Sass Queen (The Rainbow League Book 2)

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Sass Queen (The Rainbow League Book 2) Page 7

by Laurie Lochs

  One more goal for Luke's team.

  The team burst into applause. "Jesus," Jacob said with a grin. “We're so damn lucky to have you on our side today, Luke. We’d be getting our asses kicked otherwise."

  Luke barked out a laugh. "Normally, I'm not nearly this good. I'm just in a good mood or something."

  Jacob grinned. "You're more talented than you let on."

  Luke rolled his eyes. "If that makes you feel better. But you're kicking some serious ass yourself."

  Jacob's cheeks turned bright red. Brent, Jacob's boyfriend, wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close. They tried to kiss but their face guards got in the way. Thinking quickly, Jacob removed their helmets and slammed his lips on Brent's.

  Both teams erupted in an impromptu round of oohs and awws.

  I skated to Luke’s side. "You're getting quite the praise from the team."

  "Tell me about it,” Luke said, spitting out his mouthguard. “The crazy part is I don't even know why. It was Stellan who did the work."

  I shook my head. "You two were a team. Without you incorporating him in the play, he never would’ve scored."

  "There's no I in team," I added matter-of-factly.

  Luke groaned. "I get what you're saying, but I just don't buy it. Stellan's a pro. I'm faking it. I just got lucky."

  I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his waist. Luke swooned beneath me. Suddenly, a thrill shot through me. I felt so powerful, molding him to my touch. It was like I was taming a wild dragon.

  A grumpy dragon with a heart of gold who only has eyes for you.

  Luke and I held hands and went to the boards. "I want to blow you so bad right now."

  My cheeks burst into flames. "I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into. Look," I said, bringing his hand to my cock. “I’m already pre-coming watching you play.”

  Luke's eyes shot open. "Would you hate me if I pulled back your zipper and dropped to my knees?"

  I burst into laughter. "I wouldn’t hate you. But I’d better warn you. There's a fair chance someone will film the entire thing and throw it up online. Personally, I can live with that. But it might affect your business if you're suddenly getting millions of views on PornHub."

  “But you wouldn't mind dating a porn star?"

  "Not if he's as sweet as you,” I whispered. “Or sexy. Or caring. Or kind."

  Luke blushed. "Stop, Mitch. You're making me hard, too."

  I pressed my lips to his. “Did my big cuddle bear look into the eyes of Medusa and turn to stone?"

  "Oh honey,” Luke said, rolling his eyes. “The only eyes I need to get me rock hard are yours. Now get your fine ass over here and let me take you home."

  Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. My breath hitched as our cocks mashed together through the gear. All at once, he brought his palm to my cheek and pulled my face towards his. He slammed his mouth on mine, exploring my lips with his tongue. All at once, I wanted to drop to my knees and service him. I’d never been submissive in my life, but Luke was sexy enough to try.

  Luke snapped me out of my daze a moment later by slapping my ass with his stick. “We'd better get back to the game."

  The rest of the team was staring at us, waiting for me to blow my whistle and drop the puck.

  I pinched Luke's cheeks and helped fasten his helmet. "I'll see you after practice.”

  "That's perfect. Just know that I have a surprise for you when you come over tonight."

  My jaw dropped. “Seriously?”

  “Hell yes. I can’t wait to show you when we’re done."

  My insides turned warm and gooey. I stared at Luke with warmth and affection. With my heart aflutter, I left Luke in his position and skated to the center of the rink. With a grin, I blew my whistle and dropped the puck.



  Later that night

  I took a deep breath and steadied the butter sauce on the back burner of the stove. My heart was racing out of my chest. I glanced at the electric clock on the stove. Sure enough, he was set to arrive any minute.

  Which meant I could probably count the seconds until Mitch strutted into my apartment, all confidence and sass, for the very first time.

  Thank God I had a magnificent dinner to welcome him.

