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Graham Page 7

by M. Jayne

  “It was very fortuitous that I knocked on her door.” He dipped his chin to the Packleader.

  “I’ll want to hear that story,” Theo told us, “but please, drink and eat the appetizers.” She motioned at platters that were resting along the far wall. “We have a casual dinner planned. We didn’t know how tired you’d be.”

  “Let me introduce you to some friends.” Black took over easily.

  I tried to memorize the names and faces, not to mention who was mated to whom. What I noticed right away was that everybody was relaxed and seemed genuinely to be comfortable with one another.

  The petite guard, Issa, was mated to the male, Asher, who had met us at the gas station. Wale was unmated and seemed to be quiet. The Second, Conal, and his physician mate, Solle, had a baby at home. Glass, the head of the guard, was a physically imposing female whose gaze was constantly searching for danger. We learned that Tex had ties with the Burke Pack and was not only a member of the Novus board but a bit of a technology geek.

  The only tense moment happened when Lore, who oversaw the Queen’s Personal Guard, was introduced. My jaw dropped in shock.

  Graham rushed to cover my reaction. “Graham Vincent.” He presented the warrior with his dominant hand, which was the proper greeting between alphas.

  I guessed that Lore’s grip wasn’t too strong or weak because Graham’s expression didn’t change. It seemed to be appropriate for a first meeting. “Lorenzo Barducci.”

  “I…I.” My tongue seemed to be tied. “I didn’t know that you were real.” My voice sounded rough.

  Theo had joined us. She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, he gets that a lot.” Then she turned her attention to Graham. “He’s the bogeyman of the Lycan race…blah-blah. Wolves tell their young, you’d better behave, or I’ll call the Lore.”

  I again glanced at the male. He appeared to be comfortable with my reaction and Theo’s description.

  “Say something to Olivia before she loses control of her bladder. You know that’s already happened once this year with a female.” Theo bumped Lore’s side with her elbow. She then told us, “Sophia made quite the mess.” Her closed-lip grin and sparkling eyes told me that there was quite a story behind the unfortunate reaction.

  “I hope you will find that the stories are not a fair representation.” His dark eyes were measuring. “Some do choose to spend time with me.”

  “Th-thank you,” I stammered, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

  As a good hostess should, Theo took control and suggested that we take our seats. “If you are available, I’d like for you to join me for lunch tomorrow. I’m sure that Black will wish to show your mate around. I believe that you have a law enforcement background?” The Queen tilted her head inquiringly at Graham.

  “He was a homicide detective, but he had to give up that position to protect me,” I said, feeling proud that he’d been successful in his career.

  Theo dropped her voice. “Our males, the good ones, are willing to make great sacrifices for the ones they love.” She looked around the room until her gaze met Black’s. “He considered leaving Novus so that we could be together.”

  That was the moment I decided that I liked the Queen and thought that Raider Black and Novus were very fortunate to have her.

  Graham said, “There was no question that I would do whatever was needed so that Olivia could remain safe.”

  Theo’s midnight blue gaze met his. “I believe you’ll find a place with us, Graham. If I may call you that?”

  “Of course,” he flashed a huge smile, “and thank you.”

  “I am available for lunch, Seer…I mean, Theo. I would be honored.” My hand was gripping my wineglass tightly. I concentrated on loosening my grip.

  Theo leaned closer to me. “I promise things will get easier.” Her smile was warm and encouraging. “We are nothing like the Burkes. I swear on my life, Olivia. Black is a very different Leader, and his board does not take advantage.”

  “I hope that’s true. I pray that it is.”

  “Give us a chance, and we will show you.” Theo patted my arm and left us to greet other guests.

  We dined on burgers, brats, and grilled chicken breast, plus all the traditional side dishes while sitting around a huge round table. Conversation flowed, and I was impressed by how easily they seemed to welcome us. I knew that the Pack, their Leader, and their Queen considered me to be something of a hero, but we were outsiders.

