Haven's Wolves Christmas Surprise

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Haven's Wolves Christmas Surprise Page 5

by Shelby Lynn

  In one quick motion, Haven’s claws ripped the material of his mate’s jeans down both sides. They literally just fell to the floor.

  Garrett stood there motionless. He didn’t once move a muscle, and his cock thrust forward as the material fell from his legs. It was so fucking hot. He swore his cock hardened even more if that was even possible. It was the anticipation of what was to come that almost put him over the edge.

  Haven leaned back on his knees to look at his mate in all of his naked glory. Garrett was a chiseled god to him. The most handsome man in the world. Garrett was doing just as he asked and not moving. He couldn’t help the pleasure that filled him at this little bit of dominance his mate was giving to him. His cock was jutted out just begging to be sucked. There was already a bead of his delicious pre-cum just waiting for his tongue to swipe it away.

  ‘How could he deny his mate the pleasure,’ Haven thought to himself before leaning forward and swirling his tongue out just on the tip of the slit. He slowly took in the essence of his mate. It was the most delicious taste; it was so earthy, like the forest on a dewy morning. Slowly he tested his mate’s reaction as he swirled his tongue around the tip of the extremely hard cock.

  It was groans coming from deep in his mate’s chest that caused him finally to take the engorged member into his mouth. He took him all the way to the back of his throat, and sucking with abandon delight until Garrett came with a shout. Haven eased the cock out of his mouth. Using Garrett’s own cum as lube, his fingers massaged the perfect star. Dipping inside and scissoring until he found that slightly raised, pleasure spot, driving his mate wild with each finger inserted to bring him pleasure. Only when he was sure his mate was ready did he look up into his passion-filled eyes.

  “Garrett, I will allow you to move to the bed and position yourself on your hands and knees.” His mate was shaking in reaction to the pleasure he had just given him.

  Garrett did as Haven asked. All he wanted was his mate’s huge cock so deep in his ass they would be one. He wanted it more than he could even say. There was something so kinky about his mate’s domination. This was definitely something he wanted to do over and over again.

  Haven watched his mate walk over to the bed, and then crawl up into the middle of the bed on his knees. His ass was pushed up in the air with his legs spread wide apart. His star would peak out with each movement. It was all he could do to not bury himself in the tight sheath. Haven wouldn’t ruin this for either of them.

  Haven walked slowly over to the bed, and eased up behind his mate. His hand reached out and gently massaged his mate’s firm ass. Then he slapped it playfully and got a passion filled groan from his mate. Haven pushed his mate down face first on the bed for even better access to the perfect ass. He leaned down and traced the tight hole with his tongue. It caused his mate’s asshole to quiver in reaction. ‘Shit, it's intoxicating,’ Haven thought.

  His tongue went deeper and deeper with every swipe to thrust and loosen the hole even more. It was his mate’s gasping plea, which stopped his fun.

  “Shit, Haven, fuck me NOW! I need you so bad!” Garrett gasped out.

  “Only because you asked so nicely,” he teased his mate.

  Haven grabbed the lube from the dresser quickly lubing his cock. He lined his cock up with the perfect star. Then slowly he pushed past the first ring with a groan of his own.

  It was Garrett pushing back on his cock, which buried him to the hilt as he grabbed his hips. Their thrusts in perfect sync, each thrust growing wilder by the moment until Haven emptied his cock into Garrett’s tight channel. Haven held his mate as his mating knot released and attached to the pleasure spot.

  Garrett growled in reaction as his cock exploded once again. He was amazed how each time was even better than the last. This man was his life…

  Haven held his mate until the knot released, relishing in the feel of his mate’s body against his own, nothing had ever felt better to him. He gently released his mate as he turned around and lay back on the bed. With one final kiss to mate’s lips, Haven got up to clean up himself and Garrett.

