Serenity (Forever Book 1)

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Serenity (Forever Book 1) Page 31

by India R. Adams

  Looking at Jolene, I feel as though I’m growing up and seeing the gifts that God has hand delivered to me—the Wise Ones. “I love you, and I always will.”

  She appears speechless, her eyes wide.

  Dereck stares into the fire as he tells the Wise Ones, “We can never express our gratitude for what you two have done for each and every one of us.”

  We all nod. Josh and Jolene hold hands, listening to words that seem to be touching them so deeply.

  Rocco tells them, “You are our soul mirror, the reflection we hope to see someday.”

  Reflections high and low, reflections of the soul

  We reflect our light, even if we don’t shine bright

  Mirrors of what we see, reflecting into the night.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Skyler and I do our best, but when surrounded by so many at one time, I had to fight back. One of Cammy’s friends was about to push Skyler, so I smacked her hand away. Since that girl ended up not being the one to make contact, I’m the one suspended. Faith enters the school office, and I look at the floor. I’m mortified. She has given me a life, and this is how I repay her? Screwing up her day?

  “No, Serenity, no shame from you because this school can’t handle their students.”

  I glance up, my mouth gaping.

  The principal comes out of his office. “Mrs. Hamilton, if you could just—”

  He knows exactly who she is because she is now my legal guardian and has already paid him a visit to present my court paperwork.

  “Sams. Dr. Sams to you. And no, I can’t calm down. Not one mark is on this girl’s record, but she is the one in trouble? She has a restraining order on file here because of her father. Do you have any clue what this child has been through? Then you want me to calm down because she is not even safe in her own school, because of some rich… Ugh, you people! Shame on you for letting that girl’s daddy’s money have the final say.” Faith takes a deep breath, readjusting her shirt. “I’m also here for Skyler O’Donnell.”

  “Yes, her mother called,” a clerk timidly says.

  “The only one who’s interested in protecting Skyler has been suspended,” Faith mumbles.

  My principal opens his mouth, but Faith raises a shaky hand, warning him. With a hall pass in hand, Skyler walks in looking extremely confused.

  Faith gazes at her and softens immediately. “Hi, sweetheart.” Then she spins back to the principal. “All five feet of her is looking so dangerous. Maybe you should suspend her, too!” With her shoulders pulled back, Faith heads for the door. “Girls, let’s go before I really tell them what I’m thinking.”

  Sky links arms with me as we follow. She whispers, “That. Was. Awesome!”

  By the time Dereck gets home—with Roc in tow—Sky and I are surrounded by snacks, snuggled on the couch, cozied with pillows and blankets courtesy of Faith. A movie’s playing, and I have the remote in hand. Dereck throws his arms in the air. “Mom! As if they’re not bratty enough?”

  Sky’s finger pokes out from under our blanket. “Better watch yourself. Dr. Sams is on guard. Don’t make me set her loose on your ass.”

  “She’s my mom!”

  Rocco walks in and fist bumps me. “Thanks, Rocky.”

  Sky’s nose crinkles. “Who’s Rocky?”

  I shrug. No idea.

  Dereck bounces around like a boxer, ready to strike. “I can take her.”

  Sky observes him. “Hamilton, have you started doing drugs recently?”

  Rocco throws his head back and yells, “Adrian!”

  Sky blows out air. “Maybe it’s a contagious idiot virus?”

  After dinner, Rocco has to go home and leaves Dereck to all the girlfriend duties. Dereck has his arms around us in the driveway, teasing, “Bye, Rocco! I have to climb in bed with my girlfriends now.”

  Rocco flips him off then winks at Sky. His muffler fades in the distance.

  I’m lying in bed, writing in my journal, when Faith walks in looking at her cell phone.

  “Just saying good night.” She glances up and stops abruptly. “You guys are adorable.”

  Sky and Dereck are sleeping, both half on top of me, lightly snoring.

  Faith takes a picture. “Lucky, lucky girl.”

  I love that even with what we’ve been through, Faith is so quick to see the good. I touch their heads resting on me. She’s right. I am a lucky girl.

