The Silo Effect

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The Silo Effect Page 31

by Gillian Tett

  Comdex, 51–52

  compensation, see pay and incentives


  classification systems as means of dealing with, 28–29, 224

  silos as means of dealing with, 14, 19

  concurrent engineering, 65

  conduits, 118–19, 121, 123–24, 268n

  consumers, complacency of, ix

  Cook, Tim, 64

  Copernicus, Nicolaus, 129

  Corcoran, Chris, 7

  Cosgrove, Delos “Toby,” 198, 253

  appointed Cleveland Clinic CEO, 193, 201

  background of, 202

  capacity for change of, 203

  as cardio-thoracic surgery head, 201–2

  Cleveland Clinic organizational tree revolutionized by, 197, 204–10

  dyslexia of, 193, 202, 203–4

  empathy and, 193–94, 211–12

  Harvard Business School lecture of, 192–93, 196–97, 211

  medical classification systems reimagined by, 204

  medical innovations of, 193, 203

  surgical skill of, 192–93, 201, 203

  in Vietnam War, 202

  Costas, John, 87, 88, 95–96, 99

  Crédit Agricole, 230

  credit bubble, ix, 2

  credit card debt, ix

  credit crisis, see financial crisis of 2007–8

  credit default swaps, 219

  Credit Suisse, 88, 94, 96

  Crile, George Washington, 197–98, 199, 200

  Crilly, Kim, 188

  cultural anthropology, xi–xii

  Bourdieu’s influence on, 46–48

  insider-outsider perspective of, 26, 42, 43, 46, 50, 143, 251, 252

  merger of sociology and, 48

  participant observation in, 37, 38, 43, 48, 49, 186, 251

  in split with physical anthropology, 38

  understanding silos through, 19–21, 25–50, 250–53

  cultural capital, elite’s power reinforced by, 44

  cultural norms:

  as reflection and reinforcement of mental maps, 28, 30, 44

  seen as natural and inevitable, 32, 40–41, 42, 44, 55, 251

  unstated rules in, 45

  see also habitus

  cultural translators, 248–49, 254

  culture, anthropological definition of, 20

  Dahl, Roald, 201

  Da Nang, Vietnam, 202

  Darwin, Charles, 35

  Darwinism, 35–36

  Davies, Howard, 108

  Dean, Ben, 7

  de Blasio, Bill, 245

  Debrah, Yaw, 236

  Debreu, Gerard, 112

  debt, financial system as overloaded with, 128, 131, 134

  Debt Management Office, British, 115

  Diamond, Jared, 31

  Dillon Read, 86

  Dillon Read Capital Management, 95–96, 99

  Dimon, Jamie, 218–19, 234

  Distinction (Bourdieu), 43

  doctors, see medicine

  Dogra, Ami, 239–41

  Dougan, Brady, 96

  DuMerer, Danielle, 159, 160

  Dunbar, Robin, 172–73, 200

  Dunbar’s number, 172–73, 180, 200

  Eastman, Caroline, 30

  economists, economics, 107–35

  classification systems of, 118–19, 121–22, 127, 196

  efficient markets theory in, 112, 227

  epistemology of, 110

  and financial crisis of 2007–8, 108–9

  holistic view needed in, 132

  mathematical modeling in, 112–13, 132, 227–28

  mental maps and, 125, 127, 130

  money and banking downplayed by, 116–17

  policy-shaping power of, 113–14

  “rational expectations” theory in, 112, 115

  silos and, 17, 18, 109, 110, 130–31, 133, 134–35, 222, 247, 249

  tunnel vision and, 17, 122–23, 127–28, 130–31

  see also financial system

  economy, global, interconnectedness of, x, 12–13


  premium put on, 253–54

  silos and, 14, 254

  Effron, Blair, 87

  Elementary Structures of Kinship, The (Lévi-Strauss), 38

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 107–9, 110, 130

  Emanuel, Rahm, 158

  Emanuel administration:

  Goldstein as chief data officer in, 158–59

  WindyGrid interactive map of, 159–60

  empathy, in medicine, 193–94, 211–12

  Enigma, 245

  epistemology, 134, 249

  of economists, 110

  Ernst & Young, 94–95

  ethnography, 37

  evolution, 35

  exchange traded funds (ETFs), 105

  Facebook, xi, 80, 135, 200, 247

  Bootcamp of, 164–68, 174–76, 178

  brainstorming encouraged at, 177

  “clustering” on, 171

  coding teams at, 176–78

  competitive threats to, 188

  Dunbar’s number and, 172, 173

  email crash at, 167

  founding of, 169–70

  Goldfein at, 164–68

  Hackamonth at, 178–79, 248, 254

  hackathons at, 181–83, 186–87, 190–91

  Hacker Square at, 181, 186

  Instagram bought by, 189

  interaction of computing and social code at, 169

  IPO of, 189

  managers’ posts encouraged at, 183–85

  Menlo Park campus of, 180–81

  mobile technology missteps at, 188–89

  News Feed feature of, 170, 176–77, 179

  Q&A sessions at, 181

  quantitative analysis of social interactions by, 171, 188

  real-name policy of, 183

  silo-busting at, 17–18, 164–91, 247–48

  social engineering experiments at, 17–18, 169, 174, 181, 188, 190–91

  social interaction reshaped by, 170–71

  Timeline feature of, 179

  Farmer, Paul, 195

  Favaloro, René, 199, 202


  data hoarding by, 145

  silos at, 145, 147

  Weis at, 144–45, 146–47

  Federal Reserve, U.S., 17, 106, 109, 114, 117, 123, 126

  silos at, 196

  Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole conference of, 125, 126–27

  Federal Reserve Bank of New York, shadowbanking system diagrammed by, 128–29

  Feinblatt, John, silo-busting approach of, 3–4

  Feldstein, Andrew, 220–21, 235, 237, 238, 242

  background of, 223–24

  BlueMountain Capital co-founded by, 222, 223

  complexity studied by, 224

  at JPMorgan, 222–23

  London Whale and, 232

  silos (buckets) studied by, 221

  see also BlueMountain Capital

  finance industry:

  blindness to risk in, ix, 14, 81–106

  classification systems in, 92–93, 97, 101–2, 221–22, 235–44, 249

  “eat what you kill” philosophy of, 60, 61, 92, 205, 238, 248

  entrenched classification system in, 92–93, 97

  habitus of, 93

  lending bubble of 2006–7 in, 94

  pay and incentives in, ix, 60, 61, 91, 92, 93, 205, 223, 225–26, 227, 237, 238, 244, 248

  silo-busting in, 218–44

  silos in, ix–x, 14, 16, 17, 18, 107–35, 221, 222, 223, 224, 227, 242–44

  Financial Conduct Authority, U.K., 132

  financial crisis of 2007–8, ix, xii, 14, 16, 73, 105–6, 107, 132, 218, 226, 229–30

  mortgage-backed securities price collapse in, 125–26

  shadow banks and, 127–28

  silos and, x

  tunnel vision and, 108–9

  financial policy, 132

  Financial Services Authority, British (FSA), 116, 132

  bank regulation as responsibil
ity of, 115, 118, 119, 124

  Financial Stability Board, shadow banking system measured by, 129–30

  Financial Stability Oversight Council, U.S., 133

  Financial Stability Report, 118

  financial system, 107–35

  classification in, 118–19, 121–22

  cultural patterns in, 223–24

  debt overload in, 128, 131, 134

  shadow banks in, 126–30

  silos in, 109, 110, 130–31, 133, 134–35, 222

  specialized jargon of, 124–25

  Financial Times, ix, x, 117

  First Boston, 88

  Flaubert, Gustave, 32

  Flowers, Mike, 250, 252

  Bloomberg administration joined by, 5, 7

  data on housing fires collected by, 7, 8–9

  silo-busting approach of, 3–4, 10–12, 245–46

  Forbes, company ranking list of, 77–78

  Fortune, 73

  Fox, Kate, 46–47

  Fox, Robin, 46

  France, social stratification in, 33, 42–43

  Fraternal Order of Police, 144

  Frazer, James, 36, 42

  Friedman, Alex, 104

  Fukushima reactor accident, 73

  Furstenberg, Diane von, 212

  Garcia, Christian, 1, 2

  Garcia, Christina, 1

  Garcia, Katia, 2

  Gardner, Rod, 149, 163

  Garicano, Luis, 108–9

  Gates, Bill, 52

  Geertz, Clifford, 20, 37

  Gellner, Ernest, 35, 36

  General Motors:

  ignition switch scandal at, 15

  silos at, x, 15, 168

  George, Eddie, 114, 115

  Gerstner, Lou, 51, 71, 74

  Ghosn, Carlos, 68

  Gildan, 239, 240

  globalization, x, 12, 86–87

  Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 36

  Goldfein, Jocelyn, 171, 172, 182, 188–90

  email crash caused by, 167

  at Facebook Bootcamp, 164–68

  Facebook posts of, 183–85

  News Feed team headed by, 176–78, 179

  Task Reaper program of, 166–67

  “triggering” coding bugs as specialty of, 165, 166

  at VMware, 164–65, 172

  Goldin, Ian, 12

  Goldman Sachs, 228

  Goldsmith, Stephen, 6–7, 10

  Goldstein, Brett, 168, 250, 252

  and centralization of information flows, 155–56

  Chicago crime data analyzed by, 153–54

  as Chicago patrolman, 149–50

  at Chicago Police Academy, 147–49, 152

  in desire to join Chicago Police, 141, 144

  as Emanuel administration chief data officer, 158–59

  hackathons run by, 182

  murder map of, 155–56, 157, 160–61, 162

  murder suspect arrested by, 150–51

  “nerd herd” of, 159–60, 182

  9/11 as wakeup call for, 140, 158

  OpenTable and, 139, 140–41, 152–53, 159

  racism accusations against, 161

  as silo-buster, 17, 135, 154, 155–56, 157, 160–61, 162–63

  Goldstein, Sarah, 141–42, 150, 162

  Goodhart, Charles, 108, 110, 112, 116, 117

  Google, 187

  Goolsbee, Austan, 16

  Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, 242

  Great Stability (2000–2010), 120

  Greenspan, Alan, 114, 119, 126, 132, 134

  habitus, 212, 254

  in finance industry, 93

  as reflection and reinforcement of mental maps, 44

  see also cultural norms

  Hackamonth, 178–79, 248, 254

  hackathons, 181–83, 186–87, 190–91

  Hacker Square, 181, 186

  Haldane, Andy, 119, 133

  Hancock, Peter, 222


  analyst classification of, 239–41

  BlueMountain’s investment in, 238–41, 242

  Hann, Chris, 111

  Hart, Keith, 111

  Harvard Business School, 192–93, 196, 211

  Harvard University, 109

  health, as cultural phenomenon, 195, 16

  heart catheters, 206–7

  hedge funds, 118, 119, 123

  trading strategies of, 226

  see also BlueMountain Capital

  Herodotus, 35

  Herzig, Michael, 237

  Hirai, Kazuo, 78

  Ho, Karen, 47, 93

  Holmes, Douglas, 47

  Honourable Artillery Company, 120

  housing bubble of 2006–7, U.S., 82, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100–101

  Hudson, Jennifer, 151

  Hugh-Jones, Stephen, 20

  Hume, David, 35


  Gerstner’s silo-busting reforms at, 71, 74

  silos at, 70–71

  Ibuka, Masaru, 56–58, 59, 62

  Idei, Nobuyuki, 51–52, 54, 58, 59–60, 62, 66–67, 70

  Sony’s silos introduced by, 60–61

  IG9 index, 219, 220

  London Whale and, 231–33

  price distortion in, 230–31, 232–33

  Iksil, Bruno, 219, 220

  individuals, as silo-busters, 139–63, 168, 247

  information flows:

  in Chicago Police Department, 155–56

  digital revolution and, x, 12–13

  silos and, 14, 248


  as fostered by silo-busting, 215, 221

  silos in stifling of, 14, 51–80, 143, 204, 250

  insider-outsider perspective, 25, 42, 43, 46, 50, 143, 145, 251, 252, 253

  Instagram, 189

  Institute for New Economic Thinking, 131–32

  institutions, silo-busting in, 168–69

  intelligence services, data hoarding by agencies of, 15, 145

  Interest and Prices (Woodford), 116

  interest rates, 123

  Internet, x, 63, 64, 246, 253

  Internet bubble, 94

  Iny, Alan, 29

  iOS, 189

  iPod, 54, 65–66, 222

  Iraq, U.S. occupation of, 4–5

  Isaacson, Walter, 64, 65

  iTunes store, 65

  Janeway, Bill, 112


  Fukushima reaction accident in, 73

  hierarchical and conformist culture of, 55–56, 70

  in World War II, 55–56

  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 194

  Jenkins, Huw, 96

  Jobs, Steve, 139, 143

  silos opposed by, 64

  Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), 5

  Jonsson, Jon Gunnar, 236–37

  journalists, mental maps of, 125

  JPMorgan Chase, 228

  Chief Investment Office of, 219–20, 231–34

  Feldstein at, 222–23

  risk management at, 233, 218, 234

  silos at, 219–20, 234

  2012 derivatives losses at, see London Whale

  unwinding of credit derivatives holdings of, 234–35

  Kabyle (Berber tribesmen), 40–41, 42, 55, 69, 92

  Kahneman, Daniel, ix, 1, 29

  Kay, Paul, 30

  Keyani, Pedram, 182–83, 186–87, 190–91

  Kim, Jim Yong, 195

  King, Mervyn, 108, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122–23, 124, 126, 133, 134

  Klein, Eric, 203, 207, 212, 214, 215–16

  Kula, 37

  Kutaragi, Ken, 67, 75

  Kwan, Catherine, 7

  Lagarde, Christine, 13

  Lean In (Sandberg), 185

  Leijonhufvud, Axel, 112–13

  Letterman, David, 70

  leveraged buy-outs, 236

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 20, 35, 38–39, 43, 45, 107

  “Life Among the Econ” (Leijonhufvud), 112–13

  linguistics, 38

  Loeb, Daniel, 78

Lofts, Phil, 95, 101, 103–4

  London, police use of predictive analytics in, 162

  London School of Economics (LSE), 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 117, 130

  London Whale, 219–20

  BlueMountain Capital as beneficiary of, 220–21

  derivative losses of, 218–20

  derivative products held by, 231–32

  IG9 index and, 231–33

  Long-Term Capital Management, 86, 94, 118

  Loop, Floyd, 201

  Lopez, Juan, 1, 2

  Los Angeles Police Department, predictive analytics used by, 162

  Lower, William, 197–98, 200

  Lucas, George, 52–53

  Lucas, Robert, 112, 115

  Lutova, Marina, 238, 240–41

  Lytle, Bruce, 193, 204, 206–7, 216

  McCulley, Paul, 126–27, 129

  McDermott, Jeff, 87

  MacKenzie, Donald, 227–28, 234

  Macpherson, Nick, 130

  macroeconomics, 116–17, 132

  broad money and, 122

  Maldonado, Jeff, Jr., 151

  Malinowski, Bronislaw, 36–37, 43, 186

  Malthus, Thomas, 111–12

  markets, efficient, 112, 227

  Markowitz, Harry, 112

  Masters, Michael, 152, 155, 156, 160

  maturity mismatch, 268n

  Mayo, William and Charles, 198

  Mayo Clinic, 198, 214, 215

  Mead, Margaret, 20, 37, 48–49

  media, silos and classification systems in, x, 125, 249

  medical anthropology, 195–96


  classification systems in, 196, 204, 217

  distinction between physicians and surgeons in, 204–5, 206–7, 210

  doctors’ vs. patients’ perception of, 194–95, 196, 207–8, 211–12

  empathy in, 193–94, 211–12

  fee-for-services model in, 206, 217

  group practices in, 198

  silos in, 205

  memory, grouping of data in, 28–29

  Memory Stick Walkman, 53, 63

  Memphis Police Department, 162

  mental maps, 110, 125, 169, 194

  cultural norms as reflection and reinforcement of, 44

  economists and, 125, 127, 130

  gap between reality and, 224

  reimagining of, 45–46, 196, 197, 249–54

  silos and, 17, 142

  tunnel vision and, 125, 127

  Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 33, 34

  Merlino, James, 212

  Merrill Lynch, 103

  London hedge fund conference of, 123, 124–25

  silo-busting attempts at, 236–37

  Microsoft, silos at, x, 18, 70, 79, 80, 168, 174, 247

  Mill, John Stuart, 111–12

  Miller, George, 28–29

  Minsky, Hyman, 128

  mnemonics, 29

  Modic, Mike, 208, 213, 217

  monetary policy, 116, 123, 132

  Money, Information, and Uncertainty (Goodhart), 116

  Money, Interest and Prices (Patinkin), 116

  Morita, Akio, 56–58, 59

  mortgage-backed securities, 82–83, 87–88, 89, 219, 264n–65n

  price collapse of, 125–26

  see also collateralized debt obligations


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