panties. His gaze travelled upward, committing every hill and dale of her curvaceous topography to memory. Her legs were lean with perfectly rounded calves. He licked his lips at the succulent perfection of her neatly shaved pussy before moving over her toned stomach, small waist, and gorgeous full breasts, to her delicate jaw. He could still remember the sweet taste of her skin and its velvet softness against his tongue.

  God, she’s perfection— completely oblivious to the effect she has on me.

  Lust turned into an elixir, a drug that unleashed the organic opiates in his brain.

  Her eyes remained fixed on him; her lips curved in a sensual smile. The sound of him dragging in a breath was hypnotic.

  “You’re staring. Somehow, I never pictured you as a man capable of being struck mute by the naked female form,” she said.

  The husky murmur caused his cock to swell even more and drew a low laugh from his chest; a sensual purr that caused her heart to skip a beat.

  Good lord, he still has the same effect on me as before.

  She swallowed a moan as she acknowledged that he was the master of every sensation that was running amok through her body.

  She closed her eyes to avoid the sight of his tempting lips. He used the unguarded moment to catch her hand and yank her forward. She tumbled onto his lap. His mouth pressed against hers but before she could fully savor the kiss it was over. She shuddered in the aftermath of that brief, yet passionate touch.

  “There’s a first time for everything, Lexi, and I intend to make sure that tonight we explore a couple more firsts together,” he drawled while sucking on the pulpy flesh of her lower lip.

  Lexi was tantalized by the primal machismo that oozed from him. It was a heady combination of power and sexual prowess, of credence and virility, that she found irresistible. He was everything she’d always envisioned the man of her dreams to be. It had been him all along.

  “Up you go,” Max said, nudging her to get up. He smiled at her obvious reluctance. He relaxed against the sofa and rested his head on the seat. “Now, squat over my face.”

  “What?” Lexi looked agape at him, envisioning the picture his order painted in her mind. It caused a flush of crimson to bloom over her cheeks.

  Max pulled her closer, until her knees came to rest on either side of his head. His hands clamped around her waist. “C’mon, baby. I’ve been dreaming of tasting your inviting philter again for years.”

  “Oh, God,” Lexi whimpered but excitement lured her to yield to the pull of his hands and she lowered herself onto his face.

  “Lower.” His voice had deepened considerably.

  An excited groan escaped her mouth as she squatted down and surrendered as his lips pressed against her labia causing shards of pleasure to penetrate her loins.

  “Ohh,” Lexi moaned as he tongue-lashed and probed her satiny folds. She was overwhelmed by the heat that surged through her veins. Her mind swirled with sensations.

  “I can’t… Max, my legs—” Lexi pleaded as her legs shuddered with strain from the position she was in, combined with the sensations that weakened her limbs.

  “Lean forward and hold onto the back of the sofa. Pull up your knees on either side of my head. Wider, love,” he instructed. He lapped at her clit, drawing circles over the nub until Lexi whimpered with the need for more.

  “Max, please,” she panted, licking her suddenly dry lips. Max threw her equilibrium into complete disarray. Foreign sensations surged through her mind and body. She squirmed and twisted against his mouth in paroxysms of unbounded pleasure. Her loins ached and throbbed as he sucked on the swollen nub to push her closer to the edge.

  “Please what?” Max murmured against her skin.

  “I need more,” she begged in a breathless whisper.

  “I’m here, Lexi. Tell me what you want.” His deep, soothing voice found resonance inside her frazzled mind.

  “I… inside! Please,” she begged.

  “I’m all yours for the taking… let me taste your spicy and sticky juices.”

  His words were still echoing when she pushed her hips down, moaning as he intimately caressed the silky skin, licking at the sticky nectar. She thrashed on his face with wild abandon. Her passion destroyed any inhibition she’d ever had. Heat surged through her veins as Max continued to caress the soft swell of her stomach and pinched her nipples.

  “I’m coming!” Her scream bounced off the walls as she lost herself in the intoxication of the climax that rippled through her loins.

  Lexi was still battling to find her breath when Max lifted her and toppled her onto her knees on the carpet. He pulled her hips higher and fisted his hand around a tuft of her hair.

