Island Cultural Center

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Island Cultural Center Page 11

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Brenda said, “That isn’t the point. How are you going to pay for it?”

  Lisa said, “I’ll use my employee discount and my debit card.”

  Brenda said, “You will not! Ronny buys our clothes. You cut that debit card, and any credit cards up and feed them into the shredder. We’ll work out bank accounts later, but you don’t buy clothes or anything else unless Ronny pays for it.”

  Lisa laughed but Brenda was adamant as she said, “No! I won’t have it.”

  Lisa let the amusement fall from her face and said quietly, “Of course. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be rebellious. Please forgive me, Brenda. I just didn’t see why that was important at first. I do now. Thank you for showing me.”

  Brenda said, “Oh Lisa, I’m sorry I snapped at you. I know you just didn’t know. How could we? I didn’t even know until this very minute.”

  Lisa said, “Don’t apologize. I mean it. If you do, I’ll get as angry as you were, and rightly so. But we will try to tell each other without being angry from now on. I was told what to do and I rebelled. You knew best at that moment and I needed to pay attention. It’s your mojo and I ignored it. I tell you what to wear. You tell me what to do in cases like this.”

  Brenda smiled and said, “Agreed.”

  Lisa said, “Well, I better go. I have to stop at the desk and tell them that I am looking to sell my place and then I better get to the store and open up,” and she stood up to leave.

  Brenda said, “Lisa, what are you doing? You can’t wear that dress to work in. You have to get a new outfit.”

  Lisa said, “Yeah, and I will. What’s the problem?”

  Brenda said, “We just went over that. Ronny will go with you and buy you something. And you can call the desk when you have a chance.”

  Lisa smiled and said, “You’re right. Now, here’s what you are going to do my fine lady. You are going to go upstairs and order breakfast to be delivered in 40 minutes. Then you are going to put on the Baby Doll that we bought for you and when the food comes, put on a robe and have it brought inside. You will stay in the nightie all during breakfast and not change until you and Ronny are ready to go outside. Outside the suite. On the balcony, you wear the nightie. No one will notice. When you do leave the suite, pack the little beach bag that Ronny will buy with two different swimsuits for you and one for Ronny. Wear a pair of shorts and a button-up blouse. Ronny will wear his shorts and a button-up shirt. If you leave the resort, text me. Got it?”

  Brenda said, “Got it. You two have fun. I’ll have breakfast for us when Ronny gets back.”

  Brenda stood up and kissed me and left for our room. Lisa and I headed for the sidewalk that led to her store. We hurried to get there so that she would have time to change before she had to unlock the doors.

  As we walked, she said, “This is all really going to work. Hey, what are you thinking about right this second?”

  I said, “Brenda wearing a Baby Doll nightie ordering breakfast.”

  Lisa said, “She looks good doesn’t she?”

  I said, “I think she probably looks amazing.”

  Lisa’s phone rang and she said, “It’s Brenda, hang on.”

  Lisa said, “Hey Sweets! What’s up.”

  Then to me, she said, “She’s asking where the panties for the Baby Doll are.”

  Lisa said into the phone, “Bren, the panties aren’t to be worn with the nightie. Never. I kept them, but they are with our undies, not our nighties. You can wear those with a dress sometime. Yes, even on the balcony. Yes, I know that it only comes down to your crotch, just don’t go outside unless Ronny is with you. He’ll tell you if he thinks it’s a problem. And it won’t be as long as you don’t go too close to the railing. You’re welcome, Cutie. Love you. I’ll see you tonight. Oh, listen, come down to the store sometime and get some sunglasses and a that. And use plenty of sunscreen. I don’t want you to get burned. OK, love you too. Bye.”

  Lisa hung up and said, “She’s so precious!”

  We came to the shop and opened up and Lisa locked the door behind us.”

  Chapter 10 - Roles

  Breakfast was already in the suite when I arrived a little less than an hour later. Brenda threw open the door when she heard me coming and was in my arms before I had stepped across the threshold.

