Consequences of Passion--A sensual pregnancy romance

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Consequences of Passion--A sensual pregnancy romance Page 9

by Yahrah St. John

  “We wouldn’t be staying with them. You know I have a four-bedroom home there.”

  “And you expect me to give up my cottage that I worked hard to purchase?”

  “You can keep it as an investment and we’ll rent it out.”

  “So my life changes, but yours stays the same? That hardly seems fair. I’m making the sacrifices, Roman. I’m having the baby. Now I’m supposed to give up my home. For what?”

  He put his fork down. “For me. For our child.”

  “For you?” She whispered the words so hotly Roman was turned on, even though he could see from the way her eyes narrowed that she was blazing mad. “Your audacity is priceless. You think because you’re Roman Lockett I should be honored you’ve offered to put a ring on it. Think again.”

  She didn’t pause for a breath before continuing. “Let’s be clear, shall we? I don’t need you, Roman. I’m perfectly capable of raising this baby on my own. I’m choosing to set aside my misgivings and marry you, but don’t get it twisted. You’re not doing me a favor.” She picked up her fork and continued her meal.

  Roman was stunned. He didn’t think he’d ever been spoken to in such a matter, but he realized she was right. He sounded condescending and uncompromising. Just like his father. It was no wonder she’d read him the riot act. But she hadn’t become emotional and run away like most women. Instead, after presenting the facts, she’d politely resumed eating.

  “I’m sorry.” He wasn’t used to saying those words. Hell, he wasn’t used to being in a position where he couldn’t make demands. It was her body. Her choice. And he should be happy to be along for the ride.

  She flicked him a glance. “Apology accepted. But Roman, you have to understand, in order for this to work, there has to be a compromise on both our parts. I can’t be the one doing all the giving.”

  “I hear you,” he responded. “Have any suggestions?”

  “I admit my two-bedroom cottage may be cute and quaint but not able to easily fit the three of us, but I’m also not sure I want stay in your home either. Perhaps we could find something that’s ours?”

  “Sounds fair.” He hated compromise. His house was exactly the way he wanted it. He knew where everything was, but he also knew he had to give. “A friend of mine runs a real estate agency, I can engage him to start looking. Are there any areas of Atlanta you would prefer?”

  When she smiled again, Roman’s stomach eased. He hadn’t realized how anxious he’d become thinking Shantel might back out. “Buckhead is nice.”

  “Okay, I’ll get on it. Anything else?”

  “I know you may want something big and grand because of your status, but I’d like someplace warm, homey.”

  “Duly noted.” He picked up his wineglass and took a sip. “Why do I have a feeling I’ve barely touched the surface when it comes to getting to know you, Shantel?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “One minute you’re the shy, unassuming woman I met at the auction. The next you’re a fiercely independent mama bear. I’m trying to reconcile the two.”

  “Why can’t I be both? There are many facets to me, as I’m sure there are to you. And I’d like to get to know you. Your hopes, your dreams, your likes and dislikes. So tell me, are you a cat or a dog person?”

  “Neither. My father refused to get us a dog even though my siblings and I pleaded for one. He told us we wouldn’t have time to take care of it.”

  “Then our child will definitely have one,” she said with a grin.

  Roman fell in love with her just a little bit in that moment.

  “Sunrise or sunset?”

  “I prefer sunrise,” he responded. “I’m a morning person and like to get off to a good start.”

  “Hot dogs or hamburgers?”

  “A nice juicy hamburger with lots of fixings is my speed,” Roman said. “Now it’s your turn. What motivates you to get out of bed every morning?”

  “Knowing I’m being of service,” Shantel said. “I find fulfilment in helping other people.”

  “You don’t mind listening to their troubles?”

  Shantel shook her head. “No, not if I can find the root cause. It usually stems from their childhood or a recent trauma. And you? Is being an executive of the Atlanta Cougars what you hoped it would be?”

  “Yes and no.”


