Dmitri- The Russian's Christmas Baby

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Dmitri- The Russian's Christmas Baby Page 2

by T. C. Clark

  He knew his offer was because of the Librarian. He’d helped her out years ago. He could still remember how and where he’d found her. That was one of the only times killing had come easy for him.

  Even with her getting him through the door the seat wasn’t cheap. He’d paid two million dollars to become a member. He was lucky the team was lacking a sophisticated hacker. The Librarian was excellent at cyber protection, but he excelled at encrypting and decrypting all things plus he was able to work on site, which is something the Librarian refused to do. Once he’d been admitted the gold cards had come rolling in requesting his help.

  Every member of the sanctuary received one gold card a year. The card basically represented a favor that must be done by whoever received it. As long as the request was reasonable the agent had to honor it. The number of cards you received was typically based on your specialty.

  The Sanctuary was a club for defectors…ones that knew no government could protect them from their original owners. During his time with the Red House they had definitely owned him. They’d picked him up from an orphanage and trained him to be the perfect killer, and for a while he hadn’t questioned their methods or their rules.

  It wasn’t until he was allowed to do solo missions that he’d started to see the light. His last assignment had been the final straw. He’d been hired to kill a US ambassador’s daughter, a nine year old girl who was visiting her family in Moscow.

  As his gun focused in on the small child’s face and his finger tightened on the trigger, something snapped. He’d watched her for hours playing in the snow through his scope and knew he couldn’t go another day doing this.

  The Red House had taken that away from him… his chance at a normal life. They had been cruel but effective guardians. They’d almost had him. He knew this mission was a test. He’d always shied away from jobs involving children; they’d allowed it for a while because of his skills with hacking.

  But now they wanted to know how far his loyalty would go. He made his choice then. He’d rather take two to the head in place of pulling another trigger. He couldn’t kill another innocent. He didn’t deserve that happiness he’d glimpsed on that child’s face….but he could help to preserve hers.

  That night he’d kidnapped her, dragging the young girl across Russia and smuggling her back into the US. He’d left her at her home with a chilling message to the ambassador.

  He’d chosen to take her himself because he knew that the Red House never failed a mission. A backup agent waited to take her out if he refused. He’d killed him right after leaving his vantage point.

  That hadn’t been hard. Vlad was not an innocent. He was sure he would have done more than kill the girl if he’d been given the mission. Afterwards he’d made his way back to Russia and killed the three top members of the Red House.

  It hadn’t been easy. It had taken him over a year and two gunshot wounds to do so, but he’d done it. He’d thought eliminating them would set them all free. He knew some of the other operatives were starting to feel the way he did about the company. He’d also taken the time to expose their secrets to the world.

  He knew Russia would not like that type of publicity and would quit using the company to do its dirty work. Sure enough the country had denied any knowledge of the shady organization and had distanced itself from it.

  Without the top members and the protection of the country he’d believed the organization would dissolve. But now he wasn’t so sure. Someone was hunting him and here he was hiding in Chicago…well waiting in Chicago.

  When he’d walked away he’d hoped the Jackal could retire. He’d wanted a simple life. But sometimes freedom didn’t come without a heavy dose of blood, and if blood was what they wanted, then the Jackal was more than happy to give it to them.

  * * *

  “Why is he such an asshole?” Shenelle whispered to Eden once the crowd at the counter dispersed. When she’d seen the sexy blond man at the small booth in the corner of the bakery she’d been interested.

  But two minutes in his company left her with the distinct impression that he was a cold SOB. He hadn’t even looked up as he placed his order. Shenelle shot a glance back at the giant. He was hot… like run home and tell your momma hot! He’d barked out his order and then shushed her when she tried to ask about his day. She hadn’t been shushed since she was a child.

  Eden looked at the customer who was upsetting Shenelle. His handsome face was completely focused on the computer screen in front of him. His large, sausage like fingers moving surprisingly fast over the lit up keyboard. Eden rolled her eyes. A lot of her customers were like that, too busy to see the world around them.

  Eden grabbed a croissant and headed towards his table. He didn’t look up when she placed it next to him. He really was a handsome man she thought. A knit cap covered his light blond hair, and he wore a fitted white t-shirt with gray jeans. The outfit displayed his athleticism perfectly.

  He felt strong….capable. But she wasn’t going to let him be rude. He’d settled into the booth which meant he intended to be here for a while. She needed to make some ground rules clear. She’d set these booths up with entrepreneurs in mind. She knew a lot of writers and creatives craved small cafes like this to work in. She’d designed a small area where they could work in peace.

  “Hi, my name is Eden.”

  He looked up then. Electricity shot down her spine as their eyes connected. For a second she couldn’t breathe…..What the fuck was this? She’d never had this kind of reaction to any man.

  “Hi, my name is Dmitri.”

  “Listen, I know you are trying to work, but I can’t have you being rude to my staff. Especially if you plan on being here for a while,” Eden said quickly trying to keep her voice steady.

