Chosen by the Alien Hybrids

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Chosen by the Alien Hybrids Page 9

by Lia Nox

  Somehow, Erin was becoming more than just the object of our raw lust. She was tugging at the bonds that made a team out of us, and she was weaving them into something far stronger than I could’ve ever imagined.

  Focused on making Erin come once more, Talos kept on kissing her as he reached for her swaying breasts and started caressing her nipples with a kind of gentleness that was unlike him. She moaned against his lips, enjoying his gentleness, but that didn’t stop her from keeping on moving.

  Fucking her until my whole body felt as if it were on fire, even my horns throbbing with the intensity of the experience, I kept on driving my cock deep into her until she simply couldn’t take it anymore. Her warm pussy tightened like a vice around my hardness, and her whole body tensed up as erotic energy pooled inside every fiber of her being.

  Knowing she only needed one final push to tumble down into an ocean of pleasure, I rammed my cock deep inside her as hard as I could, roaring my pleasure to the stars above us as I filled her with my seed.

  Shuddering, she fell forward, laying on top of Talos as every single muscle in her body twitched, her teeth gritted so tightly I could almost hear her grinding them together.

  Talos and I held her against us as she came. For a moment, I remembered just how frail and delicate she was. With one hand under her head, I cradled her against my chest and let her climax against my naked body, the sweet agony engraved on her face the purest thing I had ever witnessed.

  She lay still for a moment, her chest rising and falling fast, and only after almost a full minute did her eyelids flutter open. Looking up at me, she stroked my cheek kindly and then looked at Talos.

  “Perfect,” she said, saying it in the exact same way I had done before. “That’s what this was. Absolute perfection.”

  “Yes,” Talos and I said in unison. To watch her climax, and to know we were behind it. . .

  Yes, that was absolute perfection.


  For a moment, I might have lost consciousness.

  Trapped between Talos’ and Kern’s naked bodies, the warmth of their skin seeping into mine, I felt more comfortable and safe than ever in my entire life. Pleasure still coursed through my veins, but now it was tempered by a feeling of intimacy I didn’t know I could experience with them.

  And still, Roth’s gaze burned my skin.

  He’d held himself apart from all of this.

  From every moan and cry.

  He’d watched. Waited.

  I shivered for a moment.

  Would I ever be able to break back through to him, or had I ruined what might have grown between us when I ran away?


  His eyes were like two smoldering coals, and suddenly I realized it was passion, not anger. No. . .he had seen me in the throes of pleasure, my voice echoing throughout the woods that surrounded us, and he simply wanted to be a part of it.

  That was fine with me.

  I felt exactly the same.

  Shivering in a new way, I felt pinned to the ground as Roth stalked towards me, kicking his boots off, stepping out of his pants, his eyes never leaving mine.

  In a few long strides he stood over us.

  Or, really, over me. Talos and Kern had moved to the side, making way for Roth.

  But he didn’t go any further. Didn’t make another move to touch me.

  Just watched me with burning eyes.

  Well, then.

  Moistening my lips with the tip of my tongue, I allowed my eyes to wander to his cock and I had to make a conscious effort not to start laughing like a maniac.

  Here I was, stranded on a faraway planet that was dying, and I didn’t care one bit about any of that. All I cared about were the three aliens that had saved me and comforted me when I burst onto this planet, just a helpless woman that probably wouldn’t have survived long without their assistance.

  And somehow, if we could make this work, the four of us might do more than just survive.

  Holding Roth’s gaze, I brought one hand down to my pussy and carefully ran one fingertip down the length of my folds. Then as slowly as possible, I slide that one finger deep inside and let out a small moan.

  When I slid the finger back out, I brought it up to my mouth and sucked it dry, enjoying the way my own juices tasted as they coated my tongue.

  His eyes grew darker with anticipation, and I felt like a cliff diver right before she launches her body flying through the air and into the ocean, my muscles tense and ready. I had experienced Talos, and I had experienced Kern. . .

  Now that Roth was here, I wanted to experience it all.

  “Are you just going to stand there and look?” I teased him, and the dam broke.


  My brain had shut down. My ability to function lost.

  I laid my hands on her hips without ever taking my eyes off hers, raised her to her feet. She was all I could see.

  “You’re ours,” I breathed out, fully knowing that somehow, Erin had become indispensable to our team. But it was more than just about the group.

  Even though I knew Kern and Talos’ claims were as valid as mine, I couldn’t stop myself from saying the words that burned in my throat. “You’re mine.”

  “Prove it,” she said, her voice brimming with that sweet wickedness only Erin was capable of. It was hard to believe such an innocent looking being, so delicate, so pure looking, could hold such a wild streak—she was both an angel and a devil.

  “I will.” Pulling her against me, I kissed her with a kind of hunger that was new to me.

  Her berry lips fit against mine perfectly. My body hardened painfully. How that was possible, I had no idea. I’d already felt more than full in my size, the possibility of growing even more rigid seemingly the work of fiction, and yet here I was with a bulge so extreme it was hard for me to ignore. “I will prove it as many times as you want.”

