Evermore: The Rylakian Heir

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Evermore: The Rylakian Heir Page 30

by Caroline Metzlaff

  “But the truth is that I never really thought about ‘creatures’ as people before either, you know? They were just ‘creatures’. But now I can’t think of them as anything else. It’s strange how that happened, a couple of months of hanging out with Mercury and Manuel and... ”

  She looked up quickly as a thought struck her. “Maybe that’s all we need, you know, to make people associate with the ‘creatures’, and then they can see for themselves that we all are more alike than we are different? I mean in the case of elves, it basically comes down to appearance.”

  “I think that might work for our generation, and the ones to come, if we work at it, but not for the older ones. Their views are too deeply set. You have to understand, they grew up with these beliefs.” He replied after a moment. “Change never comes easy.”

  “I suppose.” She conceded. “I feel bad now; I used to think like that too. I’ve probably said a lot of rotten things too, things I am ashamed of now.”

  “That was how you were taught; it’s not your fault.”

  “And that’s exactly why we have to reach the next generation.” Snow nodded to herself. “We could start a revolution with talk like this, just think about it, a prince and an exiled princess...an unstoppable combination.” She laughed half joking.

  When he didn’t respond she looked up at him. He was staring down at her in the moonlight, and the way he looked at her made her heart flutter uncontrollably. She almost forgot how to breathe, and when she searched his eyes, she became sure that he was going to kiss her.

  This is it, she thought, my first kiss. Snow White watched breathlessly as Prince Charming lowered his head towards hers and---

  “She’s going to meet me.” Mercury’s voice popped up behind them, and they quickly jumped apart.

  “We were just...” Snow started.

  “It was only a...” Leo started at exactly the same moment.

  “Did you hear what I said? I said she is going to meet me!” Mercury repeated.

  “Red?” Snow asked inanely as she tried to pull her thoughts together.

  “Who else? Of course Red. Beautiful, perfect Red.” He stopped and put an arm around each of them. “Oh, my friends, this is a glorious night! She’s meeting me in the forest tomorrow night.” He paused before adding. “She thinks I’m human.”

  Neither Leo nor Snow knew how to respond, this could turn out badly on so many different levels, Snow didn’t even know where to begin. What if he lost control? What if the beast came out? What if he scooped her up and ran away with her?

  “Are you sure you can handle that Mercury?” Leo asked carefully.

  “What, do you think I am going to eat her?” Mercury asked in astonishment.

  “No! Of course not!” Leo quickly responded. “It’s just that the forest is dark, you are alone...with Red.”

  “Leo, I have been alone in the forest with Red for months...only difference is, no one knew about it. Trust me, I know what it would mean if I step out of line.”

  “I am so sorry, my friend, all this talk of understanding, and here I go making assumptions. Forgive me.” Leo shook his head.

  “Not necessary, I would have said the same to you, walking ‘White’ home all alone, if you hadn’t left in such a rush.” Mercury laughed.

  Leo laughed nervously and Snow blushed. But the magical moment was broken.

  . ~~*~~

  Snow woke early the next morning, far earlier than anyone else in the cottage. Yawning, she tried to roll over and resume her dream; the one that had Leo bending down to kiss her without Mercury interrupting at the last second. Had she actually been about to kiss Leo? She pictured his gorgeous face leaning in towards hers again, and her heart began to beat so hard and fast that she was convinced the entire cottage heard.

  Her stomach fluttered again as she thought about it, no, there was no way she was going to fall asleep again, which was really too bad because it was a great dream. Groaning softly, she threw back her covers and crawled out of bed. Cindy was still fast asleep on the air mattress beside her bed, her golden curls completely dishevelled and covering most of her face. If Snow knew Cindy, and she liked to think that she did, very well in fact, then Cindy was not going to move for at least another two hours. Wrapping herself in her softest satin robe, Snow crept past her sleeping friend and quietly shut the door.

  Padding down the hall she passed the kitchen, idly thought about making some coffee, and decided to enjoy the fresh morning air first.

