Ancient Origins: Books 4 - 6 (Ancient Origins Boxset Book 2)

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Ancient Origins: Books 4 - 6 (Ancient Origins Boxset Book 2) Page 153

by Robert Storey

  U.S.S.B. SANCTUARY United States Military Scientific Laboratory Complex – High security facility run by the U.S. Army. Utilised by NASA and the GMRC’S R&D Division, the complex contains projects and research based on artefacts of Anakim origin.

  Tower central – Is an ancient Anakim tower located at the heart of U.S.S.B. Sanctuary. At three miles high the spectacular structure was built to last and it was decided – for reasons both structural and aesthetic – to construct the human subterranean base around it.

  Dome Level – The topmost level of U.S.S.B. Sanctuary and the most exclusive, due to the health benefits (both mental and physical) of living, and/or working, in a more open and natural environment.

  Anakim Sphinx – An ancient monument located beneath the surface of a deep lake inside Sanctuary Proper. Date of construction: unknown.

  Cloud Forest Biological Reserve – A stunning and biodiverse preservation area located in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Also known as: Reserva Biológica del Bosque Nuboso de Monteverde.

  Washington Monument – Is located in Washington D.C., USA and stands at the centre of the National Mall as a tribute to its country’s first president, George Washington. Unlike the ancient Egyptian obelisks it was inspired by, the monument was constructed rather than carved from a single piece of stone. However, due to this, the structure dwarfs anything created in Egypt and clocks in at a towering one hundred and sixty-nine metres, or five hundred and fifty-four feet.

  United States Congress – Also known as Capitol Hill, or colloquially as just the Hill, it is the seat of administrative power for the United States of America – the federal government – consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

  Capitol Hill – A residential area in the United States capital city, Washington D.C., which is the location of the United States Capitol, also known as the Capitol Building.

  The United States Capitol (Capitol Building) – The Capitol Building is built upon Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. It houses the United States Congress, which creates and passes legislature / bills for the federal government. These bills are then signed into law by the serving president.

  U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) – A U.S. agency responsible for producing timing and astronomical data which aids the U.S. Navy and Department of Defense in the accurate positioning and navigation of their assets.

  Sistine Chapel – A famous Christian chapel found in the Apostolic Palace, Vatican City, Rome.

  Vatican City - An independent city state located in Rome, Italy. Also known as The Vatican, Vatican City is the world’s smallest sovereign state and home to the ruling body of the Roman Catholic Church. It is widely regarded as one of the most secretive institutions on Earth and has courted its fair share of controversy throughout its long and colourful history.

  Göbekli Tepe – An archaeological site in Turkey discovered in the late twentieth century. It is thought to have been built twelve thousand years ago and, depending on what theories you hold to, predates Stonehenge by six thousand years and the pyramids of Giza by seven thousand. The sophistication of the structure hints at a civilisation predating all others, or perhaps that should be, all others found so far ...

  Rome – Capital city of Italy, aka the Eternal City.

  Agartha (Agharti) – A lost city, or subterranean kingdom, which, according to legend (possibly Buddhist myth), is found at the centre of the Earth. [Author note: Considering Buddhists’ path to enlightenment, which itself has a myriad of meanings from awakening to Buddha Nature, it seems fair to assume that Agartha may in fact be a mental or energetic state, rather than a physical place. However, as physics has proven, the physical world is an illusion, so perhaps the realm of Agartha is real and is found in another plain of existence, or what might be called, another dimension. Or, thinking outside the box, maybe Agartha is both a state of mind and a place in another dimension. Or perhaps there really is a lost world at the centre of the Earth, waiting to be found ...]

  The City of Giants - Also known as the City of Naphil, the City of Giants is an ancient Anakim stronghold located on the Mongolian-Siberian border. Only foundations remain of this forgotten metropolis; however, its reference in the Vatican’s Golden Scroll (see above) indicates it was the Source of Egypt, or an alternative translation is: ‘a land mirrored by Egypt’.


  Netcube – A storage device for computers using a state-of-the-art fluid drive instead of the cumbersome hard disc drives which preceded them. Used to store massive amounts of data, a Netcube is capable of storing the majority of mainstream data held on the World Wide Web. (Also known as a ‘webinabox’.)

  Thermal sword – personal weapon used by elite military units.

  SABRE – Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, an engine that operates in both air-breathing and rocket modes. Developed by Reaction Engines /

  Stelae – Carved stone monuments, singular stela.

  Rosetta Stone – An ancient stele created in Egypt over two thousand, two hundred years ago. Its inscriptions – which were carved into its dark grey (or black) granite surface – comprised two languages, Greek and Egyptian, and utilised three scripts, Greek, demotic and hieroglyphic. This mixture of texts allowed Jean-François Champollion to decipher the previously lost secrets of the ancient Egyptians’ hieroglyphic language.

