Beauty Claimed

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Beauty Claimed Page 10

by Allyson Lindt

  That was true. She’d smack almost anyone for that kind of arrogance and presumption. Especially if it was implied they knew more than her. “If you spend enough time with Nathan, you’ll figure this out. If he wants you to do something, he’s got a gift for making it seem like it was your idea.”

  It was why he’d been such a good private investigator for years, and how he’d tricked Marco when he was hired to investigate Tara. “He stayed late after class one day, saying he wanted to finish up a piece. I poked around the room, giving him space to work and not minding the scenery. Curiosity got the better of me and I had to see what he was painting.”

  “She loved it.” Nathan was smug. It was true, she had. “Because I’m brilliant. She told me she’d never seen anything more incredible, and that she wanted to marry me and have all my babies. I took her to dinner, we made love under the moonlight, and lived happily ever after on her family’s estate.”

  Tara had to pull her needle back as laughter took over. That escalated quickly.

  Nick glanced between them. “Is any of that true?”

  Tara brought her amusement under control, but couldn’t wipe away her smile. “I inherited this building from my grandmother, so technically we live on my family’s estate.”

  “And the rest?” Nick asked.

  She didn’t like the events that steered Nathan toward her classroom, but she adored what came next. Diving into the memory made her heart sing. “I did love what he was working on. I complimented the piece and asked what he was doing in my class.”

  “I told her everyone had room to grow,” Nathan said. “And asked her what she’d change about the painting. There had to be something she’d do differently.”

  And there was. “It was a creative opinion, not a technical one. I asked him if he’d thought of expanding the scene. He was working on a landscape, and I wanted to see more of it.”

  “It sparked an idea.” Nathan looked as lost in the memory as she was. “We spent most of the night feeding off each other’s inspiration. Lining up four canvases, then sketching and drawing across all of them.”

  “Followed by breakfast at dawn and sex at sunrise and falling asleep tangled in each other’s arms?” Nick’s voice was light.

  Tara tried to hide the shadow that passed over her heart, but her face twinged at the reminder of the immediate aftermath.

  “That part took a little longer.” Thank Christ for Nathan’s ability to gloss over the next several months.

  “I was married to a man who wasn’t comfortable sharing.” At least not at that point in their relationship. Though Marco had never stopped seeing other women. Fucking asshole.

  “You don’t owe me an explanation,” Nick said. “I got caught up in the narrative. When the two of you are on camera...”

  Tara needed to hear the rest of the thought. To know what was attached to the reverence that crept into his voice. “We what?”

  “You move like two halves of a whole. I hear it in this story, too.”

  “She completes me. And I don’t care how cheesy or stolen from a movie that sounds.” Nathan’s affection warmed her further.

  Uncharacteristic shyness spilled through her, and she forced herself to focus on her work. “I feel the same.”

  “Good.” Nick’s response was difficult to interpret.

  Tara wouldn’t dwell on it. She finished her work, cleaned off the remaining ink and blood, and leaned back in her chair to admire it. “It’s stunning.”

  “It really is.” Nick studied his arm, then looked at her. “The work and the artists.”

  Her breath caught. He did he have this impact on her? She wasn’t a demure little girl who swooned from a simple compliment.

  “Keep the kind words flowing, and we’ll keep corrupting you,” Nathan teased.

  Nick shook his head, smile firmly in place. “What’s next on the list? Because I like what I’ve tasted so far.”

  Tara regained her composure. “If the roof is dry, next up is coaxing a couple of total newbies through repairs.” She covered the fresh tattoo with plastic that she taped firmly in place.

  “Pft.” Nick pulled on Nathan’s borrowed shirt. “I’d rather work with inexperienced people willing to learn, than a group of experts who all have a different solution, any day. You’ve taught me a couple of new things. This isn’t quite returning the favor, but it gives me time to come up with something better.”

  “I look forward to what comes next.” Tara cleaned up her workspace, set the needle to sterilize, and disposed of her gloves.