  “I didn’t mean to be rude but she won’t stop talking,” Dmitri said. He stopped for a second and openly examined her in a way that made Eden squirm.

  “I understand that Shenelle can be a lot…but that doesn’t mean you have to be overtly mean,” she said back unwilling to let this go. “I like my staff and the people here to feel happy. Which means you should look at people when they speak to you and respond when they ask you simple questions. It’s really not that hard.”

  “Do you always harass people like this?” Dmitri said smiling at her frank response.

  As an answer she pointed to the sign at the front door. One of the reasons she’d wanted to open her own business was because she was tired of people being jerks and getting away with it.

  If you’re an ass, we will take a pass.

  When he saw it he burst out laughing, a sound so masculine and rich that it turned the heads of the other people there. She felt her insides melt as he visibly relaxed in front of her. Most people just needed to be reminded that manners were easily accessible.

  “That’s serious isn’t it?” he asked.

  “Absolutely, it doesn’t cost anything to be nice,” Eden said turning away to collect some dishes at some other tables.

  “Do you want me to apologize to her?” He looked over to the cashier in question who was watching them with wide eyes.

  “No….just do better,” Eden said seriously.

  He took a bite of the croissant and smiled studying her with his mysterious blue eyes. She ignored the subtle pull between them and focused instead n his physical attributes.

  He was a beautiful man who could have been cast as Thor in any movie. She didn’t need to look up to know that the other women in the bakery were openly checking him out.

  “I’ll be better…for you,” he said softly.

  She blushed and ignored the way his smile widened as he caught it. She needed to remember that handsome men knew how to fluster a woman. She cleared her throat and raised her chin.

  “Okay, that’s all I ask. I’ll leave you to it then,” she said quickly rushing away.

  Eden walked back to Shenelle with a smile on her face. God, he was sexy. Her whole body tingled from the interaction. The sheer size of
the man alone was enough to make you take notice.

  She shook her head to clear the rapidly forming sinful thoughts. She had work to do. She didn’t need to stand around fantasizing about some man she’d just met.

  * * *

  Dmitri leaned back in his chair and watched her as she retreated. She was a striking woman. Something in her voice called to the protective side of his nature. He knew he should choose another spot to work in; his interest would be a distraction.

  She wore her thick blackish brown hair in a braid. His hands itched to touch it. Her skin was the richest shade of mahogany. She was tall as well, at least 5’11. She was built like an Amazon any hint of her figure was hidden under the loose-fitting dress.

  There was something about her eyes, something magical. When they connected with his…he’d felt only one thought in his mind….she’s mine. He didn’t understand it. He’d never been a possessive man. His life taught him that the only person he needed to protect was himself.

  His past relationships had been with other agents who had his same outlook on life. Sex was an itch that needed to be scratched so a person could focus on the more important tasks at hand. He knew by the intensity of his reaction to Eden…that sex between them would be more than just an itch.

  He adjusted himself in the tiny chair. Unable to stop, his eyes drifted back to her as he worked. The beautiful exotic woman with almond shaped eyes and a friendly smile. Her brown skin glowed even in the dimly lit room. Everyone seemed to love her…even children.

  He wondered if she knew how she affected other people. Her ability to make everyone relax around her would make her an ace in the field. He closed his eyes and focused on controlling his body. He couldn’t get involved with a woman like her. She was an innocent. He wouldn’t drag her into his dark world.

  She was something he couldn’t have. He had to remember that. He turned away from her, purposely placing his back to her workstation. He would control himself. He had to.

  * * *

  Eden couldn’t shake the feeling that something important happened. Her response to him was extreme. She’d never felt this instant chemistry, not even with her ex husband. She caught herself looking at him and repeatedly their eyes clashed.

  She couldn’t believe he was interested in her. She was…stop it, she thought angrily. This is how she defeated Matt. Every day she had to fight to forget how that man made her feel. She was a beautiful woman, she had to remember that. Ada would be proud of her positive self talk…she encouraged her to do it every day. Her friend had spent the last year trying to instill self confidence back into Eden.

  She knew Matt’s emotional and physical abuse had taken its toll…but she’d only just realized that he’d created a small space for himself in her brain…with his constant insults. Now she found it hard to believe anyone would be interested in her.

  She sighed and went back to the kitchen. They were busier than ever and she still needed to make some more croissants. She didn’t have time for introspection right now.

  She made herself ignore the relief she felt once she was away from the sexy man. He was probably just passing through; she would remember if he was a regular. By tomorrow it would be like he was never here.


  Hope is hard to kill...

  A few weeks later….

  The Russian was here again. Every day he came in and took his place among the crowd. He’d even managed to enchant Shenelle. He’d become the embodiment of charm flashing his baby blues at anyone who said otherwise.

  She couldn’t complain, he never made a scene and purchased at least one thing for every hour he stayed. She almost always delivered the food to the tables, wanting her customers to become familiar with her face.