  I took the butter sauce off the burner and added fresh garlic. After practice, I'd told Mitch to head home and get ready for the most delicious surprise dinner of his entire life. At first, he was baffled I didn't want to spend the afternoon with him. If I were in his position, I would've felt the same way. But I needed at least two hours alone to prepare the lobster, fresh baguettes, salad and butter sauce with fresh garlic and thyme. Stressing over pots and pans was not my idea of a romantic night.

  The doorbell rang. It was time.

  Quickly, I tore off my apron and hung it on a chair. Then I hurried out of the kitchen and let in my beautiful knight.

  He wasn't wearing shining armor, but his luminous smile was shining enough for us both.

  "You're right on time,” I said, wrapping him in my arms.

  Mitch blushed. "Count yourself lucky I'm not late. I left my apartment at 5:45, but I was sure my stop at the local florists was going to take longer. Luckily, they had the roses ready to go. All I had to do was tap my card."

  My heart melted. “Roses?"

  Mitch grinned. "I didn't know what color you liked, so I got a mixture of red and white."

  My heart soared as Mitch handed me the gorgeous bouquet of roses. It was tied with a soft pink ribbon. I immediately brought it to my chest and inhaled the delicious scent. My heart melted. It was like I was inhaling spring itself.

  I turned to Mitch with a look of pure adoration in my eyes. "You're amazing, babe."

  Mitch laughed. "Enough with the sentimentalities. Let's see what you've cooked up for dinner. I'm starving."

  I grabbed his hand and led my beautiful queen into my flat and helped him take off his shoes. I set him at the table and told him to close his eyes.

  "First course, coming right up,” I said with a grin. I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed the sumptuous caesar salad I'd concocted 20 minutes earlier. I brought it to the table and dished us up.

  Mitch's jaw dropped when he finally opened his eyes and saw the salad. "Jesus Christ. It's a work of art."


  "I'm too scared to eat it."

  I rolled my eyes and selected the Parmesan. "Tell me when to stop, babe."

  Mitch burst into laughter. "Oh honey. When it comes to freshly grated Parmesan, queens never stop. That’s what they save their freaking calories for.”

  When we finished the salads, I brought out the lobster tails, fresh garlic bread, and butter sauce. From the cupboard above the electric stove, I made sure to grab two sparkling glasses. I'd be damned if I forgot the wine.

  Mitch melted faster than the butter when he took a bite of the lobster tail. "It's like I've died and gone to gay heaven."

  "Just wait until you try the garlic bread."

  Mitch pretended to wipe tears from his eyes. "Seriously? You’re eating carbs just for me?"

  I burst into laughter. "I know, I know. A good bottom never eats carbs. But I think that rule is meant for twinks, not bears."

  "You're right,” Mitch said, wiping his lips. “You’re my big cuddle muffin. You can eat as much garlic bread as you like."

  "You, on the other hand…"

  Mitch groaned. "Let's just pretend it's my cheat night."

  When we finished the lobster tails, I brought out the homemade crème brûlée I’d whipped up for both of us.

  Mitch melted when he tasted it. "I hate to say it, Luke," he began, wiping his lips with an embroidered napkin. "But I think you might be better in the kitchen than you are on the ice."

  "Oh honey," I said with a laugh. “I hope you’re joking. We bottoms just won our rights. You can't seriously be considering sending me back to the domestic sphere already."

ll I'm saying is that this is the most delicious dessert I've tasted in a long time."

  I grinned. "And you've got the most delicious cock I've tasted in a long time. Seriously, Mitch. I don't know how you do it."

  Mitch's cheeks flushed bright red. "You're everything I've been looking for my entire life."

  I grinned and sipped white wine. "Don't get too comfortable. I've still got one more surprise at my sleeve."

  Then, I pulled up my iPhone to show him the video I'd recorded earlier in the week.



  My breath hitched as Luke approached me and slid his iPhone 8 Plus in front of me. I stared at him with trusting eyes. What could he possibly show me? How could it top the magnificent dinner he'd prepared?