  Once outside she curled up on the porch swing. After Mercury’s unintended interruption, they had simply sat and listened for a few minutes, the poor wolf had been bursting with intense energy, she had thought she could almost see the shafts of electricity sparking off of him as he paced. Eventually he had decided that the only way for him to calm down was to go for a run...as a wolf.

  And so he did.

  Which was very weird, but kind of interesting at the same time. Mercury made a beautiful wolf. It was the first time she had ever witnessed such a thing, very few humans ever do, she was honoured.

  But then Leo had merely kissed her hand, and began the walk back to the Holiday Palace. Snow had no idea how she felt about that, she had been convinced he was about to kiss her. On the one hand, she was glad that they hadn’t crossed any lines and she didn’t have to act any different around him, but on the other hand...he almost kissed her! She was going to act weird around him anyway wasn’t she? No, she could pretend that she hadn’t noticed. But she had. Was it by accident? Too much champagne? No, he hardly had any. She had no idea what to think, she wished Cindy was awake so they could debrief about everything from the night before, but she wasn’t even sure if she should tell her about it. Why, oh why was love so confusing?

  She said love. Seriously. That freaked her out. Maybe she should talk to Rapunzel? Maybe she should say nothing and just wait it out. Maybe she should get something to eat? She wondered if he was sitting outside fretting about this as well. Something told her he wasn’t.

  Just then an old peddler walked up the path to the house, carrying a basket of the reddest shiniest apples she had ever seen; Snow always noticed apples. As much as she wasn’t in the mood to be interrupted, she couldn’t bring herself to be rude, she’d been taught very well during her years at Castle White. Inwardly sighing, she resolved to help the peddler quickly, so she could get back to thinking about what had happened the night before. Or more specifically, what hadn’t happened.

  “Good morning Madame, how may I help you?” She politely asked. The peddler was decidedly unattractive, with long gnarly grey hair and a huge, hook nose, and then she smiled...add missing teeth to the list. Snow politely smiled back as best she could.

  “I would be very grateful if you could help an old woman.” The peddler replied. “I was on my way to the town square for market, and I got turned around, could you direct me back? I have these lovely apples to sell today...” She brought the basket closer to Snow’s face. The smell was delicious as it wafted up and tickled Snow’s nose; her stomach growled loudly in response.

  The peddler gave a small laugh. “I hear that I have disturbed you before breakfast. If you can give me directions back to Turin’s square, I will give you one of my apples in exchange.”

  Snow thought that was a very sweet gesture, but she couldn’t justify taking any of the old woman’s profit; she obviously needed every penny judging from the dusty, black rags she wore.

  “Thank you, but no, I couldn’t possibly take one.” Snow replied reluctantly, the apples were incredibly red and shiny; it almost hurt to have to decline, considering they were exactly the way she liked them. “If you follow this road back down the hill, you will reach an intersection with red cobblestone. Take the red cobblestone road and it will lead you to the square. I wish you much good luck at the market today; the apples do look quite lovely.”

  The old peddler looked from the basket of apples back up to the teenager. “Are you quite sure sweetie?” She took on
e of the apples out of the basket, a huge red, glossy apple, that just begged for biting and held it out to Snow.

  “I should give you this one to test, and if you like it you could find me at the market and buy some more, or perhaps put out a good word and drive my price up. Go on take it, I won’t charge you for this one and it may help me in the long run.”

  Snow eyed the apple longingly, the closer she looked, the more enticing the apple became; the apple was impossibly red and brilliantly shiny, she was convinced she could see her own reflection on its skin. As wonderful as the apple looked, she just couldn’t shake the odd foreshadowing feeling that suddenly came over her; she shook her head again.

  “No Madame, I do thank you but I have to be going in now, my family will be awakening shortly, and I should make some coffee for them. I wish you much luck at the market though, as I said, the apples do look wonderful.”

