Beauty Claimed

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Beauty Claimed Page 7

by Allyson Lindt

  Tara squeezed Nathan’s leg. “Not even close. Have you ever been on a dating website?” she said.

  Nick furrowed his brow. “Yes?”

  “Has your sister?”

  “I assume.” Nick’s voice was tight.

  “You assume?” Nathan was relaxing into the conversation. This wasn’t a big deal. The events of the last few days had him on edge, but there was nothing here to be pissy about or jealous of. “You never once, ever, heard her complain about the onslaught of messages she got, several of them a few words long at best, and just as many with dicks attached?”

  “Can’t say I’ve spent much time talking to Fiona about the penises she’s seen. But yes, I understand her options were a lot more in-her-face and prolific than mine are.”

  “That doesn’t change for any guy, especially a straight guy, just because he’s in a poly relationship. Partly because they look at it as a chance to fuck all the women they want. Because the women in this lifestyle are only a percentage of women, and many of them are wary of men like that the guy doesn’t get to pick and choose.” Tara reached up to unpin her hair. The stretch elongated her torso, showing off each elegant curve and line. Thick black locks tumbled loose around her shoulders in soft waves.

  Nathan watched, entranced. Seeing her move never got old. “It’s all lady’s choice.”

  “So... I’ll amend my statement. How is this not I wanted an excuse to fuck other people, so I talked my boyfriend into an open relationship?” There was no antagonism in Nick’s tone.

  Tara raised her eyebrows. “Is that why Fiona does it?”

  Whoa, what? How much had Nathan missed? How long were they here before he got back?

  “You don’t want the answer to that.” Nick leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Because as far as I know, yes, that’s exactly the case.”

  Judgmental prick. Nathan’s amusement grew.

  “Nicholas is a traditional kind of guy, apparently.” Tara gave Nathan a knowing look. “One man and one woman make a relationship.”

  “I didn’t say that. I don’t care what the combination is—two men, two women, one of each, whatever.”

  “It’s the more than two that you have a problem with,” Nathan said.

  “I don’t have a problem with it.” Frustration leaked into Nick’s voice. “But the logistics escape me. You seem to have a grasp on it, so explain it instead of poking fun at my ignorance.”

  Tara’s expression softened. “I’m not poking fun.”

  “I am.” Nathan cut his chuckle short when Tara raised an eyebrow. “What? Is this his way of asking us to explain one bird and two bees? Or two birds and one bee?”

  Nick furrowed his brow, pausing for a moment. “We’re assuming the bees are boys in this scenario?”

  “They have the stingers.” Nathan hadn’t put that much thought into the analogy.

  “Not really the same as a penis.”

  Tara studied him. “It is for some guys.”

  “I can’t argue that.” Nick loosened his tie further. “But bees are matriarchal.”

  “Technically, polyamory is too,” Tara said. “I’m still convinced, regardless of all of that, birds and bees don’t have sex with each other.”

  “It’s not my analogy.” Nick may look uptight, but he made a conversation interesting. He never flinched or hesitated.

  Nathan could learn to like the guy. “Just like most other—I won’t make the mistake of saying all—relationships, it’s not only about getting laid.”

  “It’s more about... not limiting yourself to loving just one person. Being open to the possibility there’s more than one partner for you out there.” Tara paused. “Though sometimes the end game is still sex.”

  Nathan didn’t like the addendum, despite the truth of it. Did he care if Nick became a one-night stand? Tara was obviously interested. If Nathan thought he had a chance, he would be too.

  Nathan wouldn’t let this make him jealous. Nick was just a guy. Even if he became more than that, he wasn’t any different from anyone else, from a big-picture perspective. And Nathan certainly didn’t know him well enough to have strong opinions about him.

  Besides, if he got the chance to watch them together, or participate, he wouldn’t complain.

  “Do you ever have problems with it?” Nick asked.

