Covenant Breakers (The Covenant Series Book 2)

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Covenant Breakers (The Covenant Series Book 2) Page 7

by Lynn Landes

  Jake sets the bottle of vodka down on the bar loudly, making everyone jump. Elsbeth reaches for Jake’s hand, needing to touch her brother. “Years of abuse as a child, and now it has a name,” he says looking at her with anger in his eyes. “If I had known, Beth, I would have protected you better,” Jake says, tortured by the memories of the past.

  Looking at the pair, Hunter continues. “Only the Gunskaliski could have protected you Jake.”

  “Eventually the fear was not enough; he found a way to remove the heart of his victims leaving no external mark on the body. The act of feasting on the heart added emotion, and feeling back to his spirit. This gave him stronger abilities. He could imitate people and even animals if he chose. This allowed him to take his time picking the best victims. The sick or dying were not enough to satiate him and he learned quickly that eating the heart gave him a stronger physical form. He began to hunt more frequently, and that is when he came upon a Cherokee village.”

  “He moved and lived among the people for many moons until he chose his first victim, an old woman with great power. She was a village elder who was close to death. He waited with her in the form of her son. He sent away the other villagers taking care of her, and enjoyed tormenting her. Just before her death, he showed her his hand, which was the claw of a raven, and savored her terror. Her eyes became wide, but she was too weak to fight or scream as he sunk the claw deep and pulled out her beating heart. The power she had! He had found a special people. They were one of the Chosen people, your people. In eating her heart, he gained her memories and the knowledge that was hers.”

  “The Kalona had to remain in mocker form to choose his victims, and so far no one had been able to detect him. That changed the next morning when the people were burying the woman. A child of nine looked closely at the Kalona in his mocker form and pointing at him, he called out loudly, “Sgili!” meaning “witch” in Cherokee.”

  “For the first time, he was seen. The others did not notice at first, until another child did the same thing. It became apparent to him that he was recognized, and something would have to be done. With the powers he had acquired, he destroyed every man and male child in the village.”

  Elina buries her face against her father’s shoulder, not wanting to relive the memories his story draws up. In her mind, she hears the screaming of her village and family. Elsbeth listens intently.

  Hunter looks at her, saying, “He stayed at the village abusing the women. The children born were born of rape and all were evil, immortal males with physical deformities and abilities that should never have been. Raphaim was the Kalona’s favorite son because physically he was a beautiful, dark angel, but his spirit was true evil. He had inherited some of his father’s abilities and some of his mother’s. He had thirteen sons in all.”

  Looking back at Elina, Hunter thinks, “They do not know of the book, do they, Keeper?” Elina shakes her head no.

  “The Kalona stole that knowledge from the old woman. He has the book,” Hunter responds.

  Wide eyed, she stares at him and replies in his mind, “I have to get it from him and you’re going to help.”

  “I am confused,” Polly says. “Who was the demon in your vision, Elina?”

  The sound of Polly’s voice startles Elina. She replies, “Raphaim is the son of the One. He is the demon who attacked my village. His father is the original Fallen. That is why we call him the one. He was the first to fall and he hunted the ten tribes into hiding. We split up to protect our children and ourselves. I am tasked with reuniting our people. In my vision the Kalona, or Mocker, as my village called him, and Raphaim are together. They know who I am. They will be looking for me now,” Elina tells them. “I have to find more Watchers now because we are more powerful in greater numbers.”

  “What we need is a plan. We need to lure them away, and buy you enough time to locate more Watchers.” Jake tells Elina.

  Everyone begins to talk at once, and Elina interrupts saying, “The problem is that you all, are a magnet for the demons. Every time you watch, they will be drawn to your golden thread. Today they were attracted to Elsbeth because she is marked. The demon in the alley told me she was marked by the son of the One.”

  Horror fills Elsbeth’s mind and she looks at Elina. Tears streaming down her face, she demands “Asa?

  Elina responds saying, “Yes, he was a son of the One too.”

  Elsbeth says, “Thirteen, Hunter, you said thirteen sons! How many more children were born?”

  Not sure what to say, Hunter responds carefully, “They littered our planet with Shadows, Elsbeth. They are some of the demons who hunt you.”