  I feel like I’ve been here for hours, sitting on top of my mom’s dining table, trying to avoid the bloody water. I’m shaking, hugging my knees to my chest, feeling so unbelievably afraid. I know Father will erupt from the blood at any moment.

  “Dereck, we’re soaking wet, and she won’t wake up.”

  I sit up straight. “Sky?”

  “Skyler, get out of the bed.” Dereck’s voice is deep, scratchy, and alarmed.

  “Dereck?” Why can’t I see them?

  Skyler sounds breathless. “D-Dereck, m-my heart is pounding.”

  “Damn it, I fell asleep. I was going to move you, Sky, hoping distance would help.”

  I look around. Yes. Distance. Get her far from Father.

  “No, Sky. Don’t wake her. She will hit you. Mom!”

  What does he mean? I would never hit her.

  “Dereck, y-you’re scaring me.”

  “We tried to spare you more worry—”

  “Sweetie.” Faith? “Come to me. Let him handle her.”

  In front of me, my dad slowly surfaces from the water. Blood is dripping from his conniving smile. My body tenses.

  “Here we go,” Dereck says.

  But I can’t find Dereck, so I must run. I leap from the table and run into the kitchen to avoid the man I once loved, and his attack. When I slam into a wall that has never existed here, I’m completely panicking, as if I’m a newly trapped animal. My back goes to the wall as I face the one stalking me. Knowing it’s fight-or-die time, I growl, “I won’t let you kill me” and make fists, ready to take charge of the moment.

  He taunts me as he approaches with a grin I want to rip from his face. “I hear him, too, but Dereck can’t save you from me.”

  I gasp. “No.”

  “Yes, you’re mine to destroy.” As soon as I feel his hands on me, I scream and hit with every ounce of strength I have… But too soon, my arms are restrained in front of me, and I’m spun around, his chest to my back, his body bending over mine—

  “Baby Doll, hear my voice. Hear my voice. Hear my voice.” He’s speaking in my ear.

  We’re both gasping for air as I stare at Dereck’s carpet, his body draping over mine from behind, controlling me with weight I can’t match. My body eases as I recognize the warm arms holding mine to my chest, preventing me from hurting myself or others. His forehead leans to the back of my head.

  “There she is. Keep breathing, Serenity. You coming back to me?”

  Breathing heavily, I nod.

  His arms loosen, and he slowly lets me stand back up. “I’m so sorry I had to restrain you like that.” Once upright, I spin in his arms, wanting to hide in his chest. “Come ’ere. You’re okay. Keep breathing.”

  “He said you can’t save me. I’m his to destroy. He’s trying to take me from you.”

  “Serenity?” Skyler sounds so upset, sniffling.

  Dereck twists his upper body a little so I can see her. “Come ’ere, Sky. She’s okay.”

  Sky is crying as she melts into our embrace. “You were so afraid.”

  Dereck rocks us both. “Just a nightmare.”

  By his bedroom door, Faith is pacing a little. “Dereck, how long has Serenity been saying Father is taking her from you?” Her expression is troubled. Faith is never concerned.

  “Umm… He’s
always coming, but tonight is the first time it was worded like that. Why?”

  Faith waves her hand in the air, dismissing his question. “No reason, just asking. Uh, but do me a favor. I have a conference I can’t cancel. Stay home from school with them tomorrow?”

  Dereck grows a mischievous grin. “Roc’s gonna be pissed!”

  Rocco never went to school. He came over and we had a fun-filled two days. That’s why, back at school, stuck on a ride that just won’t end, being surrounded by bullies again, is so disheartening. But this time, Sky is grinning—which is doing nothing but adding fuel to the fire—while being devoured by cruel words.

  Cammy spews, “Rocco called me last night and told me he wants me back.”

  Skyler just keeps smiling. “Then why are you so mad? Be happy, Cammy.”

  Cammy’s cell phone rings. When she sees her caller’s name, she appears a little surprised but recovers quickly. “There’s Rocco now.”