  Tara furrowed her brow. “That’s a really vague question. Are there people who don’t understand? I hope you know the answer to that. The sex part of it? No more than anyone who’s sexually active. I have to be extra careful about protection and STD’s, because I’m allergic to latex and several of the spermicides that come on condoms.”

  “I meant more like jealousy between you two. Doubt. Issues like that.”

  “Never.” Nathan didn’t hesitate with a denial.

  Tara gave him a quick glance that carried a whisper of question, then looked at Nick again. “Of course we do. The big difference is, we talk through it and work it out.”

  “That’s fair. Hypothetical situation,” Nick said, gaze fixed on Tara. “Let’s say I met you in a bar or online or in a bookstore, and I had no idea you were already involved. If I asked you out, would you say yes? Not a Hey, let’s fuck, but a can I buy you dinner?”

  “You personally? It depends on how much of an impression you left. And not if that’s how you introduced yourself.” Tara didn’t hesitate with her response. She’d definitely been thinking about this.

  Nick smirked. “My good looks aren’t enough?”

  “They don’t hurt. The confidence is nice too. But hey baby, I lost my digits. Can I get yours? Doesn’t buy you an in.”

  “Where are you in the bookstore?” Nick asked.

  Now that Nathan was forcing jealousy aside, it left room for fantasy to bleed in. Of watching Nick strip Tara out of her dress. Of her riding him. That gorgeous look she got when she came...

  “She’s either with the fantasy books or manga. Depends on if she’s looking for reading material or inspiration.” Nathan needed to keep himself in the conversation, rather than drifting off into his own thoughts.

  Nick shook his head. “I’m going to take a pass on the fantasy novels.”

  That was an interesting way to shut things down fast.

  The scowl that passed over Tara’s face said she agreed. “Why?”

  “Dragons and elves aren’t really my thing. Playing them online, sure. Reading about them? Not so much.”

  So Mister Uptight had a geek side. Or a gamer side, at least. “Blasphemy,” Nathan teased.

  Nick rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. You and Fiona. I love the art, but I never got into the stories.”

  “Epic quests aren’t your thing?” Tara’s expression had gone blank. She was gauging the situation. Interested, but cautious.

  That bothered Nathan more than if she were plowing ahead without hesitation, the way she had with Aria.

  It meant Nick’s opinion mattered to her.

  Of course it does. He’s a potential business partner.

  Nathan was trying not to be jealous. There was no reason. This entire relationship was founded on trust, and he’d never had an issue before with whom Tara liked.

  None of that helped him shove the feeling aside.


  TARA FELT NATHAN’S tension. It coiled in his body, making his arm tense against hers. She needed to tread carefully. For Nathan’s sake. For hers. Because Nick may be a more permanent part of her life soon if things went well for him with Antonio.

  Why? I’m just having a conversation.

  That wasn’t all she was doing though. She was intrigued by this man, and her body refused to take just one night off the table. “Epic quests aren’t your thing?” she asked.

  Nick wore the same knowing, cocky smile he had half the night. “Rambling passages about talking trees, which last several chapters and are followed by and then there was a war, aren’t my thing.”

  “Harsh.” Nathan winced.

  “I’m g
oing to infer that you found me in the manga section instead.” Tara would rather focus on the positives than linger on Nick’s flaws when it came to sweeping epic tales.

  “Odds of that are pretty good. That’s almost always a stop for me in a bookstore.”

  “Are you looking for the panty shots or the giant mechs?” Nathan asked.

  It could be an innocent question, but was that a hint of derision?

  “Do I look twelve? I’m looking for the complex relationship stories with the slow burn told from something other than a typical Western perspective.” Nick either didn’t hear the same thing she did, or wasn’t rising to the bait.

  She hoped it was the latter. “That’s rather... enlightened?” Almost too perfect, in fact.

  “And I like the magic,” Nick added. “But the instant the talking trees grow tentacle branches, I’m done.”

  Nathan’s laugh was a relief.

  “Is that your line?” Tara asked. “You’re going to ask me if the trees have tentacles?”