  But my questions were answered when he pressed play.

  The screen burst into life. At first, I had to strain my eyes to make out what was going on. But then I saw exactly what it was. To my shock, it was the students I helped at the Care Center.

  They were thanking me for my work and time.

  Devante spoke first. "Before I met you, Mitch," he began, smiling sheepishly at the screen. "I didn't know what I was doing with my life. I've been killing it in middle school, but I started to slack off when I got to senior high. But the plan you helped create changed my life more than you could imagine. I'm not quite there yet, but I know I'm on the right track. All my teachers say the exact same thing. You were the one who made the difference, Mitch. I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart."

  My heart fluttered. "What is this?” I gasped, turning to Luke.

  Luke brought his fingers to his lips and pointed back to the screen.

  Little Samuel came on next. "I'm so thankful for you, Mitch. Honest to God. That night we did our duet together was the most magical night of my life. You've inspired me to stay strong in school and do drag on the weekends. I'm even thinking of starting a drag club at school. Of course, it would be completely confidential, so none of our parents would find out. But I have only you to thank."

  That was enough to send me over the edge. I let out a sob and wiped my eyes as tears fell freely down my cheeks.

  Luke paused the video. "Is everything all right?"

  I tried to speak but the emotions were too strong. Through my tears, I could only muster a nod.

  Luke rushed forward to kiss me. He pressed his lips on mine and massaged my hand. "You deserve this, Mitch. You've done so much for these kids. It's a thankless fucking job and you give it your all. You’re one-of-a-kind and I'm so proud to be your boyfriend."

  Emotions pummeled me from every direction. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I let myself cry. I let the tears crash down my cheeks and slam into the table below. I let Luke hold me, kiss me, and take away the pain. All that mattered was that I was in his arms.

  "Thank you," I whispered when I was finally able to speak. “You’re the sweetest boyfriend on this planet.”

  Luke kissed both my eyelids and brought me in for a bear hug. "I'm so proud of you, Mitch. You might be an ice cold sass queen on the surface, but you have the warmest heart I know."

  I held Luke's hand as we continued with the video. Student after student came to the camera, letting me know how much they appreciated my work. With each interview, my affection for Luke only grew. When the video ended, I rushed towards him and frantically slammed my lips on his, probing his mouth with my tongue. I needed to be deeper inside him. I wanted to grab the knife I'd use to cut open the lobster tail and carve a spot in his body where I could fit snugly inside.

  In the meantime, a spot in his great arms would have to do.

  "I love you, cutie,” Luke said when the video was done.

  "I love you too, Luke. You're the specialist man in the world. Really."

  Luke hugged me. I let myself surrender to his touch. When we parted, I placed my hand on his shoulder and stared into his eyes.

  "Get in the bedroom, Luke. I’m going to give you the best fucking thank-you gift you'll ever know."



  My heart murmured as I heaved myself onto the bed and waited for Mitch. I couldn't believe how much he'd liked my gift. It went better than I ever could've imagined. And now he was paying me back with the sexiest gift in the world?

  Jesus Christ, this sexy man is too good to be true.

  Mitch entered a second later and pressed his palm into my lower back. "Spread for me, babe."

  I moaned and obeyed his command. Without hesitation, Mitch spat on my hole and lubed me up. I cried out as he slipped a finger inside. When he saw I could handle it, he inserted another. I whimpered, molding to his touch. When I was sufficiently prepped, he peeled back his foreskin and applied lube. After heaving himself up to my opening, he positioned himself at the base of my hole and slid the tip inside.

  "Oh Jesus." I gripped the bed sheets.

  Mitch smack my ass. "You like that, big guy?"

  I moaned and quivered. "I like it," I moaned, feeling his cock inside me. I unclenched and let him enter all the way.

  This time, Mitch didn't wait. He slid into my hole until his balls throbbed against my taint. He gripped my hips with his freshly manicured hands and slammed into me again and again until all I could muster were rabid guttural moans. I bit the pillowcase like raw flesh as Mitch pounded me, bucking into my body and slamming his cock into my ass.