  I gasp.

  “That’s right. So wipe that smile off your face, you little—”

  “Little what?” Sky’s smile only widens.

  On cloud nine, Cammy answers her cell, “Hello, Roccccoooo.” Her smile fades. “What?… No… You wouldn’t… Yes, I hear you!” And then she angrily presses her finger to the screen. Her body is shaking. I think her skin is about to peel off and expose her true monster form, but Sky keeps freaking smiling instead of worrying for our safety.

  In Sky’s palm, her cell is now ringing. She pretends, and pretends horribly, to be dismayed. “Huh? Weird. This is Roccccoooo now. Probably calling to dump me. Right, Cammy?” Sky answers. “Hello?… No. Was Cammy supposed to walk away and never bother me again because secrets suck and you know her embarrassingly personal ones?”

  Cammy marches away.

  That. Was. Great! One win for the Shorties!

  My brilliant friend says into her phone, “Never thought you seeing a girl naked would work in my favor, Teddy Bear.”

  My head leans toward hers. “Sky?”

  She giggles.

  “You’re my hero.”

  Teddy Bear’s laugh echoes over the receiver.

  My mom must be drinking again because I haven’t heard from her in days. The guilt calls are getting easier to handle, and the sadness after her yelling at me doesn’t last as long. It’s a good thing, because my classwork and homework are overwhelming. But Dereck and I will graduate with As if we stay on track. Thank you, Joshy Poo, for being a pain in my ass.

  Dereck throws a pen at me from across the dining room table with our papers sprawled everywhere. “You okay?”

  “What if you just took my eye out with that pen? Would you feel guilty and finish my homework?”

  He smirks and goes back to writing because he’s been coming home from practice exhausted, so I’ve been helping him finish his homework. I feed him whatever deliciousness Faith has cooked then put him to bed. Unfortunately, I wake him up in the middle of the night with another night terror.

  We’ve become so tired from this never-ending routine that we don’t even shower afterward anymore. We change clothes and switch beds. I change sheets the following day and throw away empty water bottles by each bed. Dereck insists on keeping me hydrated. Another never-ending battle because of the fear-induced excessive sweating.

  Tonight, I’m at a different dining table. In her kitchen, Sky is rushing through her homework because Rocco is almost finished with his practice, which means so is Dereck.

  I give Skyler a big hug, jump into my Jeep, and race down my old road. I refuse to look at the house—the one that almost swallowed me alive—but I can still feel the darkness as I pass by.

  Turning into Dereck’s neighborhood, out of the corner of my eye, I see a truck flying around the corner. As I’m looking in my side-view mirror, my heart pounds. It’s my dad’s green truck. He’s ignoring the restraining order again. Through the rearview mirror, I watch in horror as he shortens the distance between us. Darkness surrounds him, and he looks livid. Father’s massive hands grip the steering wheel while he shows his teeth like a rabid animal.

  Dereck’s truck is not in the driveway. The clock on my dash informs me I’m early—he’s not. Fumbling for my phone to call for his help, I lay on the horn while pulling into the driveway. Faith will help me. I slam on the brakes and throw my Jeep into park while looking across the massive front yard. Dad’s truck is abandoned in the street, and Father is already running across the lawn.

  Faith opens the front door, her jaw dropping when she witnesses Father racing toward me with a vengeance. At the same time, I’m surprised to hear Josh over my cell phone’s speaker. “Grouch ass is on his way home…”

  I must have hit the wrong buttons, but Josh was to be at Dereck’s practice today.

  Running toward the front door, I scream, “Josh! Help me!”

  Faith halfway disappears. I think she’s hitting a button on the security pad. Yes! We need help! She reappears and is running out the front door. Both Faith and Josh are screaming at me, but my ears are going numb and deaf as I think about how my nightly terrors are actually coming true. My chest tightens as it dawns on me that no cops can get here in the next three seconds. That is all the time I have. I feel the vibration of his feet landing closer and closer. Faith’s horrified face is also telling me I’m already out of time.

