Taking Chances

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Taking Chances Page 31

by Molly McAdams

Page 31

  Author: Molly McAdams

  He pulled me close to his right side and kissed my forehead, “I could never hate you, especially over something like that. I'm sorry you were worried. I'm sorry you had to see that. ”

  “Don't apologize, I'm just glad you're okay. Well, as okay as you can be right now” I sighed into his chest and he squeezed me tight.

  “I love you Harper. ”

  “I love you too. So much. ” I kissed him softly and settled in to finally sleep.


  I smiled against Chase's kisses while he led me back to his room, which we had barely left an hour ago. Gasping when I realized where we were, I pushed him a little bit away from me and looked around confused.

  “Chase, we can't do this here! What if one of the guys walks in? Oh my God, what if Brandon comes home early?!” I could have sworn we were at his parent's house, when did we get to his?

  “Don't worry Princess, no one will catch us. ”

  A part of me was screaming that it was extremely likely someone would catch us, but when his lips touched my naked body, I couldn't seem to care enough to stop him again. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his head away from my stomach and back to my face.

  “I guess we'll just have to try to be quiet this time. ” I whispered huskily.

  Chase groaned and brought himself between my legs, just as I was feeling the pressure I was craving, he called my name but his lips never moved. I blinked and looked closer at his mouth when I heard my name again. That was definitely not Chase's voice. Oh God, Brandon was here!

  “Chase!” I hissed, “Chase we have to stop, he's going to come in here!”

  He smiled crookedly and pressed further into me, “Let him. ”

  The door opened then, and my boyfriend's head peered in, “Brandon! No!”

  Brandon simply smiled and looked at me, “Wake up sweetheart. ”


  “Come on sweetheart, we need to go to class. ”

  I looked over to Chase who was now shaking my shoulder, then back to my boyfriend. What on earth was happening?

  “Harper. Get. Up. ” I had no idea who said that last one.

  My eyes flew open and I sat upright, my face smashing into a naked chest. “Brandon!” I nearly screamed.

  “Jesus Harper! Calm down. ” Brandon's arms wrapped around me and he kissed the top of my head. “Are you okay?”

  I pushed back on his chest to look at his face, then around the room. Brandon's room. “I think. . . I was dreaming. ”

  Dreaming was an understatement. Up until the end, everything had seemed so real. Everything felt so real. I was still completely turned on for crying out loud! I felt sick to my stomach that I'd had a dream of cheating on Brandon. I was still fully dealing with the guilt of actually cheating on him, I didn't want this too.

  “Was it bad?”

  “Um, no. No it was fine. ” Not fine, not okay. Why can't I stop thinking about him?

  “Are you sure? Your heart is racing and you're drenched in sweat babe. ”

  “I'm good, it just freaked me out a little. ”

  Brandon shrugged, “Okay, well go get ready, we have to leave for school soon. ”

  I grumbled, but he lifted me out of the bed and set me down in the bathroom. Brandon had been doing a few physical therapy workouts with his trainer for his shoulder and was doing much better. There was only pain after working out but he was taking it easy and had told Scarecrow he had to miss the last two fights. I didn't know when he was going to go back, and didn't ask. Honestly I didn't want him to, but there's no way I would ask him to stop doing something he loved. After I was mostly ready for the day, I walked into the kitchen and froze. Chase was standing with his back to me, talking to Bree. He must have heard me enter the room because his back tensed and he straightened from crouching down to speak with his sister.

  “Uh, good morning. ” It almost sounded like a question.

  Bree glanced around Chase, her smile widening, “Morning doll! How'd you sleep?”

  Chase barely cast a glance over his shoulder, saying nothing. That hurt.

  “Pretty well, you?”

  “Excellent. ” She bit her lip and her face flushed.

  “Ugh, seriously Bree? Save it until I'm gone at least. ” Chase made a gagging noise and walked out.

  My dream hadn't done his voice justice, at all. That was the first time I'd actually heard him say anything in weeks, and unfortunately it wasn't directed towards me. I watched him retreat down the hall then turned to start the coffee pot.

  “So Harper, anything you want to share?” Bree asked suggestively.

  I froze. Crap. He'd told her, how could he do that to me? And why did she sound so freaking happy? My voice shook, “What do you mean?”

  “Hmm. . . let me see. You and Brandon were pretty cozy and he carried you away at seven last night, your lips completely locked the whole time. What do you mean 'what do I mean?'”