  “Graham, I have a couple of conference calls tomorrow morning, but I was hoping that you might join me for lunch.” Raider Black did make it sound like a command.

  “I know of no plans, so yes,” my mate agreed. I guessed that lunch would probably be more of an interview than a simple meal.

  Black nodded. “No snow is forecasted, so afterward, we could go for a ride.”


  “You can borrow a bike.”

  “It’s been a while for me.” Graham’s grin communicated how much he liked the idea.

  “You’ll be fine,” Conal said, joining the conversation. “You don’t forget how to ride.”

  “Most think of us as a bunch of lazy bikers,” Black said, with a slight smile, “only interested in beer and chrome. If you look deeper, you’ll see that we’re diversified and are always looking for ways to grow.” Black then picked up his beer for another swallow.

  Graham lowered his voice, “I’m sure you’ve looked into me.”

  I listened closely to his tone while I studied the Leader’s expression.

  I knew Graham was unconcerned about his lack of Pack affiliation, but it was an invitation to a challenge to establish standing within a Pack to some wolves.

  Graham appeared to be relaxed as he continued, “I grew up outside of a Pack. I’ve avoided the locals wherever I chose to live. My knowledge of Novus, and you, is very limited.”

  “We’ll get into that later,” Black said with a wave of his hand. “For now, get to know us. I think you will find that our membership is varied, and our members have many different reasons for joining and staying with us.” Black didn’t seem upset about Graham’s history or surprised by it.

  Although, I doubted that Black’s reaction surprised my male. His gaze missed nothing as it swept over the table. His relaxed posture did not fool me; he would be ready for a fight, anytime, anywhere.

  Solle began to chat about her daughter, and I asked the proud mother questions.

  Theo gushed over the baby’s intelligence.

  “I would love to meet her,” I said. “It’s been a while since I’ve held a baby.”

  “Tay is very social. She likes the attention.” Solle’s face softened as she described her daughter. “Although, when she gets tired, she gets short-tempered, like her father.”

  That elicited a chuckle from the Queen. “Right, because you are always a dream.”

  Solle rolled her shoulders back and tilted her chin a little to the side with a smirk. “You know I’m so sweet that I fart sugar cookies.”

  “In the beginning, when I was released from the hospital, after I was dumped here, I lived with Solle and Conal,” Theo shared easily. “At first, I didn’t know they were Lycan, and I was uneasy about how kind they were to me. Then, after the big reveal and all, I relied on them to help me understand all things Lycan.”

  “It wasn’t difficult having you around,” Solle told her.

  “I knew no one here, had no real idea what I was supposed to do or how to do it.” Theo nodded her head as she recalled the memory. “I’m telling you this because I know what you’re going through right now.”

  I was unsure about how to respond. “Well…uhm…”

  “We seem friendly, we are smiling, but you don’t know us or whether you can trust us. You might decide that you don’t like us or at least some of us.” Theo’s voice had turned husky. “I’d like to ask you to give it time. I know it’s a lot to take in. You’re probably worrying about a thousand different things.” She then glanced at my mate. “You, too,
Graham. Join us for meals, tour the area and the businesses, ask questions. Get to know us and give us a chance to get to know you,” she urged.

  Solle rested her hand briefly on my shoulder. “Conal was so relieved that you called. He has been worried about you,”

  Theo nodded. “Enjoy our hospitality, but if it gets to be too much, just say the word. We want you to like it here. I want very much for you to be happy you made the decision to come.”

  “Thank you,” Graham spoke for both of us, “you all have been most generous.”

  “I want to fit in,” I blurted and then was immediately embarrassed.

  Graham wrapped his arm around my waist.

  “I’d never been on my own until I had to be,” I continued while looking straight ahead but not really seeing anything. “Helping you,” I turned toward Theo, “I think that was the first truly independent thing I’d ever done.”

  “And it cost you everything,” Theo said softly, sadness filling her tone.