  “It might be. Depends on what you’re reading.”

  Nathan’s posture wasn’t so stiff anymore, and he leaned some of his weight into Tara. It was more casual than possessive. “Nothing with tentacles, unless she’s in a mood.”

  “Which, I’m guilty sometimes of being exactly that.” Tara didn’t have a problem admitting some of her desires were unconventional.

  “There’s a fascination then, with being grabbed at from multiple angles?” Nick might have protested the concept. He may not grasp it on the surface. But he didn’t seem to have any issues with the idea of more than two people being involved, as he started to understand.

  Which seemed like a good segue to Tara. “We’ll insist all day long that us being poly isn’t just about sex. But sometimes, it is. There are days when one or both of us just wants to fuck around. And I’m not embarrassed to admit, I like two guys feeling me up at the same time.”

  “Does that actually work in real life?” Nick asked.

  “Your sister thinks it does.” Tara didn’t intend the comment as snarky.

  Even when Nick was scowling, he was handsome. The lines shaped his face into something harder. Sterner. Delicious. “I’d rather not think about the details of Fiona’s sex life.”

  “You know, websites charge for this.” Nathan was back to his joking self. That was a relief.

  Nick raised his eyebrows. “For figuring out how people fuck? That’s not sex, it’s porn. It’s for the camera.”

  “You’d rather I describe for you how it works, in vivid detail?” Tara liked that idea. It wasn’t the same as experiencing the moment, but she didn’t mind painting a vivid picture with words, of Nick stripping her down. Nathan teasing her breasts. Nick kissing along her chest.

  Thinking about it was enough to make her squeeze her thighs together. Would she get a visible reaction out of Nick if she went into detail? She already knew with Nathan, the answer was yes.

  “I don’t doubt it for a second,” Nick said. “But if I told you I was more interested in a hands-on demonstration, would you slap me?”

  Heat rushed under Tara’s skin, zapping her senses to life. “Only if that’s one of your kinks.”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  Nathan slipped a hand under Tara’s dress, pushing the skirt high enough to tease, and resting a hand on her thigh. “We’ll put a maybe in the slapping column, for future reference,” he said.

  “In that case, I’d like a hands-on demonstration.” Nick leaned back in his chair.

  The shift in posture was enough to hint at the bulge in his slacks.

  Christ, she was going to enjoy this. Tara crossed the room and straddled Nick’s legs.

  He trailed his fingers up her bare arms, leaving goosebumps in his wake. The heat of his palms seared her neck, drawing more of her need to the surface. He tangled his fingers in her hair, holding her head and gaze captive.

  When he crushed his mouth to hers, a switch flipped on any remaining restraints. She didn’t call herself a top or bottom or switch, but she didn’t like the idea of sharing control when it came to sex. It reminded her too much of Marco.

  Nick licked along her lips, then dove his tongue into her mouth. She moaned into the kiss. This was different. It was demanding. He wasn’t surrendering anything, but it didn’t feel like she was being asked to either.

  She intertwined her fingers at the base of his neck, and ground into his lap. His erection pressed through her panties, teasing.

  Nick dragged his mouth down her neck, to her collarbone. “When does the third person come in?” His words were muted by her skin.

  “That depends on him.” She shifted her weight to give Nick easier access to her chest.

  “There’s an art in watching, too.” Nathan’s voice mingled with the moment.

  She liked having his eyes on her back.

  “I thought this was about having all the attention on you,” Nick said.

  She dragged her nails down Nick’s chest, undoing each button along the way.

  Nathan groaned. “It is all on her.”

  Nick drew a light touch up her spine, and she arched her back. She liked his fingers on her skin. She enjoyed that Nathan sat behind her, watching. He’d been a voyeur before, when she was with women, but it didn’t happen often.

  This felt different. More intense. Was it because Nick was male, or because he was Nick?

  It didn’t matter. This was a one-night thing. Hot was hot. And she was going to lose herself in the moment.