  Taking care of his mate was his duty and pleasure. Haven headed back to the bed and gently cleaned his mate with a warm washcloth. After returning it to the bathroom to put away the towel, Haven eased in bed beside his mate. Placing a kiss on his mate’s lips, they drifted off to sleep that Christmas Eve…

  Chapter Nine

  Morning came early to the Haven Wolf Pack. The Alphas had slept about two hours before there was knocking on the front door. Haven got up and went to answer the door. Haven could already hear the excited little boy on the other side. He opened the door to little Timmy jumping up and down in excitement.

  “Merry Christmas!” Haven told them. “Did Santa come last night, Haven?” Timmy asked excitedly.

  “Well, I think you should go take a look under our huge Christmas tree,” he told the excited little one.

  Timmy took off for the living room in search of the presents Santa had brought him.

  “How are you guys?” Haven asked the couple. He was so proud of Tyler and everything they both had done for the Cedarhill Pack.

  “We are doing great! Trying to keep our son on the ground,” he teased. “The Pack is really starting to come around thanks to all the work Tyler is doing.” Shannon couldn’t believe the changes taking place after all the abuse they had lived with.

  “How are you doing, Johnny? I am so glad Tyler talked you into coming here for Christmas to see your new home. I know it must be hard with Sawyer out on assignment. If there was anyone else with his tracking abilities, I am sure Counselor Jackson would have sent someone else in his place,” Haven told the younger man once again.

  “I know, Alpha. We understand, truly,” Johnny told the Alphas. He didn't get to talk to his new mate because of the radio silence rules on a mission of such importance. He was hoping it would be any day.

  Garrett decided it was time to change the subject, for a little while at least. “Everyone should be heading downstairs at any moment. I can’t wait for you all to meet Jasmine and Mandy,” Garrett told the men.

  “We had a talk with Timmy about keeping his abilities under wrap, so there shouldn’t be a problem,” Tyler told his friend.

  “I can remember how hard it was to keep secrets as a child,” Haven told him. They would work it out if anything happened.

  “We might as well head into the living room and see if Santa left anything for the kids,” Haven said with a smile.

  They followed Haven into the living room. Everywhere they looked there were presents in all shapes and sizes.

  “Daddies, I have never seen so many presents! There are so many with my name on them!” Timmy said excitedly, remembering just how many he had already opened from his wonderful daddies. His daddies were all he truly needed for Christmas.

  Just then, the sound of baby giggles could be heard coming down the hall. A few moments later, a young woman carrying an excited little baby girl came into the room. Jasmine was excited as her little arms and legs moved up and down.

  “There’s our little girl,” Haven said as he went up to Mandy taking the little one out her arms. “Tyler, Shannon, and Johnny as well, this is Mandy. She is our own angel sent to take care of this little one. We couldn’t do it without her.”

  “Thank you, Haven. It's nice to meet both of you and the little guy. It looks like he is ready for some more Christmas presents,” Mandy said with a smile.

  As if on cue, all of the other men started coming into the living room. Jasper soon started handing out presents to Timmy and baby Jasmine. It was amazing to watch the wonder fill the two children’s eyes as Timmy began to open presents. Timmy was tearing into his presents, and having a blast.

  Jasmine was watching everything going on around her. She was talking to her daddies in their minds, telling them of her excitement over all the presents. Garrett was opening them for her and showing off every one to her. She loved the happiness of all the people in
the room. This was her family and she already loved them all.

  Mandy truly was in awe of all these people. When Haven started bringing her all the presents from Santa, she cried. Only her best friend had cared enough to give her a gift. These men were truly unlike anyone she had ever met before. Their generosity was enormous to someone they had just met. She truly felt as if she had finally found a home.

  Honestly though, I never expected any of this, Mandy thought. Love is all I would wish for if given the choice of a Christmas surprise…

  Maybe I’ll find it someday…

  Someone who will love me for myself…

  Jasmine giggled with each new toy placed in front of her eyes. She watched everything going on around her. It amazed Mandy just how advanced she was for her age. All the men were opening their presents as well, which Jasper had found from somewhere under the huge tree.