  I nodded twice quickly. “I did lose a great deal but…but I also gained much. I think I’m just figuring that out. I’m hoping this fresh start all will allow me to figure out who I really am.”

  “Feeling secure,” Theo told me and then looked at Graham, “and loved, helps.” She then smiled. “I know this from my own experiences.”

  My gut told me the Queen would be a good friend to us. We shared a commonality of being thrust into a different lifestyle, and our only choice was to survive. I respected this woman very much for her compassion and honesty.

  You refer to her as “woman,” but she is more. Can’t you feel her wolf? my wolf asked.

  There it was. The thing that had been quietly bugging me all evening. I knew that Theo was a Marked and had the gift of sight bestowed upon her by our Goddess, but she felt different than a typical human. She felt like a Lycan, and now that I thought about it, I could feel her wolf.

  What the hell? Her wolf? How could that be?

  I realized I was staring at the Queen, who simply inclined her head and gave me a saucy wink.

  It was as if she could read my mind.

  Could she?

  Before I went down that rabbit hole of wonder, Black cleared his throat. “There will be more drinks in the drawing room. I know some of you need to go, so I wanted to thank you for coming. I hope that you, Graham and Olivia, have found us likable.”

  Tex got to his feet and chuckled. “That should be our recruiting slogan, ‘Novus, the likable Pack.’”


  Graham Vincent

  Our suite was quiet. Whoever had soundproofed this space had done a great job. Even with my enhanced Lycan hearing, I could barely sense the guard in the hallway or any other activity nearby.

  The Pack had made us feel welcome last night. Even those who’d seemed quiet by nature had still said a word or two. It appeared that they were genuinely interested in Olivia and me. It was no surprise that she would be welcomed. Novus and their Queen believed my mate was a hero.

  The warmth they’d shown gave me hope for the future. I knew there would be interviews and questions. However, I appreciated that, for now, they were cloaked in companionship.

  Olivia stirred beside me. “Mmmmnnth.” She then rolled to her other side to face me. “You’re awake.”

  “I haven’t been for long.”

  “Are you nervous about lunch?” She brushed her hair back from her face.

  “They will have questions. They will not want me to be disruptive within their community.”

  “I imagine they’ll do a fair amount of selling the benefits of joining the Pack, too.” She snuggled into my side.

  “What about you? You’ll be meeting with the Queen and her associates.” My arm wrapped around her side so that my hand brushed the underside of her breast.

  She sighed and placed her hand over mine on her breast. “She seems nice.”

  “My read is that she’s kind. She’s happy here and wants others to feel the same.”

  Her stomach rumbled, saving her from having to comment.

  “Let’s see what we have for breakfast.” I rolled out of the king-sized bed and pulled on a pair of shorts. “First, I feed you, then we’ll take a shower and get ready.”

  “I feel like all we’re doing here is eating.” She pulled on a robe that had been draped at the foot of the bed when we’d returned last night.

  I opened our bedroom door and led her to the food area.

  The phone rang that was hanging from the wall beside the refrigerator.

  I answered it. “Vincent.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Vincent. This is Simone. The guard sensed movement and let me know that you were up. I have assorted sweet rolls and the menu for breakfast, if I might enter your suite…?”

  “That sounds good, Simone.” I hung up. “She’s bringing sweet rolls and a breakfast menu,” I told Olivia, who had made her way to the coffeemaker.

  She waited until the mug was full before handing it to me. “I’ve never been anywhere or seen anything like this level of…service.”

  “Honey, I’ve enjoyed luxuries over the years, but this is an entirely different level.”

  A knock sounded at the door, and I moved to admit Simone.

  She carried a large platter full of sweet treats and headed to the bar.

  While Simone took small plates from the cabinet above the coffeemaker, she asked, “I hope that you both slept well?”

  “We did, thank you.” I took an apple danish that was still warm.

