
Home > Romance > Forgotten > Page 19
Forgotten Page 19

by Evangeline Anderson

  It’s okay, baby,” he said softly. “I can be patient—you’re worth waiting for.”

  Kate felt a flutter in her stomach at his deep, quiet words. For the first time since she’d met the big Kindred, she felt a strange certainty about him. This man loves me. How or why he had come to feel so much for her, she didn’t know but she was certain of it and for a moment her heart ached because she couldn’t return the emotion.

  Can’t or won’t? whispered that voice in her head. Why are you so afraid, Kate? Why can’t you trust?

  It was a question she’d been asking herself all her life. Had she somehow answered it and overcome her issues in the three years she and Rone had been together? Kate wished she could remember but her past was still shrouded—maybe never to be revealed.

  What needs to be revealed is your skin—you need to let go of that bundle of clothes, get naked and get in the shower, she told herself practically. And now that she knew the big Kindred couldn’t see her, she found it much easier to do that.

  “Okay,” she told him, putting her bundle of clothes on top of the counter by the sink. “I’m ready.”

  “Well, I’m not.” He shifted a little. “I mean, I need to get the rest of my clothes off before I get in.”

  “Oh, you do? I mean…of course you do.” Kate cleared her throat. “I was, uh, wondering earlier if the pool goop got into your, uh, britches.”

  “So that’s why you were looking at me earlier.” He laughed softly. “I wondered about that. But yes, unfortunately, it did. So…do you mind?” He stood there waiting and Kate realized he was asking her permission to strip.

  “Oh. Of course, please—go ahead,” she said, trying to be polite.

  “Thanks.” Without further ceremony, Rone unfastened his black leather trousers and shucked them down along with the black underbriefs he’d been wearing.

  Kate sucked in a breath at the sight of him naked. He’d been right when he said the goop had gotten everywhere—it didn’t coat the bottom half of him as thoroughly as the top half but streaks of black still ran down the flat planes of his belly and the long length of his muscular thighs. Some of it had also gotten on his crotch, she couldn’t help noticing. Most noticeably, there were streaks of black running down his very impressive shaft.

  At least he’s not hard, she thought, feeling uncomfortable all over again. But if he’s this big soft, I’d hate to see what happens when he does get hard!

  “Kate?” he asked and she realized he was just standing there, waiting.

  “Uh—yes?” Her voice came out in a squeak and she had to try again. “Yes?” she asked.

  “Could you lead me into the shower?” he asked, holding out a hand. “I really can’t see a damn thing.”

  “Oh—sure.” She took him by the hand and led him into the shower stall, which was a large one, enclosed with glass walls and a frosted glass door. As she closed it behind her, Kate lifted her chin.

  Well—here we go. No turning back now!

  Chapter Sixteen

  It felt strange to be in the shower, naked with the big Kindred but once the warm water hit her skin, Kate found herself relaxing, at least a little. The heated spray against her skin was soothing, even if it didn’t do anything to remove the slime. She wondered if Rone was enjoying it too but when she looked at him, he was just standing there, obviously waiting for her to make the first move.

  The first move—oh my God, I have to do something. We can’t just stand here all night not getting anything done and he’s clearly too much of a gentleman to start it himself.

  The thought made her feel nervous all over again and she cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably.

  “Kate?” Rone’s voice was soft, as though he was trying not to frighten her. “How exactly do you want to do this? Do you want to wash me first or let me wash you?”

  “Um…” God, she really couldn’t deal with this… Then her eye was caught by a bright blue bath puff hanging from a hook on the shower’s tiled back wall. It looked almost exactly like the one she had back home at Mimi’s apartment.

  Oh, thank goodness! She felt a rush of relief. She could just use the puff between her hand and his skin and have him do the same. That should work, right? Because it was still going to be her hand doing the scrubbing and the Madam of Shadows had said no hand but hers would get him clean and vice versa.

  “Kate?” he asked again. “You are still in here, right?”