  The old peddler woman looked Snow straight in the eye; it had an oddly hypnotic affect. “Listen sweetheart, I know how it is. Someone taught you to be careful, to be vigilant, you don’t trust my apples. I understand, but look here.” She said as she reached in to her pocket and produced a knife. “I will eat the one side.” She pealed a chunk of apple and plopped it in her mouth. “And you will eat from the other; the apples are of the very finest stock.”

  She pealed another chunk and handed it to Snow.

  Snow gazed at the glistening white flesh of the apple in her hand; her stomach growled again and her mouth watered in anticipation. She found she couldn’t take her eyes off of it. Suddenly, that apple was all that she wanted, all she wanted in the world. Okay fine, she thought as she finally gave in, if that’s what it takes to send her off, I’ll take a bite. Slowly she raised her hand and placed the apple bit in her mouth.

  The peddler was right. The apple was the sweetest juiciest she had ever had; and Snow had certainly eaten her share of apples in her time. Apples had always been her favorite treat. Smiling up at the peddler, she began to chew enthusiastically.

  Smiling at the peddler, she slowly watched in horror as the old woman’s face changed. Her hair turned from a gnarly grey to a sleek black, her eyes from watery green to a flashing and powerful brown...her wrinkles disappeared entirely. Snow watched as the ugly old peddler changed in to the beautiful Rosalyn of Rylak before her very eyes.

  Snow rolled her eyes upwards to meet Rosalyn’s, they filled with tears.

  “Why?” She managed, knowing that she was about to die by the hand of the one woman she had so looked up to as a child. The woman she had loved as both mother and friend.

  Rosalyn closed her eyes, perhaps the only outward sign that she felt any regret over this. “Because there is no other way.” She said simply.

  “I wanted you to love me.” Snow whispered. “I loved you.”

  “I did.” Rosalyn whispered back, the tiniest of tears escaping her tight rigid control over her face, her body trembling ever so slightly. “You will slip in to a coma, painlessly-I made sure of that, and in time you will simply fade away. You see? I found a way around killing you. But you will never awaken. Don’t look at me like that, this is the way it has to be, I don’t make the rules and I don’t have the power to change them. I’ll admit it was barbaric and wrong, sending Gregor to cut out your heart, and I’m sorry for that. I am so sorry, but I was desperate. If there was any other way Snow, but there isn’t.”

  “I searched for years. I fought...I did.” She added almost too quietly to hear. She reached over and gathered Snow in her arms, gently lowering her down to the porch swing. Carefully she laid the paralysed teenager down on the swing, taking special care to arrange her hands and legs in a dignified, yet comfortable position.

  Taking one last look at Snow, Rosalyn took a hitching breath. “I had thought this would be much easier...that I wouldn’t care...perhaps a little of the old Rosalyn of Gaston still remains. That is a beautiful thought...” She nodded and began to walk away, her head held low and her usually strong and straight shoulders slumping.


  When Cindy awoke in the morning, the first thing she did was look for her friend.

  And she found her.

  She began to scream.

  Chapter 16

  Uncle Doc raced out of the cottage when he heard Cindy screaming, followed closely by Rapunzel and his six little brothers.

  Laying on the porch swing, her hands placed across her chest, her dark hair arranged carefully over her shoulders, was their Snow.

  She appeared to be asleep, so peaceful was the look on her face. And unlike the time she had been poisoned, she didn’t look ill, she looked beautiful, and...gone. Immediately Uncle Doc bent down.

  “I can’t tell if she’s breathing!” He shouted in a terrified voice. He laid his hand on her chest and waited for the rhythmic rise and fall that signified breath.

  Rapunzel covered her mouth with her hand, her face a mask of horror. Uncle Dopey and Uncle Sneezy clung to her; she reached down and hugged them close.

  “I think she is breathing.” He said at last. “But far, far too shallowly. Gordon, Horst, help me bring her in to the examination room!” Quickly the men carried her to the room, pain and fear clearly etched across all of their faces.

  After carefully laying her down on the table, Uncle Doc began examining her, his face tense and still but betraying nothing. The girls stood helplessly to the side, already fearing the worst.