  The nightie that she wore was a light green and very pretty. She looked like the quintessential 1940’s or 1950’s sexy retro housewife cutie. I loved it. And with the way that her breasts pushed out the fabric in front, she was my dream girl for sure. The thing was essentially transparent. The missing panties were prominently showcased as if the fact that they weren’t there was one of the critical fashion features. It wasn’t that she wasn’t wearing them, it was more like she couldn’t be wearing them. No, it was like the fact that there wasn’t any was the sexiest way of wearing no panties. Hell, I couldn’t describe it, it was just fantastically pretty and perfect on her.

  You know how pinup girls, or any girls, from 60 or 70 years ago look older than girls that age today? How a 23-year-old then looks 38 or 40 to us now? Or how a 50-year-old used to look old, and a 60-year-old looked old enough to die soon, but now women that age look like they are still in the prime of life? They were thicker back then. A centerfold back then looked like a mature woman. I had no idea why those vintage pinups had boobs that looked so much different, and I mean that I much preferred the common shape now more than then, but their boobs back then were weirder. Brenda had the body of a vintage centerfold and the boobs of a modern woman. It was like that. Brenda could pass for mid-thirties. Except for her silver hair, maybe.

  But none of that was important. I’d ponder the interesting issues about how women’s bodies had changed in the northern hemisphere over the past century another time - when one of the sexiest creatures that I’d ever seen, by far the sexiest that I’d ever seen in person, wasn’t standing in front of me, flirting and wanting to be kissed and petted.

  I kissed her again and Brenda took me to the little dining area where she’d set out a nice late breakfast. She had me sit down and unfolded a napkin and laid it in my lap, deliberately bending over me to show me the way that the gown draped when her breasts leaned forward away from her chest and the hemline fell away from her waist.

  Brenda played a role as she prepared my plate. I don’t know if she was aware of it or if she was doing this naturally, but I’d have sworn that this was an old black and white movie that had somehow sneaked past any theater decency board who would definitely have insisted that Brenda’s costuming be changed before this was shown to the public. Then again, maybe in black and white, you wouldn’t be able to tell that she was indecently naked.

  When she had served both of us, she sat in a chair next to me and we started to eat. I noticed that Brenda’s chair had a small towel for her to sit on. Somehow that made things even sexier. I could just picture the fleshy nectarine and the petals inside the fold touching that towel where they peeked out between her thighs. As good as the food looked, I was a whole lot more interested in Brenda’s melons and the other fruits of her body than toast and jam and scrambled eggs. I clearly was not going to finish my plate before things turned in a more amorous direction.

  Brenda smiled and took a bite and said, “How was your morning Dear? Did our stocks go up yesterday? Did your business do well?”

  She was clearly playing a role now.

  I said, “Things look bright. My investments are paying off in spades. How was your morning Dear?”

  Brenda said, “Oh, it was lovely. I did my calisthenics and my self-edifying reading. There was a wonderful article about making a proper bed and a rather naughty one about unmentionable fashions for spicing up a girl’s wifely attractiveness for her hard-working hubby. It would make my girlfriends blush, but I’m all for it. Did you know that Mrs. Pepperwood and her husband haven’t slept in the same bed since they got married? I think the new full-sized beds are marvelous. I can’t imagine!”

  I grinned and too
k a drink of the tropical juice blend and said, “Well, if you ask me, Mrs. Dolores Pepperwood doesn’t necessarily make a man want a bed that big unless it’s because she’s let herself go to the point where she needs one for herself.”

  Brenda said, “Now, be kind. She is a bit of a, forgive me, a B-I-T-C-H at times. I don’t know why the girls in our circle put up with her. There’s a fascinating new girl in the neighborhood though. She was at coffee yesterday. She is somewhat scandalous, but I liked her very much. I don’t dare bring her home lest you decide to run away with her and leave me a divorcée.”

  I said, “Oh now, you know I worship the ground you walk on and could never leave you for anything.”