  She pushed Nick’s shirt back on his shoulders, then tugged his undershirt up, to expose his chest.

  “You’ve got my hands all tangled. Now I can’t take anything off.” Nick’s deep tone didn’t sound disappointed.

  She skated her palms up his bare chest, letting his groans wrap around her. “That’s fine. I can still touch.”

  The rhythmic thrust of his hips ground his erection into her damp mound. Each new point of contact sent another shiver of delight through her.

  She teased her nails along one of his nipples, and he grasped her wrist. Apparently he wasn’t that restrained. Not that she minded.

  “When do I get to see more of you?” Nick asked.

  She screwed her face up in thought. “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “How about now?” He dragged down her zipper.

  The cool air met her back, but it didn’t chase away the heat flooding her skin. “Now is good.”

  Nick dragged the straps of her dress down her arms, exposing her breasts. Nathan’s guttural groan mingled with her jumbled thoughts. Fuck, this was making her wet. She liked being the hot wife. Enjoying the touch of one man while her boyfriend looked on. Who would have guessed?

  Nick kissed along her shoulder down to her breast, then wrapped his lips around a nipple. As he sucked, nipped, and dragged his tongue along the tender flesh, she gripped his short hair. He bit enough to sting. She gasped and pressed into his mouth.

  “I’ll take that as a good sign,” he murmured against her skin. He cupped her other breast, rolling the swollen pink nub between his fingers, while he continued to work with his mouth.

  The longer his attention went on, the harder she panted. She ground against his cock. He was so hard, digging into her mons. Christ, this felt incredible. Could she get off like this? Dry humping like a horny kid?

  Nick pulled away from her abruptly. He dug his fingers into her hips, stopping her movement.

  She summoned an exaggerated pout. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m about two seconds from coming in my pants, and that’s not how I want tonight to end.”

  She flushed at the confession, pleased she was having as much of an impact on him as he was on her. “What did you have in mind instead?”

  “Something that makes you scream, and leave you panting, and unable to walk.”

  Tara didn’t normally care for dirty talk—it always sounded phony—but this stole her breath and made her pulse hammer in her
ears. “That’s a big promise.”

  “And I’m prepared to make good on it.” Nick prompted her to stand, but held onto her, to keep her close. He scooted to the edge of the chair until his face was centimeters from her stomach.

  When he glided his fingers up the inside of her thigh, she sighed with delight. He teased under her panties. “Fuck, you’re wet.”

  “You’re good at what you do.” She tried to keep the flirty carelessness in her retort, but the words came out breathy.

  “How much of this is because you have an audience?”

  She glanced back at Nathan, who watched them with a hungry gaze, while he slowly stroked himself. She looked at Nick again. “A bit of it. Do you really want me measuring?”

  He stroked along her pussy lips, not sliding between “I’m not worried about it.”

  Based on what she’d been grinding against, he didn’t have any reason to be concerned.

  He slipped two fingers inside her, and she gasped at the sudden penetration. She wouldn’t get off this way, but she liked thrusting against his hand. The way he watched her, captivated, added to her pleasure.

  This really was enticing, having all the attention on her, even without Nathan’s touch.

  Nick pulled out, but before disappointment could set in, he pressed his thumb to her clit.

  She whimpered at the brush against her eager button. He stroked and teased, backing off each time her gasps grew louder. She was so close. “Are you going to make me beg?” Because that might just ruin the evening.


  NICK HEARD THE CHALLENGE in Tara’s voice. He shook his head. “No. No begging.” He hadn’t even considered it. His goal was to draw out her pleasure. His cock was begging for release, and he wouldn’t last long once he gave into that desire. “A woman like you shouldn’t plead for anything.”

  She licked her bottom lip. It was a stunning combination of seductive and shy. Everything she did raised his desire another notch. The push and pull. Her refusal to yield or play demure.

  Nathan watching made things hotter. Nick liked putting on this show. And it seemed he also enjoyed watching Nathan stroke his cock.


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