  Oh thank God. I exhaled and the tension left my shoulders, “We were tired. ”

  “Oh come on! Don't even try to tell me you guys didn't finally do the bunny dance in bed last night. ”

  “The what?” I turned to face my friend and burst out laughing, “Breanna. Where the heck do you get these things?”

  “That’s beside the point! Fess up!”

  “Sorry Bree, we really didn't do anything. ” I smiled and grabbed the now full pot.

  “Still?!” Her head fell heavily into her hands, “Harper, how can you still be torturing that poor boy?”

  “I'm just not ready yet, and he respects that. Unlike some people I know. ” I looked pointedly at her, she just rolled her eyes.

  “I have a feeling you just don't want to tell me about it. Keeping all the juicy details to yourself. ” She hmphed and crossed her arms over her chest.

  She had no idea how right, and yet how wrong she was.

  “Well, I have a feeling you're going to continue to be disappointed for a while longer. I'm not ready to be with him like that, end of story. You'll be the first person to know when I finally decide to have sex with Brandon. I'll even give you the heads up before I tell him. ”


  I had chosen my words carefully so I wouldn't be lying to her, “Promise. ”

  She sat there studying me as I poured creamer into the mug, “Maybe it's just because you don't know what to do!”

  “So tell me, how's your sex life Bree?”


  I smiled and leaned against the counter. Yep, I was now a pro at getting the attention off myself. I listened to her not-so-private life until Brandon came into the kitchen to grab his cup of coffee as well.

  “She talking about Konrad again? I swear she brings it up more than he does, and that's saying something. ” He kissed the tip of my nose and moved so he was against the counter, my back against his chest. I wiggled into him more, trying to mold myself to his warm body that could have only been made for mine.

  “To be fair, I brought it up, but I think she's trying to make up for our lack of a sex life. ” I laughed lightly and turned to look at him.

  “We'll get there when we're ready. ” He shrugged, but I saw the hunger and longing in his face. We still had close calls, but hadn't brought it up again since that night in his Jeep. Torture was definitely a good word for what I was always doing to him.

  Bree finally got onto a different subject a few minutes later when I was on my second cup of coffee, but I could barely focus on what she was saying anymore. I shook my head as if to clear it and leaned forward a little, hoping it would somehow help. It didn't. I swear it felt like I was in a Charlie Brown episode, but in slow motion. It now sounded like she was talking under water and I was confused when she started to get up from the table and walk towards me, her face alarmed. Why did she look so scared? I heard a muffled crash and something hit my leg, it st
ung but I couldn't look down at it, though I was definitely leaning forward enough to try. Brandon caught me just before my face hit the tile and I lost consciousness.

  I heard people saying my name and figured I must be asleep again, I thought I'd opened my eyes to see who was in this dream, but I still could only see darkness. Suddenly, someone was yelling my name in my ear and my eyes shot open.

  “Oh my God! Are you okay? What happened?!” Bree was right in my face and if I could have moved back, I would have.

  Why was Brandon suddenly so uncomfortable? I mean, his body is hard as a rock, but it was a comfortable rock that I curled into practically every night. Not whatever this was behind me. I turned my head and my cheek met the cold tile. “Am I on the kitchen floor?”

  Brandon came running into the kitchen with Chase and Brad, all three looked concerned.

  “She's awake?” Brandon looked to Bree as he knelt down next to her.

  “Yeah, just happened. ” She replied.

  I tried to sit up but my head was so heavy I barely got it two inches off the ground before I gave up, my head smacked against the tile, “Ow. ”

  “You need to stay down there sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

  I looked at Brandon's hand reaching to cup my cheek, then back to Bree. “Did I fall asleep in here?”

  Bree actually laughed and grabbed my hand. “Not quite. You passed out. ”

  “I did?”

  “Yeah Harper, scared the crap out of us too. ” She scolded me, but looked relieved.

  Brad walked back into my line of sight, “Couch is ready, get her over there. ”

  I knew from experience any of these guys could lift me by themselves and carry me around, but for some reason all three decided to move me to the couch.

  “I'm fine, you're all being ridiculous. ”

  “Sweetheart, you were out for –”

  “I get that, but I'm fine now. ” And I was. I felt like I could get off the couch and go make breakfast. Speaking of. . . my stomach growled as I thought of food. I pointed at my stomach and smiled at the four of them, “See, I'm fine. ”

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