1 Pretty, Hip & Dead

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1 Pretty, Hip & Dead Page 13

by Madison Johns

  “Still.” Another deputy came through the door and announced, “She’s dead. Paramedics are on scene now to try and revive her, but it doesn’t look promising. Someone stabbed her but good.”

  Agnes gulped back the bile that threatened to escape. “Whoever stabbed her must have been watching and waiting for the right moment. It’s any wonder we weren’t attacked, too.”

  Deputy Danworth sighed. “So you say it’s Sasha Reynolds outside?”

  “Yes,” Agnes said. “We came here to check things out and she was staying here. Vincent Barnett gave us the key, you see, and we were all surprised when Sasha was here. I even suspected she might have been the one who killed Clare... but now—”

  “She’s dead,” Danworth finished for her.

  “Well, yes.”

  “We originally thought it was a crime of passion, but it’s clear to me now that someone wanted to silence Sasha for good.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Maybe someone thought she knew more than she did. She never told us anything of use. She denied having a thing to do with Clare’s death, but we were told that Clare was quite the woman around town, if you know what I mean.”

  “I don’t think I do. Please clarify?”

  “Oh, just that Clare was known to pick up men at Peyton’s Place. I had wondered if one of the men might have meant her harm, but I questioned a few and none of them gave us any useful information other than to suggest Sasha and Clare were lovers. Now I guess that doesn’t matter anymore, since Sasha was attacked.

  A paramedic came in and announced that the woman outside was pronounced dead by the medical examiner. Sheriff Barry came in next, massaging his brow. “I had hoped you weren’t here, ladies. What happened outside?”

  “I have no idea,” Agnes said. “She was leaving for all we knew and then the storm started. We thought we’d stay here longer, but decided to leave, and that’s when I tripped over Sasha. The poor dear.”

  “Sasha?” the sheriff asked.

  “That’s the woman outside—or so they say,” Deputy Danworth informed him. “Sasha Reynolds. I have my doubts about their story, though.”

  Agnes then brought the sheriff up to speed.

  “So what were you all doing when the woman outside was murdered?”

  “We were just checking out the scene of the crime, that’s all. We couldn’t help but wonder why blood was smeared on the carpet when Clare was murdered elsewhere,” Agnes said.

  The sheriff inspected the floor. “It appears someone might have walked in the blood and smeared it on the carpet. Deputy, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  “Well, it wasn’t me.”

  “Then how was the blood smeared on the carpet?”

  “It’s quite possible that one of the first responders smeared the blood. They worked on Clare for quite a while, sir.”

  The sheriff licked his lower lip. “They should know better than to do that.”

  “True, but here in Redwater, we’re not used to murder investigations.”

  “Oh, no?” Agnes asked. “It might be a good idea to call the state police in on this case, then.”

  The sheriff shook his head. “I think not. We’ll handle this investigation just fine. Do any of you personally know the victim?”

  Agnes glanced towards Kimberly, who shook her head, as did Eleanor. “Nope. We only came here to question her, but she never gave us any useful information.”

  “I see. How did you get in?”

  Agnes shook the key in the sheriff’s face. “Clare’s father gave us the key.”

  “I’ll check out your story. Please ladies, I’d like to see your hands.”

  Agnes, Eleanor, and Kimberly allowed the sheriff and deputy to inspect their hands until finally, Agnes said, “As you can see, none of us show any signs of having struck down that woman outside. If anything, I felt sorry for her. From the sounds of it, Sasha really loved Clare, although I do wonder if she ever expressed her true feelings. Unfortunately, Clare was so strung out over Jeremy that she couldn’t see past it.”

  “So you think Jeremy was involved with Clare’s death?”

  “Not at all. I’ve questioned Jeremy before and I just don’t believe that he’s involved.”

  “Then who do you believe killed Clare?”

  “We haven’t uncovered anything as of yet, but I’d be more than happy to tell you if and when we find out.”

  “I hope that’s true, Agnes, because I’d hate to arrest you for withholding evidence.”