  With that, I reached between her legs and cupped her pussy, smiling as I felt her inner thighs slick with her own juices. How many times had she already come? And did it matter? No, it didn’t matter one bit, because now that I was here the orgasm she would have would be the final one.

  I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her further up. She reacted on pure instinct, lacing her legs around my waist, and I took a few steps forward until I had her pinned against the smooth surface of the courtyard wall. She gasped upon impact, but that gasp was replaced by a moan as I drove my cock deep inside her pussy.

  I did it with one single thrust, fully knowing that she was more than ready to experience all I had to offer her. As she threw her head back, I grinned as I watched her eyes roll back, and I immediately got busy building a vicious rhythm.

  Needing Erin’s orgasm to obliterate whatever experience she’d had before, I glanced at Kern and Talos and invited them to join us. They hurried to my side and laid their mouths against her neck and started exploring every curve of hers as I fucked her relentlessly.

  I could have enjoyed myself without them, all three of us knew that, but it wouldn’t have been nearly as fun as watching her being pulled apart by us all at once. Although it was my cock pushing ever deeper into her, it was all of us who were taking her apart, molding her to our wills, and turning her into our slave.

  She cried out her pleasure in such an intense way that I knew anyone in the region would be able to hear us, but I didn’t care about it. If anyone dared to come and investigate, I would just kill them all. Right now, the only thing that mattered was the woman in front of me, and her pleasure was my mission.

  Keeping my eyes open, I watched as Kern sucked on her right nipple. Talos reached for her ass and, using her own juices, slid one finger inside her entrance. Her whole body tensed and, as I thrust one final time, she came undone.

  She was no longer moaning or crying out.

  She was screaming.

  Her pleasure became as violent as a furious storm, and that was enough to set me off. Still with my cock buried deep inside of her, I gritted my teeth and held my br
eath, thunder and lightning climbing up the length of my cock only to become a gushing river as I exploded inside Erin.

  None of us moved for a long moment.

  The four of us remained still, just trying to catch our breaths, and I only lowered Erin when her eyelids fluttered open. She looked exhausted, yes, but there was also a look of pure bliss on her face, one that I wanted engraved on my brain.

  We all sat together, the warmth of our naked bodies like a protective blanket, and I realized that whatever I felt toward Erin had to do with more than just sex. I wanted for her to remain with us, I wanted for her to be a part of the group, and I wanted her to show her just how much I could offer.

  As she fell asleep against my chest, my arms wrapped around her delicate body, I looked at Kern and Talos. “She’ll stay with us,” I said. “We’ll protect her, but more than that. I want to make her one of our own.”

  “As one of the team?” Talos asked cautiously, and I could tell he wanted my response to be a positive one.

  “Yes,” I found myself nodding. “In due time, she’ll became one of us.”


  In the morning we set out. A light mist had risen, turning everything to haze

  As the deep greens of the jungle closed around us I couldn't help but look back at the little building.

  It wasn't home, that's for sure.

  I wasn't even entirely certain what the original purpose of it had been. But in its walls I'd made my decisions. Chosen my new life. That was worth remembering.

  “Did you forget something?” Kern asked.

  I rolled my eyes at his serious expression. “Not a lot to forget.” I smiled up at him. “Just remembering a few things.”

  His own smile was wicked. “We’ll have lots of opportunities to make new memories, Erin.”

  Whoa. The heat in his words shouldn't be enough to send that kind of adrenaline through my body. Not this early in the morning, not when I was still a bit sore from our activities of the previous night.

  Which was a shame because as the day wore on I could have used that adrenaline.

  Or coffee.

  Or an umbrella.

  “Step-by-step, Mouse,” I muttered to myself.

  We'd been tramping through the forest for half a day. While at first it was kind of interesting, alien planet after all, now it was just exhausting. The last few hours had been an endless slog as the light mist of the morning had turned into a steady drizzle.

  Not enough to clear the air of the heavy humidity, or make a lovely lightning show. Just enough to make it miserable as the ground grew muddy and sticky, pulling at my thin slippers.

  The guys slowed their pace, they must have, because I couldn't imagine such a minor thing as a little rain really slowing them down.

  But they didn't complain. Just waited as once again I pulled one of my shoes out of the mud.

  And the humming started again.


  I grabbed the pendant of the translator. I still didn't know how it worked. Delia had tried to explain something about neural interfaces and generative learning abilities and who knows what else to me while she had adjusted things.

  She might as well have been speaking whatever language it was translating from for all the sense it made.

  “Guys? I think we have a problem.”

  When Roth had put the pendant on me, it'd made a deep noise in my head, just like this. A hum that no one else could hear.

  Apparently that was the translator syncing up with me, something like that at least.

  That time I'd hit the floor, hard. I didn't really feel like taking a nap in the mud.


  But then I noticed. Whatever this noise was, they could hear it, too.

  With a sudden screech a flock of bright orange birds burst from the tree to the left of us, making me jump.