  She said, “More like you worship the bed I lie on with my feet in the air, you uncommon excuse for a prince. Anyway, this girl, her name is Lisa Pretty-Tits, it’s an unusual name, isn’t it? But anyway, when the other ladies had gone, we sat and chatted, the way we do, and do you know what she said to me?”

  I said, “I’m sure I can’t imagine.”

  Brenda said, “I assure you that you cannot. She said to me, Brenda, your man sounds like a king and I hope you take good care of him. I of course said that I do my very best. And she said, and this is the most scandalous part, she says, a man like that would deserve to have your pretty pussy lips wrapped around his thingy as often as could be managed without making you so sore that you can’t walk. Can you imagine?”

  I said, “I’m imagining it right now.”

  She grinned and said, “Not that! You randy beast. I mean how she talked.”

  I said, “That she said thingy?”

  Brenda said, “Oh my love, she did not say thingy. I can’t bring myself to say what she actually said. But pussy! Heavens to Murgatroyd! She meant my…you know what.”

  I said, “Do I?”

  Brenda said, “Yes, you do and don’t tease me to a state of even more blushing. I’ve heard you use that word in moments of amorous activity.”

  I said, “You mean when you yell ‘fuck my pussy you’…”

  Brenda said, “Quit that. I do not admit that it was me that says those things, and even if I do, you can’t blame me. But it got me thinking.”

  I said, “About what dear? About our amorous activities?”

  She said, “Well, certainly, but I mean about those words. About, well, I’ll just say it, pussy. And well, cock. The way she talked, this woman made them sound almost beautiful. I think she must have lost her husband during the war. What a terrible thing the war has been. The poor girl. But my point is that she seems to have such a pure and honest relationship to carnal endeavors. Dear, what would you think of me being a bit more wanton in my relationship to erotic pleasures. This girl is no harlot, I assure you. She told me herself that she would never go outside her marriage, not that she knows how good it can be within those bounds, but she would never give herself away. My new friend is not a strumpet. But Dear, the way that she talked made me wonder if you would like me to be even a bit well, licentious in private?”

  I said, “Brenda my love, I am in favor of all manner of freedom between you and me in ways that might shock your lady friends and delight their husbands. Single beds? Forgive me!”

  Brenda said, “Thank you, Dear. I was afraid to ask you about this or that at times. Sweetheart, I know that you would do anything for me, but I do have a scandalous request of my own. No, you would, think it was too wicked. I’ve changed my mind. I wouldn’t like that and I can’t ask for it anyway. It was an insane thought. I won’t ever think about it again.”

  I said, “Brenda, it’s your duty to tell me these things. If you have a wicked thought, you must tell me what it is and let me decide what must be done about it.”

  Brenda said, “Oh Dearest, I know that you are right. How can I be a good wife if I hide my perversions from you? I’ll say it out of honesty so that you know that you can trust me in all things. If I don’t, you should run away with Lisa Pretty-tits because I won’t deserve you anymore. Husband, I have an interest in having you tickle my bottom.”

  I tried not to laugh and to stay in character as I said, “Tickle your bottom? Brenda, that is wicked, but not so wicked that I would balk or deny you.”

  Brenda looked chagrined and said, “But Roland, I mean, tickle my bottom. With your finger.”

  I said, “Your bottom?”

  She said, “My love, yesterday, you had me in the ocean and your wonderful hand was under my thigh and on it’s way across my buttock and reaching for my, well, my pussy, as my new friend calls it, you tickled me. My bottom. I know that it was an accident and at first I was shocked, but I couldn’t hold it against you because I’m certain that it was unintentional, but Lover, I found that it thrilled me. And I wondered about doing that again. And that I would want to let you do that if you were amenable to pleasuring me that way.”

  I said, “Brenda, do you mean that you would want to try having me tickle your anus?”

  She said, “Roland, would it be so terrible? If we were in the ocean, or if your hand was soapy and giving me a bath? I found it terribly exciting and no one would know of course. I’d never tell a soul, I wouldn’t. Girls tell all kinds of things, but I’ll never say a word about that. I don’t talk about our sexual things, not to anyone. But now and then, if I liked it, would it be so wrong?”