  “So will I ever be free?” Elsbeth asks looking at the group.

  Elina moves closer to Elsbeth saying, “I need to look closer to see what attracts them. I can watch and I will be able to check to see what is going on. We will figure this out, I promise.” Elina looks at them and takes a deep breath. “Okay, I need all of you to stay still while I do this.”

  Jake smiles because he knows what’s coming. He has seen her in action. Taking a breath, he waits for the other’s reaction. Her parents have always known Elina is special, so they are not surprised when she disappears, but Polly, Elsbeth and Hunter are all shocked.

  Elina watches the shocked looks on the faces of those she is protecting. Energy is everywhere, good energy, bad energy and Elina has the ability to move between the physical plane and the spiritual plane. She can see the energy that each person carries, and the threads that connect each person to the physical world. Looking at her family, she sees they have strong threads. Ruby, Ronnie, and Polly all have strong, gold threads. Looking at Hunter, she notices his thread is blended with the electric blue glow of his aura. Fascinated, she moves closer to him. Reaching out, she almost touches him, but he jumps back before she can.

  Elina turns to look at Jake and Elsbeth. Her smile fades as she looks at Elsbeth. She sees the soft pink aura that once glowed so bright is now dimmed and flashing. The energy field around her body is riddled with holes and they are leaking a trail of fluorescent light. Elina knows that as her energy drains, so, too, does her life force. The golden thread that connects her to the physical world has grown weak. That can be fixed, the demon said; But how? Turning to look at Jake, she sees that his aura is a dark emerald green with a halo of bright white around it. His aura is strong, but it is the lack of a thread that shocks Elina the most. A soft glow draws her attention, and Elina moves closer to him and sees that he wears a necklace with a red stone and it radiates a soft white light that seems to be shielding him.

  Quickly returning to the physical world, Elina finds she is standing directly in front of Jake. Eyes wide, Jake finds Elina flashing to solid form only two feet away from him. Jumping a little in his seat, he looks up at her and sees that she is stunned.

  “You have no thread, Jake. How is that possible?” she asks looking at him.

  Slowly shaking his head at her he replies, “I don’t know? Does everyone have a thread?”

  Ronnie walks over saying, “Yes, most people have a silver thread that connects the spirit to the physical world. Our people have golden threads. Are you saying he does not have a thread?”

  “I have never seen anything like it. He has a thread, but it is shielded by this,” she says, stepping forward, she slips her hand into the collar of his shirt and gently lifts the shield. Inside the shield is a blood stone cut to fit the shape of a cross. “Where did you get this, Jake?”

  Turning to look at Elsbeth, he says, “My sister made it for me.” Hunter moves up behind Elsbeth as if protecting her, not sure where this is going.

  Jake looks at Elsbeth and asks “Tell me how you did that, where did you get the stone?”

  “I made it for Jake from a stone one of the children gave me. She said it was from the local mine. It is a blood stone. When I placed it around Jake’s neck I felt a spark, but I didn’t think anything of it. What does it mean?”

  Polly answers for them, “
The Blood Stones are special and they are used to aid in protection and healing. It is a good stone, are you saying it is shielding his thread?” Everyone goes quiet for a moment to process this new information.

  Ruby asks quietly, “Can you make more of these charms, Elsbeth? If you can, we have a new weapon, a strong weapon to shield us against the demons.”

  Ronnie walks over and pulls his wife close, “Beauty and brains, which is why I married you. Think of the possibilities!” Smiling, they look at the group.

  Elsbeth shakes her head no, “I do not have any more stones.” Looking at Hunter, she asks, “How far is it to the mine? Can we get more?”

  Thinking about the risks involved, Hunter says, “The only mine that carries those stones is thirty miles from here on the reservation. The mines were closed due to the high number of deaths.”

  Elsbeth begins to pace and talk to herself. “I need more stones. I can make pieces for each of us, to protect us when we watch. This is amazing! Can you take me to the mines in the morning, Hunter?” she asks coming to a stop in front of him.

  Before Jake can speak, Hunter says firmly, “I can, but I will not put your life at risk for a few rocks.”