  From the first moment she stepped into this house, she couldn’t believe how at home she felt. She already met all the men except Sawyer, who was away on a job. Haven had told her earlier that his partner was the man, Johnny, who came with the couple and child. Johnny had to be missing his partner so much, especially without him present during the holidays.

  If it wasn’t for Teddy, she honestly didn’t know where she would be right now. He was more of a father figure to her than a brother. He truly was her best friend in every way. She hoped Haven and Garrett might reconsider having him come to the house if they had a chance to get to know him. How could they not like him? Mandy thought to herself.

  Today was for a day of celebrating and blessed she was to have met these wonderful men. She already adored little Jasmine. Mandy woke up several times last night to check on the sleeping little girl. She was amazed she slept the whole night through. Mandy looked around at all the men, and it looked like everyone had finished opening their presents.

  When she looked at Johnny, the man was almost caressing a leather bracelet. She wondered if it came from his partner. It would have been a wonderful way to show he was cared for. She carried Jasmine over to the young man. Something inside her knew he needed a friend at that moment.

  “You’re Johnny, right? My name is Mandy. I hope I’m not intruding on your time. I thought you looked as if you could use a friend,” Mandy told the man. She couldn’t believe how unlike this was for her.

  “Thanks Mandy, and yes, I could use a friend. My partner sent me this Christmas present to open today. It's amazing, and I was just thinking he is alone, and I can’t even send him anything. I guess I was feeling a little sorry for myself,” Johnny told the nice, young woman.

  “Don’t feel bad, Johnny. I would feel the same way. When Sawyer comes home, you can have your own special Christmas celebration between the two of you. I bet we could find a small Christmas tree, and we could decorate your room here,” she told him.

  “That is an awesome idea, Mandy. Thank you for cheering me up. Would you mind giving me a hand with the decorating? Doctoring is my strong suit, I’m afraid. So I could use all the help I can get,” Johnny told her with a smile.

  “I would love to help you, Johnny. We will get with Garrett later, and if we don’t have the decorations here, we can hit all the sales tomorrow for everything we could ever want. I am a bargain shopper, so I just love to go when everything is fifty percent off,” Mandy told him with a laugh.

  Haven was watching the blossoming friendship between two of his newest Pack members. Mandy might not realize it, but she was a part of his Pack now. He was so glad she had walked up to Johnny. When Johnny had opened the present Sawyer had sent several days ago, he knew it would be hard on him. Haven could only imagine the pain of being without his beloved mate. Honestly, it even hurt to think of being in the same world and not being together.

  He genuinely hoped for his friend’s sake this case wrapped up quickly. He knew some of them could drag on for months at a time. Haven didn’t wish that on his friends at all. His little girl was trying to reach for Johnny’s face as well. She must be feeling his sadness, and wanting to cheer him up. After the third try, Jasmine finally could touch him.

  From the shocked look on Johnny’s face before he schooled his expression, it had shown he hadn’t expected it. Thankfully, Mandy didn't notice the look. She was talking away and keeping the bouncy, little baby safe in her arms.

  Johnny was warned of the unique abilities of this little, darling girl. It was the actual touch and thoughts of the little girl who had shocked him for a moment. Thank goodness, Mandy didn't see his reaction. He would’ve been explaining himself, or at least trying to.

  He did appreciate the kindness of this woman more than he could ever say. Johnny knew right away if he could trust a person, and Mandy passed with flying colors. He smoothed his hand down the soft hair of baby Jasmine. She was trying to make him feel better. Jasmine didn’t want him to be sad. He couldn’t help the big smile that touched all the way to his heart at the kindness of both these special ladies.

  After Dinner, they talked for some time before Garrett came to take Jasmine for a bath. Mandy told him about their plans to decorate Sawyer and Johnny’s room for Christmas when he returned. Garrett had everything they needed except the small tree and decorations. Garrett gave Mandy the morning off to go with Johnny to get everything they needed, so they planned to make it to the store for the early deals.

  “What time do we need to leave here to make it to WalMart?” Johnny asked her.