  Talos wrapped an arm around me.

  “What's going on?” I whispered.

  “I'm unsure,” came the grave voice. “I would almost think—”

  The rumble started, so low I felt it in my belly before I heard it.

  “Move,” Roth commanded. “Get her out of here.”

  Talos swung me into his arms and dashed through the trees with a speed I’d never thought their massive bodies could manage, until with a bang the trees around us fell, and he was knocked off his feet by the impact.

  His arms wrapped around me, making a cage, saving me from the tree that fell on us both.

  “What the hell is going on?” I shrieked, no longer interested in whispering.

  “Quake,” was his short answer. “But this isn't the region for them.”

  We stayed under the tree until the tremors died down.

  “What about the others?” My heart clenched. “We don't know where they are and it could've—”

  Talos snorted. “They'll be fine. Trust me, they always are.” He shifted slightly. “Now, do you think you're small enough to work through those branches?”

  It took long minutes to crawl through the densely packed limbs.

  “I think one tree must've fallen on top of another,” I called back. “But I think I'm almost out.”


  I finally emerged into the newly bright day and gasped. A line of felled trees ran through the forest, almost straight to where we were.

  “I'm out,” I shouted.

  Looking back the way I’d come, I tried to figure out where Talos was.

  Oh no.

  I could see the back of one of his legs. By the trunk. He kept the trunk off me and I hadn't even realized that we were anything more than tangled in the branches.

  “Are you all right?” I shouted, frantic now.

  “How far back are you standing?” was his only answer.

  “Ummmm. . .” I looked around. “Pretty far back? I'm not sure?”

  I've never been good with eyeballing measurements. Seriously, who needed to do that? Apparently, I could add that to the list of skills that I need to work on.

  “Back away further.”

  I did what I was told. All I could see was the felled trunks shift slightly and then with a mighty shout it was thrown away.

  And Talos slowly rose to his feet.

  The way clear now, I rushed back to him. “That was, that was terrifying. And incredible. And—”

  He pulled me back into his arms, pressed a sweet kiss on my forehead.

  “Really, we're tougher than you think.”

  I melted into his chest, taking a moment just to listen to his steady heartbeat.

  “Come on, let's find the others.” He got to his feet, dusted himself off and then reached through the scattered leaves and twigs to find his pack. “I'm sure they're worried about you.”

  But when we got back, there was more trouble than he’d expected.

  I saw Roth first. “You’re all right!” I called, running to him.

  He caught me in his arms, scrutinized my face and wiped away a smear of mud from my cheek. “Of course I am,” he grumbled. “However.” His eyes met Talos’.

  I froze. “However?”

  Both turned and I realized that in my joy to see him unharmed I hadn't noticed that he stood at the edge of a ravine.

  “That wasn’t here before,” I muttered, stupidly.

  “No,” Roth said. “And while getting around it isn't a problem, that is.” He pointed down into the ravine.

  I gasped. There, on a thin rocky ledge jutting from the wall, lay Kern.

  Very, very still.

  “Can he get out on his own?” I whispered.

  “Maybe.” Roth didn't look away. “But there’s no telling when the next tremor will come.”

  Right, aftershocks. I knew that.

  “Something must've hit his head just right, we don't usually go out that easily,” Talos grumbled.

  “I don’t think he did it on purpose,” I argued.

  “Probably not,” Roth said. “Especially because it will give us something to tease him about
for years.”

  I ran my hands over my face. “You can tease him later. For now, what's the plan?”

  “Well, now that you are back, I’ll lower Talos down to the ledge. He can make a sling for Kern and—”

  “No.” I shook my head. “No way. While he's doing that, the ledge would have to support two of you guys. Do you have any idea how big you are?”

  Roth looked confused. “Of course I do.”

  “Do you really think that ledge can safely support your combined weight?” I bit my lip. “I'll go down.”

  “Out of the question,” they snapped in unison.

  “Of all of us, who is less likely to trigger that ledge to collapse? Who would be easier to lower down?”

  “And it'll be faster.” I continued, not seeing any break in their stony faces. “With both of you up here pulling Kern up, you'll have him back on solid ground in half the time, right?”

  Talos nodded slowly. “She does have a point.”

  “I have lots of points,” I shouted. “I'm right.”

  Roth shook his head. “That's not the plan.”

  “That's because your plan is stupid,” I insisted.

  Roth stiffened. “I am not accustomed to having my soldiers argue with orders.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I'm not one of your soldiers,” I hissed. “Now can we do this thing before another tremor comes and knocks Kern off that shelf?”

  “We'll talk about this later,” he promised darkly.

  But he knew I was right.

  The felled trees made it easy to pull off long lengths of vine, and quickly they had a makeshift rope braided and wrapped around a tree.

  Roth then wrapped it around his own waist while Talos finished the second line and dropped the looped end over the edge to pool by Kern’s slack form.

  “I'm really worried about him,” I muttered.

  “I know,” Roth answered. “To be honest, I am a bit as well. I would not have expected a head injury last this long.”


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