  “Are we free to leave now, sheriff?”

  “Why not. I already know where you are all staying. Unless you have more to say about the woman who was murdered outside.”

  “Are you letting them off that easy?” Danworth asked the sheriff. “For all we know, they’re all murderers.”

  “They are basically covering each other with an alibi. Unless you have more evidence, Danworth, I’d keep investigating.”

  “I-Is it safe to go outside?” Kimberly asked. “I mean, the murderer was just outside.”

  Sheriff Barry smiled to ease the tension of the moment. “Not to worry, Kimberly. My deputies did a thorough search of the grounds.”

  Agnes gave the sheriff a curt nod and wandered out the door with Eleanor and Kimberly in tow. Once they were buckled in the car, Agnes spouted off, “Never in all my days has anything come this close. I mean, one minute Sasha was walking out the door and the next—she was murdered. It could have been one of us.”

  “Whoever killed her obviously didn’t want us dead,” Eleanor said.

  “Not yet, anyway,” Kimberly added. “I just can’t help but wonder who is really behind the murders. It’s eerie, actually. Is it someone we questioned, or someone else completely?”

  Agnes started the engine and made it back onto M-25. “At this point, I have no idea, but I’m confident we’ll figure out the truth before long or my name isn’t Agnes Barton.”

  Kimberly covered her mouth with her hand. “I sure hope so. Are you planning to question Jeremy tonight about Clive?”

  “Might as well get it over with, unless you’d rather do it all alone, dear?”

  “Of course not. I’d hate for either of you to think that I’d try and cover for my husband.”


  Ten minutes later, the girls were seated opposite Jeremy in the living room of the chalet.

  Agnes cleared her throat and asked, “What can you tell us about Clive Baxter?”

  “Not much, besides that he currently works for Corrine Campbell.”

  “What about before, like when you lived in Hollywood. What was he like then?”

  Jeremy took a sip of his martini, much to the chagrin of his wife, who spouted off, “I thought you were a recovering alcoholic.”

  “Yes, dear, but ever since Deputy Danworth called and gave me a heads up about what happened, I felt a stiff drink was in order.”

  “Maybe you should listen to your wife, Jeremy,” Agnes suggested.

  His whisked a hand through his hair. “I will on another day, but right now, I’m more concerned about Kimberly being at the scene of yet another crime. Kimberly, you could have been murdered tonight.”

  She folded her hands in her lap. “Yes, but that never happened, so at the moment I’m not the target.”

  “Like that’s supposed to make me feel better.” He drained his glass with a grimace and made himself another. “You’re six months pregnant, for Christ’s sake, Kimberly. I can’t have you running all over town, placing yourself in danger.”

  “Maybe if you’d permanently removed yourself from Clare’s life, none of this would ever have happened.”

  Jeremy’s face tensed. “It wasn’t my fault. She was spokesmodel for the Pretty and Hip perfume line. Corrine hired her, remember?”

  “Then why was she at our wedding, and why did you spend the night with her before you married me?”

  His eyes darkened considerably. “I didn’t expect her to show up at the wedding like t
hat. I guess I should have made her leave.”

  “Damn right you should have! She only came to make me feel bad and insist she’d win you back.”

  Agnes fingered the fabric of the sofa. “So, you were with Clare the night before you married Kimberly? Where was that, might I ask?”

  “Why do I have to keep going over this? I met Clare at Rooster’s Inn that night, but it was only for a drink, I assure you. I thought I could convince her to leave town, but when she showed up at the church, I knew she wouldn’t go quietly.”

  “And I’m to also believe that you didn’t have anything to do with Clare’s death?”

  His face reddened. “God, no. I’m not a monster!”

  “Well, she certainly was putting a strain on your marriage, and after what happened between Clare and Kimberly at the pier, it might have spurred you take action.”

  “Agnes, please,” Kimberly implored her. “Jeremy wouldn’t hurt Clare. He loved her.”

  Jeremy whirled and gazed at his wife with wide eyes. “I most certainly didn’t. Is that what you think?”