  “I’ll go check the roof while you finish here.” Nick strode from the room.

  Should she mind that he was getting comfortable here? Perhaps, but she didn’t.

  “Are we all right?” she asked softly after he was out of sight. She didn’t expect to ask, but having the answer was important.

  Nathan met her gaze, a soft smile in place. “We’re good. Yes.”

  A sliver of doubt threaded inside her, focusing on every twitch and hitch in Nathan’s response and expression. But she needed to ignore old scars and insecurities. If she couldn’t take him at his word, all the love and adoration in the world wouldn’t matter.

  “Things look good.” Nick’s announcement carried into the room before he stepped back through the door. “You two ready for a little manual labor?”

  Tara and Nathan nodded. Each of them grabbed a box of supplies and headed back upstairs.

  As they reached the roof, something occurred to Tara, and she frowned.

  “What’s wrong?” Nathan asked.

  “Nick doesn’t have to stay immobile, but he probably shouldn’t do too much stretching or sweating for a few weeks,” Tara said.

  “The work is more heavy bending, crouching, and sealing than it is heavy lifting.” Nick set down his cargo and gestured for them to do the same. “But tell me if you see me pushing the wrong things too hard.”

  “I don’t have to reach far to grab at least one or two innuendo-laden jokes from that.” Nathan’s reply was light and playful.

  Tara had definitely read too much into earlier. Nathan was fine.

  Nick twisted his mouth in a smirk. “Since I’m not supposed to be reaching, I’ll leave that up to you.”

  “I’m not usually one for watching, but you’re a view worth making an exception for.” Tara dragged her gaze over his form as he opened a box of tile.

  Nathan fitted the tube of caulk he’d been handed into a metal device that looked like it was meant for application. “If you’re going to keep our guest out of trouble, you haven’t don’t the best job so far.”

  Tara laughed. “Last night wasn’t trouble. It was...”

  “Amazing,” Nathan said at the same time Nick said, “Fantastic.”

  “I was thinking pretty fucking good, but apparently I’m not the poet in this group.” Tara liked this. The frustration of dealing with the roofer had slid to the back of her thoughts. This wasn’t only a solution, it was a pleasant one.

  Nathan turned to Nick. “So, bossman, tell me what to do. I never shirk from a sexy guy giving me orders.”

  Nick didn’t flinch. “Careful.” His warning was playful. “You give me that kind of power and I might take advantage of it.”

  “Maybe I prefer it that way.”

  Tara didn’t know if preference was the right word, but Nathan wasn’t opposed to it. She liked seeing the two of them engaged in the light back and forth, but the catch was back in Nathan’s voice. Faint. No one else would notice it. The only reason she heard it was because they’d had enough disagreements over the years that she recognized his more subtle queues.

  She’d ask about it later, when it was just her and Nathan. For now, she was going to enjoy the company and the sunshine.

  WHEN NICK STRETCHED, it highlighted the definition of muscle that ran along his back and arms.

  Tara thought it was a shame he’d been hiding that under business clothing.

  “I haven’t worked that hard in
ages. Everything hurts.” His groan was intoxicating, summoning memories of last night. “I’m going to go back to my hotel and shower. I’ll bring your clothes back clean, when I come back tomorrow,” he said to Nathan.

  “Whenever. No hurry.” Nathan had relaxed a lot over the last couple of hours.

  “Bright and early in the morning, then?” Tara wanted to ask him to stay, but that was foolish. They’d had their fun, and it was time for all of them to get back to life.

  Nick smiled. “Stay dry until then.”

  “Not likely.” Nathan’s smirk trickled into his retort.

  When Nick was gone, Tara turned to Nathan. “A shower sounds like a good idea. If you want to join me.”

  “I don’t know.” Nathan traced his finger along her bottom lip. “Can you promise you’ll only be thinking about me?”

  “Not even close.” She suspected her answer wouldn’t put a damper on her offer.

  “Can you promise to share what you’re thinking, in vivid, full-color detail?”