  “Oh, right—sorry.” She gave a nervous little laugh. “I was just…thinking. Anyway, I think I’ll do you first, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not a bit, baby.” He spread his arms as if presenting himself to her. “Do what you want, however you want to do it.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  Reaching up, Kate snagged the bright blue bath puff from its hook. There was a bottle of body wash on a little ledge beside it and she saw with surprise, it was the same kind she used at home.

  “This is weird,” she said as she squirted a generous dollop of the floral-smelling body wash onto the puff.

  “Actually, we wash each other in the bathing pool all the time—or we did, anyway.” Rone sounded wistful.

  “No, I meant, this bubble-apartment thing they’ve got us in.” Kate grabbed one of his hands and began to scrub his long, muscular arm industriously with the puff.

  “What about it?” Rone asked. He stood perfectly still, submitting to her scrubbing.

  “It’s set up a lot like the apartment I had in college,” Kate said. “I mean, it looks almost exactly like it except for this bathroom which is way nicer. But they even have a bath puff just like the one I left back home. And my favorite brand of body wash.” She shook her head. “That shouldn’t be possible. This place is light years from Earth and I’d bet anything no one else from Earth has been here. How did they know exactly how to set up a place that would make someone from my planet feel at home?”

  “I suppose Commander Sylvan could have given them specifications.” Rone sounded thoughtful. “After all, I know the Kindred Mother ship is set up to make the Earth brides feel more comfortable so he would know exactly what to tell them.”

  “I could see that with the furniture and the bathing and cooking facilities.” Kate frowned as she spoke, still scrubbing hard. Nothing was coming off so far but she was sure it was just a matter of time. Rone was a big guy—it was going to take some serious elbow grease to get him all clean. “But right down to my favorite brand of body wash? It’s just weird,” she said.

  “Maybe they pulled this setup from your mind,” Rone suggested. “Maybe they scanned us in some way.”

  “Then why not have some things from your home world too?” Kate asked. “I mean, unless there is something here like that? It all looks like Earth stuff to me.”

  “It is.” Rone frowned. “Maybe it has something to do with that damn pool. Maybe it read you in some way while it was trying to drown you.”

  “Ugh!” Kate shivered. “Now there’s a pleasant idea.”

  “Sorry, just speculating. Uh…” He shifted uncomfortably. “Are you almost done with that arm, Kate? The skin is beginning to feel kind of raw.”

  Kate stopped scrubbing and looked down at his right arm, which she had been working on with the puff for several minutes now. To her dismay, it was clear she hadn’t gotten even the tiniest bit of slime off of him. His arm was still coated from wrist to shoulder in the black stuff.

  “It’s not working, is it? The scrubbing implement,” Rone said in a low voice.

  “The puff,” Kate corrected him. “And no.” She sighed. “No, it’s not—not a bit.”

  “Again, I think we’re dealing with a very literal command,” he said. “Didn’t Madam Shadow say that no hand but your lover’s would get the slime off?”

  “Yes, something like that,” Kate mumbled.

  “So I’m sorry—I think we’re going to have to use our hands.”

  “You’re probably right.” Well, there went the comfortable distance sh
e’d planned to put between herself and the big Kindred. Hanging the bright blue puff back on its hook, Kate took a deep breath and began rubbing her hands up and down his arm.

  At once the slime began to come off. It melted away, just as it had when they washed each others’ hands in the kitchen sink. Kate tried to rub briskly and ignore the feeling of Rone’s hard muscles under her palms and fingers but it was nearly impossible not to notice how incredibly fit he was. He must have less than 2% body fat, she thought, wishing she could say the same. God, he’s so huge and muscular—how am I going to get all of him?

  She did his other arm next and then his back. He had some streaks of the black stuff leading from the small of his back down his firm ass but she decided to leave that for later. Going around the front again, she scrubbed at his washboard abs and couldn’t help liking the feeling of his hard flesh under her hands.

  Rone held perfectly still for the operation and didn’t say a word. But though Kate was careful not to touch him anywhere below the waist—not yet, anyway, she was working up the nerve to go there—she still noticed that his long, thick shaft was now half hard.