  “I like the power that comes from my position. I’m a good strategist, so being COO and director of player personnel plays to my strengths. My struggle is with my father. He refuses to let go of the reins. He wants to retain control.”

  “Sound familiar?” Shantel asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re alike. You like to control things, as well. Have you tried talking to your father?”

  “He doesn’t talk. He dictates. It’s only going to get worse once he hears about your condition. You’ll see when you meet him.”

  “Is he old-school? Wouldn’t he appreciate you stepping up and doing the honorable thing by marrying me?”

  “Or he’ll see it as yet another screwup because I can never please the man. You would think I would have earned his respect by now with all the hard work I’ve put in.”

  “Even if you haven’t, you have to make your peace with him. Otherwise it will eat you up inside constantly trying to please him when he keeps raising the bar.”

  “You’re very easy to talk to,” Roman said. “I guess that’s what makes you good at what you do.” He’d shared more about his feelings with her than any other woman. Usually he was about physical satisfaction, and that was all.

  How have I become so jaded? How had he not realized that he could have a deep relationship with a woman before? Was it because of Shantel herself? She was a breath of fresh air with a positive outlook on life, and over the course of the evening, the tension between them had eased.

  There was no way he could bring up the prenuptial agreement tonight. It would ruin what had turned out to be a lovely evening. He prayed that when he did reveal his hand, Shantel wouldn’t go running in the opposite direction.


  “Well, this is me,” Shantel said when Roman walked her to the door of her cottage. She’d been surprised at how much she’d enjoyed his company now that the air of mystique surrounding him was gone. She had a better understanding of Roman, the man, and she didn’t want him to leave.

  The sexual magnetism between them was so strong, it seemed otherworldly, but she’d told Roman a physical relationship between them wasn’t in the cards and he was respecting her wishes. So why do I want him to make a move?

  Ask to come in, she silently pleaded. Ask to come in.

  “I’ve seen you’ve safely home, so I’ll get going,” Roman said, and descended the cottage steps.

  Shantel stopped him when he reached the sidewalk. “Would you like to come in for coffee?” She knew it was a lame suggestion, but asking a man to stay for the night was not something she did or had ever done.

  Roman grinned and she saw his gleaming white teeth even in the dark. “I would love some.” He quickly climbed the stairs and joined her in the small foyer. She fumbled finding the light switch and Roman helped her by flicking it on. Then he backed her up against the door. “I’m going to kiss you, Shantel. Is that okay?”

  She nodded her assent, her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth parted on a sigh of surrender when he lowered his head and kissed her.

  God, it was as good as she remembered! Every female sense she possessed was on heightened alert. She clung to him, welcoming the feel of his taut body as he smothered her with the heated pressure of his mouth and obliterated all thought of anything but him.

  Her lips parted readily and she welcomed the invasion of his tongue. She didn’t complain when his hands stroked upward from her waist to mold her breasts, caressing them over her dress. Shantel wanted his hands and his mouth on her body. She wanted to feel the touch of his hot skin on hers.

  Abruptly his lips left hers.
“What are you doing to me, woman? You’ve got me in such a state, I could almost take you right here.”

  “And would that be such a bad thing?” Shantel could hardly believe the words coming from her own mouth, but for some reason, fate had set Roman in her path and she was done analyzing the situation like she usually did. She just wanted to feel.

  He held out his hand to her. “Take me to your bedroom.”

  Shantel led him down the narrow hallway to the master bedroom. Years ago, the prior owner had combined two rooms to make a large bedroom, dressing room and en suite bathroom. She flicked the light switch and the bedside lamp came on.

  It struck Shantel that she’d never had a man in her bedroom. Roman was the first. And he would soon be her husband, so it felt right.

  “Shantel.” When he said her name, his voice was thick and hot. A wave of desire clutched her stomach and her heart began pounding. She watched as he eased out of his dinner jacket and stripped off his shirt, then his shoes, pants and briefs. “Don’t leave me in suspense,” he said, smiling at her. “I want to see all of you.”