  She hooked her tongue under his finger, and drew it into her mouth, licking along his pad before releasing him. “Absolutely.”

  Nathan brushed his mouth over hers. “A shower sounds fantastic.”

  Tara led him upstairs. Anticipation thrummed under her skin. She felt his gaze on her ass, and added extra sway to her hips in response.

  They reached the bathroom, and Nathan turned on the shower to let the water heat. “Do you think we should have asked Nick to stay?”

  He stripped of her shirt and made quick work of her bra. When he teased his thumbs over her nipples, a jolt of desire raced through her.

  “No. This is how it needs to play out.” She didn’t want to linger on the question. Logic warred in her head with need. Rather than give either attention, she yanked off Nathan’s T-shirt. She pressed close and stroked him through his jeans.

  He went from half-hard to completely in seconds. He pressed a kiss to her lips, then trailed his mouth along her neck and up to nibble her earlobe.

  She sighed and leaned into the contact.

  They kicked off the rest of their clothes, stepped into the shower, and slid the door shut. She was glad the interior of the building didn’t have to meet the historically accurate requirement. She’d had fun making this place modern and sleek.

  The water spilled around them, its temperature just a hair below scalding. Perfect.

  Nathan poured a generous dollop of bodywash into his hands. He skated his palms easily along her skin, drawing a soft moan. He knew exactly where to touch to tease and tantalize. “Him being here would be an extra set of hands to get you clean.”

  “Somehow I doubt clean would happen any faster.” Still, she couldn’t suppress the fantasy that accompanied the suggestion. Of Nick sliding along her torso to tease her breasts, while Nathan caressed her thighs.

  In the real world, Nathan mimicked the images, slipping his fingers between her legs. “I don’t plan on going quickly regardless.” He stroked along her slit, drawing out the moment.

  She pressed her mouth to his with a moan, nipping his lips then diving her tongue to dance with his.

  He ground into her, erection digging into her stomach with promise, while he teased her labia. He drew out his touches until she squirmed against him, her body pleading for release.

  Nathan rinsed away the remaining soap, then kissed along her breastbone. As he moved his mouth lower, he dropped to his knees.

  Her pulse hammered in her ears when he reached her stomach. He dragged his fingers along her lower lips, then dipped inside her.

  The sudden penetration cranked her need a notch higher. She thrust against his touch. He licked her skin as he moved lower, the wrapped his lips around her clit.

  Fuck, that sucking on the swollen button almost undid her. She tangled her fingers in his hair and held his face close.

  He pumped and licked harder when she ground against his face. Her breath came in short gasps, and her head swam with looming orgasm.

  Nathan slipped a third finger inside her and nibbled on her clit. The twin stings pushed her over the edge. She tightened her grip on his hair when she came. Stars danced behind her eyelids. The thrust of her hips slowed as the touches became too much, and she pulled away with a shuddering sigh.

  Tara leaned back against the shower wall, not trusting her legs to support her. The cold tile cut into her back. Nathan stood and pressed his hot frame against her chest. The contrast short-circuited her already hazy thoughts.

  He kissed her, and she dove into it. She loved the tasted of herself on his lips.

  “How are your legs?” he asked.

  Deliciously wobbly. “I’ll be all right between you and the wall holding me up.”

  He kissed her neck. “Good.” His lips vibrated against her skin.

  Tara loved this. The contact. The banter. The way they knew each other’s bodies. She wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  Nathan glided his hand over her ass to tease between her legs again. She groaned at the light contact. His cock pressed against her, hard and thick and tempting.

  He lifted her leg to hook it over his hip, and fisted his cock with his other hand. He slid the head along her slit, teasing her swollen clit before thrusting inside her.

  She gasped at the penetration, and arched into the way he spread her out.

  “I like this,” he murmured against her skin, his voice deeper than normal. He built to a slow but steady pace as he talked. “Knowing you fucked another man just a few hours ago. That I got to watch. Fuck, this entire thing is hot.”