  God, he’s huge! No—don’t look, she told herself quickly. But it was really difficult not to—especially since he kept on getting bigger as she continued to wash him.

  Trying to put the disturbing sight out of her mind, she went around to the back again and squirted more body wash into her hands. Time to tackle that ass and his thighs and legs. Maybe by the time she was finished he would have gone down again.

  Right, and then he’s going to go right back up again the minute you wash him in front, whispered that little voice in her head. Face it, Kate, there’s no getting away from that thing.

  Trying not to think about it, she went to work, washing the big Kindred as briskly as she could. But since she had to use her hands and not the puff, she couldn’t help the fact that she was basically stroking and rubbing her hands up and down his ass and thighs. And damn, he felt good, even though she tried not to notice.

  Finally, she’d done his torso, arms, legs, behind, and even his feet. There was no way to put off the inevitable any longer. Take a deep breath, Kate went back to the front.

  She sucked in a breath in dismay. His long, hard shaft was now completely erect. It jutted from between his thighs, the broad, plum-shaped head pointed right at her. And though she had been hoping against hope that the black streaks of grime from the pool might have somehow dissipated or melted away on their own, she saw that they were still very much there, right on the shaft of his cock.

  Rone must have heard her strangled gasp because he shifted from foot to foot.

  “Forgive me,” he said in a low voice. “I’m not doing it on purpose. It’s just been so long since I felt your soft hands on me, Kate.”

  “Oh, uh…” She tried to laugh but it came out sounding forced and nervous. “I’m, uh, afraid you’re about to feel them a lot more. Your uh—you have the stuff from the pool on your…on your…”

  “On my shaft?” he finished for her softly.

  “Uh-huh.” God, she was blushing and stuttering like a kid in elementary school. What was wrong with her? “So if you don’t mind I, uh, need to wash you there. Sorry,” she babbled.

  “Don’t be sorry.” Rone planted his feet apart and put his hands behind his back like a soldier standing at ease. “I’ll stay perfectly still, I promise.”

  “Okay. Here goes nothing.” Feeling like she was taking part in a live action porno with a particularly unbelievable plot, she squirted yet more body wash into her hands and tried to grip his shaft gently.

  A low groan broke from his lips as she stroked him firmly up and down.

  “Sorry!” Kate pulled her hands away at once. “I…uh…I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “Forgive me,” he said again in a strangled voice. “No, you didn’t hurt me. Quite the opposite, in fact. I just…I’m just having a hard time not reacting to your touch. I keep…keep thinking about the past, about the other things we’ve done. The way you touched me…the way I touched you…tasted you…”

  “I…I’d really rather not hear about that right now,” Kate said in a trembling voice. She thought of the way he’d described going down on her, kissing her over her panties until she was so wet she begged him to take them off and lick and suck and taste her…

  Which was ridiculous of course. After what had happened to her in college, she was never going down that road again. But still, why did the thought cause that strange little quiver in her belly? Why did she feel hot and cold all over when she got near him? Could it be that she still had some fear toxins in her? But no, touching him didn’t make her panic any more—well, not the way it had, anyway…

  “I’m sorry,” Rone rumbled. “I’ll try to keep quiet if you want to continue.”

  “Okay.” Kate eyed his cock. There were still streaks of the black goop from the pool on him so she clearly wasn’t done cleaning him yet. She squirted even more soap on her hands, determined to do this job quickly and get it over with. “Here goes,” she said, trying to warn him.

  “I’m ready,” Rone said in a low voice.

  Kate clasped him again, having to use both hands because he was so long and thick. God, she knew they’d been married but how in the world had he ever fit this thing inside her? He was the size of a porn star and she was not up to taking that kind of girth. In fact, she’d always been extra small and tight in that area—how had she ever accommodated him?

  Rone made a muffled sound and she looked up to see that he was standing there with his arms locked behind his back and his jaw clenched, obviously trying to keep from moving or saying anything.