  “Yes, perhaps after we were married you had second thoughts about our marriage. I can’t say I blame you, as it was quite quick.”

  Jeremy took ahold of his wife’s shoulders. “Don’t you dare speculate about that. I was never in love with Clare, or with any other woman in my life. You need to be more confident in yourself and my feelings for you. I love you, Kimberly Steele, and only you.”

  Tears danced in Kimberly’s eyes. “I’m sorry, but ever since Clare told me you two were together that night, I just can’t put it from my mind.”

  “I assure you that we weren’t together the way you think. You need to trust me more than that.”

  “Don’t put all this on her,” Eleanor said. “Who can blame the girl for being bothered with you spending time with your ex the night before you married her?”

  “It was a difficult situation. I had originally proposed to Clare and then Kimberly.”

  Eleanor’s eyes widened. “At the same time? What a fickle man you are.”

  “Clare had threatened to ruin Kimberly’s chance at being a spokesmodel. So, at the time, I was trying to stop Clare from ruining Kimberly’s chances with the advertising campaign, but when Kimberly nearly fainted when she heard about my plans to marry Clare—I realized I was in love with her. It was only a matter of time before Kimberly admitted that she felt the same way.”

  “Wow, now that’s some story, Jeremy, but I just don’t think it was wise to meet Clare before you married your wife. People in small towns sure like to talk,” Agnes pointed out.

  “Don’t I know it. But I assure you, ladies, I’m dedicated to my wife. I hired you to clear her name. If I had anything to do with Clare’s death, I’d never have hired you at all.”

  “Perhaps not,” Agnes said. “But stranger things have happened.”

  “Agnes, there is no way Jeremy was involved with Clare’s murder. I thought we planned on asking him about Clive Baxter and Sasha’s involvement with him.”

  Jeremy sat down. “I already told you about Clive.”

  Agnes leaned back against the soft fabric of the sofa. “Is there any truth to the sexual harassment charges against Clive?”

  Eleanor pursed her lips. “Please be as truthful as you can. We have other witnesses related to that case that we plan to question.”

  His brow shot up. “Like who, may I ask?”

  Agnes whisked back a strand of hair. “We’re not at liberty to tell you at this time.”

  “I hired you, or have you forgotten?”

  “I haven’t forgotten anything, but when we took this job, it was to clear your wife’s name, unless that isn’t what you’re interested in, now.”

  “No, that hasn’t changed. Perhaps I can save you a trip from interviewing the other women.”

  “Funny, I don’t recall saying if the people we planned to question were male or female.”

  He pulled at the neck of his shirt. “No, you didn’t. I just presumed they were women.” He took another sip of his martini and motioned for Kimberly to sit. “I know, Kimberly, that I only minimally told you about my past.”

  “You said you’re a recovering alcoholic, and yet, here you are drinking.”

  “I know you ladies have no idea what it’s like to live in Hollywood. In all my years as an entertainment attorney, I’ve seen and done it all, so to speak.”

  “Jeremy was quite the player,” Kimberly added. “Isn’t that what you mean?”

  “I was young and single and surrounded by beautiful woman. How was I supposed to resist indulging in that?” He cleared his throat. “Clive and I were close friends back then. He was an up-and-coming movie producer at the time. He had his share of success, enough to warrant him attention by ambitious starlets.”

  “So were Clive and Sasha Reynolds’s romantically involved?”

  “She was very willing to do what she had to in order to climb to the top, yes. I can’t be positive if Clive and Sasha were intimately involved, but I suspect it happened at least once.”

  “He didn’t directly tell you he had slept with her?”

  “Not in so many words, but what he did tell me was that Sasha was demanding to be cast in one of Bruce Willis’s action flicks. Clive told me that he had told her that he didn’t make those decisions, which were solely at the discretion of the director, but she wasn’t satisfied at all. She then filed a sexual harassment compliant against Clive.”

  “How does Vincent Barnett come into the picture?” Agnes asked. “She was involved with Vincent, correct?”

  “That didn’t happen until later.”

  “After the lawsuit was settled?”