  Every time she came by he made conversation with her. She figured out quickly that ignoring him would be impossible. His questions just got louder…so she spoke to him. Every conversation made the next one easier until she relaxed under his watchful gaze.

  The time they spent together was so innocent she’d begun to think that she’d imagined their first encounter. She’d said as much to Shenelle who’d laughed in her face. Before Eden could ask her why she found her comment so hilarious the bakery filled with customers.

  Shenelle waited until the customers were seated before she turned and explained why she laughed.

  “Girl, he is not just a friend. Can’t you see how he watches you?” Shenelle said adding change to the cash register.

  “No he doesn’t. He’s just being nice, that’s all,” Eden answered decisively.

  “Eden, I get that you don’t invite attention. But that man isn’t just being nice. He wants you and on some level you got to know that. Although, I will say this is the smartest way to get to know you,” Shenelle admitted.

  “What do you mean?” Eden turned with her hands on her hips.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you wear an invisible sign that says hands off. If he came on too strong you would have shut him down. The way he is going about getting to know you is smart. Hell, girl he’s bought you flowers twice,” she said carefully.

  She didn’t know a lot about Eden. Her boss kept her secrets to herself. But she had enough friends who’d been through abusive relationships to recognize the signs.

  “He said those flowers were for letting him work here,” she said her face heating under her scrutiny.

  “I don’t see any of our other regulars who come here bringing us flowers,” she said leaving Eden alone with her thoughts.

  Shenelle and Devonte had already had a talk with the man. They needed to be sure that he wasn’t playing some sort of game with their boss. Eden had been through enough and she deserved some happiness.

  Dmitri had been surprised when they’d cornered him. He clearly wasn’t a man that people typically confronted, but he’d taken it on the chin. Telling them he was more than interested in Eden and admitting that he didn’t know what he would do about it.

  Devonte had wanted a more concrete answer than that, but she had reminded him that it wasn’t their place to tell Dmitri what to feel. They just needed to be sure he wasn’t messing with Eden for fun. She hoped he was honest…. his answer had felt honest, but you never knew with men.

  * * *

  Every day he wanted her more. She’d touched his heart with her kindness. It was genuine. He’d watched her closely and found himself marveling at her nature.

  She hosted a weekly trivia game and donated the proceeds to a program for disabled kids. She gave 10% of her proceeds to a women’s shelter and at night when she shut down she would divide up any leftover food into small boxes and take them out to the homeless shelter across town.

  If he hadn’t witnessed her with his own eyes he would have said she was too good to be true. But she was real and he couldn’t stop thinking about her even though every instinct in him screamed at him to stay away. He couldn’t.

  Every morning he woke up early to shadow her on the long walk to the bakery. He’d thought about alerting her to his presence, but he was pretty sure it would freak her out more to know that he was there, and the fact that she didn’t notice him following her made it clear that he needed to.

  This morning he’d noticed two other men who always seemed to be out at the same time Eden was coming to work. He would have to watch them. He didn’t believe in coincidences. He couldn’t figure out how she was coming to mean so much to him. All he knew was that he’d never felt this way before.

  “Eden, how is your day going so far?” Dmitri asked again concerned by the tense set of her face. He’d come to crave Eden’s smiles and always noticed when they were missing. The last two weeks he’d showed up at the same time, his hormones driving him to connect with the only person he’d ever wanted for himself.

  “It’s good. I’m surprised at how busy we are right now. We are usually dead at 3pm. It must be that concert happening tonight,” she said placing a fresh espresso on the table.

  “What concert?” Dmi
tiri asked smiling up at her.

  “Drake’s, I think.”

  “Oh,” he said quietly.

  “Do you know who he is?” she asked.

  “Will you think less of me if I don’t?”

  “Just a little less,” she said moving to clean off the table next to his.

  “Well then I don’t know who that is. I don’t really listen to music,” he confessed.

  “Really? How can you say that…I literally listen to music all day long.”

  “I prefer the peace of a quiet room it helps me think,” he said taking another bite of the flaky croissant. Man, this woman could bake; everything he’d tasted in the bakery was delicious.

  “Oh, you probably hate how noisy it is here.” She grimaced, probably thinking about how loud the music was in the bakery.

  “No, with you running around I can’t hear the noise. My attention stays focused on you,” he said easily catching the cup that slipped from her hands. She was easy to read and as if on cue she blushed.

  “Do you say that to all the girls?”

  “No I’ve only felt this way about one girl, and she is avoiding me right now. So I’m doing what I can to stay on her mind.”

  As always when Eden was flustered she got quiet. Dmitri didn’t regret his words. He had a feeling Eden would be more than willing to put him in the friend box. He knew this was a mistake, but he couldn’t stop himself from pursuing her.

  She started to turn away and then changed her mind. She looked him in the eye and took a deep breath. He knew she was trying to amp herself up to say something. He had a feeling she didn’t want to upset him.

  “What do you want from me, Dmitri? You keep saying things like that, and I’m not sure if this is a game for you or if this is the way you are with everyone.”


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