  Everyone begins speaking at once. Elsbeth moves close to Hunter, and pokes him in the chest. Tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder she places one hand on her hip, snapping “Oh, I am going to those mines, with or without your help. I will not live in fear any longer!” She stomps out of the room, and slams her bedroom door.

  Everyone goes quiet at the sound of Hunters voice as he asks, “What of Elsbeth’s mark? What did you find?”

  Looking at Elina, Jake is scared by what he sees in her eyes.

  “She is in trouble. Her spirit is damaged, she is weakening. We can provide a shield for her, but I am not sure how to heal a broken soul. The demon Asa, he marked her, Jake. It is why she can’t rest and grows weaker.”

  “There has to be a way to heal her, Elina, you are the Keeper!” Jake demands, “What did the demon in the alley say to you, tell me again.”

  Hearing the desperation in his voice, she answers him “He said only the son of the One, or a son of the Light can heal her. We both know Asa is not coming back, Jake.”

  “Then we need to find a son of the Light,” Ruby states. Stepping towards Elina, Ruby says excitedly “Simeon!” Grabbing Elina’s hand she asks, “How do we call him Elina?

  Polly says what she has been thinking, “You can’t call him to her.”

  They all turn to look at her, and Jake asks “Why not?” Looking at Elina, Polly sighs.

  “Every time he is with her, the pull will grow. It places his soul in danger, Jake. Being with her marked him as well.”

  Elina feels sick sitting on the couch. Her head is spinning. How will she save Elsbeth, and how will she ever see Malach again. She knows what Polly means; she felt it in her soul today. Malach was struggling to overcome his feelings and she is not sure she wants him too.

  Elsbeth listens from the hallway with a look of horror on her face. Simeon, she thinks. He would come for her, and she would not be strong enough to push him away. She returns to her bedroom and starts to pack a small bag. She would get the stones and provide the protection for as many of them as she can. Grabbing her tablet, she looks up the directions to the mine and writes them down. Changing into jeans, a turtleneck and sweater, she pulls on hiking boots and decides to leave a note for Jake.

  “Gone to the mines, please understand I am tired of being a burden. I want to help in the only way I can. I will be back soon, Love Beth.” Grabbing her keys, she slips quietly down the hall, hearing the murmuring voices of the others. Stepping out into the cold night air from the back door, she heads to the jeep. She screams when a hand clamps over her mouth as she reaches to open the door handle.

  “Going somewhere?” Hunter asks in a lethal voice. Releasing Elsbeth, he flips her around and presses his body into hers against the door of the jeep, holding her in place.

  “Are you crazy? You almost scared me to death!” she screams at him.

  “Well, maybe somebody should scare you. Where do you think you are going alone, at this time of night?” Hunter demands of her.

  “I don’t have to answer to you, release me!” She says struggling against him. Leaning his face close to hers, Elsbeth goes suddenly still. Sensing her fear, he is disgusted with himself, but wanting to make his point.

  “Elsbeth, you have no business going anywhere alone. What do you think your brother would do to save you? He risked his own life for you. What of the others? They have treated you like family and this is how you repay them?”

  Looking at him, she struggles against the fear and tears, “I am doing this for them, Hunter! I want to help, do something besides sit in terror all the time.” Dropping her head to his chest, she weeps for all she has lost.

  Pulling her into his arms, he lets her cry and stares up at the stars. When her tears subside, he says, “I will take you to the mine in the morning, Elsbeth. Will you let me help you?”

  Sniffling and embarrassed, she says, “Why, why do you want to help?”

  Carefully he wipes a tear that is easing its way down her cheek, and looks into her eyes. “I feel drawn to you, Elsbeth. I find I want to be near you and chase away all your demons.” Slowly leaning in Hunter softly kisses her full mouth. Hunter’s long black hair blows gently in the breeze and mingles with her own. Freezing, afraid to move, Elsbeth doesn’t even breathe.

  “I can’t give you what you seek, Hunter,” she whispers against his mouth.