  I said, “Dearest, of course not. No, not at all. Do you want me to do it right now?”

  Brenda said, “No, not right this minute. I’m too mortified. I, well, I want you to sneak up on me.”

  I said, “I promise. But I want something from you.”

  She said, “Dear, I love you more than anything in life, but I am afraid of that. Some men like it for some reason, but I have heard that it can be terribly painful for the woman. I will learn if you want me to, and I’ll please you that way if it interests you, but it was one reason that I was afraid that if I brought up the tickling that you would want to go there.”

  I said, “Bren, no. Not unless you wanted it. I don’t need that at all. No. I was just going to say that I wanted a promise that you would talk about all of these things with your new friend Miss Pretty-tits. I want you to have a friend like that. I girlfriend that you can talk to as scandalously as you want. And yes, be as wanton as you would like in our bedroom. And living room and kitchen for that matter. But promise me that you will talk to Miss Pretty-tits and make as close a friend as you can.”

  Brenda said, “Oh you cad! I know what you want! You want me to get bawdy with her and then invite her over for cocktails so that you can see if we’ll agree to an affair. Or even an arrangement. Would I let you have a mistress if she was my best friend in the whole world, other than you? Well, if you put it in my mind this way, I just might! You cad!”

  She looked slyly at me for a few seconds and said conspiratorially, “Do you want to? It could be fun. We could seduce her and make her your pet. Except that she’s very unusual and I suspect that I would be the one to become the pet. Roland, do you promise me that you will never quit loving me no matter what?”

  I said, “I do! Brenda, you are my wife. I’ll always love you.”

  She said, “OK, you better. Then it’s settled. We will seduce her and you will have her as a playmate. But I know this girl already and it will have to be done very carefully. You have my permission. I will help you. Yes, I think this is a good idea. Realize though that once she comes to bed with us, she will never leave. Are you OK with that? Juggling two wanton and licentious women under the same roof? And under the same bed-covers?”

  I said, “Right now, my main interest is in finding out how you will respond to having your bottom tickled with a slippery finger.”

  Brenda gasped and said, “The very idea, you wicked pup! I told you that you should sneak up on me, not jump on me with your muddy paws and start licking me everywhere. I better clear the dishes. You know, I’ve heard that they have new sizes of beds, even bigger than full-size. Something called a king-size. I’ve seen a pictur
e. It was obviously made for at least three people, but of course they don’t admit that in the advertisements.”

  At that, Brenda stood and smiled and started putting the used dishes back on the cart that breakfast had come on. When she was done, she looked through the peep-hole in the door and then pushed the cart into the hall wearing only her transparent green negligee.

  When she entered the room again, I stood up and dropped my shorts and pulled my shirt over my head. Sitting on the towel that she had placed for herself, I motioned her toward me.

  Brenda switched characters suddenly, putting her hand to her lips and staring at my erection as she said, “Sir! Mr. Jackson, Sir! What would your wife say? Of course, I have thought about you and I do moan most loudly in my room at night when I think about you, but won’t Mistress Lisa punish me terribly if I give in to my desires for a real man, a man like her husband? She is kind to me Sir and if she terminates my position here, I will be torn from you and never see you again!”

  I said, “Girl, your position right now is sitting on my lap. The lady of the house told me this very morning that she wanted to come home from her meetings and see you stuffed with my cock and bouncing in pleasure. It’s the honest truth. She will certainly not terminate you but I imagine that she will give you several new positions, all of them involving you spreading your legs for me when she isn’t at home - and often when she is.”

  Brenda broke out of character for a minute and said, “Did she really say that?”

  I said, “It was what she told me while you were drying your hair this morning. Why do you think she dressed you like that today?”

  Brenda smiled and took up her role again, saying, “Mistress Lisa is so kind, Sir. You both are. I know it’s your recognition of my longing for you that makes you treat me this way.”


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