  Shantel unfastened the tiny hook and eye on her dress and slowly eased it down her hips. The dress fell away, revealing the curves of her breasts, which had been feeling fuller lately. She’d been unable to wear a bra and if the look of naked hunger in his eyes was anything to go by, he was happy she hadn’t.

  “Come here.” He sat down on the bed and pulled her onto his lap. His hot mouth fastened over one nipple, sucking fiercely. Shantel arched her back against his arm while he explored the other breast in the same intimate detail. She felt his thick length underneath her bottom and couldn’t wait to touch him, but he didn’t let her. Instead he reached for her dampening thong and lightly traced her sex with the tip of his finger.

  Her thighs trembled, but she didn’t close them. She let him ease the thong down, inch by inch, and it was finally off. He tumbled her off his lap and onto the bed. They kissed deeply and madly, without reserve or restraint. Wet, hot, greedy lust took over and Shantel shamelessly rubbed herself against him. She needed to feel his shape and the scrape of his chest hair against her nipples.

  “Jesus, Shantel,” Roman said. “I intended to take it slow this time.” She watched as he left the bed to source a condom and put it on. When he returned he said, “I know we’re getting married soon and I’ll take a test to assure you of my health, but until then, we should be safe, okay?”

  “Okay and I’m safe too, but you need to forget slow,” she murmured. “I want you now.”

  “Take what you want,” Roman groaned, “but next time we do it my way.”

  He moved over her then and she guided him to where she wanted him most. He entered her with piercing sweetness and at first Shantel didn’t dare move because she wasn’t sure it was possible to feel bliss like this. Then he began thrusting with assurance and her whole body cried out with joy, but just as she was nearly hurtling over the edge, he hoisted her up and on top of him. Shantel had no choice but to wrap her legs around him. She wasn’t used to this position. Naturally she adjusted her angle until she could take him fully inside her again.

  She and Bobby had always done it the same way each time: in the missionary position. This seemed so much more intimate, but it felt good. And so she began riding him.


  The scent of Shantel, the softness of her skin, gave Roman the feeling he’d left this earth and entered heaven. He ran his hands over her breasts and up her back, cupping her bottom as she rocked her pelvis against his.

  He was spinning out of control. He wanted to step back and regroup, make the moment last longer, but Shantel was in charge. Her black hair tickled his skin and he found himself winding his hands through the silky strands and bringing her mouth down to his so he could kiss her deeply. He was caught in something elemental, lost in its grip. Shantel writhed above him. He heard her breathing hitch and knew she was getting closer. He placed a palm on her leg and slowly slid his hands up her slim, toned thighs until he came to where they were joined. When he reached the cleft of her sex, she was so wet, his mind nearly blanked.

  He traced her wet warmth until he came to the nub of her secret place. He stroked her until she purred out his name. Hearing that caused him to pulse inside her, which only made her ride him harder, faster, locking her legs around his hips.

  His hands left her moist center and he growled, tightening his hold on her. Her nipples brushed against him and all he could feel was a raw, primal need to possess her. It was foreign to him but he didn’t take time to think about it. He gave in to the unrestrained emotions, grasping her by her hair and giving her a hard and hungry kiss. Her tongue came out and eagerly mated with his. She took all his breath as she demanded more, devouring him, and when he could no longer fight it, he gave her what she wanted. A bright gold light exploded in his head.

  And then there was darkness.


  Roman awoke in the morning to sunrise flickering through the window. Disoriented, he glanced around and didn’t immediately recognize where he was. All he saw were frilly curtains the color of lilacs, and then he looked down at the bed and saw Shantel curled around him, one leg thrown over his.

  Whenever he was with this woman, he continued to surprise himself. He normally never slept over unless he wanted to spend more time with a female, and in most cases he didn’t. They were usually one-offs for physical release, but he wasn’t able to keep Shantel at a distance like he did with most women. She required more of him and Roman found he was willing to step up to the challenge.