  “No? Maybe I can change your mind,” he says as his tongue flicks her bottom lip. Turning her head slightly, she leans into his kiss. Confused, Elsbeth feels the heat of his tongue and strength of his body and she longs to feel normal again. She decides to stop thinking and enjoy. Sighing, she smiles when his grasp tightens pulling her closer. Releasing his tongue, she finds her hands tangled in his long, black hair and uses it to pull his mouth closer.

  Breaking away from her, he looks into her smiling, blue eyes and growls, “Elsbeth, you taste like heaven.” Grabbing her hair, he pulls her head back and captures her mouth again. One hand grabs her pulling her closer, and she feels the hardness of his body against hers and the panic creeps in. Starting to struggle, she pushes at him and whimpers as the nightmares claim her mind.

  No longer seeing Hunter, she hears the demon Asa’s voice saying “You tasssste ssssoooo good,” as his tentacles dig deeper into her flesh, and the screaming in her mind causes her to fight.

  Hunter feels her panic and senses the demon coming for her. With his arms wrapped tightly around Elsbeth, he begins to chant, calling on the spirit of fire to protect them from the demon closing in. The rhythm of the chant breaks through the terror in Elsbeth’s mind and she stops fighting him. A wall of blue flame leaps up around them, protecting them from the demon lurching its way through the woods. Burying her face in his chest, Elsbeth refuses to look at the monster calling her from beyond the flame. Closing her mind to the noise around her, she listens instead to the rhythm of his heart.

  The stench from his rotting corpse permeates the night air. Chunks of decaying flesh hang from his bones and he closes slowly in on them. Reaching the wall of flames, he looks into Hunters eyes and screams in rage. The demon strikes at the barrier around them, shrieking in hunger. The sound echoes through the surrounding woods.

  Elsbeth jumps in Hunters arms at the noise, shaking in terror. “Don’t let them take me again, Hunter.”

  Stroking a hand up and down her back, he says “You are safe here, Elsbeth. He can’t cross the flames.”

  Drawn by the screams, the group stares in horror at the sight before them. They see a rotting demon trying to break through the flames to claim Elsbeth. Jake breaks into a run and leaps off the deck. Elina whistles at Jake and tosses him her obsidian sword, knowing they can’t afford to draw more demons by using her power. Jake feels the weight of the weapon and turns on the demon. Swinging the sword,
straight Jake severs the head from the body. The monstrous creature screams and leaves the human body it had occupied.

  Hunter watches from inside the flame, and calls on the spirit fire once more. This time the wall begins to swirl like a tornado, pulling the spirit of the escaping demon into the center. Reaching the center, the demon screams one last time before it disintegrates.

  Jake stands over the decayed body and looks at Hunter holding his sister. He is relieved to see they are unharmed.

  “What was that?” Ruby asks from the deck.

  Hunter answers “They are called many name’s some call them Wendigo, others Dogman or Skin Walkers. They prey on the sick and weak to steal their bodies.”

  Looking up into Hunter’s brown eyes, Elsbeth says quietly, “Thank you.”

  Unable to let her go just yet, he strokes her hair back from her face, and says, “I told you, I will keep you safe, Elsbeth. You just have to believe it. Let’s go, before more come.”

  Walking on shaky legs, she looks at Jake and sees the fury in his face. Hunter pulls her up the deck steps and inside, counting on Elina to help stop Jake.

  Advancing on his sister, Jake is stopped midstride. Elina plants her hand on his chest and says quietly, “Not now, Jake. She is weary, let her rest.”

  “Weary?” Jake says angrily. “She could have been taken again, or killed!” Side stepping Elina, he is once again stopped by her, except this time she pushes back and causes him to stumble.

  “Don’t you think she knows that, Jake? We will talk to her, but you need to calm down. We are all in this together.” Looking down into Elina’s blue eyes, he runs shaking hands through his blonde hair.

  “Together? She grows weaker every day, how much more can she take? How can you help her, Elina? Do you even know how?”

  “I do not have all the answers, Jake but I will do all in my power to save your sister. Where is your faith?” Turning away from him, she says, “We need to clean this up.”

  Uncle Ronnie comes out of the house with Hunter holding a shovel, “You two go inside, and let us take care of this,” he says gesturing to the body.


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