  Computer phone – Advanced mobile phone with the processing power to run advanced software packages. Acts as a personal computer as well as a smart phone. Computer phones are able to connect to wallscreens and monitors via induction ports.

  Quantum processor – Super powerful computer processor based on a qubits (quantum bits) rather than bits. These processors can carry out a far greater number of computations than computer architecture utilised in the first two decades of the twenty-first century.

  UAV – Unmanned aerial vehicle, also known as a drone.

  Wallscreen – Large, interactive monitor attached to a wall, usually taking up the entire surface.

  HUD – Head-up display, or heads-up display. Data projection onto a transparent screen / visor / window allowing a user to continue looking in the desired direction while being kept apprised of real-time information.

  Deep Space Detection Array (D.S.D.A.) – NASA and U.S. military satellite in high Earth orbit. Categorised as an unacknowledged Special Access Programme / black project. Capabilities: satellite disruption technology and deep space surveillance imager.

  OLED – Organic light-emitting diode. Utilised in monitors, televisions and other visual displays.

  MX4 assault rifle – Advanced projectile weapon used by the U.S. military and Darklight security firm.

  Beam rifle – Sophisticated non-projectile weapon capable of unleashing high-powered energy in the form of a beam.

  Anakim parchments – Collected by Sarah, Trish and Jason from a number of sources, these ancient scrolls are made from an unknown material which fails to degrade over time. They also have the capability to store large amounts of data and act like a digital display when activated using Sarah’s pentagonal pendant.

  Anakim orbs – Ancient relics unearthed in Sanctuary Proper by an S.E.D. archaeology team.

  Anakim pendants – two metallic pentagonal pendants found by Sarah Morgan during previous archaeological digs. The larger of the two, measuring two and a half inches in diameter, enables the wearer to activate Anakim technology, although its use is limited by the operator’s physical size.

  Pentagon – Five-sided polygon.

  Pentagram – A five-pointed star contained within a circle.

  God Device – A piece of ancient technology of unknown origin.

  Pharos – An entity, or creature, that inhabits the dark halls of Sanctuary Proper. Also referred to as ‘the light’, it was named after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was built by the Romans on the tiny island of Pharos, Egypt, around two thousand, three hundred years ago. The lighthouse was one of the Seven Wonders of
the ancient world and no longer exists, save for the odd stone recycled at other sites.

  Like its namesake, the pronunciation of the beast’s epithet, ‘Pharos’, is pronounced as follows: ‘fair-os’.

  Anakim monolith / prism – Massive fifty foot high artefact removed from a 900,000 year old building. Unearthed and recovered by SFSD soldiers under the command of General Stevens. The monolith contains a single chamber full of a viscous liquid which is protected by a transparent material.

  Creation of Adam – A fresco painting located in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Rome, Italy. Created by Michelangelo, it depicts God reaching out to touch the first man, Adam, in a representation of the narrative derived from the Book of Genesis in the Judeo-Christian Bible.

  Resolute desk – A desk which is sometimes used in the Oval Office by the President of the United States. The Resolute desk, which was sourced from the oak timbers of a British ship, the HMS Resolute, was gifted to President Rutherford Hayes by Queen Victoria in 1880.

  The Golden Scroll – An ancient metal scroll made entirely of the precious metal from which its name is derived. Found close to the fabled Copper Scroll (one of the Dead Sea Scrolls), the Golden Scroll has remained hidden from public eyes since it was discovered by Vatican explorers in the mid-twentieth century. The scroll is written in a derivative of Hebrew, similar to Mishnaic Hebrew, and much like that used on the Copper Scroll. It tells of a journey undertaken by a prophet the scroll refers to as the ‘Father of Man’, which some speculate to be Adam, cited by the Book of Genesis to be the first man created by God. However, it is also speculated that ‘Adam’ merely refers to the first humans as a collective, rather than to a single individual.

  ICBM (Intercontinental ballistic missile) – ICBMs are missiles that can deliver nuclear, conventional, chemical and biological weapons.

  Daguerreotype – A very early photographic process used circa 1839 to 1860.