  He did worry, however, that their relationship might change once he shared the news with his family. He didn’t want anything to disrupt this happy medium they’d found. Shantel had been unwilling to consider a physical relationship between them but she’d realized last night that she was fighting a losing battle. Their connection was too powerful to be ignored.

  He’d been respecting her wishes, but hadn’t been happy about it. So he’d been thrilled when she’d accepted the intimacy between them. After last night, he hoped she knew the idea of a marriage without sex was impossible.

  She stirred below him and her eyes opened. Then she glanced up. When she found his gaze on her, her lids fluttered downward. “Don’t be shy, Shantel,” he murmured. “We did what came naturally and it was beautiful.”

  Her eyes gleamed with approval and he could see she’d heard him. “I’m normally not that…”

  “Demanding?” he offered.

  She chuckled. “Yeah, it’s hard to put into words, but sex was never like this with my ex.”

  Although he didn’t like talking about another man while in bed with her, he was curious to know more. “What was it like?”

  “Predictable. Routine.” She covered her face with her hands, but he removed them so he could look into her luminous brown eyes, which didn’t need the benefit of makeup to shine brightly. “I sound terrible.”

  “No, you don’t. You’re being honest about how you feel and I’m happy you shared that with me. I don’t ever want our sex life to be predictable.”

  “Our sex life?” she repeated with a raised brow.

  He laughed. “That’s right,” he said unabashedly. “Because there’s going to be a lot more of that until your belly is swollen with my child.”


  “Oh, yeah, and if you recall, I promised you last night, when it was my turn, I was going to make love to you nice and slow.” He reached for her, pulling her into his arms. “I’m about to make good on that promise.”


  They finally got up and showered together, then dressed and made their way to Shantel’s small kitchen. With Roman standing in the middle of the room, the space felt tiny. Shantel did her best to focus on getting mugs from the cupboard for coffee because Roman said he couldn’t start his day without it.

  After the coffee percolated, she poured them each a cup. She offered him flavored cream and sugar, but Roman declined. “I drink mi
ne black.”

  “At the very least I need a flavored creamer,” Shantel said, doctoring hers up with cream and sugar. She took a sip and noticed Roman glancing down at his watch. It was after eight o’clock and she wondered if he had someplace to be. “Is everything all right?”

  He glanced up distractedly. “Yes, of course. I was thinking how I’m always in the office at 7:00 a.m. and usually the last one to leave.”

  “So you’re a workaholic?”

  “Admittedly so,” he said, and took a drink of his coffee. “And up until now, I never had a reason to change, but if you’re worried about what kind of husband and father I’ll be, let me assure you I’ll adjust my schedule to be there for you and the baby.”

  Had he read her mind? How else could he know that was exactly what she was thinking? Because she was her own boss, she was capable of switching her schedule to make room for the baby—and now a husband. “Thank you. I appreciate your candor.”

  “Then let me be frank,” he said, putting down his mug. “There are a few things we need to take care of.”

  “Oh, yeah? And what might those be?”

  She watched him reach inside his suit jacket and produce a black velvet box. He slid it across the table. “Open it.”

  Shantel sucked in a breath and looked up at him. His gaze captured hers and held it, and she felt something fierce course through her. She wasn’t ready to give it a name, so she schooled her features and opened the box. Nestled inside was a beautiful diamond ring shaped like a flower. Tears clung to her lashes. “It’s beautiful, Roman.”

  “Allow me.” Roman eased the ring from the box and, grasping her left hand, slid it on her finger. “How’s the fit?”

  “Perfect.” Shantel squeaked out the word. When had he done this? It had only been twenty-four hours and he’d produced a ring.

  “Now our engagement is official,” Roman said, “which brings me to the second matter we need to address. Telling our families.”

  “Ah.” Shantel let out an audible sigh. She wasn’t looking forward to that. She suspected her father might be disappointed in the way their marriage came about, but ultimately he would support her decision.


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