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Relics Page 13

by K. T. Tomb

  There was longing in his eyes, and she almost moved to kiss him. Almost. Instead, she reached out to shake his hand. “I guess it is. I couldn’t have made it through without you, you know?”

  “Don’t treat me like that,” he chided, opening his arms for a hug. She consented, and the pair held each other tightly until her shoulders started to go numb.

  “Don’t be a stranger, okay?” he told her, drawing away from their embrace with his eyes watering.

  “Don’t you either,” she said, fighting back and covering up a barrage of feelings that assaulted her.

  It wasn’t until she reached the cab waiting for her that she started to weep. But she held it in until she was safely inside the taxi, and Peter’s driver had already left with him in tow.

  During the drive back to Simple Treasures, she wondered if it had all just been a surreal dream, with some good and some bad... Well past her bedtime, Charlotte was waiting with open arms in front of the store. Phoe hugged her tightly, and then her assistant helped carry her bags inside.

  “So, how was the trip?” asked Charlotte, wearing a knowing smile.

  “It was... quite compelling.”

  “Really? Compelling?” said Charlotte, suspiciously. “Want to talk about it?”

  “Maybe later,” said Phoe. “I’m bushed and I need to recharge my batteries.”

  “Okay. Why don’t you just wind down and take it easy?” Charlotte suggested. “See you in the morning.”

  “Yep. Goodnight, Char.”

  Phoe intended to tell her what she thought was important. What Charlotte needed to know... or what was easiest to tell. Tomorrow. She would tell her tomorrow.

  Relieved to be home, Phoe stepped into her TV room to unwind, startled to find Simon Kessler watching a program. He turned to smile at her. On the coffee table sat a bottle of champagne, open and accompanied by three glasses. Two of them half-empty and one was full. Hers.

  “Congratulations, Phoe! You were an amazing success!”

  She didn’t know what to say. “So, I’m not fired for not retrieving the Hammer of Thor? I thought you’d be pissed that I came back empty-handed.”

  Charlotte appeared in the doorway, and Simon motioned for her to step into the room. She winked and handed the day’s store receipts to Phoe.

  Phoe’s mouth dropped open. “How can this be? We made all this money in one week?”

  Charlotte nodded, her smile widening. “It’s all because of Mr. Kessler’s advertising! He mentioned you every time he mentioned your quest. People have been coming from all over to buy our merchandise!”

  Phoe looked at Simon with a question on her lips that simply wouldn’t come out. He motioned that there was more. He placed a large wrapped gift on the table. “I didn’t lose any money and your new business rush is your payment from me, for now. Plus, this gift from a friend of yours.”

  “I don’t want it,” said Phoe. “I don’t deserve it.”

  “Are you sure?” Simon opened it up for her, revealing the Head of Olmec.

  Phoe fought back tears. “That bastard,” she whispered. “Where is he?”

  “I imagine he is at his home... Although, he and I have some unfinished business to attend to when he visits me in Van Nuys in the next few days. You are welcome to come, too, you know.”

  “Why? What do you still want with him or me?” She hated sounding rude, but the revelations in the last few minutes alone had her head spinning.

  “Maybe you would like to get a closer look at this,” he said, pulling out a tablet from his jacket. He turned it on. “Wouldn’t you like to see this up close and personal?”

  “Oh my God!” she gasped.

  The Hammer of Thor in all its ancient grandeur sat under soft lights inside an expensive display case.

  “It looks splendid in my office, don’t you think?”

  She stared at the picture, shaking her head. “Is it really the Thunder God’s hammer?”

  “Well, not exactly,” he said, chuckling. “It is a wonderful artifact made in the 1600s and worth untold millions, just from the artisanship alone. But the actual Hammer of Thor? If anyone asks you if you found the Hammer of Thor in Germany, just tell them what I’ve been telling them.” He stepped over to the television and turned up the volume.