  Mitch grunted as he fucked me. I’d never heard sounds like that come out of his mouth. It was like he'd been transported to the middle of the woods and needed to fend for himself. Though he was every bit the femme top I’d fallen in love with, there was a certain rawness I'd never heard before.

  He wanted to fuck me until I begged him to stop.

  Which was exactly what I wanted him to do.

  Mitch slapped my ass. "You're the sexiest, most thoughtful and caring man I know," he growled, heaving himself into me. His thick cock lit a fire in my spine. "And tonight, I'm going to come in your hole."

  A shudder shot through me. I arched upwards, letting him slide his cock even deeper. Mitch took the opportunity to remove his cock and insert four fingers inside. I let out a belly roar. A second later, he slammed back into my hole and let his cock fill me.

  "Come, Luke," he growled, digging his fingers into my side. "I want you to come so hard you destroy the bed."

  I cried out and wrapped my fingers around my cock, jerking it frantically. "Yes," I moaned, letting him mold me. “Fuck me so hard I have to order a new mattress.”

  Mitch slammed into my body, sending prickles of warmth through my spine. I jerked my cock until I was on the brink. Then, I dug my fingers into my shaft until my cock exploded on the satin sheets. I gasped and quivered as tears stung my eyes. Without a word, Mitch throbbed into me one last time and emptied himself in my body. I cried out as his warmth rocketed through me, shooting through every fibre of my being. It was like he'd shot his load straight into my bloodstream like heroin. I could feel it circulating through my body, infusing me with an adhesive stronger than time.

  Mitch pulled out. A sense of overwhelming loss rocketed through me. But he quickly flipped me over and hugged me to stave off any feelings of abandonment.

  "I love you, Mr. Cuddle Bear."

  My heart melted. "I love you so much, Mitch,” I cried out, wiping tears from my eyes. "You've got the sexiest cock in the world, and I want to be with you a very long time."

  Mitch tried to wipe his eyes but the tears fell like rain. "I don't know what you've done to me, but I've never acted like this around anyone. You've stolen my heart, cock, and everything in between. I'm so goddamn happy you're in my life."

  I moaned and wrapped my hairy arms around his tiny hairless body. "You too, Mitch. You're the sexiest referee on the ice, and the best fuck I've ever had in my life."

  We fell asleep in each other’s arms, both knowing we had to wake up early for practice.



  One month

  I held Luke's hand tight as I stared into his eyes. My heart was racing out of my chest. I didn't want to believe it but the truth was it was here.

  The big day.

  The day we officially came out as a couple to the Rainbow League.

  I took a sharp breath and tried to calm myself. I glanced around the room at the players. Though Stellan and a few of the defensemen had suspicions, they weren't totally sure we were actually together. They’d seen us making out but we denied it at every turn. In the locker room after practice when Jacob asked me if we were dating, I'd brushed off the question, reminding him that I wasn't about to get a boyfriend to save my life.

  But today, I was ready to tell the truth.

  I just had to find the balls to do it.

  Luke dug his thumb into my palm. "Are you ready, cutie?"

  Terror shot through me. "I know the guys are accepting but I'm still scared as fuck."

  Luke grinned. "We don't have to do this. I'm perfectly comfortable keeping our relationship under wraps."

  I glared at him, knowing full well he was lying. "If you don't remember, I'm the one who wanted to do this. I refuse to be tucked away. I need to get over that stupid part of my past."

  Luke laughed. "You mean you don't want to be kept in the dark like you were for the married guy?"

  "Exactly. This is something I need to do."

  If only those damn butterflies circling my chest would let up, I could finally put the past behind me and own my truth.

  Luke placed his hand on my thigh. "I'm here for you, Mitch. You know damn well the rest of the team will do nothing but cheer you on. And to be honest, they probably already suspected it. This is more of a formality than anything."


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