  At last he sighed deeply and sat down beside the table. Looking up with sad, pain filled blue eyes, he focused on the despondent girls, clinging together in the corner.

  “Rapunzel, Cindy? Do you know how to get to the Gypsy Camp from here?”

  Both girls nodded.

  “Good. I think I need Mother Sardinia’s help, this is beyond my skill. I...I don’t know what to do.”


  “This is a curse, the likes of which I have never seen. She is not dead, she is asleep. But it is the sleep of death, every day that passes she will fall in to a deeper sleep until one day she will be no more. But how long that will take, I do not know.” The gypsy predicted helplessly.

  She had rushed to the Rutherford cottage as soon as the girls had broken the news. Horrified and disturbed by the description of the curse, she had brought her oldest book of magic with her; an ancient and much coveted book that had been handed down through generations of highly trained gypsies. Although helpful, even that powerful book had not been able to identify either the crafter of the curse, or the means by which to break it.

  “There must be something we can do?” Uncle Doc pleaded.

  “Cornelius, I have no way of breaking a curse like this. This is not a simple poison or common trading curse, this is magic crafted by a Master. I shiver to think of what being could be so dark and malevolent, as to craft something this powerful and seemingly unbreakable.”

  “Are you saying that she is going to die?” He said quietly, pained stripping his voice of its natural timber.

  “There might be a way to...preserve her...but not to wake her.” She said slowly, an idea forming.

  “Preserve her?” He whispered in confusion.

  “I have heard of something called ‘magic bubbles’, they preserve the beings that have fallen prey to curses, keeping them in a stasis. If crafted properly, they can preserve a being for centuries leaving them absolutely untouched by the hands of time. I have never attempted such a thing, but if you desire, I will attempt to do so now.” She offered, sitting down in the chair next to the sleeping teen.

  This ‘magical bubble’ was an immensely difficult spell to craft; it would take her both time and vast amounts of energy. And that was only after she learned all she could about the process, for that she would have to consult some of the most powerful fairies in Lonstas. A daunting task to be sure, but she was willing to attempt it regardless. She had never seen a curse with a stronger signature; she had no idea how to begin to break it.

  “It would buy us time.” He
agreed, thinking it over carefully.

  “Yes, it would. But we will need everyone’s help if we are to find the means to break this curse. We will need to hunt high and low, leave no stone unturned...I have no idea where to start.” She whispered in wonderment.

  “We will all work together. We will leave no pebble unturned.” He agreed locking eyes with the wise old gypsy.


  Mercury waited by the appointed tree at the base of the Lonesome Forest. He had been thinking hard about sending word to Red and canceling this meeting but he hadn’t known how. This meeting was held in near complete secrecy, only Snow and Leo knew about it, and that was because he was afraid he might just scoop Red up and runaway with her otherwise. He needed to be held accountable, it was safer for everyone that way. Now, more than ever since his emotions were running so very high on account of Snow’s enchantment. It would take a lot of the self control he had been working so hard on to keep himself in check tonight he feared.

  But how could he have sent word and broken the meeting, without endangering the beautiful Red?

  Her scent. She was near. He felt a rush of blood to his head.

  Then he saw her; standing in the moonlight, looking like a tender fairy princess. Her magnificent red hair cascading down over her shoulders in breathtaking curls; her red velvet traveling cloak fluttering around her long legs in the gentle breeze. Red, it was all he could see.

  He watched her quietly for a few moments, as he hid in the shadows. He took those moments to breathe deeply and focus on control; she drove him mad.

  Soundlessly he stepped out of the bushes and brushed her arm. She gasped and jumped back in fright.

  “Don’t be afraid, it’s just me.” He reassured in a quietly calm voice.

  It sent shivers up her spine.

  “I heard about your friend. I am so sorry, I didn’t know her very well, but I liked what I did know. She was always very nice to me.” It was the first thing she had thought of to say. It had seemed like a good idea to meet him at the time, but now that she was here alone with him she was suddenly very nervous. She looked anxiously over her shoulder.


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