  “Did you find the Hammer of Thor, Mr. Kessler?” Phoe asked, raising her voice.

  He leaned in close, and brought his TV persona smile even closer.

  “We found... something. Something that I might just show you someday... if you play your cards right.”

  He turned off the tablet and grabbed his jacket. After nodding to Charlotte, he headed for the door to leave.

  “Thank you, Ms. Phoenix!” he called over his shoulder. “I may require your services at a later date. So, do keep that phone charged and ready. And make damned sure you answer it promptly next time!”

  She and Charlotte followed him out to watch him leave. After he retrieved his rental car and drove away, they said goodnight for the second time that evening.

  Phoe returned to where she had laid the Head of Olmec next to the TV. She caressed it lovingly with her fingers, lightly tracing the incredible artistry. She could hardly believe that it was really there; that it was really hers. She wondered about Peter, and why he had so readily given it up. Then she thought about the photograph... the Hammer of Thor sitting inside the protective case in Simon Kessler’s office. Lastly, she ran through the two conversations she’d had with Kessler and Peter in the last hour, and the offer to join them for the ‘meeting’ mentioned by Simon in Van Nuys.

  “This shit’s far from over,” she whispered to herself, allowing a sly smile to spread across her face. “It’s just begun.”

  The End

  Phoenix returns in:

  The Spear of Destiny

  Return to the Table of Contents




  A Phoenix Quest Adventure #2

  The Spear of Destiny

  Published by K.T. Tomb

  Copyright © 2014 by K.T. Tomb

  All rights reserved.

  The Spear of Destiny

  Chapter One

  Phoe awoke in a panic.

  Beads of sweat decorated her forehead.

  She had dreamt of her brother, Eric. Again. It was the fourth time in as many days.

  The dream was always the same: Eric was being chased by one of the mafias. In each dream, Eric had barely escaped with his life.

  The last time she had seen her brother was years ago. The last thing he had said to her was that he was going after The Spear of Destiny.

  The Spear of Destiny.

  Phoe walked into the bathroom and decided that her quest for a full night’s sleep would again go unfulfilled. She loaded her toothbrush and ran the water in the sink as she stared in the mirror.

  For the first time in a long time, she really saw herself. She saw the worn-out T-shirt that she had slept in for years and the men’s boxer shorts that she wore because they were comfortable.

  Her long dark hair cascaded over her shoulders. It contrasted with her piercing blue eyes.

  She’d gotten her Greek nose from her father. It was a little bit larger than she would have liked, but at least she was always compared to a singer, Idina Menzel… the woman who had been cast as the Wicked Witch of the West in the musical Wicked.

  Phoe hated her nose though she was fascinated by dissecting her reflection. Her mouth was too small. She had always wanted big pouty lips. Her ears were thin and almost came to a point, which was why she wore her hair longer.

  She had one bright spot. Her body.

  She worked long hours and had trained hard to keep her athletic build. Her mother had put her through so much training that she couldn’t help but become an Olympic-level athlete.


  Phoe hadn’t called her in a while. Maybe it was time.


  She went to her dresser, grabbed
a rubber band and put her hair in a ponytail.

  The Head of Olmec sat in an alarmed display cabinet in her bedroom. The emerald eyes shone brightest during the dawn.

  Phoe picked up her phone and sighed heavily. The phone rang several times before she heard a click.

  A female voice answered, “Hello.”

  “Mom? Hi. It’s me,” Phoe said reluctantly.

  “Me? I don’t know anyone by that name. If you happen to be my daughter, then I’m not sure what to call you since my daughter hates her first name.”

  “Nice, Mom. Thank you for making me regret calling you. It only took thirty seconds this time. I think that’s a new record.”

  “I’m not stupid, Thalia. Don’t treat me as such,” her mother scolded.


  She’d said it! The forbidden name!