  She finished her setup then pulled a small tablet from her pocket. “Cook is willing to prepare whatever you wish. We haven’t had time to discuss menu preferences. Today, she has at the ready: bacon, Canadian bacon, sausage patties and links, tater tots, home fries, biscuits, sausage gravy, and eggs any way you wish.” She glanced at us then continued, “If you should want waffles, crepes, or pancakes, she will make those for you as well.”

  “Do you mean we can choose from all of that?” Olivia’s voice was low.

  “Yes.” Simone hovered her index finger over the screen, ready to take our orders. “Or you can order it all.”

  Liv’s mouth hung open in surprise.

  “I would like sausage links, home fries, and biscuits.” I thought I would place my order first, which would give Olivia time to process the menu.

  “Butter or honey or both?” Simone asked.

  “Butter, please.”

  Olivia didn’t speak immediately, so Simone began to educate us. “Every day, Cook prepares a buffet breakfast that is on the first floor. Black and Theo, their staff, and many of the elite guards stop in to eat. Lunch and dinner menus are available by ten, and typically, there are three meat dishes to choose from. You are welcome to ask for something special, and if it is available, it will be made.”

  “It’s like a restaurant,” I observed.

  “When Theo returned from her time in Ohio, one of the first changes she made was that we would have a menu. Cook was so happy that the Seer was once again eating that she would have agreed to anything. Plus, the kitchen staff likes to cook.”

  I didn’t know what to make of that information, but I was happy to know we would have full bellies during our stay in this house. “It all sounds wonderful.”

  Simone beamed.

  Olivia smiled. “I’d like Canadian bacon and some sausage patties, plus tater tots.”

  Simone’s finger swiped over the screen. “The food will be here within fifteen minutes. Would you like for me to straighten the bedroom while I am here?”

  Olivia spoke first, “Not right now. We have plans for lunch, but maybe while we are out, you could do so then…?”

  “Of course.” Simone nodded. “I will bring a tablet so that if you need to order dinner, you can.”

  “Thanks.” I reached for another danish.

  Simone refilled our coffees, then shortly after, the food arrived. After she saw that we had everything we needed, she left.

  Olivia studied her
plate and then looked at mine. “Don’t get too used to this level of service. I’ve never seen so much food.”

  “If I had known that this was how a Packleader lived, I might have challenged one,” I teased.

  “This isn’t the norm.” Her sky-blue eyes were serious. “I mean, I don’t think it was like this at the Burkes’. Novus must be very rich.”

  That thought had crossed my mind. “We will learn more today.”

  “I wonder what they’ll offer for lunch?” She frowned, but I could tell she liked the idea of having plenty to eat.

  “No doubt, it will be delicious.”

  Black had communicated that he would not be free until one o’clock. Promptly at eleven-forty-five, there was a knock at the door, and Issa collected Olivia for her lunch date.

  I spent the time preparing as if I was going into an interview. I had money, but when you can live forever, there is never enough. Olivia might not want to work, and I was okay with that. I would need to find my place here rather quickly.

  At one, a knock sounded, and I was surprised to find Black at my door.

  “Please, come in.” I stepped back so that he could enter our suite.

  He did so and stopped after about six steps in. “Do you have everything you need? Food? Drinks?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “How’s this?” The Leader sounded as if he was really asking a question. “We grab something to eat and then ride. While we are out, I’ll show you some places nearby to run. I’m sure that you and Olivia would like that.”

  “Sounds great.” I grinned.

  “Just so we are clear. There will be firm perimeters set, but I see no need to send guards with you when you run.” He paused and then let out a quiet sigh. “Olivia is considered a hero by the Pack, and you are guests, but I cannot promise that while you are out that another wolf won’t try to mix it up.”

  “I understand.”

  “Alphas. We are driven to prove that we are stronger.”

  I shrugged. The thought had crossed my mind.

  He grinned. “One last thing, no bloodshed inside the house. It pisses Theo the hell off. And believe me, we don’t want that.”


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