  God, this must be some kind of torture for him! I have to hurry up and get him clean!

  But though the grime from the pool had melted readily enough at her touch on every other part of his body, here it remained stubbornly in place. No matter how Kate rubbed and stroked, the black streaks remained.

  What is wrong with this stuff? Why won’t it come off? She rubbed even harder, encircling his thick shaft with both hands and sliding them up and down, trying desperately to remove the black stains.

  “Kate…Kate,” Rone gasped in a strangled voice.

  “What?” Still working, she looked up at him. There was an expression of pleasurable agony on his strong features.

  “Please,” he groaned. “I don’t know if…if I’m clean yet or not. But if you don’t stop I’m going to…to…”

  Suddenly Kate realized how tense he’d become. How his long, thick shaft had swelled even bigger in her hands. From its broad tip ran a river of clear precum. She hadn’t noticed before because of the water from the shower but now she saw it was flowing freely over his shaft and dripping to the tiled floor.

  Oh my God, she realized suddenly. He’s going to come—I’m making him come!

  She was about to pull her hands away when the inevitable happened. With a low groan, Rone’s hips jerked and his cock twitched in her hands. Then he was coming, his shaft overflowing like a fountain as jets of white erupted from its tip.

  Kate wanted to pull away but somehow she felt frozen to the spot. She watched, mesmerized as the big Kindred came and came—God would he ever stop? She’d read somewhere that the average human male made about a teaspoon of ejaculate when he came. Rone had that beat by a mile. She felt like he must have made a cup of the stuff and he still wasn’t finished.

  At last he seemed to wind down and his long, hard shaft stopped twitching in her hands. Only when he’d finally stopped spurting—even though he was still hard—was she somehow able to let go of him.

  When she released him, Rone gave a low groan and sank slowly to his knees on the tiled floor of the shower. He was still hard, Kate noticed with amazement. His tumescent state did at least allow her to see that he was finally cleaned of all the pool goop.

  Talk about a job well done, jeered the little voice in her head.

  Shut up, Kate told it, her cheeks burning.
God, she couldn’t believe she’d just done that.

  Rone’s head was bowed and he was taking deep, hoarse breaths, his broad chest heaving. With his hands still behind his back and the blindfold still in place, he looked like some kind of political prisoner—well, except for the fact that he was naked and still hard.

  “Sorry,” he managed at last. “I didn’t…didn’t mean to do that.”

  “I didn’t either,” Kate said quickly. “It just…I couldn’t get you off. It, I mean—I couldn’t get it—the black goop—off. Oh, God…”

  “Do you want to stop now? Get out of the shower?” he asked hoarsely. “I’d understand if you did.”

  “I…” Kate bit her lip. Her hands were covered in bubbles and cum and she had basically just jerked the big Kindred off. She felt mortified and yet…was there also a flutter in her stomach? A feeling of power at having brought such a huge male literally to his knees? “I don’t know,” she said at last. “I don’t think so. I mean, I’m still all dirty and what just happened, well, it was an accident. For both of us.”

  “I swear I tried to hold back.” Rone’s voice was still a hoarse growl. “I just couldn’t help it—your soft little hands all over me and it’s been so long…”

  “It’s all right,” Kate said quickly. “We don’t have to uh, talk about it.”

  “All right.” He sighed deeply and got to his feet. “Do you want me to wash you now?”

  “No,” Kate whispered, feeling her stomach quiver again. “But…but I guess you’d better.”

  “Why don’t I start with your hair, baby?” he asked softly. “You always love to let me wash your hair and I know you got a lot of that stuff in it.”

  “Huh?” Kate looked reflexively down at her hands which were still coated with the bubbly cum mixture. “I got it in my hair?”

  “The stuff from the pool,” Rone said. “You did, right?”

  “Oh—of course.” Hastily, she washed off her hands. “Right of course. But…” His words finally sank in. “I…uh, I used to let you wash my hair?”

  He nodded. “Of course. When you’re in the mood to be taken care of…when you just want to be my Lalli.”


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