  “Thanks again, Mom. You know I specifically asked you—”

  “—to never call you by that name. You’re my daughter! I named you after your grandmother, but for some reason, you want nothing to do with it. We made a big deal over it. I got it.” Her mother’s tone was sarcastic, yet firm. Almost uncaring. “I also know that I am your mother and I am exempt from your childish rules. You wouldn’t have called me unless you wanted something. Your name is Thalia. End of story. Are you eating?”

  Phoe took a moment to gather her thoughts. She always had to practically have her conversation written out when she talked to her mother. “Yes, Mother. I’m eating.”

  “Are you healthy?” Her mother was blatantly changing the subject.

  “Mom, I didn’t call for this… yes, I’m healthy.”

  “Are you seeing anyone, Thalia?”

  Phoe tried to curtail her impatience. “Mom! Come on! I want to talk to you! I shouldn’t be interrogated like a common criminal! And no! I’m not seeing anyone!”

  There was a brief silence. “You are my daughter and you are anything but common. As for the criminal part, I can’t comment since you don’t keep in touch.”

  Phoe placed her hand over her cellphone and tried to calm herself down as she took deep breaths and blew them out. She moved her hand. “Mom. Can you possibly understand why I don’t call you more often? I mean, seriously! You know I don’t like to be questioned!”

  “When are you coming to see me, Thalia?”

  Phoe always made up excuses not to see her mother. “The store is keeping me really busy since—”

  “That Thor nonsense,” her mother interrupted.

  “That wasn’t nonsense, Mother! In fact, that’s the reason I’m doing so well! I even had to hire more people to handle the overflow!” Phoe tried to control her anger, but her mother knew which buttons to push.

  “I received a postcard from your brother,” her mother said without changing her tone.

  Phoe’s mouth dropped. Her mind raced to find a response.


  Phoe’s mind went blank. Then anger washed over her. “Why the hell didn’t you call me with that information?”

  “There it is. Now you know how your mother feels when you don’t call. Charlotte doesn’t tell me everything. She tells me small things. I should know everything about what my daughter is doing and who she is doing it with.”

  Phoe hated it when her mother used psychological warfare. “I… I can’t do this right now. I can’t do this with you, Mother.”

  “I’ll make you a deal, Thalia. You let me in on everything that’s going on with you and I’ll tell you everything about your brother.”

  Was this another mind game? Would she really tell Phoe everything?

  Phoe had no choice.

  “Okay, Mom. I agree to your terms. How are we going to do this?”

  “You come to me. We can sit down like adults and really talk. I want to know all about your life, Thalia. It’s only because I care.”

  Chapter Two

  Phoe left Charlotte in charge of the new recruits. She trusted Charlotte to train them. Jason and Kim showed the most enthusiasm out of all of the applicants. The siblings were working their way through college, which was the main reason they had been hired.

  They reminded Phoe a little of her and Eric.


  Phoe had her travel bag packed and was ready to go when she saw a familiar limousine parked outside of Simple Treasures.

  It was the same limo that had carted her off to the airport to begin her greatest adventure.

  It was Simon Kessler’s limo.

  She hesitated before she approached the tinted driver’s window. She heard a slight electronic hum as the window lowered.

  Phoe’s eyes widened when she saw a young woman with blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. She couldn’t see the driver’s eyes because of the sunglasses. She smiled at Phoe.

  Phoe had all but forgotten her first question. “Where’s Bob?”

  “He’s not here. I am.” The driver’s tone was as sarcastic as it was condescending.

  Before Phoe could react, the back door of the limo opened. Phoe knew who was inside. She walked over and looked into the back seat to see a familiar pair of overpriced slacks. They were attached to her benefactor. The rest of him was hidden in the shadows.

  Simon leaned forward and smiled at her. His brown eyes hid his emotions well. His salt-and-pepper hair was styled as usual. Phoe was impressed by the fact that despite Simon’s wealth, he chose to age naturally. Without chemicals or plastic surgery.