  Father yanks my hair violently, stopping me so quickly that my feet fly out from underneath me. Momentum has become my enemy.

  Wanting Joshua through that phone and by my side, I scream, “Josh—” I don’t get to finish. My back slams to the ground, knocking the air from my lungs. Now I hear nothing except my ears ringing and my breath struggling.


  I only register I’m being dragged away because Faith is getting farther away. Father’s winning. I’m being taken away from my warm, perfect home.

  Gasp. That’s all I can do. Gasp for air.

  Gasp. When no air is properly entering the lungs, alarms race through the body, screaming “Mayday.” My heart races also, but no oxygen is being replaced within my blood.

  Gasp. Everything slows down as I witness the perfectly clear sky over my head, feeling the grass try to hold on to me as I’m forced past every green blade.

  Gasp. Suddenly, I’m like a limp rag doll as I’m viciously thrown over his broad shoulder.

  Gasp. As I face the direction of my home again, Faith reaches for my hand dangling below my droopy head. I can barely move but look up to see her terrified eyes and her lips saying my name. At such a pivotal moment, I’m surprised to have the frame of mind to love how her fingers feel touching mine. I think of the cloaked one holding me in my dreams. Such familiar feels they both have…

  The cloaked one is beautiful…

  Faith is beautiful…

  I hope Faith’s calming beauty is enough to help me breathe, but Father spins around to confront her. The rapid expansion and contraction of his ribs inform me he is yelling.

  Gasp. It hurts when he throws me into the backseat of his truck. I bounce violently, landing on the dirty, hard floorboard. With no more air left, I find moving is impossible. So I lie there, trying to pull air into my lungs before I pass out.

  Gasp. When the truck jolts, my body flails. My sight fading, I barely see Father being held up against the open door… by Dereck.


  One of Dereck’s fists is gripping Father’s shirt, and his other fist becomes a machine. The truck rocks with every powerful blow that lands on Father’s face. The door buckles under the pressure as Dereck’s fist lands over and over…

  Gasp. I imagine I’m reaching my weak hand to him but not sure if this action is actually taking place. Either way, Dereck looks at me then ferociously rams Father’s back into the truck’s door till it becomes partially unhinged
. Dereck appears to be screaming. Not pronouncing words, just screaming like a madman in Father’s face. After another tremendous punch, Dereck spins, yanking Father’s body with him, causing my dad to roll across the yard. I know he’s my dad again because the darkness has faded from his aura.

  My eyes begin to close as Dereck grabs my hand. With a forceful pull, my body lifts from the floorboard and is abruptly yanked to Dereck. As if he has powers beyond my understanding, air rushes into my lungs as soon as our bodies meet. My lungs are now an open wind tunnel, and I take an incredibly deep inhale.

  I’m grateful as I suck in more air that Dereck is somehow offering me. I lay my head on his shoulder, and my feet hang lifelessly. I’m not scared of the raging warrior holding me tightly. Not even of his animalistic growls vibrating through me. I’m safe now. Very little will stop him from tending to my needs, and I’m basking in his power. Every part of me is feeding off his energy that is meant for me, and anyone who dares get between us.

  Caught up in Dereck’s everything, I absentmindedly stare at Josh barreling toward us. His precision and speed are quite impressive. I know nothing about sports but can suddenly understand the talk of his talent. And his energy? The word balance comes to mind when I recognize what a force he is—one to be reckoned with. More of his wisdom comes forth when he yells, “Dereck, no!” It is the second sound I hear as I gather my bearings.

  I gaze at the ground and see I’m traveling across the yard. Dereck screams, “I’m going to kill him!”

  I believe him. His hatred for Father is intense.

  From behind me, the direction in which we’re heading, Faith is yelling, “Dereck! No!”

  To help, I manage to lazily change the direction of my face and softly kiss his neck. Dereck slows his march. His trembling lips press to my face. “Okay. I hear you. I’m calming down.”

  Everyone is breathing hard with adrenaline, except me. I’ve entered a trance and seem to be staying there. The only sign I’ve exerted myself is my sweaty face.


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