  “Well, the sales start at five, so we probably need to leave by four-thirty at the latest. There are always big lines for all the good stuff,” Mandy teased him.

  They helped Garrett and Haven clean up the Christmas paper strung all over the living room. By then, young Timmy had fallen asleep on the sofa as well. Everyone was soon heading up to their rooms to call it a night.

  Mandy called Teddy to wish him a Merry Christmas once again before getting ready for bed. Tomorrow already looked to be an exciting day…

  Chapter Ten

  Johnny could have sworn he had just closed his eyes when the alarm was buzzing in his ear. Maybe it was all the nights of no sleep that were finally starting to catch up with him. He truly hadn’t had a goodnight’s sleep since Sawyer left on his mission. When he had laid down last night, he was hoping for the scent of his mate to be on the covers. Unfortunately for him, there were clean sheets on the bed. He tossed and turned for the longest time. Checking out his mate’s room from every angle, this was one of the reasons he hadn’t come out with Alpha Haven. Being in his mate’s room was torture in itself.

  He quickly got up and dressed. Johnny didn’t want to keep Mandy waiting on him. He quickly made his way downstairs to the kitchen, and sure enough, she was waiting on him.

  “Sorry I’m late,” he told Mandy.

  “You aren’t late, Johnny. I was just up early, so I decided to come down and eat something before we head out. Are you hungry?” Mandy asked.

  “No, I'm fine for now. Maybe a little later,” he told her.

  Mandy quickly washed up her breakfast dishes. Then she grabbed her purse and coat. When they went outside, the first thing Johnny noticed was his truck was off the trailer they had pulled behind them on the way here. He made the choice of coming to his new home for the first time without Sawyer. Johnny decided he wanted his truck, so he would have the ability to drive himself around.

  “Great, my truck is off the trailer. We can take it, if you like, Mandy?” Johnny asked.

  “Sure, that would be great. My car isn’t the most reliable thing around, so it’s probably better to take yours,” Mandy told him. Her cheeks red with embarrassment, she hoped he thought it was from the cold weather outside.

  “I happen to know one of the men in the house is a great mechanic. For the life me, though, I can’t remember which one. We will find out and have your car purring in no time. It’s the least I can do after all you have done to make me welcome, Mandy,” Johnny told her.

  “Oh Johnny, you don’t have to do that. I was
introduced to all of them as well. Damn it, I can’t remember either,” she teased back.

  They pulled into the local Wal-Mart, and the parking lot was already filling up. Well, it looked like everyone did have the same idea this morning. They wanted to take advantage of all the great sales as well.

  “Looks like we have a little competition,” Johnny said with a smile.

  “Hmm—looks like it may be a race to the Christmas shop.” She looked over at her new friend. He would be the winner in any kind of race.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t let any insane people run you over,” Johnny told her.

  “The scary thing is I bet that has happened before. Some people are just crazy when it comes to saving a few bucks. I will stay out of their way, have no fear on that,” she laughed.

  Mandy genuinely was having fun. Johnny reminded her of Teddy in many ways. He was so easy to talk to, and never made her feel as if she said something wrong. Then a thought came to her, Teddy never hung out with any guy friends. She would have to introduce these men to each other. She had a feeling they would get along really well.

  She knew Johnny was in a relationship with Sawyer, and she wasn’t trying to set them up as anything more than friends. Mandy thought both could use another friend. Now she just had to figure out how to set it up.

  “Something is going through that mind of yours. So spill it, girl. What are you up to?” Johnny asked his new friend.

  “Well actually, I was just thinking about my best friend. His name is Teddy, and he's a great guy. I was just thinking you remind me of him a lot, and I think you would like each other. Just as friends, I promise. I know you are in a serious relationship. Honestly, I'm just about the only person Teddy hangs out with, and I was thinking he could use another really great friend.”

  “If he is your best friend, then he must be a nice guy. I would be happy to meet him as a friend. We’ll have to get together for dinner one night, all three of us. Maybe Sawyer will be home soon, and we can make it the four of us,” Johnny said, wishfully thinking.


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