  Phoe was still upset about the new driver. “Hello, Simon. I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re here. Although I would like to know how you knew I was going somewhere.” She tried hard to feign surprise.

  “Greetings to you, my dearest Phoe. It breaks my heart to hear these suspicions. I thought we had an amazing working relation—”

  “Did you bug my phone?” she interrupted.

  “Well, so much for formalities.” Simon’s smile faded. “I must admit that I may have increased my awareness of your whereabouts.”

  Phoe made no attempt to hide her anger.

  “How dare you! You have no right to spy on me! Do you have cameras, too?”

  Oh, hell no!

  “Do you have cameras in my shower?”

  Simon remained expressionless through Phoe’s rant. “What an odd thing to be specific about. If I am nothing else, I am still a gentleman, Phoe. I have put no cameras anywhere within your domicile or place of business. How interesting that you would consider me a peeping Tom.”

  Phoe’s paranoia increased as she pulled out the rubber band and started to twirl her hair with one finger. “Did you pay someone to put cameras in my house?”

  Simon had never developed a taste for being accused of anything. “No. If there are video devices of any kind where you do not want them, I had nothing to do with it. If we are finished with the accusations, may I continue with the reason I am here?”

  “You’re ignoring me! Why did you bug my phone?” she persisted.

  “Please get in the car and I will explain everything, Phoe.”

  She stopped twirling her hair long enough to reluctantly enter the car. “I want answers!”

  “And answers you shall have. Would you care for a drink?” He opened the panel to the wet bar behind the seat in front of him.

  She shook her head.

  Simon proceeded to pour himself a drink. “If I hadn’t found out about your trip to visit your mother, then I wouldn’t be here to offer my jet for you to use.”

  Phoe looked puzzled. “You’re just going to lend me the jet? Out of the kindness of your heart?”

  Simon’s laughter seemed to mock her. “Oh, dear! That is a good one, Phoe! Actually, there is one thing that I would like in return.”

  “I knew it! What is it?”

  Simon’s eyes locked with hers. “I want what you will eventually find.”

  “My brother?” Phoe queried innocently.

  “No, my dear. Even you know what must interest me. You are going to visit with your beloved mother. She ma
y tell you things you want to know concerning your long-lost brother. She may even give you clues as to his whereabouts. You will then feel the need to reunite with your sibling, so you will go to whatever far-off land dear Eric has traveled to. All the while, you will become part of a miraculous quest for something that he has been searching for.” Simon appeared quite satisfied after his monologue.

  Phoe didn’t feel intimidated by his knowledge. However, she did feel intimidated by how he might have obtained it. “You want the Spear of Destiny. Well, at least this time you want me to retrieve something that actually exists.”

  “See? You are as smart as you are beautiful. I did, however, hire you for more than just your looks. You have my cars and my jet at your disposal, if you bring me back the Spear of Destiny.”

  Phoe cringed. “You know that my brother is looking for the Spear.”

  “Yes, Phoe. I do. Your brother has been looking for it all these years to settle a debt of his. He’s really not very good at this treasure-hunting business. If you bring me the real Spear and not one of the ones confused with it, I will clear Eric’s debt and I will set him up with a nice little house of his own. I might even give him a job.”

  Phoe remembered having almost this same conversation with Simon. She had previously bargained herself out of a paycheck.

  Not this time.

  “You will also give Eric one million dollars with absolutely no strings attached,” she said confidently.

  “Is that all, my dear?” Simon expected more from her after their deal for Mjolnir.

  He did it again!

  He made her think that she hadn’t covered all of her bases.

  Could she add something else to the deal?

  Would she be so bold?

  She looked confidently at Simon. “I also want unlimited use of your limo. I don’t ever want that to be thrown into any more deals in the future to sweeten the pot.”

  Simon waited to see if she was finished. It appeared that she was. “Done! Well done, Phoe! You are ever the negotiator! I will have my lawyer draw up the contract and then—”


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