  “Getting back to the lawsuit,” Jeremy started. “The director, Jason Black, wasn’t happy at all. It knocked down production of the movie and Vincent Barnett had to let Clive go.”

  “Vincent fired Clive?”

  “Yes, he had to. Vincent’s production company had money invested in the movie and the lawsuit put them all in an awkward position.”

  “Is that why Clive settled the lawsuit?”

  “Yes, but it didn’t save Clive’s job.”

  “I see, but why did Vincent get involved with Sasha after all that happened?”

  “Vincent is up in years and it flattered him when Sasha began flirting with him. Everyone close to Vincent was shocked and many called him a fool.”

  “Were they a couple?”

  “Yes, Vincent even had her living at his house.”

  “Until Clare and Sasha started having an affair.”

  “I can’t say, because I didn’t have any knowledge of them being involved. If I had, I would have ended it with Clare.”

  “Because she’s a lesbian, you mean,” Agnes clarified.

  “For the moment she might have been, but I’m sure Clare was using Sasha until I came along,” Jeremy said.

  “That must have angered Sasha.”

  “I couldn’t say. I’ve never been around Sasha, nor would I ever be, not after what she did to Clive.”

  Agnes stroked her chin in thought. “Sasha was looking good as a suspect, but since she was murdered tonight, we’re back to square one. Do you think Clive capable of murder?”

  “If he was, he’d have killed Sasha back in Hollywood.”

  “Maybe he was waiting until the smoke from the lawsuit had cleared.”

  “He’ll still mostly likely be a person of interest if the cops find out about the lawsuit, but he didn’t have a motive to kill Clare. She was the spokesmodel for Corrine’s perfume line.”

  “Unless she became too troublesome.”

  “Perhaps he found out Clare was involved with Sasha and that set him off,” Kimberly said.

  “I’m not sure, but whoever killed Clare wanted to make sure Sasha didn’t talk.”

  “But Sasha did talk to us. She gave us the names of two women we might want to talk to, but that was about it.”

  “What were their names?” J
eremy asked.

  “Teresa Magnus and Samantha Brite. Do you know them?”

  “They also sued Clive, but only after Sasha started her suit. I’m not sure there was any merit in their cases. They dropped their suits after a few weeks.”

  Agnes’s brow shot up. “Oh, is that right? Do you have any idea why?”


  “I think we need to speak to these women tomorrow. Maybe they can shed more light on our investigation.”

  Eleanor folded her hands in her lap. “So far, Clive is looking like a person of interest.”

  Agnes had to agree with that. “Yes, he certainly is, but we shouldn’t be so hasty to judgment until we speak to those women tomorrow.”

  “Oh, you plan on going to California to question them?” Jeremy asked.

  “No. Sasha told us that they were in Harrington, Michigan, on a photo shoot. They’re staying at the McGregor Hotel.”

  “That’s an hour’s drive. Kimberly better stay home this time.”

  Kimberly rubbed her stomach. “No way, mister. I can handle an hour drive in a car.”


  She pounded the arms of the chair where she sat. “If you mention the fact that I’m pregnant one more time, I’m going to blow a gasket.”

  “Listen to your husband this time,” Agnes said.

  “Not a chance. There is no way I’m being left out of this investigation, so get used to it.”

  Jeremy smiled. “I expect you ladies to keep a close eye on my wife. She’s as stubborn as they come.”

  “I am not. I’m just tired of people treating me like I have a handicap.”

  Agnes asked for a glass of water, and when Jeremy left the room, she asked Kimberly, “Are you sure that you’re feeling up to the trip, Kimberly?”

  “Of course. If I wasn’t, I’d tell you. I really hope that we can get to the bottom of this investigation before ... you know, someone tries to off one of us.”

  “I’m sure that won’t happen,” Agnes assured her.

  Eleanor blinked her eyes. “That would be a first. Just about every case we’ve been on has had a level of danger to it.”

  From between gritted teeth, Agnes replied, “Come on, El. You’re gonna frighten Kimberly.”


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