  “Your decadent elixir just managed to spike my lust into overdrive. It’s time for a more intimate dance.”

  “I hope you don’t have a slow dance in mind. I’d much rather see the Stud master in action,” Lexi teased in a breathy voice. Her ears caught the crinkling of paper as he ripped open a condom package with his teeth before he sheathed his cock.

  “You’ve turned into quite the tease. Very well, you wanted the stud and you’re going to get him.”

  He positioned his tip against her slit, leaning back to watch it disappear inside her body. He kept pushing until she whimpered, but he didn’t stop until he hilted inside her.

  “So beautiful,” he grunted. His hand tightened around her hair until her neck arched back. “Yes,” he drawled. “Just like that.”

  Lexi whimpered at the feel of the hot weight of his cock throbbing deep inside her.

  “Are you going to talk me into a climax or are you gonna start moving anytime soon,” she taunted, desperate to feel his strength take full possession of her.

  “You’ve just clinched your fate. Don’t say you weren’t warned.” The whisper in her ear sounded ominous. He slowly pulled out and waited until her breathing settled. Then he thrust back inside.

  “Ahhh,” she whimpered, incapable of anything more coherent as he continued to pound into her. Watching with a lustful glint in his eyes as her back arched.

  Lexi’s mind spun wildly in a maelstrom of rapture, raked from head-to-toe by the powerful possession of her body. He stoked the furnace inside her, heating her core to prep her body for yet another onslaught.

  Max’s unrepentant hunger drove him to speed up even more, exulting in the lurid sound of slapping skin, a lustful accompaniment to their passionate moans.

  “You have no idea what you do to me, Lexi,” he growled as he struggled to slow down and settled in a slow, easy rocking rhythm, drawing out the sensation of skin against skin.

  But Max wanted to give her more… take more. He reached around her waist and toggled her clit, ending with stinging little slaps against it, again and again, as he continued to rock into her,

  “Ohhh!” Lexi was utterly defenseless in the face of a climax that ripped through her at the unexpected eroticism. The intensity caught her unprepared and hurled her into euphoric oblivion..

  Max continued to power into her with merciless strength until he climaxed with unrestrained jerks, leading to another uncontrollable orgasm for her.

  She slumped forward but his grip on her hair held her in check. He leaned closer, “Oh no, my little seductress. That was only the beginning. We are nowhere near done.”
br />   “Freaking hell,” she moaned.

  “Indeed.” His voice lowered. “I forgot to mention it earlier. That pie of yours awakened a hunger in me for more. I have to admit, I could very easily become addicted to your decadent, sticky tart.”

  He leaned over her back to whisper in her ear, “You’ve awakened my hunger, love and now I’m fast becoming addicted to the special decadence of your apple pie and your own spicy juices. I can’t wait for the explosion such a combination is going to have on my tastebuds.”

  Lexi learned that night that Max didn’t make idle promises.

  Chapter 7

  “You need to leave.”

  Max had just opened his eyes and was still struggling to shake off the final remnants of sleep when Lexi’s sharp order seared through his mind. He blinked and looked at her. She stood at the edge of the bed, her hair in a tousled disarray over her shoulders. Like so many times in the past, he was trapped by the natural sensuality that flowed from her as his eyes caressed the marble-like glow of her body wrapped in a fluffy towel.

  “Now, Max. I want you to leave.” Lexi was in a foul mood ever since she’d woken up with her legs entangled between his. She’d made a mess of things. He had made it clear there was no chance to rekindle their relationship. And what did she do?

  Kissed him. How stupid was that? Do I want my heart broken… again?

  She couldn’t blame him for what had happened. Yes, she could easily construct numerous, plausible reasons to put the blame on him but she had to own it. She had been the one who had gone out of her way to seduce him, wanting to break through the barrier he’d erected between them.

  Yeah, freaking brilliant, Lexi. Now you’re right back where you were five years ago!

  “Could I at least wake up first?”

  “Your eyes are open which means you’re awake.” She flung his clothes on the bed. “Get dressed and leave.”

  Max stretched with a dragged out yawn before he pushed upright. “What changed, Lexi?”


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