  Malcolm Joiner

  Director of U.S. and GMRC Intelligence

  Nationality: American

  GMRC Clearance – Level 10 Alpha

  Designation – Civilian

  Deployment: GMRC Directorate / Transient

  GMRC Division: Intelligence Division

  Skill set:

  Espionage and covert intervention

  Intelligence gathering, restriction and dissemination

  Information pathways / Management and leadership

  Psychological warfare

  Dagmar Sørensen

  Director of GMRC Research & Development

  Nationality: Norwegian

  GMRC Clearance – Level 10 Alpha

  Designation – Civilian

  Deployment: GMRC Directorate / Transient

  GMRC Division: Research and Development

  Skill set:

  Scientific exploration and advance

  Black project development and integration

  (Special access programmes: acknowledged and unacknowledged)

  Information pathways / Management and leadership

  Special Agent Myers

  CIA Agent and GMRC Intelligence Operative

  CIA Special Operations Group (SOG)

  Nationality: American

  GMRC Clearance – Level 9 Delta

  Designation – Civilian

  Deployment: Transient

  GMRC Division: Intelligence Division

  Skill set:

  Covert military intervention / Leadership / Strategic planning

  Close quarters and unarmed combat

  Simon Roberts

  GMRC Californian Representative

  Nationality: American

  GMRC Clearance – Level 8 beta

  Designation – Civilian

  Deployment: Los Angeles, California

  GMRC Division: Economic Control

  Skill set:

  Management and leadership / Planning and development

  Richard Goodwin

  GMRC Subterranean Base Director

  Nationality: American

  GMRC Clearance – Level 9 Alpha

  Designation – Civilian

  Deployment: U.S.S.B. Steadfast [U.S.S.B. Sanctuary – unofficial]

  GMRC Division: Subterranean Programme

  Skill set:

  Management and leadership / Planning, design and development

  Director Cilic

  Director of the Population Control Division

  Nationality: Norwegian

  GMRC Clearance – Level 10 Alpha

  Designation – Civilian

  Deployment: GMRC Directorate / Transient

  GMRC Division: Population Control

  Skill set:

  Psychological behavioural modification and application

  Social sciences development and integration

  Information pathways / Management and leadership


  John Harrison Henry

  President of the United States

  Nationality: American

  Profession: Politician

  Ashley Harper-Henry

  First Lady of the United States

  Nationality: American-Argentinean

  Profession: Socialite

  Paul Brown

  White House Chief of Staff

  Nationality: American

  Profession: Administrative leader

  Diane Lane

  White House Communications Officer

  Nationality: American

  Profession: Public relations

  Special Agent Dante

  Secret Service Agent / Head of Security

  Nationality: American

  Profession: Special Forces / Security Operative


  Cardinal Avery Cantrell

  Roman Catholic Cardinal

  Nationality: Irish

  Profession: High-ranking religious leader

  Cardinal Zinetti

  Roman Catholic Cardinal

  Nationality: Italian

  Profession: High-ranking religious leader

  Ruben de Molay

  Catholic Monk

  Nationality: Norwegian-Dutch

  Profession: Christian monk / Man-at-arms

  Cardinal Dolmante

  Roman Catholic Cardinal

  Nationality: Italian

  Profession: High-ranking religious leader

  Cardinal Visconti

  Roman Catholic Cardinal

  Nationality: Italian

  Profession: High-ranking religious leader

  Major Lanter

  Swiss Guard

  Nationality: Swiss

  GMRC Clearance – Level 9 Alpha

  Designation – Military – Special Forces

  Deployment: Vatican City / EUSB Italia

  Current location: Mongolia

  Skill set:

  Overt military action / Multi-terrain warfare / Reconnaissance

  Covert military intervention / Close quarters and unarmed combat

  Leadership and strategic planning


  Colonel Samson

  United States Army SFSD Brigade Commander

  Special Forces Subterranean Detachment

  (Codename: Terra Force)

  Nationality: American

  GMRC Clearance – Level 8 Alpha

  Designation: Military – Special Forces

  Deployment: U.S.S.B. Steadfast

  Skill set:

  Overt military action / Sniper tactics and marksmanship

  Covert military intervention and counter-insurgency

  Close quarters & unarmed combat / Leadership & strategic planning

  Subterranean warfare / Subterranean transit

  General Andrews

  Chief of Staff of the Army

; United States Army / Joint Chiefs of Staff

  Nationality: American

  GMRC Clearance – None

  Designation: Military

  Deployment: The Pentagon, Washington D.C.

  Skill set:

  Overt military action and unarmed combat

  Leadership, logistics and strategic planning

  Brigadier General Ellwood

  United States Army Commanding General

  (Division Commander)

  Nationality: American

  GMRC Clearance – Level 10 Delta

  Designation – Military

  Deployment: U.S.S.B. Sanctuary

  Skill set:

  Overt military action / Subterranean warfare

  Covert military action and unarmed combat

  Leadership, logistics and strategic planning


  Sarah Elizabeth Morgan

  Nationality: English

  Profession: Archaeologist, Anthropologist

  Current location: Mongolia

  Trish Brook

  Nationality: English

  Profession: Archaeologist

  Current location: Unknown

  Jason Reece

  Nationality: Welsh

  Profession: Archaeologist

  Current location: Unknown


  Commander Hilt

  Darklight Officer

  Nationality: American

  GMRC Clearance – Level 8 Delta

  Designation – Civilian / Private Contractor


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