  “You don’t mind sharing me?” The assurance stripped away a layer of tension she didn’t realize was there. She gasped as he struck the right spot inside her.

  Nathan sucked on the tender spot where her neck met her shoulder. “Not with him. Though, I wouldn’t mind a taste as well.”

  “I’d watch that.” Her gasps melted into whimpers as he picked up the pace. He couldn’t go too fast from this angle, but the consistent motion ground against her.

  “You’d rather participate than watch.”

  Normally that was true. But she liked the mental images of Nathan on his knees in front of Nick. The new idea added to her building climax.

  Nathan squeezed her leg, fingers digging into her flesh. He was close too. He bucked his hips, slamming against her, and spilled inside her.

  Without missing a beat, he pulled out of her, and moved his fingers back to her tender clit, teasing her again.

  His touch was almost too much, but she didn’t want to pull away. It didn’t take long for him to finger her to another orgasm. She dug her nails into his back as the pleasure washed over her.

  Her throat was dry when he finally eased off. Had she been screaming?

  He rested his forehead to hers. “Fuck, I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Her words came out hoarsely.

  Neither of them moved much as they leaned against each other and caught their breath. When she found the strength in her legs again, they too their time with the rest of the shower.

  Nathan’s touch was tender and sweet as he drew the loofah over her body, then rinsed her clean. She did the same for him.

  They dried each other off after they stepped from the shower.

  “Do you want to get dressed?” Nathan’s tone implied what answer he was looking for.

  She felt the same. “No. Not yet.”

  “Come here.” He gripped her fingers and led her to the couch. He dropped onto the cushions and pulled her into his lap.

  When she rested her head against his chest, she heard the heavy hammering of his heart. “Do you want to watch a movie?”


  She should reach for the remote, but now that the fluffy cloud was fading from sex, whispers of doubt crept in. They were attached to those old insecurities she hated. The ones Marco left her with.

  “Are you certain you’re okay with what happened?” She didn’t want to ruin the moment, but
it had to be out there. This thing they had stopped working if they stopped talking.

  Warm breath fell across her neck when he sighed. “I’m processing. It’s hot. I don’t have a problem with Nick in general.”

  The but lingered in his tone. “Then you have a problem with something?” She kept her question free of accusation. What was different about this time, from any other when they’d been with other people?

  “I can’t place it.”

  Tara had dated Gina for months, and this never came up. She’d hooked up with other women. Sometimes Nathan watched. She’d seen him with other men, and been okay with not being there, depending on the situation.

  “It’s because he’s a guy, isn’t it?” The answer seemed obvious as the question tumbled out. “The first guy I’ve been with since you and I became official?”

  “No.” He sighed again, then kissed along her shoulder. “It’s not a big deal. I’m coping.”

  “Are you sure? I need to you not hide this from either of us.” Was she pushing too hard? Letting her own insecurities show through? Nathan had never been the jealous boyfriend. He didn’t come with hang-ups over gender roles. He was comfortable in his own skin. But Tara wasn’t imagining the tightness in his muscles and the strain in his voice.

  “It was different,” he said. “Obviously. Seeing it play out is a new ball field from talking about it. I’m not the guy who’s going to say you can date other people, but only if they’re female.”

  She didn’t want this cause a rift between them. Nathan meant too much to her. “I’ll step back. Maybe we put a lid on being open for a while. It’s not going to happen with Nick again. We all know that.”

  “I’ll process, and I’ll be fine. I won’t punish you for my insecurities. I’m not Marco. As long as we keep talking about it, we’ll be okay.”

  “If you promise.” Tara should take his answer at face-value.

  He squeezed her, then rested his palm on her stomach. “I promise. I’ll let you know if that changes, but don’t expect it to.”

  The mention of her ex, especially after the news yesterday, pried open old wounds. Once upon a time, Marco was okay with her dating other people, too. He’d made assurances. Then broken his word. Blamed her for his indiscretions.


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